package org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.sep; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.MultiLevelSkipListReader; /** * Implements the skip list reader for the default posting list format * that stores positions and payloads. * * @lucene.experimental */ // TODO: rewrite this as recursive classes? class SepSkipListReader extends MultiLevelSkipListReader { private boolean currentFieldStoresPayloads; private IntIndexInput.Index freqIndex[]; private IntIndexInput.Index docIndex[]; private IntIndexInput.Index posIndex[]; private long payloadPointer[]; private int payloadLength[]; private final IntIndexInput.Index lastFreqIndex; private final IntIndexInput.Index lastDocIndex; // TODO: -- make private again final IntIndexInput.Index lastPosIndex; private long lastPayloadPointer; private int lastPayloadLength; SepSkipListReader(IndexInput skipStream, IntIndexInput freqIn, IntIndexInput docIn, IntIndexInput posIn, int maxSkipLevels, int skipInterval) throws IOException { super(skipStream, maxSkipLevels, skipInterval); if (freqIn != null) { freqIndex = new IntIndexInput.Index[maxSkipLevels]; } docIndex = new IntIndexInput.Index[maxSkipLevels]; if (posIn != null) { posIndex = new IntIndexInput.Index[maxNumberOfSkipLevels]; } for(int i=0;i<maxSkipLevels;i++) { if (freqIn != null) { freqIndex[i] = freqIn.index(); } docIndex[i] = docIn.index(); if (posIn != null) { posIndex[i] = posIn.index(); } } payloadPointer = new long[maxSkipLevels]; payloadLength = new int[maxSkipLevels]; if (freqIn != null) { lastFreqIndex = freqIn.index(); } else { lastFreqIndex = null; } lastDocIndex = docIn.index(); if (posIn != null) { lastPosIndex = posIn.index(); } else { lastPosIndex = null; } } boolean omitTF; void setOmitTF(boolean v) { omitTF = v; } void init(long skipPointer, IntIndexInput.Index docBaseIndex, IntIndexInput.Index freqBaseIndex, IntIndexInput.Index posBaseIndex, long payloadBasePointer, int df, boolean storesPayloads) { super.init(skipPointer, df); this.currentFieldStoresPayloads = storesPayloads; lastPayloadPointer = payloadBasePointer; for(int i=0;i<maxNumberOfSkipLevels;i++) { docIndex[i].set(docBaseIndex); if (freqIndex != null) { freqIndex[i].set(freqBaseIndex); } if (posBaseIndex != null) { posIndex[i].set(posBaseIndex); } } Arrays.fill(payloadPointer, payloadBasePointer); Arrays.fill(payloadLength, 0); } long getPayloadPointer() { return lastPayloadPointer; } /** Returns the payload length of the payload stored just before * the doc to which the last call of {@link MultiLevelSkipListReader#skipTo(int)} * has skipped. */ int getPayloadLength() { return lastPayloadLength; } @Override protected void seekChild(int level) throws IOException { super.seekChild(level); payloadPointer[level] = lastPayloadPointer; payloadLength[level] = lastPayloadLength; } @Override protected void setLastSkipData(int level) { super.setLastSkipData(level); lastPayloadPointer = payloadPointer[level]; lastPayloadLength = payloadLength[level]; if (freqIndex != null) { lastFreqIndex.set(freqIndex[level]); } lastDocIndex.set(docIndex[level]); if (lastPosIndex != null) { lastPosIndex.set(posIndex[level]); } if (level > 0) { if (freqIndex != null) { freqIndex[level-1].set(freqIndex[level]); } docIndex[level-1].set(docIndex[level]); if (posIndex != null) { posIndex[level-1].set(posIndex[level]); } } } IntIndexInput.Index getFreqIndex() { return lastFreqIndex; } IntIndexInput.Index getPosIndex() { return lastPosIndex; } IntIndexInput.Index getDocIndex() { return lastDocIndex; } @Override protected int readSkipData(int level, IndexInput skipStream) throws IOException { int delta; if (currentFieldStoresPayloads) { // the current field stores payloads. // if the doc delta is odd then we have // to read the current payload length // because it differs from the length of the // previous payload delta = skipStream.readVInt(); if ((delta & 1) != 0) { payloadLength[level] = skipStream.readVInt(); } delta >>>= 1; } else { delta = skipStream.readVInt(); } if (!omitTF) { freqIndex[level].read(skipStream, false); } docIndex[level].read(skipStream, false); if (!omitTF) { posIndex[level].read(skipStream, false); if (currentFieldStoresPayloads) { payloadPointer[level] += skipStream.readVInt(); } } return delta; } }