package org.openanzo.test.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.openanzo.client.AnzoClient; import org.openanzo.client.ClientGraph; import org.openanzo.exceptions.AnzoException; import org.openanzo.rdf.Constants; import org.openanzo.rdf.Statement; import org.openanzo.rdf.URI; import org.openanzo.test.AbstractTest; /** * @author Andreas S. Rath - * * Since 24.10.2008 */ public class AnzoUpdateRepositoryMultiThreadedTest extends AbstractTest { private AnzoClient anzoClient; static final URI testGraph = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/testGraph/" + new Date().getTime()); static final URI ng1 = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/1"); static final URI ng2 = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/2"); static final URI ng3 = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/3"); static final URI ng4 = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/4"); static final URI ng5 = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/5"); /** * Play with these parameters a little bit to make sure that AnzoServer works correct * * start.. */ private static final int NR_OF_SUBJECT_VARIATIONS = 100; // try with 1000 private static final int NR_OF_PREDICATE_VARIATIONS = 100; // try with 1000 private static final int NR_OF_OBJECT_VARIATIONS = 100; // try with 1000 private static final int NR_OF_THREADS = 10; // try with 100 /** * Test multiple threads updating repository via replica graphs * * @throws AnzoException */ public void testUpdateRepositoryReplicaGraphTest() throws AnzoException { anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); anzoClient.updateRepository(); final ClientGraph graph = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); graph.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == 0); List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); int nrOfAddedStatements = 100; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfAddedStatements; i++) { final URI testUri = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + i); Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() {; final Statement s = new org.openanzo.rdf.Statement(ng1, ng2, testUri); graph.add(s); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } }; threadList.add(t); t.start(); } int nrOfStillRunningThreads = threadList.size(); while (nrOfStillRunningThreads > 0) { nrOfStillRunningThreads = 0; for (Thread thread : threadList) { boolean alive = thread.isAlive(); if (alive) { nrOfStillRunningThreads++; } } } Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == nrOfAddedStatements); /** Is it necessary to close the graph before closing the AnzoClient? */ graph.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** * reconnect the client and graph to see if we still have all the statements we added */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterReconnect = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertNotNull(graphAfterReconnect); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == nrOfAddedStatements); graphAfterReconnect.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); graphAfterReconnect.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** is the graph still empty ? */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterCleanUp = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterCleanUp.getStatements().size() == 0); graphAfterCleanUp.close(); anzoClient.close(); } /** * Test multiple client updating repository via server graphs * * @throws AnzoException */ public void testUpdateRepositoryServerGraphTest() throws AnzoException { Assert.assertNotNull(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); anzoClient.updateRepository(); final ClientGraph graph = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); graph.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == 0); List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); int nrOfAddedStatements = 100; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfAddedStatements; i++) { final URI testUri = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + i); Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() {; final Statement s = new org.openanzo.rdf.Statement(ng1, ng2, testUri); graph.add(s); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } }; threadList.add(t); t.start(); } int nrOfStillRunningThreads = threadList.size(); while (nrOfStillRunningThreads > 0) { nrOfStillRunningThreads = 0; for (Thread thread : threadList) { boolean alive = thread.isAlive(); if (alive) { nrOfStillRunningThreads++; } } } Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == nrOfAddedStatements); /** Is it necessary to close the graph before closing the AnzoClient? */ graph.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** * reconnect the client and graph to see if we still have all the statements we added */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterReconnect = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertNotNull(graphAfterReconnect); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == nrOfAddedStatements); graphAfterReconnect.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); graphAfterReconnect.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** is the graph still empty ? */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterCleanUp = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterCleanUp.getStatements().size() == 0); graphAfterCleanUp.close(); anzoClient.close(); } /** * Test updating repository via replicagraphs with * * @throws AnzoException */ public void testUpdateRepositoryReplicaGraphMultiStatementsTest() throws AnzoException { Assert.assertNotNull(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); anzoClient.reset(Collections.<Statement> emptySet(), Collections.<Statement> emptySet()); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); anzoClient.updateRepository(); final ClientGraph graph = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); graph.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); /** * Play with these parameters a little bit to make sure that AnzoServer works correct */ int nrOfThreadsToGenerate = NR_OF_THREADS; final int nrOfSubjectVariations = NR_OF_SUBJECT_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfPredicateVariations = NR_OF_PREDICATE_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfObjectVariations = NR_OF_OBJECT_VARIATIONS; int nrOfAllAddedStatements = nrOfThreadsToGenerate * nrOfObjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfSubjectVariations; System.out.println("We try to add [" + nrOfAllAddedStatements + "] distinct statements with [" + nrOfThreadsToGenerate + "] threads."); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfThreadsToGenerate; i++) { Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() {; /** Calculate unique identifier */ String uniqueId = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime() + this.getId()); for (int z1 = 0; z1 < nrOfSubjectVariations; z1++) { for (int z2 = 0; z2 < nrOfPredicateVariations; z2++) { for (int z3 = 0; z3 < nrOfObjectVariations; z3++) { final URI s = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI p = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI o = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final Statement stmt = new org.openanzo.rdf.Statement(s, p, o); anzoClient.begin(); graph.add(stmt); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); } }; threadList.add(t); t.start(); } int nrOfStillRunningThreads = threadList.size(); while (nrOfStillRunningThreads > 0) { nrOfStillRunningThreads = 0; for (Thread thread : threadList) { boolean alive = thread.isAlive(); if (alive) { nrOfStillRunningThreads++; } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); /** Is it necessary to close the graph before closing the AnzoClient? */ graph.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** * reconnect the client and graph to see if we still have all the statements we added */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterReconnect = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertNotNull(graphAfterReconnect); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); graphAfterReconnect.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); graphAfterReconnect.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** is the graph still empty ? */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterCleanUp = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterCleanUp.getStatements().size() == 0); graphAfterCleanUp.close(); anzoClient.close(); } /** * Test upating repository with replica graphs and transactions * * @throws AnzoException */ public void testUpdateRepositoryReplicaGraphMultiStatementsWithTransactionsTest() throws AnzoException { Assert.assertNotNull(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); anzoClient.updateRepository(); final ClientGraph graph = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); graph.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); /** * Play with these parameters a little bit to make sure that AnzoServer works correct */ int nrOfThreadsToGenerate = NR_OF_THREADS; final int nrOfSubjectVariations = NR_OF_SUBJECT_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfPredicateVariations = NR_OF_PREDICATE_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfObjectVariations = NR_OF_OBJECT_VARIATIONS; int nrOfAllAddedStatements = nrOfThreadsToGenerate * nrOfObjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfSubjectVariations; System.out.println("We try to add [" + nrOfAllAddedStatements + "] distinct statements with [" + nrOfThreadsToGenerate + "] threads."); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfThreadsToGenerate; i++) { Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() {; /** Calculate unique identifier */ String uniqueId = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime() + this.getId()); for (int z1 = 0; z1 < nrOfSubjectVariations; z1++) { anzoClient.begin(); for (int z2 = 0; z2 < nrOfPredicateVariations; z2++) { anzoClient.begin(); for (int z3 = 0; z3 < nrOfObjectVariations; z3++) { anzoClient.begin(); final URI s = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI p = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI o = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final Statement stmt = new org.openanzo.rdf.Statement(s, p, o); graph.add(stmt); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); } }; threadList.add(t); t.start(); } int nrOfStillRunningThreads = threadList.size(); while (nrOfStillRunningThreads > 0) { nrOfStillRunningThreads = 0; for (Thread thread : threadList) { boolean alive = thread.isAlive(); if (alive) { nrOfStillRunningThreads++; } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); /** Is it necessary to close the graph before closing the AnzoClient? */ graph.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** * reconnect the client and graph to see if we still have all the statements we added */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterReconnect = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertNotNull(graphAfterReconnect); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); graphAfterReconnect.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); graphAfterReconnect.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** is the graph still empty ? */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterCleanUp = anzoClient.getReplicaGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterCleanUp.getStatements().size() == 0); graphAfterCleanUp.close(); anzoClient.close(); } /** * Test updating repository via server graphs with multiple statements * * @throws AnzoException */ public void testUpdateRepositoryServerGraphMultiStatementsTest() throws AnzoException { Assert.assertNotNull(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); anzoClient.updateRepository(); final ClientGraph graph = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); graph.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); /** * Play with these parameters a little bit to make sure that AnzoServer works correct */ int nrOfThreadsToGenerate = NR_OF_THREADS; final int nrOfSubjectVariations = NR_OF_SUBJECT_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfPredicateVariations = NR_OF_PREDICATE_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfObjectVariations = NR_OF_OBJECT_VARIATIONS; int nrOfAllAddedStatements = nrOfThreadsToGenerate * nrOfObjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfSubjectVariations; System.out.println("We try to add [" + nrOfAllAddedStatements + "] distinct statements with [" + nrOfThreadsToGenerate + "] threads."); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfThreadsToGenerate; i++) { Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() {; /** Calculate unique identifier */ String uniqueId = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime() + this.getId()); for (int z1 = 0; z1 < nrOfSubjectVariations; z1++) { for (int z2 = 0; z2 < nrOfPredicateVariations; z2++) { for (int z3 = 0; z3 < nrOfObjectVariations; z3++) { final URI s = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI p = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI o = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final Statement stmt = new org.openanzo.rdf.Statement(s, p, o); graph.add(stmt); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); } }; threadList.add(t); t.start(); } int nrOfStillRunningThreads = threadList.size(); while (nrOfStillRunningThreads > 0) { nrOfStillRunningThreads = 0; for (Thread thread : threadList) { boolean alive = thread.isAlive(); if (alive) { nrOfStillRunningThreads++; } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); /** Is it necessary to close the graph before closing the AnzoClient? */ graph.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** * reconnect the client and graph to see if we still have all the statements we added */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterReconnect = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertNotNull(graphAfterReconnect); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); graphAfterReconnect.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); graphAfterReconnect.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** is the graph still empty ? */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterCleanUp = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterCleanUp.getStatements().size() == 0); graphAfterCleanUp.close(); anzoClient.close(); } /** * Test updating repository via server graphs with transactions * * @throws AnzoException */ public void testUpdateRepositoryServerGraphMultiStatementsWithTransactionsTest() throws AnzoException { Assert.assertNotNull(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); anzoClient.updateRepository(); final ClientGraph graph = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); graph.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); /** * Play with these parameters a little bit to make sure that AnzoServer works correct */ int nrOfThreadsToGenerate = NR_OF_THREADS; final int nrOfSubjectVariations = NR_OF_SUBJECT_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfPredicateVariations = NR_OF_PREDICATE_VARIATIONS; final int nrOfObjectVariations = NR_OF_OBJECT_VARIATIONS; int nrOfAllAddedStatements = nrOfThreadsToGenerate * nrOfObjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfSubjectVariations; System.out.println("We try to add [" + nrOfAllAddedStatements + "] distinct statements with [" + nrOfThreadsToGenerate + "] threads."); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfThreadsToGenerate; i++) { Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() {; /** Calculate unique identifier */ String uniqueId = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime() + this.getId()); for (int z1 = 0; z1 < nrOfSubjectVariations; z1++) { anzoClient.begin(); for (int z2 = 0; z2 < nrOfPredicateVariations; z2++) { anzoClient.begin(); for (int z3 = 0; z3 < nrOfObjectVariations; z3++) { anzoClient.begin(); final URI s = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI p = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final URI o = Constants.valueFactory.createURI("http://test/" + uniqueId + "/" + z1 + "_" + z2 + "_" + z3); final Statement stmt = new org.openanzo.rdf.Statement(s, p, o); graph.add(stmt); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); anzoClient.commit(); try { anzoClient.updateRepository(); } catch (AnzoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(e.getStackTrace().toString(), false); } } System.out.println("Thread Unique Id: [" + uniqueId + "] added nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations [" + nrOfSubjectVariations * nrOfPredicateVariations * nrOfObjectVariations + "]"); } }; threadList.add(t); t.start(); } int nrOfStillRunningThreads = threadList.size(); while (nrOfStillRunningThreads > 0) { nrOfStillRunningThreads = 0; for (Thread thread : threadList) { boolean alive = thread.isAlive(); if (alive) { nrOfStillRunningThreads++; } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Assert.assertTrue(graph.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); /** Is it necessary to close the graph before closing the AnzoClient? */ graph.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graph.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** * reconnect the client and graph to see if we still have all the statements we added */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterReconnect = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertNotNull(graphAfterReconnect); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == nrOfAllAddedStatements); graphAfterReconnect.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.getStatements().size() == 0); anzoClient.updateRepository(); graphAfterReconnect.close(); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterReconnect.isClosed() == true); anzoClient.close(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); /** is the graph still empty ? */ anzoClient = new AnzoClient(getDefaultClientConfiguration()); Assert.assertNotNull(anzoClient); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == false); anzoClient.connect(); Assert.assertTrue(anzoClient.isConnected() == true); final ClientGraph graphAfterCleanUp = anzoClient.getServerGraph(testGraph); Assert.assertTrue(graphAfterCleanUp.getStatements().size() == 0); graphAfterCleanUp.close(); anzoClient.close(); } }