import*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.event.*; import netscape.javascript.*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JDialog; public final class DOHRobot extends Applet{ // order of execution: // wait for user to trust applet // load security manager to prevent Safari hang // discover document root in screen coordinates // discover keyboard capabilities // tell doh to continue with the test // link to doh // To invoke doh, call eval with window.eval("jsexp") // Note that the "window" is an iframe! // You might need to break out of the iframe with an intermediate function // in the parent window. private JSObject window = null; // java.awt.Robot // drives the test // you need to sign the applet JAR for this to work private Robot robot = null; // In order to preserve the execution order of Robot commands, // we have to serialize commands by having them join() the previous one. // Otherwise, if you run doh.robot.typeKeys("dijit"), you frequently get something // like "diijt" private static Thread previousThread = null; // Keyboard discovery. // At init, the Robot types keys into a textbox and JavaScript tells the // Robot what it got back. // charMap maps characters to the KeyEvent that generates the character on // the user's machine. // charMap uses the Java 1.4.2 (lack of) template syntax for wider // compatibility. private static HashMap charMap = null; // Java key constants to iterate over // not all are available on all machines! private Vector vkKeys = null; // some state variables private boolean shift = false; private boolean altgraph = false; private boolean ctrl = false; private boolean alt = false; private boolean meta = false; private boolean numlockDisabled = false; // shake hands with JavaScript the first keypess to wake up FF2/Mac private boolean jsready = false; private String keystring = ""; // Firebug gets a little too curious about our applet for its own good // setting firebugIgnore to true ensures Firebug doesn't break the applet public boolean firebugIgnore = true; private static String os=System.getProperty("").toUpperCase(); private static Toolkit toolkit=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); private SecurityManager securitymanager; private double key = -1; // The screen x,y of the document upper left corner. // We only set it once so people are less likely to take it over. private boolean inited = false; private int docScreenX = -100; private int docScreenY = -100; private int docScreenXMax; private int docScreenYMax; private boolean mouseSecurity = false; // The last reported mouse x,y. // If this is different from the real one, something's up. private int lastMouseX; private int lastMouseY; // save a pointer to doh.robot for fast access JSObject dohrobot = null; // java.awt.Applet methods public void stop(){ window = null; dohrobot = null; // only secure code run once if(key != -2){ // prevent further execution of secure functions key = -2; // Java calls this when you close the window. // It plays nice and restores the old security manager. AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ log("Stop"); securitymanager.checkTopLevelWindow(null); log("Security manager reset"); return null; } }); } } final private class onvisible extends ComponentAdapter{ public void componentShown(ComponentEvent evt){ // sets the security manager to fix a bug in liveconnect in Safari on Mac if(key != -1){ return; } Thread thread = new Thread(){ public void run(){ window = (JSObject) JSObject.getWindow(applet()); AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ log("> init Robot"); try{ SecurityManager oldsecurity = System.getSecurityManager(); boolean needsSecurityManager = applet().getParameter("needsSecurityManager").equals("true"); log("Socket connections managed? "+needsSecurityManager); try{ securitymanager = oldsecurity; securitymanager.checkTopLevelWindow(null); // xdomain if(charMap == null){ if(!confirm("DOH has detected that the current Web page is attempting to access DOH,\n"+ "but belongs to a different domain than the one you agreed to let DOH automate.\n"+ "If you did not intend to start a new DOH test by visiting this Web page,\n"+ "press Cancel now and leave the Web page.\n"+ "Otherwise, press OK to trust this domain to automate DOH tests.")){ stop(); return null; } } log("Found old security manager"); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); log("Making new security manager"); securitymanager = new RobotSecurityManager(needsSecurityManager, oldsecurity); securitymanager.checkTopLevelWindow(null); System.setSecurityManager(securitymanager); } // instantiate the Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); }catch(Exception e){ log("Error calling _init_: "+e.getMessage()); key = -2; e.printStackTrace(); } log("< init Robot"); return null; } }); if(key == -2){ // applet not trusted // start the test without it window.eval("doh.robot._appletDead=true;;"); }else{ // now that the applet has really started, let doh know it's ok to use it log("_initRobot"); try{ dohrobot = (JSObject) window.eval("doh.robot");"_initRobot", new Object[]{ applet() }); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; thread.start(); } } public void init(){ // ensure isShowing = true addComponentListener(new onvisible()); } // loading functions public void _setKey(double key){ if(key == -1){ return; }else if(this.key == -1){ this.key = key; } } private boolean mouseSecure() throws Exception{ // Use MouseInfo to ensure that mouse is inside browser. // Only works in Java 1.5, but the DOHRobot must compile for 1.4. if(!mouseSecurity){ return true; } Class mouseInfoClass; Class pointerInfoClass; try{ mouseInfoClass = Class.forName("java.awt.MouseInfo"); pointerInfoClass = Class.forName("java.awt.PointerInfo"); }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ // Java 1.4 e.printStackTrace(); return true; } Method getPointerInfo = mouseInfoClass.getMethod("getPointerInfo", new Class[0]); Method getLocation = pointerInfoClass.getMethod("getLocation", new Class[0]); Object pointer=null; try{ pointer = getPointerInfo.invoke(pointerInfoClass,new Object[0]); }catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e){ e.getTargetException().printStackTrace(); } Point mousePosition = (Point)(getLocation.invoke(pointer,new Object[0])); return mousePosition.x >= docScreenX && mousePosition.x <= docScreenXMax && mousePosition.y >= docScreenY && mousePosition.y <= docScreenYMax; } private boolean isSecure(double key){ boolean result = this.key != -1 && this.key != -2 && this.key == key; try{ result=result&&mouseSecure(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result=false; } if(!result&&this.key!=-2){ this.key=-2; window.eval("doh.robot._appletDead=true;"); log("User aborted test; mouse moved off of browser"); alert("User aborted test; mouse moved off of browser."); } log("Key secure: " + result); return result; } public void _callLoaded(final double sec){ log("> _callLoaded Robot"); Thread thread = new Thread(){ public void run(){ if(!isSecure(sec)){ return; } AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ Point p = getLocationOnScreen(); log("Document root: ~"+p.toString()); int x = p.x + 16; int y = p.y + 8; // click the mouse over the text box try{ Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){}; robot.mouseMove(x, y); try{ Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){}; robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); try{ Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){} robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); try{ Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){} log("< _callLoaded Robot"); return null; } }); } }; thread.start(); } // convenience functions private DOHRobot applet(){ return this; } public void log(final String s){ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ System.out.println((new Date()).toString() + ": " + s); return null; } }); } private void alert(final String s){ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ window.eval("top.alert(\"" + s + "\");"); return null; } }); } private boolean confirm(final String s){ // show a Java confirm dialog. // Mac seems to lock up when showing a JS confirm from Java. //return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, s, "doh.robot", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION)==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(s, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(this, "doh.robot"); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(this);; return ((Integer)pane.getValue()).intValue()==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION; } // mouse discovery code public void setDocumentBounds(final double sec, int x, int y, int w, int h) throws Exception{ // call from JavaScript // tells the Robot where the screen x,y of the upper left corner of the // document are // not screenX/Y of the window; really screenLeft/Top in IE, but not all // browsers have this log("> setDocumentBounds"); if(!isSecure(sec)) return; if(!inited){ inited = true; this.lastMouseX = this.docScreenX = x; this.lastMouseY = this.docScreenY = y; this.docScreenXMax = x + w; this.docScreenYMax = y + h; mouseSecurity=true; } log("< setDocumentBounds"); } // keyboard discovery code private void _mapKey(char charCode, int keyindex, boolean shift, boolean altgraph){ log("_mapKey: " + charCode); // if character is not in map, add it if(!charMap.containsKey(new Integer(charCode))){ log("Notified: " + (char) charCode); KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent(applet(), 0, 0, (shift ? KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK : 0) + (altgraph ? KeyEvent.ALT_GRAPH_MASK : 0), ((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)).intValue(), (char) charCode); charMap.put(new Integer(charCode), event); log("Mapped char " + (char) charCode + " to KeyEvent " + event); if(((char) charCode) >= 'a' && ((char) charCode) <= 'z'){ // put shifted version of a-z in automatically int uppercharCode = (int) Character .toUpperCase((char) charCode); event = new KeyEvent(applet(), 0, 0, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK + (altgraph ? KeyEvent.ALT_GRAPH_MASK : 0), ((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)).intValue(), (char) uppercharCode); charMap.put(new Integer(uppercharCode), event); log("Mapped char " + (char) uppercharCode + " to KeyEvent " + event); } } } public void _notified(final double sec, final String chars){ // decouple from JavaScript; thread join could hang it Thread thread = new Thread("_notified"){ public void run(){ if(!isSecure(sec)) return; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ try{ // wait for release shift/altgraph to resolve if(previousThread != null){ previousThread.join(); } }catch(Exception e){ } keystring += chars; if(altgraph && !shift){ shift = false; // Set robot auto delay now that FF/Mac inited all of the keys. // Good for DND. robot.setAutoDelay(1); try{ log(keystring); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; (i < vkKeys.size()) && (index < keystring.length()); i++){ char c = keystring.charAt(index++); _mapKey(c, i, false, false); } for (int i = 0; (i < vkKeys.size()) && (index < keystring.length()); i++){ char c = keystring.charAt(index++); _mapKey(c, i, true, false); } for (int i = 0; (i < vkKeys.size()) && (index < keystring.length()); i++){ char c = keystring.charAt(index++); _mapKey(c, i, false, true); } // notify DOH that the applet finished init"_onKeyboard", new Object[]{}); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }else if(!shift){ shift = true; }else{ shift = false; altgraph = true; } pressNext(); // } return null; } }); } }; thread.start(); } private void pressNext(){ final Thread myPreviousThread = previousThread; Thread thread = new Thread("pressNext"){ public void run(){ try{ // wait for release shift/altgraph to resolve if(myPreviousThread != null){ myPreviousThread.join(); } }catch(Exception e){ } // first time, press shift (have to do it here instead of // _notified to avoid IllegalThreadStateException on Mac) log("starting up, " + shift + " " + altgraph); if(shift){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); log("Pressing shift"); } try{ if(altgraph){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH); log("Pressing alt graph"); } }catch(Exception e){ log("Error pressing alt graph"); e.printStackTrace(); _notified(key, ""); return; }"_nextKeyGroup", new Object[]{ new Integer(vkKeys.size()) }); for (int keyindex = 0; keyindex < vkKeys.size(); keyindex++){ try{ log("Press " + ((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)).intValue()); robot.keyPress(((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)) .intValue()); log("Release " + ((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)).intValue()); robot.keyRelease(((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)) .intValue()); if(altgraph && (keyindex == (vkKeys.size() - 1))){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH); log("Releasing alt graph"); } if(shift && (keyindex == (vkKeys.size() - 1))){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); log("Releasing shift"); } }catch(Exception e){ } try{ log("Press space"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); log("Release space"); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; previousThread = thread; thread.start(); } public void _initWheel(final double sec){ log("> initWheel"); Thread thread=new Thread(){ public void run(){ if(!isSecure(sec)) return; Thread.yield(); // calibrate the mouse wheel now that textbox is focused int dir=1; if(os.indexOf("MAC") != -1){ dir=-1; } robot.mouseWheel(dir); try{ Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){} log("< initWheel"); } }; thread.start(); } public void _initKeyboard(final double sec){ log("> initKeyboard"); // javascript entry point to discover the keyboard if(charMap != null){"_onKeyboard", new Object[]{}); return; } Thread thread = new Thread(){ public void run(){ if(!isSecure(sec)) return; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ charMap = new HashMap(); KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent(applet(), 0, 0, 0, KeyEvent.VK_SPACE, ' '); charMap.put(new Integer(32), event); try{ // a-zA-Z0-9 + 29 others vkKeys = new Vector(); for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++){ vkKeys.add(new Integer(KeyEvent.class.getField( "VK_" + Character.toUpperCase((char) i)) .getInt(null))); } for (char i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++){ vkKeys.add(new Integer(KeyEvent.class.getField( "VK_" + Character.toUpperCase((char) i)) .getInt(null))); } int[] mykeys = new int[]{ KeyEvent.VK_COMMA, KeyEvent.VK_MINUS, KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD, KeyEvent.VK_SLASH, KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS, KeyEvent.VK_NUMBER_SIGN, KeyEvent.VK_PLUS, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS, KeyEvent.VK_UNDERSCORE, KeyEvent.VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK, KeyEvent.VK_DOLLAR, KeyEvent.VK_CIRCUMFLEX, KeyEvent.VK_AMPERSAND, KeyEvent.VK_ASTERISK, KeyEvent.VK_QUOTEDBL, KeyEvent.VK_LESS, KeyEvent.VK_GREATER, KeyEvent.VK_BRACELEFT, KeyEvent.VK_BRACERIGHT, KeyEvent.VK_COLON, KeyEvent.VK_BACK_QUOTE, KeyEvent.VK_QUOTE, KeyEvent.VK_OPEN_BRACKET, KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SLASH, KeyEvent.VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS }; for (int i = 0; i < mykeys.length; i++){ vkKeys.add(new Integer(mykeys[i])); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } robot.setAutoDelay(1); // prime the event pump for Google Chome - so fast it doesn't even stop to listen for key events! // send spaces until JS says to stop int count=0; boolean waitingOnSpace = true; do{ log("Pressed space"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); count++; waitingOnSpace = ((Boolean)window.eval("doh.robot._spaceReceived")).equals(Boolean.FALSE); log("JS still waiting on a space? "+waitingOnSpace); }while(count<500&&waitingOnSpace); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.setAutoDelay(0); log("< initKeyboard"); pressNext(); return null; } }); } }; thread.start(); } public void typeKey(double sec, final int charCode, final int keyCode, final boolean alt, final boolean ctrl, final boolean shift, final boolean meta, final int delay, final boolean async){ if(!isSecure(sec)) return; // called by doh.robot._keyPress // see it for details AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ try{ log("> typeKey Robot " + charCode + ", " + keyCode + ", " + async); KeyPressThread thread = new KeyPressThread(charCode, keyCode, alt, ctrl, shift, meta, delay, async?null:previousThread); previousThread = async?previousThread:thread; thread.start(); log("< typeKey Robot"); }catch(Exception e){ log("Error calling typeKey"); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }); } public void upKey(double sec, final int charCode, final int keyCode, final int delay){ // called by doh.robot.keyDown // see it for details // a nice name like "keyUp" is reserved in Java if(!isSecure(sec)) return; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ log("> upKey Robot " + charCode + ", " + keyCode); KeyUpThread thread = new KeyUpThread(charCode, keyCode, delay, previousThread); previousThread = thread; thread.start(); log("< upKey Robot"); return null; } }); } public void downKey(double sec, final int charCode, final int keyCode, final int delay){ // called by doh.robot.keyUp // see it for details // a nice name like "keyDown" is reserved in Java if(!isSecure(sec)) return; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ log("> downKey Robot " + charCode + ", " + keyCode); KeyDownThread thread = new KeyDownThread(charCode, keyCode, delay, previousThread); previousThread = thread; thread.start(); log("< downKey Robot"); return null; } }); } public void pressMouse(double sec, final boolean left, final boolean middle, final boolean right, final int delay){ if(!isSecure(sec)) return; // called by doh.robot.mousePress // see it for details // a nice name like "mousePress" is reserved in Java AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ log("> mousePress Robot " + left + ", " + middle + ", " + right); MousePressThread thread = new MousePressThread( (left ? InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK : 0) + (middle ? InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK : 0) + (right ? InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK : 0), delay, previousThread); previousThread = thread; thread.start(); log("< mousePress Robot"); return null; } }); } public void releaseMouse(double sec, final boolean left, final boolean middle, final boolean right, final int delay){ if(!isSecure(sec)) return; // called by doh.robot.mouseRelease // see it for details // a nice name like "mouseRelease" is reserved in Java AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ log("> mouseRelease Robot " + left + ", " + middle + ", " + right); MouseReleaseThread thread = new MouseReleaseThread( (left ? InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK : 0) + (middle ? InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK : 0) + (right ? InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK : 0), delay, previousThread); previousThread = thread; thread.start(); log("< mouseRelease Robot"); return null; } }); } public void moveMouse(double sec, final int x1, final int y1, final int d, final int duration){ // called by doh.robot.mouseMove // see it for details // a nice name like "mouseMove" is reserved in Java if(!isSecure(sec)) return; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ int x = x1 + docScreenX; int y = y1 + docScreenY; if(x > docScreenXMax || y > docScreenYMax){ // TODO: try to scroll view log("Request to mouseMove denied"); return null; } int delay = d; log("> mouseMove Robot " + x + ", " + y); MouseMoveThread thread = new MouseMoveThread(x, y, delay, duration, previousThread); previousThread = thread; thread.start(); log("< mouseMove Robot"); return null; } }); } public void wheelMouse(double sec, final int amount, final int delay, final int duration){ // called by doh.robot.mouseWheel // see it for details if(!isSecure(sec)) return; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ MouseWheelThread thread = new MouseWheelThread(amount, delay, duration, previousThread); previousThread = thread; thread.start(); return null; } }); } private int getVKCode(int charCode, int keyCode){ int keyboardCode = 0; if(charCode >= 32){ // if it is printable, then it lives in our hashmap KeyEvent event = (KeyEvent) charMap.get(new Integer(charCode)); keyboardCode = event.getKeyCode(); } else{ switch (keyCode){ case 13: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_ENTER; break; case 8: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE; break; case 25:// shift tab for Safari case 9: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_TAB; break; case 12: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_CLEAR; break; case 16: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT; break; case 17: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL; break; case 18: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_ALT; break; case 63250: case 19: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_PAUSE; break; case 20: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK; break; case 27: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE; break; case 32: log("it's a space"); keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_SPACE; break; case 63276: case 33: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP; break; case 63277: case 34: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN; break; case 63275: case 35: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_END; break; case 63273: case 36: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_HOME; break; /** * Constant for the <b>left</b> arrow key. */ case 63234: case 37: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_LEFT; break; /** * Constant for the <b>up</b> arrow key. */ case 63232: case 38: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_UP; break; /** * Constant for the <b>right</b> arrow key. */ case 63235: case 39: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT; break; /** * Constant for the <b>down</b> arrow key. */ case 63233: case 40: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_DOWN; break; case 63272: case 46: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_DELETE; break; case 63289: case 144: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK; break; case 63249: case 145: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK; break; /** Constant for the F1 function key. */ case 63236: case 112: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F1; break; /** Constant for the F2 function key. */ case 63237: case 113: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F2; break; /** Constant for the F3 function key. */ case 63238: case 114: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F3; break; /** Constant for the F4 function key. */ case 63239: case 115: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F4; break; /** Constant for the F5 function key. */ case 63240: case 116: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F5; break; /** Constant for the F6 function key. */ case 63241: case 117: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F6; break; /** Constant for the F7 function key. */ case 63242: case 118: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F7; break; /** Constant for the F8 function key. */ case 63243: case 119: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F8; break; /** Constant for the F9 function key. */ case 63244: case 120: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F9; break; /** Constant for the F10 function key. */ case 63245: case 121: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F10; break; /** Constant for the F11 function key. */ case 63246: case 122: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F11; break; /** Constant for the F12 function key. */ case 63247: case 123: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F12; break; /** * Constant for the F13 function key. * * @since 1.2 */ /* * F13 - F24 are used on IBM 3270 keyboard; break; use * random range for constants. */ case 124: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F13; break; /** * Constant for the F14 function key. * * @since 1.2 */ case 125: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F14; break; /** * Constant for the F15 function key. * * @since 1.2 */ case 126: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_F15; break; case 63302: case 45: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_INSERT; break; case 47: keyboardCode = KeyEvent.VK_HELP; break; default: keyboardCode = keyCode; } } log("Attempting to type " + (char) charCode + ":" + charCode + " " + keyCode); log("Converted to " + keyboardCode); return keyboardCode; } private boolean isUnsafe(int keyboardCode){ // run through exemption list log("ctrl: "+ctrl+", alt: "+alt+", shift: "+shift); if(((ctrl || alt) && keyboardCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) || (alt && keyboardCode == KeyEvent.VK_TAB) || (ctrl && alt && keyboardCode == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)){ log("You are not allowed to press this key combination!"); return true; // bugged keys cases go next }else{ log("Safe to press."); return false; } } private boolean disableNumlock(int vk, boolean shift){ boolean result = !numlockDisabled&&shift &&os.indexOf("WINDOWS")!=-1 &&toolkit.getLockingKeyState(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK) // only works on Windows &&( // any numpad buttons are suspect vk==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_UP ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_HOME ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_END ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP ||vk==KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN ); log("disable numlock: "+result); return result; } private void _typeKey(final int cCode, final int kCode, final boolean a, final boolean c, final boolean s, final boolean m){ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ int charCode = cCode; int keyCode = kCode; boolean alt = a; boolean ctrl = c; boolean shift = s; boolean meta = m; boolean altgraph = false; log("> _typeKey Robot " + charCode + ", " + keyCode); try{ int keyboardCode=getVKCode(charCode, keyCode); if(charCode >= 32){ // if it is printable, then it lives in our hashmap KeyEvent event = (KeyEvent) charMap.get(new Integer(charCode)); // see if we need to press shift to generate this // character if(!shift){ shift = event.isShiftDown(); } altgraph = event.isAltGraphDown(); keyboardCode = event.getKeyCode(); } // Java bug: on Windows, shift+arrow key unpresses shift when numlock is on. // See: boolean disableNumlock=disableNumlock(keyboardCode,shift||applet().shift); // run through exemption list if(!isUnsafe(keyboardCode)){ if(shift){ log("Pressing shift"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); } if(alt){ log("Pressing alt"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); } if(altgraph){ log("Pressing altgraph"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH); } if(ctrl){ log("Pressing ctrl"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); } if(meta){ log("Pressing meta"); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_META); } if(disableNumlock){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); numlockDisabled=true; }else if(numlockDisabled&&!(applet().shift||shift)){ // only turn it back on when the user is finished pressing shifted arrow keys robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); numlockDisabled=false; } if(keyboardCode != KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT && keyboardCode != KeyEvent.VK_ALT && keyboardCode != KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH && keyboardCode != KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL && keyboardCode != KeyEvent.VK_META){ try{ robot.keyPress(keyboardCode); robot.keyRelease(keyboardCode); }catch(Exception e){ log("Error while actually typing a key"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if(ctrl){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); ctrl = false; } if(alt){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); alt = false; } if(altgraph){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH); altgraph = false; } if(shift){ log("Releasing shift"); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); shift = false; } if(meta){ log("Releasing meta"); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_META); meta = false; } } }catch(Exception e){ log("Error in _typeKey"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< _typeKey Robot"); return null; } }); } public boolean hasFocus(){ try{ return ((Boolean) window .eval("var result=false;if(window.parent.document.hasFocus){result=window.parent.document.hasFocus();}else{result=true;}result;")) .booleanValue(); }catch(Exception e){ // runs even after you close the window! return false; } } // Threads for common Robot tasks // (so as not to tie up the browser rendering thread!) // declared inside so they have private access to the robot // we do *not* want to expose that guy! final private class KeyPressThread extends Thread{ private int charCode; private int keyCode; private boolean alt; private boolean ctrl; private boolean shift; private boolean meta; private int delay; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public KeyPressThread(int charCode, int keyCode, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift, boolean meta, int delay, Thread myPreviousThread){ log("KeyPressThread constructor " + charCode + ", " + keyCode); this.charCode = charCode; this.keyCode = keyCode; this.alt = alt; this.ctrl = ctrl; this.shift = shift; this.meta = meta; this.delay = delay; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); // in different order so async works while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run KeyPressThread"); _typeKey(charCode, keyCode, alt, ctrl, shift, meta); }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to _typeKey"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run KeyPressThread"); } } final private class KeyDownThread extends Thread{ private int charCode; private int keyCode; private int delay; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public KeyDownThread(int charCode, int keyCode, int delay, Thread myPreviousThread){ log("KeyDownThread constructor " + charCode + ", " + keyCode); this.charCode = charCode; this.keyCode = keyCode; this.delay = delay; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run KeyDownThread"); while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } int vkCode=getVKCode(charCode, keyCode); if(charCode >= 32){ // if it is printable, then it lives in our hashmap KeyEvent event = (KeyEvent) charMap.get(new Integer(charCode)); // see if we need to press shift to generate this // character if(event.isShiftDown()){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); shift=true; } if(event.isAltGraphDown()){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH); altgraph=true; } }else{ if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_ALT){ alt=true; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL){ ctrl=true; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT){ shift=true; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH){ altgraph=true; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_META){ meta=true; }else if(disableNumlock(vkCode,shift)){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); numlockDisabled=true; } } if(!isUnsafe(vkCode)){ robot.keyPress(vkCode); } }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to downKey"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run KeyDownThread"); } } final private class KeyUpThread extends Thread{ private int charCode; private int keyCode; private int delay; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public KeyUpThread(int charCode, int keyCode, int delay, Thread myPreviousThread){ log("KeyUpThread constructor " + charCode + ", " + keyCode); this.charCode = charCode; this.keyCode = keyCode; this.delay = delay; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run KeyUpThread"); while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } int vkCode=getVKCode(charCode, keyCode); if(charCode >= 32){ // if it is printable, then it lives in our hashmap KeyEvent event = (KeyEvent) charMap.get(new Integer(charCode)); // see if we need to press shift to generate this // character if(event.isShiftDown()){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); shift=false; } if(event.isAltGraphDown()){ robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH); altgraph=false; } }else{ if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_ALT){ alt=false; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL){ ctrl=false; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT){ shift=false; if(numlockDisabled){ robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK); numlockDisabled=false; } }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH){ altgraph=false; }else if(vkCode==KeyEvent.VK_META){ meta=false; } } robot.keyRelease(vkCode); }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to upKey"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run KeyUpThread"); } } final private class MousePressThread extends Thread{ private int mask; private int delay; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public MousePressThread(int mask, int delay, Thread myPreviousThread){ this.mask = mask; this.delay = delay; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run MousePressThread"); while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } robot.mousePress(mask); robot.waitForIdle(); }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to mousePress"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run MousePressThread"); } } final private class MouseReleaseThread extends Thread{ private int mask; private int delay; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public MouseReleaseThread(int mask, int delay, Thread myPreviousThread){ this.mask = mask; this.delay = delay; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run MouseReleaseThread "); while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } robot.mouseRelease(mask); robot.waitForIdle(); }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to mouseRelease"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run MouseReleaseThread "); } } final private class MouseMoveThread extends Thread{ private int x; private int y; private int delay; private int duration; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public MouseMoveThread(int x, int y, int delay, int duration, Thread myPreviousThread){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.delay = delay; this.duration = duration; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public double easeInOutQuad(double t, double b, double c, double d){ t /= d / 2; if(t < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b; t--; return -c / 2 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b; }; public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run MouseMoveThread " + x + ", " + y); while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } int x1 = lastMouseX; int x2 = x; int y1 = lastMouseY; int y2 = y; // shrink range by 1 px on both ends // manually move this 1px to trip DND code if(x1 != x2){ int dx = x - lastMouseX; if(dx > 0){ x1 += 1; x2 -= 1; }else{ x1 -= 1; x2 += 1; } } if(y1 != y2){ int dy = y - lastMouseY; if(dy > 0){ y1 += 1; y2 -= 1; }else{ y1 -= 1; y2 += 1; } } // manual precision robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(false); int intermediateSteps = duration==1?0: // duration==1 -> user wants to jump the mouse ((((int)Math.ceil(Math.log(duration+1)))|1)); // |1 to ensure an odd # of intermediate steps for sensible interpolation // assumption: intermediateSteps will always be >=0 int delay = duration/(intermediateSteps+1); // +1 to include last move // First mouse movement fires at t=0 to official last know position of the mouse. robot.mouseMove(lastMouseX, lastMouseY); long date,date2; date=new Date().getTime(); // Shift lastMouseX/Y in the direction of the movement for interpolating over the smaller interval. lastMouseX=x1; lastMouseY=y1; // Now interpolate mouse movement from (lastMouseX=x1,lastMouseY=y1) to (x2,y2) // precondition: the amount of time that has passed since the first mousemove is 0*delay. // invariant: each time you end an iteration, after you increment t, the amount of time that has passed is t*delay for (int t = 0; t < intermediateSteps; t++){ Thread.sleep(delay); x1 = (int) easeInOutQuad((double) t, (double) lastMouseX, (double) x2 - lastMouseX, (double) intermediateSteps-1); y1 = (int) easeInOutQuad((double) t, (double) lastMouseY, (double) y2 - lastMouseY, (double) intermediateSteps-1); //log("("+x1+","+y1+")"); robot.mouseMove(x1, y1); } // postconditions: // t=intermediateSteps // intermediateSteps*delay time has passed, // time remaining = duration-intermediateSteps*delay = (steps+1)*delay-intermediateSteps*delay = delay // You theoretically need 1 more delay for the whole duration to have passed. // In practice, you want less than that due to roundoff errors in Java's clock granularity. Thread.sleep(delay); robot.mouseMove(x, y); robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); date2=new Date().getTime(); //log("mouseMove statistics: duration= "+duration+" steps="+intermediateSteps+" delay="+delay); //log("mouseMove discrepency: "+(date2-date-duration)+"ms"); lastMouseX = x; lastMouseY = y; }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to mouseMove"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run MouseMoveThread"); } } final private class MouseWheelThread extends Thread{ private int amount; private int delay; private int duration; private Thread myPreviousThread = null; public MouseWheelThread(int amount, int delay, int duration, Thread myPreviousThread){ this.amount = amount; this.delay = delay; this.duration = duration; this.myPreviousThread = myPreviousThread; } public void run(){ try{ if(myPreviousThread != null) myPreviousThread.join(); Thread.sleep(delay); log("> run MouseWheelThread " + amount); while(!hasFocus()){ Thread.sleep(1000); } int dir = 1; if(os.indexOf("MAC") != -1){ // yay for Apple dir = -1; } robot.setAutoDelay(Math.max(duration/Math.abs(amount),1)); for(int i=0; i<Math.abs(amount); i++){ robot.mouseWheel(amount>0?dir:-dir); } robot.setAutoDelay(1); }catch(Exception e){ log("Bad parameters passed to mouseWheel"); e.printStackTrace(); } log("< run MouseWheelThread "); } } final private class RobotSecurityManager extends SecurityManager{ // The applet's original security manager. // There is a bug in some people's Safaris that causes Safari to // basically hang on liveconnect calls. // Our security manager fixes it. private boolean isActive = false; private boolean needsSecurityManager = false; private SecurityManager oldsecurity = null; public RobotSecurityManager(boolean needsSecurityManager, SecurityManager oldsecurity){ this.needsSecurityManager = needsSecurityManager; this.oldsecurity = oldsecurity; } public boolean checkTopLevelWindow(Object window){ // If our users temporarily accept our cert for a session, // then use the same session to browse to a malicious website also using our applet, // that website can automatically execute the applet. // To resolve this issue, RobotSecurityManager overrides checkTopLevelWindow // to check the JVM to see if there are other instances of the applet running on different domains. // If there are, it prompts the user to confirm that they want to run the applet before continuing. // null is not supposed to be allowed // so we allow it to distinguish our security manager. if(window == null){ isActive = !isActive; log("Active is now " + isActive); } return window == null ? true : oldsecurity .checkTopLevelWindow(window); } public void checkPermission(Permission p){ // liveconnect SocketPermission resolve takes // FOREVER (like 6 seconds) in Safari 3 // Java does like 50 of these on the first JS call // 6*50=300 seconds! if(isActive && needsSecurityManager && && p.getActions().matches(".*resolve.*")){ throw new SecurityException( "DOH: liveconnect resolve locks up Safari 3. Denying resolve request."); }else if(p.equals(new java.awt.AWTPermission("watchMousePointer"))){ // enable robot to watch mouse }else{ oldsecurity.checkPermission(p); } } public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context){ checkPermission(perm); } } public void setClipboardText(double sec, final String data) { if(!isSecure(sec)) return; // called by doh.robot.setClipboard // see it for details AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(data); getSystemClipboard().setContents(ss, ss); return null; } }); } public void setClipboardHtml(double sec, final String data) { if(!isSecure(sec)) return; // called by doh.robot.setClipboard when format=='text/html' // see it for details AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction(){ public Object run(){ String mimeType = "text/html;class=java.lang.String";//type + "; charset=" + charset;// + "; class=" + transferType; TextTransferable transferable = new TextTransferable(mimeType, data); getSystemClipboard().setContents(transferable, transferable); return null; } }); } private static java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard getSystemClipboard() { return toolkit.getSystemClipboard(); } private static class TextTransferable implements Transferable, ClipboardOwner { private String data; private static ArrayList htmlFlavors = new ArrayList(); static{ try{ htmlFlavors.add(new DataFlavor("text/plain;charset=UTF-8;class=java.lang.String")); htmlFlavors.add(new DataFlavor("text/html;charset=UTF-8;class=java.lang.String")); }catch(ClassNotFoundException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } public TextTransferable(String mimeType, String data){ = data; } public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors(){ return (DataFlavor[]) htmlFlavors.toArray(new DataFlavor[htmlFlavors.size()]); } public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor){ return htmlFlavors.contains(flavor); } public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException{ if (String.class.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass())){ return data; } throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor); } public void lostOwnership(java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents){ data = null; } } }