/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007-2008 IBM Corporation and Cambridge Semantics Incorporated. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * File: $Source$ * Created by: Generated Source from org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.opgen.jet * Created on: Generated Source from org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.opgen.jet * Revision: $Id$ * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Cambridge Semantics Incorporated - Fork to Anzo *******************************************************************************/ package org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski; /** * Factory for instantiating objects for ontology classes in the Ski ontology. The * get methods leave the dataset unchanged and return a Java view of the object in the dataset. The create methods * may add certain baseline properties to the dataset such as rdf:type and any properties with hasValue restrictions. * <p>(URI: http://org.openanzo.rdf.jastor/testonts/Ski)</p> * <br> * <br> * <br> */ public class SkiFactory extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory { /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isSkiPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(SkiImpl.designerProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.attributeProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.availableLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.coreConstructionProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.coreMaterialProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.manufacturerProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.modelProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.partnumProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.relatedPartnumProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.websiteProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.competesWithProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.identifierProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.mostSimilarToProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.multiIdentifierProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.previousModelProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.sidewallProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(SkiImpl.complimentBoardProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Ski * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski createSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Ski result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SkiImpl.createSki(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Ski.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Ski * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski createSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Ski * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski createSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Ski * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski createSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Ski * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski createSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createSki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Ski * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski createSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSki(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Ski * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski getSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Ski.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SkiImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SkiImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SkiImpl.getSki(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Ski * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski getSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Ski * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski getSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Ski * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski getSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Ski * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski getSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getSki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Ski. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Ski * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Ski getSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSki(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Ski for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Ski * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Ski> getAllSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Ski.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Ski> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Ski>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getSki(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Ski for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Ski * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Ski> getAllSki(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllSki(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Ski for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Ski * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Ski * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Ski> getAllSki(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllSki(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isTwinTipPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.designerProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.attributeProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.availableLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.coreConstructionProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.coreMaterialProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.manufacturerProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.modelProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.partnumProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.relatedPartnumProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.websiteProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.competesWithProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.identifierProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.mostSimilarToProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.multiIdentifierProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.previousModelProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.sidewallProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.complimentBoardProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.specialtyProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.proRiderProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.ns1_modelProperty) || predicate.equals(TwinTipImpl.pipeOrParkProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TwinTip * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip createTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { TwinTip result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTipImpl.createTwinTip(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTip.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TwinTip * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip createTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createTwinTip(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TwinTip * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip createTwinTip(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createTwinTip(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TwinTip * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip createTwinTip(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createTwinTip(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TwinTip * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip createTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createTwinTip(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TwinTip * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip createTwinTip(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createTwinTip(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the TwinTip * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip getTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTip.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTipImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTipImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTipImpl.getTwinTip(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TwinTip * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip getTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getTwinTip(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TwinTip * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip getTwinTip(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getTwinTip(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TwinTip * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip getTwinTip(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getTwinTip(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TwinTip * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip getTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getTwinTip(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TwinTip. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TwinTip * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TwinTip getTwinTip(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getTwinTip(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of TwinTip for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#TwinTip * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<TwinTip> getAllTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,TwinTip.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<TwinTip> list = new java.util.ArrayList<TwinTip>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getTwinTip(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of TwinTip for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#TwinTip * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<TwinTip> getAllTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllTwinTip(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of TwinTip for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#TwinTip * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of TwinTip * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<TwinTip> getAllTwinTip(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllTwinTip(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isPowderSkiPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.designerProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.attributeProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.availableLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.coreConstructionProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.coreMaterialProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.manufacturerProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.modelProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.partnumProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.relatedPartnumProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.websiteProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.competesWithProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.identifierProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.mostSimilarToProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.multiIdentifierProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.previousModelProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.sidewallProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.complimentBoardProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.specialtyProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.proRiderProperty) || predicate.equals(PowderSkiImpl.flotationProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PowderSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki createPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { PowderSki result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSkiImpl.createPowderSki(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSki.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PowderSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki createPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createPowderSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PowderSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki createPowderSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createPowderSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PowderSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki createPowderSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createPowderSki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PowderSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki createPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createPowderSki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PowderSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki createPowderSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createPowderSki(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the PowderSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki getPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSki.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSkiImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSkiImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSkiImpl.getPowderSki(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PowderSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki getPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getPowderSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PowderSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki getPowderSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getPowderSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PowderSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki getPowderSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getPowderSki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PowderSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki getPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getPowderSki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PowderSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PowderSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PowderSki getPowderSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getPowderSki(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of PowderSki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PowderSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<PowderSki> getAllPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,PowderSki.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<PowderSki> list = new java.util.ArrayList<PowderSki>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getPowderSki(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of PowderSki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PowderSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<PowderSki> getAllPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllPowderSki(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of PowderSki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PowderSki * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of PowderSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<PowderSki> getAllPowderSki(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllPowderSki(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isFatTwinPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.designerProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.attributeProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.availableLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.coreConstructionProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.coreMaterialProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.manufacturerProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.modelProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.partnumProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.relatedPartnumProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.websiteProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.competesWithProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.identifierProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.mostSimilarToProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.multiIdentifierProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.previousModelProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.sidewallProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.complimentBoardProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.specialtyProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.proRiderProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.flotationProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.ns1_modelProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.pipeOrParkProperty) || predicate.equals(FatTwinImpl.relativeProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the FatTwin * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin createFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { FatTwin result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwinImpl.createFatTwin(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwin.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the FatTwin * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin createFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createFatTwin(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the FatTwin * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin createFatTwin(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createFatTwin(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the FatTwin * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin createFatTwin(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createFatTwin(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the FatTwin * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin createFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createFatTwin(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the FatTwin * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin createFatTwin(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createFatTwin(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the FatTwin * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin getFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwin.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwinImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwinImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwinImpl.getFatTwin(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the FatTwin * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin getFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getFatTwin(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the FatTwin * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin getFatTwin(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getFatTwin(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the FatTwin * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin getFatTwin(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getFatTwin(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the FatTwin * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin getFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getFatTwin(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of FatTwin. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the FatTwin * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static FatTwin getFatTwin(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getFatTwin(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of FatTwin for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#FatTwin * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<FatTwin> getAllFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,FatTwin.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<FatTwin> list = new java.util.ArrayList<FatTwin>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getFatTwin(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of FatTwin for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#FatTwin * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<FatTwin> getAllFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllFatTwin(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of FatTwin for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#FatTwin * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of FatTwin * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<FatTwin> getAllFatTwin(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllFatTwin(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isSpecialtySkiPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(SpecialtySkiImpl.specialtyProperty) || predicate.equals(SpecialtySkiImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(SpecialtySkiImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(SpecialtySkiImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(SpecialtySkiImpl.complimentBoardProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SpecialtySki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki createSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { SpecialtySki result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySkiImpl.createSpecialtySki(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySki.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SpecialtySki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki createSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createSpecialtySki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SpecialtySki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki createSpecialtySki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSpecialtySki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SpecialtySki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki createSpecialtySki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSpecialtySki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SpecialtySki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki createSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createSpecialtySki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SpecialtySki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki createSpecialtySki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSpecialtySki(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the SpecialtySki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki getSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySki.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySkiImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySkiImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySkiImpl.getSpecialtySki(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SpecialtySki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki getSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getSpecialtySki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SpecialtySki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki getSpecialtySki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSpecialtySki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SpecialtySki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki getSpecialtySki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSpecialtySki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SpecialtySki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki getSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getSpecialtySki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SpecialtySki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SpecialtySki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SpecialtySki getSpecialtySki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSpecialtySki(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of SpecialtySki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#SpecialtySki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<SpecialtySki> getAllSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,SpecialtySki.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<SpecialtySki> list = new java.util.ArrayList<SpecialtySki>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getSpecialtySki(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of SpecialtySki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#SpecialtySki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<SpecialtySki> getAllSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllSpecialtySki(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of SpecialtySki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#SpecialtySki * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of SpecialtySki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<SpecialtySki> getAllSpecialtySki(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllSpecialtySki(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isPipeSkiPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.designerProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.attributeProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.availableLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.coreConstructionProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.coreMaterialProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.manufacturerProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.modelProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.partnumProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.relatedPartnumProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.websiteProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.competesWithProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.identifierProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.mostSimilarToProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.multiIdentifierProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.previousModelProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.sidewallProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.complimentBoardProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.specialtyProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.proRiderProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.ns1_modelProperty) || predicate.equals(PipeSkiImpl.pipeOrParkProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PipeSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki createPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { PipeSki result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSkiImpl.createPipeSki(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSki.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PipeSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki createPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createPipeSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PipeSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki createPipeSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createPipeSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PipeSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki createPipeSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createPipeSki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PipeSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki createPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createPipeSki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PipeSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki createPipeSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createPipeSki(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the PipeSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki getPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSki.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSkiImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSkiImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSkiImpl.getPipeSki(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PipeSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki getPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getPipeSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PipeSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki getPipeSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getPipeSki(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PipeSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki getPipeSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getPipeSki(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the PipeSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki getPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getPipeSki(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of PipeSki. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the PipeSki * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static PipeSki getPipeSki(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getPipeSki(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of PipeSki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PipeSki * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<PipeSki> getAllPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,PipeSki.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<PipeSki> list = new java.util.ArrayList<PipeSki>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getPipeSki(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of PipeSki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PipeSki * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<PipeSki> getAllPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllPipeSki(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of PipeSki for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PipeSki * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of PipeSki * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<PipeSki> getAllPipeSki(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllPipeSki(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isSnowboardPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.complimentBoardProperty) || predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.designerProperty) || predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.availableBoardLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.extensionXMLProperty) || predicate.equals(SnowboardImpl.isFreestyleProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Snowboard * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard createSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Snowboard result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SnowboardImpl.createSnowboard(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Snowboard.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Snowboard * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard createSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createSnowboard(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Snowboard * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard createSnowboard(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSnowboard(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Snowboard * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard createSnowboard(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSnowboard(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Snowboard * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard createSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createSnowboard(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Snowboard * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard createSnowboard(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSnowboard(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Snowboard * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard getSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Snowboard.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SnowboardImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SnowboardImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SnowboardImpl.getSnowboard(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Snowboard * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard getSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getSnowboard(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Snowboard * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard getSnowboard(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSnowboard(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Snowboard * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard getSnowboard(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSnowboard(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Snowboard * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard getSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getSnowboard(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Snowboard. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Snowboard * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Snowboard getSnowboard(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSnowboard(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Snowboard for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Snowboard * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Snowboard> getAllSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Snowboard.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Snowboard> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Snowboard>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getSnowboard(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Snowboard for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Snowboard * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Snowboard> getAllSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllSnowboard(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Snowboard for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Snowboard * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Snowboard * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Snowboard> getAllSnowboard(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllSnowboard(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isBaseColorPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(BaseColorImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(BaseColorImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(BaseColorImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(BaseColorImpl.complimentBoardProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the BaseColor * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor createBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { BaseColor result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColorImpl.createBaseColor(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColor.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the BaseColor * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor createBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createBaseColor(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the BaseColor * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor createBaseColor(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createBaseColor(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the BaseColor * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor createBaseColor(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createBaseColor(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the BaseColor * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor createBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createBaseColor(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the BaseColor * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor createBaseColor(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createBaseColor(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the BaseColor * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor getBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColor.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColorImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColorImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColorImpl.getBaseColor(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the BaseColor * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor getBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getBaseColor(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the BaseColor * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor getBaseColor(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getBaseColor(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the BaseColor * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor getBaseColor(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getBaseColor(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the BaseColor * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor getBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getBaseColor(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of BaseColor. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the BaseColor * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static BaseColor getBaseColor(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getBaseColor(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of BaseColor for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#BaseColor * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<BaseColor> getAllBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,BaseColor.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<BaseColor> list = new java.util.ArrayList<BaseColor>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getBaseColor(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of BaseColor for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#BaseColor * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<BaseColor> getAllBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllBaseColor(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of BaseColor for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#BaseColor * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of BaseColor * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<BaseColor> getAllBaseColor(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllBaseColor(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isSidewallEnumPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(SidewallEnumImpl.isAlpineProperty) || predicate.equals(SidewallEnumImpl.isFreestyleProperty) || predicate.equals(SidewallEnumImpl.preferredStanceProperty) || predicate.equals(SidewallEnumImpl.complimentBoardProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SidewallEnum * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum createSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { SidewallEnum result= org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnumImpl.createSidewallEnum(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnum.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); objects.put(code, result); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SidewallEnum * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum createSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createSidewallEnum(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SidewallEnum * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum createSidewallEnum(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSidewallEnum(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SidewallEnum * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum createSidewallEnum(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSidewallEnum(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SidewallEnum * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum createSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createSidewallEnum(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SidewallEnum * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum createSidewallEnum(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createSidewallEnum(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the SidewallEnum * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum getSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { String code = (dataset.hashCode()*17 + org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnum.class.hashCode()+((_namedGraphUri!=null)?_namedGraphUri.hashCode():0)) + resource.toString(); org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnumImpl obj = (org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnumImpl)objects.get(code); if (obj == null) { obj = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnumImpl.getSidewallEnum(resource,_namedGraphUri, dataset); if (obj == null) return null; objects.put(code, obj); } return obj; } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SidewallEnum * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum getSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getSidewallEnum(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SidewallEnum * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum getSidewallEnum(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSidewallEnum(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SidewallEnum * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum getSidewallEnum(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSidewallEnum(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the SidewallEnum * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum getSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getSidewallEnum(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of SidewallEnum. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the SidewallEnum * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static SidewallEnum getSidewallEnum(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getSidewallEnum(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of SidewallEnum for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/gen#SidewallEnum * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<SidewallEnum> getAllSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,SidewallEnum.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<SidewallEnum> list = new java.util.ArrayList<SidewallEnum>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getSidewallEnum(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of SidewallEnum for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/gen#SidewallEnum * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<SidewallEnum> getAllSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllSidewallEnum(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of SidewallEnum for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://jastor.openanzo.org/gen#SidewallEnum * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of SidewallEnum * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<SidewallEnum> getAllSidewallEnum(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllSidewallEnum(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Returns an instance of an interface for the given Resource. The return instance is guaranteed to * implement the most specific interface in *some* hierarchy in which the Resource participates. The behavior * is unspecified for resources with RDF types from different hierarchies. * @return an instance of Thing * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/gen#SidewallEnum"), namedGraphUri)) { return getSidewallEnum(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#BaseColor"), namedGraphUri)) { return getBaseColor(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Snowboard"), namedGraphUri)) { return getSnowboard(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PipeSki"), namedGraphUri)) { return getPipeSki(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#FatTwin"), namedGraphUri)) { return getFatTwin(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#TwinTip"), namedGraphUri)) { return getTwinTip(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#PowderSki"), namedGraphUri)) { return getPowderSki(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#SpecialtySki"), namedGraphUri)) { return getSpecialtySki(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://jastor.openanzo.org/testonts/classes#Ski"), namedGraphUri)) { return getSki(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } return new org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingImpl(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } /* public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getThing(resource, resource, dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getThing(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getThing(resource, dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getThing(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getThing(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getThing(resource, graph); } */ /** * Return a list of compatible interfaces for the given type. Searches through all ontology classes * in the Ski ontology. * @param type the type for which to find compatible interfaces * @return a List of type java.lang.Class */ public static java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing>> listCompatibleInterfaces (org.openanzo.rdf.Resource type) { java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing>> types = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Class<? extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing>>(); if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Ski.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Ski.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTip.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.TwinTip.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSki.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PowderSki.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwin.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.FatTwin.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySki.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SpecialtySki.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSki.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.PipeSki.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Snowboard.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.Snowboard.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColor.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.BaseColor.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnum.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.test.ski.SidewallEnum.class); } return types; } }