/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007-2008 IBM Corporation and Cambridge Semantics Incorporated. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * File: $Source$ * Created by: Generated Source from org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.opgen.jet * Created on: Generated Source from org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.opgen.jet * Revision: $Id$ * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Cambridge Semantics Incorporated - Fork to Anzo *******************************************************************************/ package org.openanzo.ontologies.system; /** * Factory for instantiating objects for ontology classes in the System ontology. The * get methods leave the dataset unchanged and return a Java view of the object in the dataset. The create methods * may add certain baseline properties to the dataset such as rdf:type and any properties with hasValue restrictions. * <p>(URI: http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System)</p> * <br> * RDF Schema Standard Properties <br> * label : Container Components Ontology <br> * comment : Container Components Ontology. <br> * <br> * <br> * @version 0.1 */ public class SystemFactory extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory { /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isAuthorizationRulePredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(AuthorizationRuleImpl.uriPatternProperty) || predicate.equals(AuthorizationRuleImpl.privilegeProperty) || predicate.equals(AuthorizationRuleImpl.roleProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the AuthorizationRule * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule createAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { AuthorizationRule result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.AuthorizationRuleImpl.createAuthorizationRule(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the AuthorizationRule * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule createAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createAuthorizationRule(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the AuthorizationRule * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule createAuthorizationRule(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createAuthorizationRule(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the AuthorizationRule * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule createAuthorizationRule(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createAuthorizationRule(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the AuthorizationRule * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule createAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createAuthorizationRule(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the AuthorizationRule * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule createAuthorizationRule(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createAuthorizationRule(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the AuthorizationRule * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule getAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.AuthorizationRuleImpl.getAuthorizationRule(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the AuthorizationRule * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule getAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAuthorizationRule(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the AuthorizationRule * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule getAuthorizationRule(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getAuthorizationRule(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the AuthorizationRule * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule getAuthorizationRule(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getAuthorizationRule(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the AuthorizationRule * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule getAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAuthorizationRule(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of AuthorizationRule. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the AuthorizationRule * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static AuthorizationRule getAuthorizationRule(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getAuthorizationRule(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of AuthorizationRule for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#AuthorizationRule * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<AuthorizationRule> getAllAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,AuthorizationRule.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<AuthorizationRule> list = new java.util.ArrayList<AuthorizationRule>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getAuthorizationRule(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of AuthorizationRule for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#AuthorizationRule * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<AuthorizationRule> getAllAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllAuthorizationRule(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of AuthorizationRule for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#AuthorizationRule * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of AuthorizationRule * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<AuthorizationRule> getAllAuthorizationRule(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllAuthorizationRule(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isComponentPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(ComponentImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(ComponentImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(ComponentImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(ComponentImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(ComponentImpl.dependencyProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Component * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component createComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Component result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.ComponentImpl.createComponent(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Component * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component createComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Component * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component createComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Component * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component createComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Component * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component createComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createComponent(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Component * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component createComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createComponent(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Component * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component getComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.ComponentImpl.getComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Component * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component getComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Component * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component getComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Component * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component getComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Component * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component getComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getComponent(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Component. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Component * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Component getComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getComponent(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Component for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Component * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Component> getAllComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Component.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Component> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Component>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getComponent(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Component for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Component * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Component> getAllComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllComponent(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Component for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Component * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Component * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Component> getAllComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllComponent(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isCredentialsPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(CredentialsImpl.passwordProperty) || predicate.equals(CredentialsImpl.userProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Credentials * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials createCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Credentials result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.CredentialsImpl.createCredentials(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Credentials * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials createCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createCredentials(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Credentials * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials createCredentials(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createCredentials(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Credentials * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials createCredentials(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createCredentials(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Credentials * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials createCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createCredentials(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Credentials * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials createCredentials(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createCredentials(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Credentials * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials getCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.CredentialsImpl.getCredentials(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Credentials * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials getCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getCredentials(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Credentials * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials getCredentials(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getCredentials(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Credentials * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials getCredentials(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getCredentials(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Credentials * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials getCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getCredentials(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Credentials. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Credentials * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Credentials getCredentials(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getCredentials(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Credentials for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Credentials * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Credentials> getAllCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Credentials.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Credentials> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Credentials>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getCredentials(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Credentials for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Credentials * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Credentials> getAllCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllCredentials(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Credentials for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Credentials * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Credentials * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Credentials> getAllCredentials(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllCredentials(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isDatasourcePredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.uriPatternProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.enableCachingProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.enableIndexingProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.isPrimaryProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.resetEnabledProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.authorizationRuleProperty) || predicate.equals(DatasourceImpl.datasourceCapabilityProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Datasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource createDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Datasource result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.DatasourceImpl.createDatasource(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Datasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource createDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Datasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource createDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Datasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource createDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createDatasource(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Datasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource createDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createDatasource(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Datasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource createDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createDatasource(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Datasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource getDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.DatasourceImpl.getDatasource(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Datasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource getDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Datasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource getDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Datasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource getDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getDatasource(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Datasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource getDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getDatasource(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Datasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Datasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Datasource getDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getDatasource(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Datasource for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Datasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Datasource> getAllDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Datasource.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Datasource> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Datasource>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getDatasource(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Datasource for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Datasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Datasource> getAllDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllDatasource(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Datasource for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Datasource * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Datasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Datasource> getAllDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllDatasource(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isDatasourceCapabilityPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(DatasourceCapabilityImpl.capabilityServiceProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the DatasourceCapability * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability createDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { DatasourceCapability result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.DatasourceCapabilityImpl.createDatasourceCapability(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the DatasourceCapability * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability createDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createDatasourceCapability(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the DatasourceCapability * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability createDatasourceCapability(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createDatasourceCapability(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the DatasourceCapability * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability createDatasourceCapability(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createDatasourceCapability(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the DatasourceCapability * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability createDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createDatasourceCapability(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the DatasourceCapability * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability createDatasourceCapability(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createDatasourceCapability(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the DatasourceCapability * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability getDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.DatasourceCapabilityImpl.getDatasourceCapability(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the DatasourceCapability * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability getDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getDatasourceCapability(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the DatasourceCapability * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability getDatasourceCapability(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getDatasourceCapability(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the DatasourceCapability * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability getDatasourceCapability(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getDatasourceCapability(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the DatasourceCapability * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability getDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getDatasourceCapability(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of DatasourceCapability. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the DatasourceCapability * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static DatasourceCapability getDatasourceCapability(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getDatasourceCapability(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of DatasourceCapability for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#DatasourceCapability * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<DatasourceCapability> getAllDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,DatasourceCapability.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<DatasourceCapability> list = new java.util.ArrayList<DatasourceCapability>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getDatasourceCapability(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of DatasourceCapability for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#DatasourceCapability * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<DatasourceCapability> getAllDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllDatasourceCapability(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of DatasourceCapability for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#DatasourceCapability * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of DatasourceCapability * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<DatasourceCapability> getAllDatasourceCapability(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllDatasourceCapability(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isStatisticsProviderPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(StatisticsProviderImpl.titleProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticsProviderImpl.descriptionProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticsProviderImpl.statisticsEnabledProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticsProviderImpl.statisticProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the StatisticsProvider * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider createStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { StatisticsProvider result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.StatisticsProviderImpl.createStatisticsProvider(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the StatisticsProvider * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider createStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createStatisticsProvider(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the StatisticsProvider * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider createStatisticsProvider(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createStatisticsProvider(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the StatisticsProvider * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider createStatisticsProvider(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createStatisticsProvider(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the StatisticsProvider * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider createStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createStatisticsProvider(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the StatisticsProvider * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider createStatisticsProvider(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createStatisticsProvider(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the StatisticsProvider * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider getStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.StatisticsProviderImpl.getStatisticsProvider(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the StatisticsProvider * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider getStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getStatisticsProvider(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the StatisticsProvider * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider getStatisticsProvider(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getStatisticsProvider(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the StatisticsProvider * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider getStatisticsProvider(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getStatisticsProvider(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the StatisticsProvider * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider getStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getStatisticsProvider(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of StatisticsProvider. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the StatisticsProvider * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static StatisticsProvider getStatisticsProvider(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getStatisticsProvider(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of StatisticsProvider for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#StatisticsProvider * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<StatisticsProvider> getAllStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,StatisticsProvider.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<StatisticsProvider> list = new java.util.ArrayList<StatisticsProvider>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getStatisticsProvider(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of StatisticsProvider for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#StatisticsProvider * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<StatisticsProvider> getAllStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllStatisticsProvider(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of StatisticsProvider for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#StatisticsProvider * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of StatisticsProvider * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<StatisticsProvider> getAllStatisticsProvider(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllStatisticsProvider(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isStatisticPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.titleProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.descriptionProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.statisticsEnabledProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.statisticCountProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.statisticLastSampleTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.statisticStartTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(StatisticImpl.statisticUnitProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Statistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic createStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Statistic result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.StatisticImpl.createStatistic(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Statistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic createStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Statistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic createStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Statistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic createStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Statistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic createStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createStatistic(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Statistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic createStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createStatistic(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Statistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic getStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.StatisticImpl.getStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Statistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic getStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Statistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic getStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Statistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic getStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Statistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic getStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getStatistic(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Statistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Statistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Statistic getStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getStatistic(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Statistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Statistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Statistic> getAllStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Statistic.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Statistic> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Statistic>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getStatistic(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Statistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Statistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Statistic> getAllStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllStatistic(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Statistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Statistic * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Statistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Statistic> getAllStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllStatistic(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isCountStatisticPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.titleProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.descriptionProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticsEnabledProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticCountProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticLastSampleTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticStartTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticUnitProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticFrequencyProperty) || predicate.equals(CountStatisticImpl.statisticPeriodProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the CountStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic createCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { CountStatistic result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.CountStatisticImpl.createCountStatistic(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the CountStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic createCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createCountStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the CountStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic createCountStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createCountStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the CountStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic createCountStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createCountStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the CountStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic createCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createCountStatistic(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the CountStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic createCountStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createCountStatistic(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the CountStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic getCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.CountStatisticImpl.getCountStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the CountStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic getCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getCountStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the CountStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic getCountStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getCountStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the CountStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic getCountStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getCountStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the CountStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic getCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getCountStatistic(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of CountStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the CountStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static CountStatistic getCountStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getCountStatistic(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of CountStatistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#CountStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<CountStatistic> getAllCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,CountStatistic.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<CountStatistic> list = new java.util.ArrayList<CountStatistic>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getCountStatistic(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of CountStatistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#CountStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<CountStatistic> getAllCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllCountStatistic(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of CountStatistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#CountStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of CountStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<CountStatistic> getAllCountStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllCountStatistic(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isTimerStatisticPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.titleProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.descriptionProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticsEnabledProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticCountProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticLastSampleTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticStartTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticUnitProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticAverageExcludingMinMaxProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticAveragePerSecondProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticAveragePerSecondExcludingMinMaxProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticAverageTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticMaxTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticMinTimeProperty) || predicate.equals(TimerStatisticImpl.statisticTotalTimeProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TimerStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic createTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { TimerStatistic result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.TimerStatisticImpl.createTimerStatistic(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TimerStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic createTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createTimerStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TimerStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic createTimerStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createTimerStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TimerStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic createTimerStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createTimerStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TimerStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic createTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createTimerStatistic(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TimerStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic createTimerStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createTimerStatistic(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the TimerStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic getTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.TimerStatisticImpl.getTimerStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TimerStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic getTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getTimerStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TimerStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic getTimerStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getTimerStatistic(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TimerStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic getTimerStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getTimerStatistic(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the TimerStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic getTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getTimerStatistic(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of TimerStatistic. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the TimerStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static TimerStatistic getTimerStatistic(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getTimerStatistic(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of TimerStatistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#TimerStatistic * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<TimerStatistic> getAllTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,TimerStatistic.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<TimerStatistic> list = new java.util.ArrayList<TimerStatistic>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getTimerStatistic(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of TimerStatistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#TimerStatistic * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<TimerStatistic> getAllTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllTimerStatistic(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of TimerStatistic for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#TimerStatistic * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of TimerStatistic * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<TimerStatistic> getAllTimerStatistic(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllTimerStatistic(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isRDBDatasourcePredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.uriPatternProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.enableCachingProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.enableIndexingProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.isPrimaryProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.resetEnabledProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.authorizationRuleProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.datasourceCapabilityProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.dbTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.canonicalTableProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.clearProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.clientProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.connectionSetupFunctionProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.connectionTeardownFunctionProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.containerNameProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.dbPasswordProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.dbURLProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.dbUserProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.initResourceProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.nodeCacheSizeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.perUserConnectionProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBDatasourceImpl.configurationProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBDatasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource createRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { RDBDatasource result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBDatasourceImpl.createRDBDatasource(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBDatasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource createRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createRDBDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBDatasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource createRDBDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBDatasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource createRDBDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBDatasource(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBDatasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource createRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createRDBDatasource(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBDatasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource createRDBDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBDatasource(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the RDBDatasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource getRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBDatasourceImpl.getRDBDatasource(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBDatasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource getRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getRDBDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBDatasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource getRDBDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBDatasource(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBDatasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource getRDBDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBDatasource(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBDatasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource getRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getRDBDatasource(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBDatasource. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBDatasource * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBDatasource getRDBDatasource(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBDatasource(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of RDBDatasource for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBDatasource * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBDatasource> getAllRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,RDBDatasource.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<RDBDatasource> list = new java.util.ArrayList<RDBDatasource>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getRDBDatasource(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of RDBDatasource for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBDatasource * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBDatasource> getAllRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllRDBDatasource(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of RDBDatasource for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBDatasource * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of RDBDatasource * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBDatasource> getAllRDBDatasource(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllRDBDatasource(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isFormatPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(FormatImpl.javaTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(FormatImpl.locationProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Format * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format createFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Format result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.FormatImpl.createFormat(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Format * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format createFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createFormat(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Format * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format createFormat(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createFormat(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Format * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format createFormat(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createFormat(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Format * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format createFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createFormat(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Format * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format createFormat(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createFormat(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Format * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format getFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.FormatImpl.getFormat(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Format * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format getFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getFormat(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Format * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format getFormat(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getFormat(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Format * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format getFormat(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getFormat(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Format * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format getFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getFormat(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Format. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Format * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Format getFormat(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getFormat(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Format for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Format * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Format> getAllFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Format.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Format> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Format>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getFormat(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Format for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Format * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Format> getAllFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllFormat(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Format for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Format * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Format * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Format> getAllFormat(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllFormat(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isNetworkComponentPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.networkTimeoutProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkComponentImpl.connectionProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent createNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { NetworkComponent result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkComponentImpl.createNetworkComponent(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent createNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createNetworkComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent createNetworkComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createNetworkComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent createNetworkComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createNetworkComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent createNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createNetworkComponent(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent createNetworkComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createNetworkComponent(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent getNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkComponentImpl.getNetworkComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent getNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getNetworkComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent getNetworkComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getNetworkComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent getNetworkComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getNetworkComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent getNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getNetworkComponent(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkComponent getNetworkComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getNetworkComponent(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of NetworkComponent for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<NetworkComponent> getAllNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,NetworkComponent.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<NetworkComponent> list = new java.util.ArrayList<NetworkComponent>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getNetworkComponent(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of NetworkComponent for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<NetworkComponent> getAllNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllNetworkComponent(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of NetworkComponent for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of NetworkComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<NetworkComponent> getAllNetworkComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllNetworkComponent(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isNetworkConnectionPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.hostProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.keystoreFileProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.keystorePasswordProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.keystoreTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.portProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.timeoutProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.truststoreFileProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.truststorePasswordProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.truststoreTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(NetworkConnectionImpl.useSslProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkConnection * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection createNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { NetworkConnection result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkConnectionImpl.createNetworkConnection(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkConnection * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection createNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createNetworkConnection(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkConnection * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection createNetworkConnection(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createNetworkConnection(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkConnection * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection createNetworkConnection(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createNetworkConnection(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkConnection * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection createNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createNetworkConnection(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkConnection * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection createNetworkConnection(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createNetworkConnection(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkConnection * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection getNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkConnectionImpl.getNetworkConnection(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkConnection * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection getNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getNetworkConnection(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkConnection * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection getNetworkConnection(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getNetworkConnection(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkConnection * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection getNetworkConnection(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getNetworkConnection(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the NetworkConnection * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection getNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getNetworkConnection(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of NetworkConnection. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the NetworkConnection * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static NetworkConnection getNetworkConnection(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getNetworkConnection(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of NetworkConnection for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkConnection * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<NetworkConnection> getAllNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,NetworkConnection.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<NetworkConnection> list = new java.util.ArrayList<NetworkConnection>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getNetworkConnection(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of NetworkConnection for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkConnection * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<NetworkConnection> getAllNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllNetworkConnection(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of NetworkConnection for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkConnection * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of NetworkConnection * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<NetworkConnection> getAllNetworkConnection(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllNetworkConnection(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isOperationPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(OperationImpl.nameProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.bypassPoolProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.restEndpointProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.restTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.sysadminRequiredProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.wsOperationProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameterProperty) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter0Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter1Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter2Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter3Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter4Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter5Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter6Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.requestParameter7Property) || predicate.equals(OperationImpl.resultProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Operation * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation createOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Operation result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.OperationImpl.createOperation(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Operation * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation createOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createOperation(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Operation * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation createOperation(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createOperation(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Operation * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation createOperation(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createOperation(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Operation * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation createOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createOperation(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Operation * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation createOperation(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createOperation(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Operation * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation getOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.OperationImpl.getOperation(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Operation * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation getOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getOperation(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Operation * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation getOperation(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getOperation(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Operation * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation getOperation(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getOperation(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Operation * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation getOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getOperation(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Operation. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Operation * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Operation getOperation(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getOperation(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Operation for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Operation * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Operation> getAllOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Operation.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Operation> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Operation>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getOperation(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Operation for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Operation * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Operation> getAllOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllOperation(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Operation for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Operation * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Operation * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Operation> getAllOperation(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllOperation(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isParameterPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(ParameterImpl.nameProperty) || predicate.equals(ParameterImpl.nullAllowedProperty) || predicate.equals(ParameterImpl.parameterLocationProperty) || predicate.equals(ParameterImpl.typeProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Parameter * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter createParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Parameter result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.ParameterImpl.createParameter(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Parameter * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter createParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createParameter(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Parameter * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter createParameter(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createParameter(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Parameter * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter createParameter(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createParameter(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Parameter * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter createParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createParameter(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Parameter * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter createParameter(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createParameter(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Parameter * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter getParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.ParameterImpl.getParameter(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Parameter * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter getParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getParameter(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Parameter * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter getParameter(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getParameter(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Parameter * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter getParameter(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getParameter(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Parameter * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter getParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getParameter(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Parameter. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Parameter * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Parameter getParameter(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getParameter(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Parameter for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Parameter * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Parameter> getAllParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Parameter.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Parameter> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Parameter>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getParameter(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Parameter for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Parameter * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Parameter> getAllParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllParameter(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Parameter for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Parameter * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Parameter * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Parameter> getAllParameter(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllParameter(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isRDBComponentPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.dbTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.canonicalTableProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.clearProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.clientProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.connectionSetupFunctionProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.connectionTeardownFunctionProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.containerNameProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.dbPasswordProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.dbURLProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.dbUserProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.initResourceProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.nodeCacheSizeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.perUserConnectionProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBComponentImpl.configurationProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent createRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { RDBComponent result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBComponentImpl.createRDBComponent(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent createRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createRDBComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent createRDBComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent createRDBComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent createRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createRDBComponent(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent createRDBComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBComponent(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the RDBComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent getRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBComponentImpl.getRDBComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent getRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getRDBComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent getRDBComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBComponent(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent getRDBComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBComponent(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent getRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getRDBComponent(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBComponent. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBComponent getRDBComponent(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBComponent(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of RDBComponent for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBComponent * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBComponent> getAllRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,RDBComponent.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<RDBComponent> list = new java.util.ArrayList<RDBComponent>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getRDBComponent(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of RDBComponent for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBComponent * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBComponent> getAllRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllRDBComponent(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of RDBComponent for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBComponent * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of RDBComponent * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBComponent> getAllRDBComponent(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllRDBComponent(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isRDBConfigurationPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.dbTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.bigIntProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.blobProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.clientSqlFileProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.connectionTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.dbDriverProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.dropTableSuffixProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.forceTableTablePurgeProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.forceTempTableCreationProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.generatedIdStringProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.indexSuffixProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.maxIndexLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.maxObjectLengthProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.maxTableNameProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.quoteCharProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.requiresTempTablespaceProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.serverSqlFileProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.sessionPrefixProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.singleRowOptimizationStringProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.smallIntProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsFullOuterJoinsProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsIndividualBatchUpdatesProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsIsolationProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsOptionalJoinsProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsSequencesProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsTableLocksProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsTableUnLocksProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.supportsWithClauseProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.tableCreateSuffixProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.tableLockSuffixProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.textFieldSuffixProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.useTempFindProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.useTempInsertProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.useUniqueTempNamesProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.useUpperCaseTableProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.useUpperCaseTempTablesProperty) || predicate.equals(RDBConfigurationImpl.varCharProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration createRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { RDBConfiguration result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBConfigurationImpl.createRDBConfiguration(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration createRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createRDBConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration createRDBConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration createRDBConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration createRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createRDBConfiguration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration createRDBConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createRDBConfiguration(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the RDBConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration getRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBConfigurationImpl.getRDBConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration getRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getRDBConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration getRDBConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration getRDBConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the RDBConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration getRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getRDBConfiguration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of RDBConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the RDBConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static RDBConfiguration getRDBConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getRDBConfiguration(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of RDBConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBConfiguration> getAllRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,RDBConfiguration.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<RDBConfiguration> list = new java.util.ArrayList<RDBConfiguration>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getRDBConfiguration(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of RDBConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBConfiguration> getAllRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllRDBConfiguration(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of RDBConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of RDBConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<RDBConfiguration> getAllRDBConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllRDBConfiguration(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isServicePredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.nameProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.availableOverJmsProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.availableOverRestProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.availableOverWSProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl._interfaceProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.isDatasourceServiceProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.jmsQueueNameProperty) || predicate.equals(ServiceImpl.operationProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Service * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service createService(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Service result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.ServiceImpl.createService(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Service * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service createService(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createService(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Service * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service createService(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createService(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Service * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service createService(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createService(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Service * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service createService(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createService(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Service * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service createService(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createService(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Service * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service getService(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.ServiceImpl.getService(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Service * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service getService(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getService(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Service * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service getService(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getService(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Service * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service getService(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getService(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Service * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service getService(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getService(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Service. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Service * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Service getService(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getService(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Service for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Service * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Service> getAllService(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Service.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Service> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Service>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getService(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Service for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Service * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Service> getAllService(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllService(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Service for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Service * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Service * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Service> getAllService(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllService(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isTypePredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(TypeImpl.javaTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.nameProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.defaultValueProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.javaTransportTypeProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.serializerProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.defaultJMSFormatProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.defaultRestFormatProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.defaultWSFormatProperty) || predicate.equals(TypeImpl.validFormatProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Type * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type createType(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { Type result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.TypeImpl.createType(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Type * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type createType(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createType(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Type * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type createType(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createType(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Type * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type createType(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createType(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Type * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type createType(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createType(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Type * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type createType(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createType(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the Type * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type getType(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.TypeImpl.getType(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Type * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type getType(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getType(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Type * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type getType(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getType(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Type * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type getType(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getType(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the Type * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type getType(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getType(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of Type. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the Type * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static Type getType(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getType(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of Type for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Type * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Type> getAllType(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,Type.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<Type> list = new java.util.ArrayList<Type>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getType(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of Type for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Type * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Type> getAllType(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllType(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of Type for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Type * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of Type * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<Type> getAllType(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllType(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isHttpConfigurationPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.networkTimeoutProperty) || predicate.equals(HttpConfigurationImpl.connectionProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the HttpConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration createHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { HttpConfiguration result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.HttpConfigurationImpl.createHttpConfiguration(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the HttpConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration createHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createHttpConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the HttpConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration createHttpConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createHttpConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the HttpConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration createHttpConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createHttpConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the HttpConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration createHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createHttpConfiguration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the HttpConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration createHttpConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createHttpConfiguration(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the HttpConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.HttpConfigurationImpl.getHttpConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the HttpConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getHttpConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the HttpConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getHttpConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the HttpConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getHttpConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the HttpConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getHttpConfiguration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of HttpConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the HttpConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getHttpConfiguration(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of HttpConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#HttpConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<HttpConfiguration> getAllHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,HttpConfiguration.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<HttpConfiguration> list = new java.util.ArrayList<HttpConfiguration>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getHttpConfiguration(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of HttpConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#HttpConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<HttpConfiguration> getAllHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllHttpConfiguration(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of HttpConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#HttpConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of HttpConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<HttpConfiguration> getAllHttpConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllHttpConfiguration(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isLdapConfigurationPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.credentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.classNameProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.enabledProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.initOrderProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.dependencyProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.networkTimeoutProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.connectionProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.dnToUriTemplateProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapCNProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapIdProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapInitFileProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapInternalCredentialsProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapInternalPrincipalProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapOProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapSearchBaseDNProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapSuffixProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.ldapUseInternalProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.roleBaseDNProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.rolesSearchProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.sysadminRoleProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.userBaseDNProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.userIdAttributeProperty) || predicate.equals(LdapConfigurationImpl.userSearchProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the LdapConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration createLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { LdapConfiguration result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.LdapConfigurationImpl.createLdapConfiguration(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the LdapConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration createLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createLdapConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the LdapConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration createLdapConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createLdapConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the LdapConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration createLdapConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createLdapConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the LdapConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration createLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createLdapConfiguration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the LdapConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration createLdapConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createLdapConfiguration(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the LdapConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration getLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.LdapConfigurationImpl.getLdapConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the LdapConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration getLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getLdapConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the LdapConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration getLdapConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getLdapConfiguration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the LdapConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration getLdapConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getLdapConfiguration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the LdapConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration getLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getLdapConfiguration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of LdapConfiguration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the LdapConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static LdapConfiguration getLdapConfiguration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getLdapConfiguration(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of LdapConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#LdapConfiguration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<LdapConfiguration> getAllLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,LdapConfiguration.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<LdapConfiguration> list = new java.util.ArrayList<LdapConfiguration>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getLdapConfiguration(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of LdapConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#LdapConfiguration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<LdapConfiguration> getAllLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllLdapConfiguration(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of LdapConfiguration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#LdapConfiguration * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of LdapConfiguration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<LdapConfiguration> getAllLdapConfiguration(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllLdapConfiguration(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isJastorOntologyPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(JastorOntologyImpl.generateProperty) || predicate.equals(JastorOntologyImpl.ontologyUriProperty) || predicate.equals(JastorOntologyImpl._packageProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorOntology * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology createJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { JastorOntology result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorOntologyImpl.createJastorOntology(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorOntology * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology createJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createJastorOntology(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorOntology * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology createJastorOntology(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createJastorOntology(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorOntology * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology createJastorOntology(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createJastorOntology(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorOntology * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology createJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createJastorOntology(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorOntology * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology createJastorOntology(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createJastorOntology(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the JastorOntology * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology getJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorOntologyImpl.getJastorOntology(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorOntology * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology getJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getJastorOntology(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorOntology * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology getJastorOntology(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getJastorOntology(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorOntology * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology getJastorOntology(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getJastorOntology(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorOntology * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology getJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getJastorOntology(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorOntology. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorOntology * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorOntology getJastorOntology(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getJastorOntology(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of JastorOntology for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorOntology * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<JastorOntology> getAllJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,JastorOntology.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<JastorOntology> list = new java.util.ArrayList<JastorOntology>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getJastorOntology(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of JastorOntology for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorOntology * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<JastorOntology> getAllJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllJastorOntology(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of JastorOntology for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorOntology * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of JastorOntology * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<JastorOntology> getAllJastorOntology(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllJastorOntology(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** *Determine if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class *@param predicate predicate to check *@return true if the given predicate is one of the properties for the given class */ public static boolean isJastorGenerationPredicate(org.openanzo.rdf.URI predicate){ return predicate.equals(JastorGenerationImpl.destDirProperty) || predicate.equals(JastorGenerationImpl.generateListenersProperty) || predicate.equals(JastorGenerationImpl.jastorOntologyProperty) ; } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorGeneration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration createJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource,org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { JastorGeneration result= org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorGenerationImpl.createJastorGeneration(resource,_namedGraphUri,dataset); return result; } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorGeneration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration createJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return createJastorGeneration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorGeneration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration createJastorGeneration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createJastorGeneration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorGeneration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration createJastorGeneration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createJastorGeneration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorGeneration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration createJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return createJastorGeneration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorGeneration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration createJastorGeneration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return createJastorGeneration(resource, graph); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Leaves the dataset unchanged. * @param resource The resource of the JastorGeneration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration getJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorGenerationImpl.getJastorGeneration(resource, _namedGraphUri,dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorGeneration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration getJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getJastorGeneration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorGeneration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration getJastorGeneration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getJastorGeneration(resource, resource, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorGeneration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration getJastorGeneration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getJastorGeneration(resource, _namedGraphUri, dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param resource The resource of the JastorGeneration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration getJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getJastorGeneration(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Create a new instance of JastorGeneration. Adds the rdf:type property for the given resource to the dataset. * @param uri The uri of the JastorGeneration * @param graph the NamedGraph within the dataset where this object is to be created * @return the newly created JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static JastorGeneration getJastorGeneration(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getJastorGeneration(resource, graph); } /** * Return an instance of JastorGeneration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorGeneration * @param _namedGraphUri the URI of the NamedGraph * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<JastorGeneration> getAllJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.URI _namedGraphUri,org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { java.util.Collection<org.openanzo.rdf.Statement> result = dataset.find(null,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE,JastorGeneration.TYPE,_namedGraphUri); java.util.List<JastorGeneration> list = new java.util.ArrayList<JastorGeneration>(); for(org.openanzo.rdf.Statement stmt :result){ org.openanzo.rdf.URI nguri = _namedGraphUri != null ? _namedGraphUri : (org.openanzo.rdf.URI)stmt.getSubject(); list.add(getJastorGeneration(stmt.getSubject(),nguri,dataset)); } return list; } /** * Return an instance of JastorGeneration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorGeneration * @param dataset the IDataset containing the data * @return a List of JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<JastorGeneration> getAllJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getAllJastorGeneration(null, dataset); } /** * Return an instance of JastorGeneration for every resource in the dataset with rdf:Type http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorGeneration * @param graph the NamedGraph containing the data * @return a List of JastorGeneration * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static java.util.List<JastorGeneration> getAllJastorGeneration(org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getAllJastorGeneration(graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } /** * Returns an instance of an interface for the given Resource. The return instance is guaranteed to * implement the most specific interface in *some* hierarchy in which the Resource participates. The behavior * is unspecified for resources with RDF types from different hierarchies. * @return an instance of Thing * @throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException */ public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.URI namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorGeneration"), namedGraphUri)) { return getJastorGeneration(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#JastorOntology"), namedGraphUri)) { return getJastorOntology(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#LdapConfiguration"), namedGraphUri)) { return getLdapConfiguration(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#HttpConfiguration"), namedGraphUri)) { return getHttpConfiguration(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkComponent"), namedGraphUri)) { return getNetworkComponent(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Type"), namedGraphUri)) { return getType(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Service"), namedGraphUri)) { return getService(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBConfiguration"), namedGraphUri)) { return getRDBConfiguration(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Parameter"), namedGraphUri)) { return getParameter(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Operation"), namedGraphUri)) { return getOperation(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#NetworkConnection"), namedGraphUri)) { return getNetworkConnection(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Format"), namedGraphUri)) { return getFormat(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBDatasource"), namedGraphUri)) { return getRDBDatasource(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#RDBComponent"), namedGraphUri)) { return getRDBComponent(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Datasource"), namedGraphUri)) { return getDatasource(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Component"), namedGraphUri)) { return getComponent(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#TimerStatistic"), namedGraphUri)) { return getTimerStatistic(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#CountStatistic"), namedGraphUri)) { return getCountStatistic(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Statistic"), namedGraphUri)) { return getStatistic(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#StatisticsProvider"), namedGraphUri)) { return getStatisticsProvider(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#DatasourceCapability"), namedGraphUri)) { return getDatasourceCapability(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#Credentials"), namedGraphUri)) { return getCredentials(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } if (dataset.contains(resource,org.openanzo.rdf.vocabulary.RDF.TYPE, org.openanzo.rdf.MemURI.create("http://openanzo.org/ontologies/2008/07/System#AuthorizationRule"), namedGraphUri)) { return getAuthorizationRule(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } return new org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingImpl(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } /* public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { return getThing(resource, resource, dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.URI namedGraphUri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getThing(resource, namedGraphUri, dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getThing(resource, dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.Resource resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getThing(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.IDataset dataset = org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.SingletonDataset.getInstance(graph); return getThing(resource, graph.getNamedGraphUri(), dataset); } public static org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing getThing(String uri, org.openanzo.rdf.INamedGraph graph) throws org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.JastorException { org.openanzo.rdf.URI resource=org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.ThingFactory.valueFactory.createURI(uri); return getThing(resource, graph); } */ /** * Return a list of compatible interfaces for the given type. Searches through all ontology classes * in the System ontology. * @param type the type for which to find compatible interfaces * @return a List of type java.lang.Class */ public static java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing>> listCompatibleInterfaces (org.openanzo.rdf.Resource type) { java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing>> types = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Class<? extends org.openanzo.rdf.jastor.Thing>>(); if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.AuthorizationRule.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.AuthorizationRule.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Component.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Component.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Credentials.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Credentials.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Datasource.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Datasource.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.DatasourceCapability.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.DatasourceCapability.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.StatisticsProvider.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.StatisticsProvider.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Statistic.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Statistic.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.CountStatistic.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.CountStatistic.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.TimerStatistic.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.TimerStatistic.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBDatasource.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBDatasource.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Format.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Format.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkComponent.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkComponent.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkConnection.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.NetworkConnection.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Operation.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Operation.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Parameter.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Parameter.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBComponent.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBComponent.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBConfiguration.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.RDBConfiguration.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Service.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Service.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Type.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.Type.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.HttpConfiguration.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.HttpConfiguration.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.LdapConfiguration.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.LdapConfiguration.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorOntology.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorOntology.class); } if (type.equals(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorGeneration.TYPE)) { types.add(org.openanzo.ontologies.system.JastorGeneration.class); } return types; } }