package com.aspose.cells.examples.articles; import; import com.aspose.cells.CellsHelper; import com.aspose.cells.Workbook; import com.aspose.cells.examples.Utils; //ExStart:TestIFilePathProvider public class TestIFilePathProvider { // This is the directory path which contains the sample.xlsx file static String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(TestIFilePathProvider.class) + "articles/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /* * If you will not set the license, program will go in infinite loop because Aspose.Cells will always make the warning * worksheet as active sheet in Evaluation mode. */ SetLicense(); // Check if license is set, otherwise do not proceed Workbook wb = new Workbook(); if (wb.isLicensed() == false) { System.out.println("You must set the license to execute this code successfully."); } else { // Test IFilePathProvider interface TestIFilePathProvider pg = new TestIFilePathProvider(); pg.TestFilePathProvider(); System.out.println("Done."); } } static void SetLicense() throws Exception { String licPath = dataDir + "Aspose.Total.Java.lic"; com.aspose.cells.License lic = new com.aspose.cells.License(); lic.setLicense(licPath); System.out.println(CellsHelper.getVersion()); } void TestFilePathProvider() throws Exception { // Create subdirectory for second and third worksheets File dir = new File(dataDir + "OtherSheets"); dir.mkdir(); // Load sample workbook from your directory Workbook wb = new Workbook(dataDir + "Sample.xlsx"); // Save worksheets to separate html files // Because of IFilePathProvider, hyperlinks will not be broken. for (int i = 0; i < wb.getWorksheets().getCount(); i++) { // Set the active worksheet to current value of variable i wb.getWorksheets().setActiveSheetIndex(i); // Creat html save option ImplementingIStreamProvider options = new ImplementingIStreamProvider(); options.setExportActiveWorksheetOnly(true); // If you will comment this line, then hyperlinks will be broken options.setFilePathProvider(new FilePathProvider()); // Sheet actual index which starts from 1 not from 0 int sheetIndex = i + 1; String filePath = ""; // Save first sheet to same directory and second and third // worksheets to subdirectory if (i == 0) { filePath = dataDir + "Sheet1.html"; } else { filePath = dataDir + "Sheet" + sheetIndex + ".html"; } // Save the worksheet to html file; } } }