package com.aspose.cells.examples.articles; import java.util.Iterator; import com.aspose.cells.BorderType; import com.aspose.cells.Cell; import com.aspose.cells.CellBorderType; import com.aspose.cells.Color; import com.aspose.cells.Range; import com.aspose.cells.Style; import com.aspose.cells.Workbook; import com.aspose.cells.Worksheet; import com.aspose.cells.examples.Utils; public class CreateTableforRange { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(CreateTableforRange.class) + "articles/"; // Instantiating a Workbook object Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet int sheetIndex = workbook.getWorksheets().add(); Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(sheetIndex); // Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet Cell cell = worksheet.getCells().get("A1"); // Creating a range of cells based on cells Address. Range range = worksheet.getCells().createRange("A1:F10"); // Specify a Style object for borders. Style style = cell.getStyle(); // Setting the line style of the top border style.setBorder(BorderType.TOP_BORDER, CellBorderType.THICK, Color.getBlack()); // Setting the line style of the bottom border style.setBorder(BorderType.BOTTOM_BORDER, CellBorderType.THICK, Color.getBlack()); // Setting the line style of the left border style.setBorder(BorderType.LEFT_BORDER, CellBorderType.THICK, Color.getBlack()); // Setting the line style of the right border style.setBorder(BorderType.RIGHT_BORDER, CellBorderType.THICK, Color.getBlack()); Iterator cellArray = range.iterator(); while (cellArray.hasNext()) { Cell temp = (Cell); // Saving the modified style to the cell. temp.setStyle(style); } // Saving the Excel file + "CTableforRange_out.xls"); } }