package com.aspose.cells.examples.articles; import com.aspose.cells.Cell; import com.aspose.cells.Style; import com.aspose.cells.Workbook; import com.aspose.cells.Worksheet; import com.aspose.cells.examples.Utils; public class CalculateWidthAndHeightOfCell { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(CalculateWidthAndHeightOfCell.class) + "articles/"; // Create workbook object Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Access first worksheet Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); // Access cell B2 and add some value inside it Cell cell = worksheet.getCells().get("B2"); cell.putValue("Welcome to Aspose!"); // Enlarge its font to size 16 Style style = cell.getStyle(); style.getFont().setSize(16); cell.setStyle(style); // Calculate the width and height of the cell value in unit of pixels int widthOfValue = cell.getWidthOfValue(); int heightOfValue = cell.getHeightOfValue(); // Print both values System.out.println("Width of Cell Value: " + widthOfValue); System.out.println("Height of Cell Value: " + heightOfValue); // Set the row height and column width to adjust/fit the cell value inside cell worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidthPixel(1, widthOfValue); worksheet.getCells().setRowHeightPixel(1, heightOfValue); // Save the output excel file + "CWAHOfCell_out.xlsx"); } }