package com.aspose.cells.examples.articles; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.aspose.cells.FontSetting; import com.aspose.cells.PresetWordArtStyle; import com.aspose.cells.TextBox; import com.aspose.cells.Workbook; import com.aspose.cells.Worksheet; import com.aspose.cells.examples.Utils; public class SetPresetWordArtStyle { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(SetPresetWordArtStyle.class) + "articles/"; //Create workbook object Workbook wb = new Workbook(); //Access first worksheet Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0); //Create a textbox with some text int idx = ws.getTextBoxes().add(0, 0, 100, 700); TextBox tb = ws.getTextBoxes().get(idx); tb.setText("Aspose File Format APIs"); tb.getFont().setSize(44); //Sets preset WordArt style to the text of the shape. ArrayList<FontSetting> aList = tb.getCharacters(); FontSetting fntSetting = aList.get(0); fntSetting.setWordArtStyle(PresetWordArtStyle.WORD_ART_STYLE_3); //Save the workbook in xlsx format + "SetPresetWordArtStyle_out.xlsx"); } }