package; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.Chapter; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.Feed; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedImage; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedItem; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMedia; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedPreferences; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.ID3Chapter; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.SimpleChapter; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.VorbisCommentChapter; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.preferences.UserPreferences; import; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.LongIntMap; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.LongList; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.comparator.DownloadStatusComparator; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.comparator.FeedItemPubdateComparator; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.comparator.PlaybackCompletionDateComparator; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.flattr.FlattrThing; /** * Provides methods for reading data from the AntennaPod database. * In general, all database calls in DBReader-methods are executed on the caller's thread. * This means that the caller should make sure that DBReader-methods are not executed on the GUI-thread. * This class will use the {@link de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.EventDistributor} to notify listeners about changes in the database. */ public final class DBReader { private static final String TAG = "DBReader"; /** * Maximum size of the list returned by {@link #getPlaybackHistory()}. */ public static final int PLAYBACK_HISTORY_SIZE = 50; /** * Maximum size of the list returned by {@link #getDownloadLog()}. */ public static final int DOWNLOAD_LOG_SIZE = 200; private DBReader() { } /** * Returns a list of Feeds, sorted alphabetically by their title. * * @return A list of Feeds, sorted alphabetically by their title. A Feed-object * of the returned list does NOT have its list of FeedItems yet. The FeedItem-list * can be loaded separately with {@link #getFeedItemList(Feed)}. */ public static List<Feed> getFeedList() { Log.d(TAG, "Extracting Feedlist"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<Feed> result = getFeedList(adapter); adapter.close(); return result; } private static List<Feed> getFeedList(PodDBAdapter adapter) { Cursor feedlistCursor = adapter.getAllFeedsCursor(); List<Feed> feeds = new ArrayList<>(feedlistCursor.getCount()); if (feedlistCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { Feed feed = extractFeedFromCursorRow(adapter, feedlistCursor); feeds.add(feed); } while (feedlistCursor.moveToNext()); } feedlistCursor.close(); return feeds; } /** * Returns a list with the download URLs of all feeds. * * @return A list of Strings with the download URLs of all feeds. */ public static List<String> getFeedListDownloadUrls() { PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();; Cursor feeds = adapter.getFeedCursorDownloadUrls(); if (feeds.moveToFirst()) { do { result.add(feeds.getString(1)); } while (feeds.moveToNext()); } feeds.close(); adapter.close(); return result; } /** * Loads additional data in to the feed items from other database queries * @param items the FeedItems who should have other data loaded */ public static void loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(List<FeedItem> items) { loadTagsOfFeedItemList(items); loadFeedDataOfFeedItemList(items); } public static void loadTagsOfFeedItemList(List<FeedItem> items) { LongList favoriteIds = getFavoriteIDList(); LongList queueIds = getQueueIDList(); for (FeedItem item : items) { if (favoriteIds.contains(item.getId())) { item.addTag(FeedItem.TAG_FAVORITE); } if (queueIds.contains(item.getId())) { item.addTag(FeedItem.TAG_QUEUE); } } } /** * Takes a list of FeedItems and loads their corresponding Feed-objects from the database. * The feedID-attribute of a FeedItem must be set to the ID of its feed or the method will * not find the correct feed of an item. * * @param items The FeedItems whose Feed-objects should be loaded. */ public static void loadFeedDataOfFeedItemList(List<FeedItem> items) { List<Feed> feeds = getFeedList(); for (FeedItem item : items) { for (Feed feed : feeds) { if (feed.getId() == item.getFeedId()) { item.setFeed(feed); break; } } if (item.getFeed() == null) { Log.w(TAG, "No match found for item with ID " + item.getId() + ". Feed ID was " + item.getFeedId()); } } } /** * Loads the list of FeedItems for a certain Feed-object. This method should NOT be used if the FeedItems are not * used. In order to get information ABOUT the list of FeedItems, consider using {@link #getFeedStatisticsList()} instead. * * @param feed The Feed whose items should be loaded * @return A list with the FeedItems of the Feed. The Feed-attribute of the FeedItems will already be set correctly. * The method does NOT change the items-attribute of the feed. */ public static List<FeedItem> getFeedItemList(final Feed feed) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedItemList() called with: " + "feed = [" + feed + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getAllItemsOfFeedCursor(feed); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); adapter.close(); Collections.sort(items, new FeedItemPubdateComparator()); for (FeedItem item : items) { item.setFeed(feed); } return items; } public static List<FeedItem> extractItemlistFromCursor(Cursor itemlistCursor) { Log.d(TAG, "extractItemlistFromCursor() called with: " + "itemlistCursor = [" + itemlistCursor + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<FeedItem> result = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); adapter.close(); return result; } private static List<FeedItem> extractItemlistFromCursor(PodDBAdapter adapter, Cursor cursor) { List<FeedItem> result = new ArrayList<>(cursor.getCount()); LongList imageIds = new LongList(cursor.getCount()); LongList itemIds = new LongList(cursor.getCount()); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { int indexImage = cursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_IMAGE); long imageId = cursor.getLong(indexImage); imageIds.add(imageId); FeedItem item = FeedItem.fromCursor(cursor); result.add(item); itemIds.add(item.getId()); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); Map<Long,FeedImage> images = getFeedImages(adapter, imageIds.toArray()); Map<Long,FeedMedia> medias = getFeedMedia(adapter, itemIds.toArray()); for(int i=0; i < result.size(); i++) { FeedItem item = result.get(i); long imageId = imageIds.get(i); FeedImage image = images.get(imageId); item.setImage(image); FeedMedia media = medias.get(item.getId()); item.setMedia(media); if(media != null) { media.setItem(item); } } } return result; } private static Map<Long,FeedMedia> getFeedMedia(PodDBAdapter adapter, long... itemIds) { String[] ids = new String[itemIds.length]; for(int i=0, len=itemIds.length; i < len; i++) { ids[i] = String.valueOf(itemIds[i]); } Map<Long,FeedMedia> result = new ArrayMap<>(itemIds.length); Cursor cursor = adapter.getFeedMediaCursor(ids); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { int index = cursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_FEEDITEM); long itemId = cursor.getLong(index); FeedMedia media = FeedMedia.fromCursor(cursor); result.put(itemId, media); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return result; } private static Feed extractFeedFromCursorRow(PodDBAdapter adapter, Cursor cursor) { final FeedImage image; int indexImage = cursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_IMAGE); long imageId = cursor.getLong(indexImage); if (imageId != 0) { image = getFeedImage(adapter, imageId); } else { image = null; } Feed feed = Feed.fromCursor(cursor); if (image != null) { feed.setImage(image); image.setOwner(feed); } FeedPreferences preferences = FeedPreferences.fromCursor(cursor); feed.setPreferences(preferences); return feed; } static List<FeedItem> getQueue(PodDBAdapter adapter) { Log.d(TAG, "getQueue()"); Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getQueueCursor(); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); return items; } /** * Loads the IDs of the FeedItems in the queue. This method should be preferred over * {@link #getQueue()} if the FeedItems of the queue are not needed. * * @return A list of IDs sorted by the same order as the queue. The caller can wrap the returned * list in a {@link de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.QueueAccess} object for easier access to the queue's properties. */ public static LongList getQueueIDList() { Log.d(TAG, "getQueueIDList() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; LongList result = getQueueIDList(adapter); adapter.close(); return result; } static LongList getQueueIDList(PodDBAdapter adapter) { Cursor queueCursor = adapter.getQueueIDCursor(); LongList queueIds = new LongList(queueCursor.getCount()); if (queueCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { queueIds.add(queueCursor.getLong(0)); } while (queueCursor.moveToNext()); } queueCursor.close(); return queueIds; } /** * Loads a list of the FeedItems in the queue. If the FeedItems of the queue are not used directly, consider using * {@link #getQueueIDList()} instead. * * @return A list of FeedItems sorted by the same order as the queue. The caller can wrap the returned * list in a {@link de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.QueueAccess} object for easier access to the queue's properties. */ public static List<FeedItem> getQueue() { Log.d(TAG, "getQueue() called with: " + ""); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<FeedItem> items = getQueue(adapter); adapter.close(); return items; } /** * Loads a list of FeedItems whose episode has been downloaded. * * @return A list of FeedItems whose episdoe has been downloaded. */ public static List<FeedItem> getDownloadedItems() { Log.d(TAG, "getDownloadedItems() called with: " + ""); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getDownloadedItemsCursor(); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); adapter.close(); Collections.sort(items, new FeedItemPubdateComparator()); return items; } /** * Loads a list of FeedItems whose 'read'-attribute is set to false. * * @return A list of FeedItems whose 'read'-attribute it set to false. */ public static List<FeedItem> getUnreadItemsList() { Log.d(TAG, "getUnreadItemsList() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getUnreadItemsCursor(); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); adapter.close(); return items; } /** * Loads a list of FeedItems that are considered new. * Excludes items from feeds that do not have keep updated enabled. * @return A list of FeedItems that are considered new. */ public static List<FeedItem> getNewItemsList() { Log.d(TAG, "getNewItemsList() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getNewItemsCursor(); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); adapter.close(); return items; } public static List<FeedItem> getFavoriteItemsList() { Log.d(TAG, "getFavoriteItemsList() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getFavoritesCursor(); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); adapter.close(); return items; } public static LongList getFavoriteIDList() { Log.d(TAG, "getFavoriteIDList() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor favoritesCursor = adapter.getFavoritesCursor(); LongList favoriteIDs = new LongList(favoritesCursor.getCount()); if (favoritesCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { favoriteIDs.add(favoritesCursor.getLong(0)); } while (favoritesCursor.moveToNext()); } favoritesCursor.close(); adapter.close(); return favoriteIDs; } /** * Loads a list of FeedItems sorted by pubDate in descending order. * * @param limit The maximum number of episodes that should be loaded. */ public static List<FeedItem> getRecentlyPublishedEpisodes(int limit) { Log.d(TAG, "getRecentlyPublishedEpisodes() called with: " + "limit = [" + limit + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor itemlistCursor = adapter.getRecentlyPublishedItemsCursor(limit); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemlistCursor); itemlistCursor.close(); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); adapter.close(); return items; } /** * Loads the playback history from the database. A FeedItem is in the playback history if playback of the correpsonding episode * has been completed at least once. * * @return The playback history. The FeedItems are sorted by their media's playbackCompletionDate in descending order. * The size of the returned list is limited by {@link #PLAYBACK_HISTORY_SIZE}. */ public static List<FeedItem> getPlaybackHistory() { Log.d(TAG, "getPlaybackHistory() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor mediaCursor = adapter.getCompletedMediaCursor(PLAYBACK_HISTORY_SIZE); String[] itemIds = new String[mediaCursor.getCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < itemIds.length && mediaCursor.moveToPosition(i); i++) { int index = mediaCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_FEEDITEM); itemIds[i] = Long.toString(mediaCursor.getLong(index)); } mediaCursor.close(); Cursor itemCursor = adapter.getFeedItemCursor(itemIds); List<FeedItem> items = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemCursor); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(items); itemCursor.close(); adapter.close(); Collections.sort(items, new PlaybackCompletionDateComparator()); return items; } /** * Loads the download log from the database. * * @return A list with DownloadStatus objects that represent the download log. * The size of the returned list is limited by {@link #DOWNLOAD_LOG_SIZE}. */ public static List<DownloadStatus> getDownloadLog() { Log.d(TAG, "getDownloadLog() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor logCursor = adapter.getDownloadLogCursor(DOWNLOAD_LOG_SIZE); List<DownloadStatus> downloadLog = new ArrayList<>(logCursor.getCount()); if (logCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { DownloadStatus status = DownloadStatus.fromCursor(logCursor); downloadLog.add(status); } while (logCursor.moveToNext()); } logCursor.close(); adapter.close(); Collections.sort(downloadLog, new DownloadStatusComparator()); return downloadLog; } /** * Loads the download log for a particular feed from the database. * * @param feed Feed for which the download log is loaded * @return A list with DownloadStatus objects that represent the feed's download log, * newest events first. */ public static List<DownloadStatus> getFeedDownloadLog(Feed feed) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedDownloadLog() called with: " + "feed = [" + feed + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor cursor = adapter.getDownloadLog(Feed.FEEDFILETYPE_FEED, feed.getId()); List<DownloadStatus> downloadLog = new ArrayList<>(cursor.getCount()); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { DownloadStatus status = DownloadStatus.fromCursor(cursor); downloadLog.add(status); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); adapter.close(); Collections.sort(downloadLog, new DownloadStatusComparator()); return downloadLog; } /** * Loads the FeedItemStatistics objects of all Feeds in the database. This method should be preferred over * {@link #getFeedItemList(Feed)} if only metadata about * the FeedItems is needed. * * @return A list of FeedItemStatistics objects sorted alphabetically by their Feed's title. */ public static List<FeedItemStatistics> getFeedStatisticsList() { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedStatisticsList() called"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<FeedItemStatistics> result = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor cursor = adapter.getFeedStatisticsCursor(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { FeedItemStatistics fis = FeedItemStatistics.fromCursor(cursor); result.add(fis); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); adapter.close(); return result; } /** * Loads a specific Feed from the database. * * @param feedId The ID of the Feed * @return The Feed or null if the Feed could not be found. The Feeds FeedItems will also be loaded from the * database and the items-attribute will be set correctly. */ public static Feed getFeed(final long feedId) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeed() called with: " + "feedId = [" + feedId + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Feed result = getFeed(feedId, adapter); adapter.close(); return result; } static Feed getFeed(final long feedId, PodDBAdapter adapter) { Feed feed = null; Cursor feedCursor = adapter.getFeedCursor(feedId); if (feedCursor.moveToFirst()) { feed = extractFeedFromCursorRow(adapter, feedCursor); feed.setItems(getFeedItemList(feed)); } else { Log.e(TAG, "getFeed could not find feed with id " + feedId); } feedCursor.close(); return feed; } static FeedItem getFeedItem(final long itemId, PodDBAdapter adapter) { Log.d(TAG, "Loading feeditem with id " + itemId); FeedItem item = null; Cursor itemCursor = adapter.getFeedItemCursor(Long.toString(itemId)); if (!itemCursor.moveToFirst()) { itemCursor.close(); return null; } List<FeedItem> list = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemCursor); itemCursor.close(); if (list.size() > 0) { item = list.get(0); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(list); if (item.hasChapters()) { loadChaptersOfFeedItem(adapter, item); } } return item; } static List<FeedItem> getFeedItems(PodDBAdapter adapter, final long... itemIds) { String[] ids = new String[itemIds.length]; for(int i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) { long itemId = itemIds[i]; ids[i] = Long.toString(itemId); } List<FeedItem> result; Cursor itemCursor = adapter.getFeedItemCursor(ids); if (itemCursor.moveToFirst()) { result = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemCursor); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(result); for(FeedItem item : result) { if (item.hasChapters()) { loadChaptersOfFeedItem(adapter, item); } } } else { result = Collections.emptyList(); } itemCursor.close(); return result; } /** * Loads a specific FeedItem from the database. This method should not be used for loading more * than one FeedItem because this method might query the database several times for each item. * * @param itemId The ID of the FeedItem * @return The FeedItem or null if the FeedItem could not be found. All FeedComponent-attributes * as well as chapter marks of the FeedItem will also be loaded from the database. */ public static FeedItem getFeedItem(final long itemId) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedItem() called with: " + "itemId = [" + itemId + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; FeedItem item = getFeedItem(itemId, adapter); adapter.close(); return item; } static FeedItem getFeedItem(final String podcastUrl, final String episodeUrl, PodDBAdapter adapter) { Log.d(TAG, "Loading feeditem with podcast url " + podcastUrl + " and episode url " + episodeUrl); FeedItem item = null; Cursor itemCursor = adapter.getFeedItemCursor(podcastUrl, episodeUrl); if (itemCursor.moveToFirst()) { List<FeedItem> list = extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, itemCursor); if (list.size() > 0) { item = list.get(0); loadAdditionalFeedItemListData(list); if (item.hasChapters()) { loadChaptersOfFeedItem(adapter, item); } } } itemCursor.close(); return item; } /** * Loads specific FeedItems from the database. This method canbe used for loading more * than one FeedItem * * @param itemIds The IDs of the FeedItems * @return The FeedItems or an empty list if none of the FeedItems could be found. All FeedComponent-attributes * as well as chapter marks of the FeedItems will also be loaded from the database. */ public static List<FeedItem> getFeedItems(final long... itemIds) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedItems() called with: " + "itemIds = [" + Arrays.toString(itemIds) + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<FeedItem> items = getFeedItems(adapter, itemIds); adapter.close(); return items; } /** * Returns credentials based on image URL * * @param imageUrl The URL of the image * @return Credentials in format "<Username>:<Password>", empty String if no authorization given */ public static String getImageAuthentication(final String imageUrl) { Log.d(TAG, "getImageAuthentication() called with: " + "imageUrl = [" + imageUrl + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; String credentials = getImageAuthentication(imageUrl, adapter); adapter.close(); return credentials; } static String getImageAuthentication(final String imageUrl, PodDBAdapter adapter) { String credentials = null; Cursor cursor = adapter.getImageAuthenticationCursor(imageUrl); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { String username = cursor.getString(0); String password = cursor.getString(1); if(username != null && password != null) { credentials = username + ":" + password; } else { credentials = ""; } } else { credentials = ""; } } finally { cursor.close(); } return credentials; } /** * Loads a specific FeedItem from the database. * * @param podcastUrl the corresponding feed's url * @param episodeUrl the feed item's url * @return The FeedItem or null if the FeedItem could not be found. All FeedComponent-attributes * as well as chapter marks of the FeedItem will also be loaded from the database. */ public static FeedItem getFeedItem(final String podcastUrl, final String episodeUrl) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedItem() called with: " + "podcastUrl = [" + podcastUrl + "], episodeUrl = [" + episodeUrl + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; FeedItem item = getFeedItem(podcastUrl, episodeUrl, adapter); adapter.close(); return item; } /** * Loads additional information about a FeedItem, e.g. shownotes * * @param item The FeedItem */ public static void loadExtraInformationOfFeedItem(final FeedItem item) { Log.d(TAG, "loadExtraInformationOfFeedItem() called with: " + "item = [" + item + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor extraCursor = adapter.getExtraInformationOfItem(item); if (extraCursor.moveToFirst()) { int indexDescription = extraCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_DESCRIPTION); String description = extraCursor.getString(indexDescription); int indexContentEncoded = extraCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_CONTENT_ENCODED); String contentEncoded = extraCursor.getString(indexContentEncoded); item.setDescription(description); item.setContentEncoded(contentEncoded); } extraCursor.close(); adapter.close(); } /** * Loads the list of chapters that belongs to this FeedItem if available. This method overwrites * any chapters that this FeedItem has. If no chapters were found in the database, the chapters * reference of the FeedItem will be set to null. * * @param item The FeedItem */ public static void loadChaptersOfFeedItem(final FeedItem item) { Log.d(TAG, "loadChaptersOfFeedItem() called with: " + "item = [" + item + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; loadChaptersOfFeedItem(adapter, item); adapter.close(); } static void loadChaptersOfFeedItem(PodDBAdapter adapter, FeedItem item) { Cursor chapterCursor = adapter.getSimpleChaptersOfFeedItemCursor(item); if (chapterCursor.moveToFirst()) { item.setChapters(new ArrayList<>()); do { int indexType = chapterCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_CHAPTER_TYPE); int indexStart = chapterCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_START); int indexTitle = chapterCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_TITLE); int indexLink = chapterCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_LINK); int chapterType = chapterCursor.getInt(indexType); Chapter chapter = null; long start = chapterCursor.getLong(indexStart); String title = chapterCursor.getString(indexTitle); String link = chapterCursor.getString(indexLink); switch (chapterType) { case SimpleChapter.CHAPTERTYPE_SIMPLECHAPTER: chapter = new SimpleChapter(start, title, item, link); break; case ID3Chapter.CHAPTERTYPE_ID3CHAPTER: chapter = new ID3Chapter(start, title, item, link); break; case VorbisCommentChapter.CHAPTERTYPE_VORBISCOMMENT_CHAPTER: chapter = new VorbisCommentChapter(start, title, item, link); break; } if (chapter != null) { int indexId = chapterCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_ID); chapter.setId(chapterCursor.getLong(indexId)); item.getChapters().add(chapter); } } while (chapterCursor.moveToNext()); } else { item.setChapters(null); } chapterCursor.close(); } /** * Returns the number of downloaded episodes. * * @return The number of downloaded episodes. */ public static int getNumberOfDownloadedEpisodes() { Log.d(TAG, "getNumberOfDownloadedEpisodes() called with: " + ""); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; final int result = adapter.getNumberOfDownloadedEpisodes(); adapter.close(); return result; } /** * Searches the DB for a FeedImage of the given id. * * @param imageId The id of the object * @return The found object */ public static FeedImage getFeedImage(final long imageId) { Log.d(TAG, "getFeedImage() called with: " + "imageId = [" + imageId + "]"); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; FeedImage result = getFeedImage(adapter, imageId); adapter.close(); return result; } /** * Searches the DB for a FeedImage of the given id. * * @param imageId The id of the object * @return The found object */ private static FeedImage getFeedImage(PodDBAdapter adapter, final long imageId) { return getFeedImages(adapter, imageId).get(imageId); } /** * Searches the DB for a FeedImage of the given id. * * @param imageIds The ids of the images * @return Map that associates the id of an image with the image itself */ private static Map<Long,FeedImage> getFeedImages(PodDBAdapter adapter, final long... imageIds) { String[] ids = new String[imageIds.length]; for(int i=0, len=imageIds.length; i < len; i++) { ids[i] = String.valueOf(imageIds[i]); } Cursor cursor = adapter.getImageCursor(ids); Map<Long, FeedImage> result = new ArrayMap<>(cursor.getCount()); try { if ((cursor.getCount() == 0) || !cursor.moveToFirst()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } do { FeedImage image = FeedImage.fromCursor(cursor); result.put(image.getId(), image); } while(cursor.moveToNext()); } finally { cursor.close(); } return result; } /** * Searches the DB for a FeedMedia of the given id. * * @param mediaId The id of the object * @return The found object */ public static FeedMedia getFeedMedia(final long mediaId) { PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; Cursor mediaCursor = adapter.getSingleFeedMediaCursor(mediaId); if (!mediaCursor.moveToFirst()) { mediaCursor.close(); return null; } int indexFeedItem = mediaCursor.getColumnIndex(PodDBAdapter.KEY_FEEDITEM); long itemId = mediaCursor.getLong(indexFeedItem); FeedMedia media = FeedMedia.fromCursor(mediaCursor); mediaCursor.close(); if(media != null) { FeedItem item = getFeedItem(itemId); if (item != null) { media.setItem(item); item.setMedia(media); } } adapter.close(); return media; } /** * Searches the DB for statistics * * @return The StatisticsInfo object */ public static StatisticsData getStatistics() { PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; long totalTime = 0; List<StatisticsItem> feedTime = new ArrayList<>(); List<Feed> feeds = getFeedList(); for (Feed feed : feeds) { long feedPlayedTime = 0; long feedTotalTime = 0; long episodes = 0; long episodesStarted = 0; List<FeedItem> items = getFeed(feed.getId()).getItems(); for(FeedItem item : items) { FeedMedia media = item.getMedia(); if(media == null) { continue; } feedPlayedTime += media.getPlayedDuration() / 1000; if(media.getPlayedDuration() > 0) { episodesStarted++; } feedTotalTime += media.getDuration() / 1000; episodes++; } feedTime.add(new StatisticsItem( feed, feedTotalTime, feedPlayedTime, episodes, episodesStarted)); totalTime += feedPlayedTime; } Collections.sort(feedTime, (item1, item2) -> { if(item1.timePlayed > item2.timePlayed) { return -1; } else if(item1.timePlayed < item2.timePlayed) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); adapter.close(); return new StatisticsData(totalTime, feedTime); } public static class StatisticsData { public long totalTime; public List<StatisticsItem> feedTime; public StatisticsData(long totalTime, List<StatisticsItem> feedTime) { this.totalTime = totalTime; this.feedTime = feedTime; } } public static class StatisticsItem { public Feed feed; public long time; public long timePlayed; public long episodes; public long episodesStarted; public StatisticsItem(Feed feed, long time, long timePlayed, long episodes, long episodesStarted) { this.feed = feed; this.time = time; this.timePlayed = timePlayed; this.episodes = episodes; this.episodesStarted = episodesStarted; } } /** * Returns the flattr queue as a List of FlattrThings. The list consists of Feeds and FeedItems. * * @return The flattr queue as a List. */ public static List<FlattrThing> getFlattrQueue() { Log.d(TAG, "getFlattrQueue() called with: " + ""); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<FlattrThing> result = new ArrayList<>(); // load feeds Cursor feedCursor = adapter.getFeedsInFlattrQueueCursor(); if (feedCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { result.add(extractFeedFromCursorRow(adapter, feedCursor)); } while (feedCursor.moveToNext()); } feedCursor.close(); //load feed items Cursor feedItemCursor = adapter.getFeedItemsInFlattrQueueCursor(); result.addAll(extractItemlistFromCursor(adapter, feedItemCursor)); feedItemCursor.close(); adapter.close(); Log.d(TAG, "Returning flattrQueueIterator for queue with " + result.size() + " items."); return result; } /** * Returns data necessary for displaying the navigation drawer. This includes * the list of subscriptions, the number of items in the queue and the number of unread * items. * */ public static NavDrawerData getNavDrawerData() { Log.d(TAG, "getNavDrawerData() called with: " + ""); PodDBAdapter adapter = PodDBAdapter.getInstance();; List<Feed> feeds = getFeedList(adapter); long[] feedIds = new long[feeds.size()]; for(int i=0; i < feeds.size(); i++) { feedIds[i] = feeds.get(i).getId(); } final LongIntMap feedCounters = adapter.getFeedCounters(feedIds); Comparator<Feed> comparator; int feedOrder = UserPreferences.getFeedOrder(); if(feedOrder == UserPreferences.FEED_ORDER_COUNTER) { comparator = (lhs, rhs) -> { long counterLhs = feedCounters.get(lhs.getId()); long counterRhs = feedCounters.get(rhs.getId()); if(counterLhs > counterRhs) { // reverse natural order: podcast with most unplayed episodes first return -1; } else if(counterLhs == counterRhs) { return lhs.getTitle().compareTo(rhs.getTitle()); } else { return 1; } }; } else if(feedOrder == UserPreferences.FEED_ORDER_ALPHABETICAL) { comparator = (lhs, rhs) -> { String t1 = lhs.getTitle(); String t2 = rhs.getTitle(); if(t1 == null) { return 1; } else if(t2 == null) { return -1; } else { return t1.toLowerCase().compareTo(t2.toLowerCase()); } }; } else { comparator = (lhs, rhs) -> { if(lhs.getItems() == null || lhs.getItems().size() == 0) { List<FeedItem> items = DBReader.getFeedItemList(lhs); lhs.setItems(items); } if(rhs.getItems() == null || rhs.getItems().size() == 0) { List<FeedItem> items = DBReader.getFeedItemList(rhs); rhs.setItems(items); } if(lhs.getMostRecentItem() == null) { return 1; } else if(rhs.getMostRecentItem() == null) { return -1; } else { Date d1 = lhs.getMostRecentItem().getPubDate(); Date d2 = rhs.getMostRecentItem().getPubDate(); return d2.compareTo(d1); } }; } Collections.sort(feeds, comparator); int queueSize = adapter.getQueueSize(); int numNewItems = adapter.getNumberOfNewItems(); int numDownloadedItems = adapter.getNumberOfDownloadedEpisodes(); NavDrawerData result = new NavDrawerData(feeds, queueSize, numNewItems, numDownloadedItems, feedCounters, UserPreferences.getEpisodeCleanupAlgorithm().getReclaimableItems()); adapter.close(); return result; } public static class NavDrawerData { public List<Feed> feeds; public int queueSize; public int numNewItems; public int numDownloadedItems; public LongIntMap feedCounters; public int reclaimableSpace; public NavDrawerData(List<Feed> feeds, int queueSize, int numNewItems, int numDownloadedItems, LongIntMap feedIndicatorValues, int reclaimableSpace) { this.feeds = feeds; this.queueSize = queueSize; this.numNewItems = numNewItems; this.numDownloadedItems = numDownloadedItems; this.feedCounters = feedIndicatorValues; this.reclaimableSpace = reclaimableSpace; } } }