package de.danoeh.antennapod.core.glide; import android.content.Context; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.bumptech.glide.integration.okhttp.OkHttpStreamFetcher; import; import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.GenericLoaderFactory; import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.GlideUrl; import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ModelLoader; import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ModelLoaderFactory; import com.squareup.okhttp.Interceptor; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.NetworkUtils; /** * @see com.bumptech.glide.integration.okhttp.OkHttpUrlLoader */ public class ApOkHttpUrlLoader implements ModelLoader<GlideUrl, InputStream> { private static final String TAG = ApOkHttpUrlLoader.class.getSimpleName(); /** * The default factory for {@link ApOkHttpUrlLoader}s. */ public static class Factory implements ModelLoaderFactory<GlideUrl, InputStream> { private static volatile OkHttpClient internalClient; private OkHttpClient client; private static OkHttpClient getInternalClient() { if (internalClient == null) { synchronized (Factory.class) { if (internalClient == null) { internalClient = AntennapodHttpClient.newHttpClient(); internalClient.interceptors().add(new NetworkAllowanceInterceptor()); internalClient.interceptors().add(new BasicAuthenticationInterceptor()); } } } return internalClient; } /** * Constructor for a new Factory that runs requests using a static singleton client. */ public Factory() { this(getInternalClient()); } /** * Constructor for a new Factory that runs requests using given client. */ public Factory(OkHttpClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public ModelLoader<GlideUrl, InputStream> build(Context context, GenericLoaderFactory factories) { return new ApOkHttpUrlLoader(client); } @Override public void teardown() { // Do nothing, this instance doesn't own the client. } } private final OkHttpClient client; public ApOkHttpUrlLoader(OkHttpClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public DataFetcher<InputStream> getResourceFetcher(GlideUrl model, int width, int height) { return new OkHttpStreamFetcher(client, model); } private static class NetworkAllowanceInterceptor implements Interceptor { @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { if (NetworkUtils.isDownloadAllowed()) { return chain.proceed(chain.request()); } else { return null; } } } private static class BasicAuthenticationInterceptor implements Interceptor { @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { com.squareup.okhttp.Request request = chain.request(); String url = request.urlString(); String authentication = DBReader.getImageAuthentication(url); if(TextUtils.isEmpty(authentication)) { Log.d(TAG, "no credentials for '" + url + "'"); return chain.proceed(request); } // add authentication String[] auth = authentication.split(":"); String credentials = HttpDownloader.encodeCredentials(auth[0], auth[1], "ISO-8859-1"); com.squareup.okhttp.Request newRequest = request .newBuilder() .addHeader("Authorization", credentials) .build(); Log.d(TAG, "Basic authentication with ISO-8859-1 encoding"); Response response = chain.proceed(newRequest); if (!response.isSuccessful() && response.code() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) { credentials = HttpDownloader.encodeCredentials(auth[0], auth[1], "UTF-8"); newRequest = request .newBuilder() .addHeader("Authorization", credentials) .build(); Log.d(TAG, "Basic authentication with UTF-8 encoding"); return chain.proceed(newRequest); } else { return response; } } } }