package; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedFilter; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedItem; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedPreferences; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.preferences.UserPreferences; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.NetworkUtils; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.PowerUtils; /** * Implements the automatic download algorithm used by AntennaPod. This class assumes that * the client uses the APEpisodeCleanupAlgorithm. */ public class APDownloadAlgorithm implements AutomaticDownloadAlgorithm { private static final String TAG = "APDownloadAlgorithm"; /** * Looks for undownloaded episodes in the queue or list of new items and request a download if * 1. Network is available * 2. The device is charging or the user allows auto download on battery * 3. There is free space in the episode cache * This method is executed on an internal single thread executor. * * @param context Used for accessing the DB. * @return A Runnable that will be submitted to an ExecutorService. */ @Override public Runnable autoDownloadUndownloadedItems(final Context context) { return () -> { // true if we should auto download based on network status boolean networkShouldAutoDl = NetworkUtils.autodownloadNetworkAvailable() && UserPreferences.isEnableAutodownload(); // true if we should auto download based on power status boolean powerShouldAutoDl = PowerUtils.deviceCharging(context) || UserPreferences.isEnableAutodownloadOnBattery(); // we should only auto download if both network AND power are happy if (networkShouldAutoDl && powerShouldAutoDl) { Log.d(TAG, "Performing auto-dl of undownloaded episodes"); List<FeedItem> candidates; final List<FeedItem> queue = DBReader.getQueue(); final List<FeedItem> newItems = DBReader.getNewItemsList(); candidates = new ArrayList<>(queue.size() + newItems.size()); candidates.addAll(queue); for(FeedItem newItem : newItems) { FeedPreferences feedPrefs = newItem.getFeed().getPreferences(); FeedFilter feedFilter = feedPrefs.getFilter(); if(!candidates.contains(newItem) && feedFilter.shouldAutoDownload(newItem)) { candidates.add(newItem); } } // filter items that are not auto downloadable Iterator<FeedItem> it = candidates.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { FeedItem item =; if(!item.isAutoDownloadable()) { it.remove(); } } int autoDownloadableEpisodes = candidates.size(); int downloadedEpisodes = DBReader.getNumberOfDownloadedEpisodes(); int deletedEpisodes = UserPreferences.getEpisodeCleanupAlgorithm() .makeRoomForEpisodes(context, autoDownloadableEpisodes); boolean cacheIsUnlimited = UserPreferences.getEpisodeCacheSize() == UserPreferences .getEpisodeCacheSizeUnlimited(); int episodeCacheSize = UserPreferences.getEpisodeCacheSize(); int episodeSpaceLeft; if (cacheIsUnlimited || episodeCacheSize >= downloadedEpisodes + autoDownloadableEpisodes) { episodeSpaceLeft = autoDownloadableEpisodes; } else { episodeSpaceLeft = episodeCacheSize - (downloadedEpisodes - deletedEpisodes); } FeedItem[] itemsToDownload = candidates.subList(0, episodeSpaceLeft) .toArray(new FeedItem[episodeSpaceLeft]); Log.d(TAG, "Enqueueing " + itemsToDownload.length + " items for download"); try { DBTasks.downloadFeedItems(false, context, itemsToDownload); } catch (DownloadRequestException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; } }