package de.danoeh.antennapod.core.service.playback; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.Chapter; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedItem; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMedia; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.MediaType; import; import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.util.playback.Playable; /* * An inconvenience of an implementation like this is that some members and methods that once were * private are now protected, allowing for access from classes of the same package, namely * PlaybackService. A workaround would be to move this to a dedicated package. */ /** * Abstract class that allows for different implementations of the PlaybackServiceMediaPlayer for local * and remote (cast devices) playback. */ public abstract class PlaybackServiceMediaPlayer { public static final String TAG = "PlaybackSvcMediaPlayer"; /** * Return value of some PSMP methods if the method call failed. */ public static final int INVALID_TIME = -1; protected volatile PlayerStatus playerStatus; /** * A wifi-lock that is acquired if the media file is being streamed. */ private WifiManager.WifiLock wifiLock; protected final PSMPCallback callback; protected final Context context; public PlaybackServiceMediaPlayer(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull PSMPCallback callback){ this.context = context; this.callback = callback; playerStatus = PlayerStatus.STOPPED; } /** * Starts or prepares playback of the specified Playable object. If another Playable object is already being played, the currently playing * episode will be stopped and replaced with the new Playable object. If the Playable object is already being played, the method will * not do anything. * Whether playback starts immediately depends on the given parameters. See below for more details. * <p/> * States: * During execution of the method, the object will be in the INITIALIZING state. The end state depends on the given parameters. * <p/> * If 'prepareImmediately' is set to true, the method will go into PREPARING state and after that into PREPARED state. If * 'startWhenPrepared' is set to true, the method will additionally go into PLAYING state. * <p/> * If an unexpected error occurs while loading the Playable's metadata or while setting the MediaPlayers data source, the object * will enter the ERROR state. * <p/> * This method is executed on an internal executor service. * * @param playable The Playable object that is supposed to be played. This parameter must not be null. * @param stream The type of playback. If false, the Playable object MUST provide access to a locally available file via * getLocalMediaUrl. If true, the Playable object MUST provide access to a resource that can be streamed by * the Android MediaPlayer via getStreamUrl. * @param startWhenPrepared Sets the 'startWhenPrepared' flag. This flag determines whether playback will start immediately after the * episode has been prepared for playback. Setting this flag to true does NOT mean that the episode will be prepared * for playback immediately (see 'prepareImmediately' parameter for more details) * @param prepareImmediately Set to true if the method should also prepare the episode for playback. */ public abstract void playMediaObject(@NonNull Playable playable, boolean stream, boolean startWhenPrepared, boolean prepareImmediately); /** * Resumes playback if the PSMP object is in PREPARED or PAUSED state. If the PSMP object is in an invalid state. * nothing will happen. * <p/> * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void resume(); /** * Saves the current position and pauses playback. Note that, if audiofocus * is abandoned, the lockscreen controls will also disapear. * <p/> * This method is executed on an internal executor service. * * @param abandonFocus is true if the service should release audio focus * @param reinit is true if service should reinit after pausing if the media * file is being streamed */ public abstract void pause(boolean abandonFocus, boolean reinit); /** * Prepared media player for playback if the service is in the INITALIZED * state. * <p/> * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void prepare(); /** * Resets the media player and moves it into INITIALIZED state. * <p/> * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void reinit(); /** * Seeks to the specified position. If the PSMP object is in an invalid state, this method will do nothing. * Invalid time values (< 0) will be ignored. * <p/> * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void seekTo(int t); /** * Seek a specific position from the current position * * @param d offset from current position (positive or negative) */ public abstract void seekDelta(int d); /** * Seek to the start of the specified chapter. */ public void seekToChapter(@NonNull Chapter c) { seekTo((int) c.getStart()); } /** * Returns the duration of the current media object or INVALID_TIME if the duration could not be retrieved. */ public abstract int getDuration(); /** * Returns the position of the current media object or INVALID_TIME if the position could not be retrieved. */ public abstract int getPosition(); public abstract boolean isStartWhenPrepared(); public abstract void setStartWhenPrepared(boolean startWhenPrepared); /** * Returns true if the playback speed can be adjusted. */ public abstract boolean canSetSpeed(); /** * Sets the playback speed. * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void setSpeed(float speed); /** * Returns the current playback speed. If the playback speed could not be retrieved, 1 is returned. */ public abstract float getPlaybackSpeed(); /** * Sets the playback volume. * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void setVolume(float volumeLeft, float volumeRight); /** * Returns true if the mediaplayer can mix stereo down to mono */ public abstract boolean canDownmix(); public abstract void setDownmix(boolean enable); public abstract MediaType getCurrentMediaType(); public abstract boolean isStreaming(); /** * Releases internally used resources. This method should only be called when the object is not used anymore. */ public abstract void shutdown(); /** * Releases internally used resources. This method should only be called when the object is not used anymore. * This method is executed on an internal executor service. */ public abstract void shutdownQuietly(); public abstract void setVideoSurface(SurfaceHolder surface); public abstract void resetVideoSurface(); /** * Return width and height of the currently playing video as a pair. * * @return Width and height as a Pair or null if the video size could not be determined. The method might still * return an invalid non-null value if the getVideoWidth() and getVideoHeight() methods of the media player return * invalid values. */ public abstract Pair<Integer, Integer> getVideoSize(); /** * Returns a PSMInfo object that contains information about the current state of the PSMP object. * * @return The PSMPInfo object. */ public final synchronized PSMPInfo getPSMPInfo() { return new PSMPInfo(playerStatus, getPlayable()); } /** * Returns the current status, if you need the media and the player status together, you should * use getPSMPInfo() to make sure they're properly synchronized. Otherwise a race condition * could result in nonsensical results (like a status of PLAYING, but a null playable) * @return the current player status */ public PlayerStatus getPlayerStatus() { return playerStatus; } /** * Returns the current media, if you need the media and the player status together, you should * use getPSMPInfo() to make sure they're properly synchronized. Otherwise a race condition * could result in nonsensical results (like a status of PLAYING, but a null playable) * @return the current media. May be null */ public abstract Playable getPlayable(); protected abstract void setPlayable(Playable playable); public abstract void endPlayback(boolean wasSkipped, boolean switchingPlayers); /** * Moves the PSMP into STOPPED state. This call is only valid if the player is currently in * INDETERMINATE state, for example after a call to endPlayback. * This method will only take care of changing the PlayerStatus of this object! Other tasks like * abandoning audio focus have to be done with other methods. */ public abstract void stop(); /** * @return {@code true} if the WifiLock feature should be used, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected abstract boolean shouldLockWifi(); protected final synchronized void acquireWifiLockIfNecessary() { if (shouldLockWifi()) { if (wifiLock == null) { wifiLock = ((WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE)) .createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL, TAG); wifiLock.setReferenceCounted(false); } wifiLock.acquire(); } } protected final synchronized void releaseWifiLockIfNecessary() { if (wifiLock != null && wifiLock.isHeld()) { wifiLock.release(); } } /** * Sets the player status of the PSMP object. PlayerStatus and media attributes have to be set at the same time * so that getPSMPInfo can't return an invalid state (e.g. status is PLAYING, but media is null). * <p/> * This method will notify the callback about the change of the player status (even if the new status is the same * as the old one). * * @param newStatus The new PlayerStatus. This must not be null. * @param newMedia The new playable object of the PSMP object. This can be null. */ protected synchronized final void setPlayerStatus(@NonNull PlayerStatus newStatus, Playable newMedia) { Log.d(TAG, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Setting player status to " + newStatus); this.playerStatus = newStatus; setPlayable(newMedia); if (playerStatus != null) { Log.d(TAG, "playerStatus: " + playerStatus.toString()); } callback.statusChanged(new PSMPInfo(playerStatus, getPlayable())); } protected void smartMarkAsPlayed(Playable media) { if(media != null && media instanceof FeedMedia) { FeedMedia oldMedia = (FeedMedia) media; if(oldMedia.hasAlmostEnded()) { Log.d(TAG, "smart mark as read"); FeedItem item = oldMedia.getItem(); if (item == null) { return; } DBWriter.markItemPlayed(item, FeedItem.PLAYED, false); DBWriter.removeQueueItem(context, item, false); DBWriter.addItemToPlaybackHistory(oldMedia); if (item.getFeed().getPreferences().getCurrentAutoDelete()) { Log.d(TAG, "Delete " + oldMedia.toString()); DBWriter.deleteFeedMediaOfItem(context, oldMedia.getId()); } } } } public interface PSMPCallback { void statusChanged(PSMPInfo newInfo); void shouldStop(); void playbackSpeedChanged(float s); void setSpeedAbilityChanged(); void onBufferingUpdate(int percent); void onMediaChanged(boolean reloadUI); boolean onMediaPlayerInfo(int code, @StringRes int resourceId); boolean onMediaPlayerError(Object inObj, int what, int extra); boolean endPlayback(Playable media, boolean playNextEpisode, boolean wasSkipped, boolean switchingPlayers); } /** * Holds information about a PSMP object. */ public static class PSMPInfo { public PlayerStatus playerStatus; public Playable playable; public PSMPInfo(PlayerStatus playerStatus, Playable playable) { this.playerStatus = playerStatus; this.playable = playable; } } }