package org.holoeverywhere; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import org.holoeverywhere.ThemeManager.ThemeGetter.ThemeTag; import; import; import; import org.holoeverywhere.preference.PreferenceManagerHelper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * ThemeManager for using different themes in activity, dialogs, etc. <br /> * It uses the principle of binary flags. For example, you can get a dark theme * on the fullscreen mixing the two flags:<br /> * {@link ThemeManager#DARK} | {@link ThemeManager#FULLSCREEN} <br /> * <br /> * Default themes map for different flags: * <table> * <th> * <td>{@link #DARK}</td> * <td>{@link #LIGHT}</td> * <td>{@link #MIXED}</td></th> * <tr> * <td>no other flags</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #FULLSCREEN}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #NO_ACTION_BAR}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #NO_ACTION_BAR} | {@link #FULLSCREEN}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #WALLPAPER}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #WALLPAPER} | {@link #FULLSCREEN}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #WALLPAPER} | {@link #NO_ACTION_BAR}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #WALLPAPER} | {@link #NO_ACTION_BAR} | {@link #FULLSCREEN}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td> * {@link} * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #DIALOG}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE} | {@link #NO_ACTION_BAR}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td>{@link}</td> * <td> * {@link}</td> * </tr> * </table> * <br /> * You may remap themes for certain flags with method {@link #map(int, int)} * where first arg - flags, second - theme resource <br /> * <br /> * Part of HoloEverywhere * * @author prok ( */ public final class ThemeManager { public static final int _START_RESOURCES_ID = 0x01000000; public static final int COLOR_SCHEME_MASK; /** * Flag indicates on the alert dialog theme */ public static final int ALERT_DIALOG; /** * Flag indicates on the dark theme */ public static final int DARK; /** * Flag indicates on the dialog theme. */ public static final int DIALOG; /** * Flag indicates on the dialog-when-large theme. */ public static final int DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE; /** * Flag indicates on the fullscreen theme */ public static final int FULLSCREEN; /** * Invalid theme */ public static final int INVALID = 0; /** * Boolean flag indicates that activity was be created by theme manager */ public static final String KEY_CREATED_BY_THEME_MANAGER = ":holoeverywhere:createdbythememanager"; /** * Key for saving activity instance state. Only for system use */ public static final String KEY_INSTANCE_STATE = ":holoeverywhere:instancestate"; /** * Flag indicates on the light theme. If you want light theme with dark * action bar, use {@link #MIXED} flag */ public static final int LIGHT; /** * Flag indicates on the light theme with dark action bar */ public static final int MIXED; /** * Flag indicates on the theme without action bar */ public static final int NO_ACTION_BAR; /** * Flag indicates on the theme with wallpaper background */ public static final int WALLPAPER; private static final String _THEME_TAG = ":holoeverywhere:theme"; private static final String _PARENT_SCHEME_TAG = ":holoeverywhere:parent_color_scheme"; private static final SparseIntArray _THEMES_MAP = new SparseIntArray(); private static int _DEFAULT_THEME; private static List<ThemeGetter> sThemeGetters; private static int _THEME_MASK = 0; private static int _THEME_MODIFIER = 0; private static int NEXT_OFFSET = 0; private static List<ThemeSetter> sThemeSetters; static { DARK = makeNewFlag(); LIGHT = makeNewFlag(); MIXED = DARK | LIGHT; FULLSCREEN = makeNewFlag(); NO_ACTION_BAR = makeNewFlag(); WALLPAPER = makeNewFlag(); DIALOG = makeNewFlag(); DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE = makeNewFlag(); ALERT_DIALOG = makeNewFlag(); COLOR_SCHEME_MASK = DARK | LIGHT | MIXED; reset(); } private ThemeManager() { } /** * Apply theme from intent. Only system use, don't call it! */ public static void applyTheme(Activity activity) { ThemeManager.applyTheme(activity, false); } /** * Apply theme from intent. Only system use, don't call it! */ public static void applyTheme(Activity activity, boolean force) { if (force || ThemeManager.hasSpecifiedTheme(activity)) { activity.setTheme(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } } /** * Synonym for {@link #cloneTheme(Intent, Intent, boolean)} with third arg - * false * * @see #cloneTheme(Intent, Intent, boolean) */ public static void cloneTheme(Intent sourceIntent, Intent intent) { ThemeManager.cloneTheme(sourceIntent, intent, false); } /** * Clone theme from sourceIntent to intent, if it specified for sourceIntent * or set flag force * * @param sourceIntent Intent with specified {@link #_THEME_TAG} * @param intent Intent into which will be put a theme * @param force Clone theme even if sourceIntent not contain * {@link #_THEME_TAG} */ public static void cloneTheme(Intent sourceIntent, Intent intent, boolean force) { final boolean hasSourceTheme = hasSpecifiedTheme(sourceIntent); if (force || hasSourceTheme) { intent.putExtra(_THEME_TAG, hasSourceTheme ? getTheme(sourceIntent) : _DEFAULT_THEME); } } public static Context context(Context context, int theme) { return context(context, theme, true); } public static Context context(Context context, int theme, boolean applyModifier) { while (context instanceof ContextThemeWrapperPlus) { context = ((ContextThemeWrapperPlus) context).getBaseContext(); } return new ContextThemeWrapperPlus(context, getThemeResource(theme, applyModifier)); } /** * @return Default theme, which will be using if theme not specified for * intent * @see #setDefaultTheme(int) * @see #modifyDefaultTheme(int) * @see #modifyDefaultThemeClear(int) */ public static int getDefaultTheme() { return _DEFAULT_THEME; } /** * Set default theme. May be theme resource instead flags, but it not * recommend. * * @param theme Theme * @see #modifyDefaultTheme(int) * @see #modifyDefaultThemeClear(int) * @see #getDefaultTheme() */ public static void setDefaultTheme(int theme) { ThemeManager._DEFAULT_THEME = theme; if (theme < _START_RESOURCES_ID) { ThemeManager._DEFAULT_THEME &= ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; } } /** * @return Modifier, which applying on all themes. * @see #modify(int) * @see #setModifier(int) */ public static int getModifier() { return _THEME_MODIFIER; } /** * Set theme modifiers. See {@link #modify(int)} * * @param mod Modififers * @see #modify(int) */ public static void setModifier(int mod) { ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER = mod & ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; } /** * Extract theme flags from activity intent */ public static int getTheme(Activity activity) { return getTheme(activity.getIntent()); } /** * Extract theme flags from intent */ public static int getTheme(Intent intent) { return getTheme(intent, true); } /** * Extract theme flags from intent */ public static int getTheme(Intent intent, boolean applyModifier) { return prepareFlags(intent.getIntExtra(ThemeManager._THEME_TAG, ThemeManager._DEFAULT_THEME), applyModifier); } public static int getThemeMask() { return _THEME_MASK; } /** * Resolve theme resource id by flags from activity intent */ public static int getThemeResource(Activity activity) { return getThemeResource(getTheme(activity)); } /** * Resolve theme resource id by flags */ public static int getThemeResource(int themeTag) { return getThemeResource(themeTag, true); } /** * Resolve theme resource id by flags */ public static int getThemeResource(int themeTag, boolean applyModifier) { if (themeTag >= _START_RESOURCES_ID) { return themeTag; } themeTag = prepareFlags(themeTag, applyModifier); if (ThemeManager.sThemeGetters != null) { int getterResource; final ThemeTag tag = new ThemeTag(themeTag); for (int i = ThemeManager.sThemeGetters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { getterResource = ThemeManager.sThemeGetters.get(i).getThemeResource(tag); if (getterResource != 0) { return getterResource; } } } final int i = _THEMES_MAP.get(themeTag, -1); if (i == -1) { return _THEMES_MAP.get(_DEFAULT_THEME,; } else { return i; } } /** * Resolve theme resource id by flags from intent */ public static int getThemeResource(Intent intent) { return getThemeResource(getTheme(intent)); } public static int getThemeType(Context context) { TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{ R.attr.holoTheme }); final int holoTheme = a.getInt(0, 0); a.recycle(); switch (holoTheme) { case 1: return DARK; case 2: return LIGHT; case 3: return MIXED; case 4: return PreferenceManagerHelper.obtainThemeTag(); case 0: default: return INVALID; } } /** * @return true if activity has specified theme in intent */ public static boolean hasSpecifiedTheme(Activity activity) { return activity != null && ThemeManager.hasSpecifiedTheme(activity.getIntent()); } /** * @return true if intent has specified theme */ public static boolean hasSpecifiedTheme(Intent intent) { return intent != null && intent.hasExtra(ThemeManager._THEME_TAG) && intent.getIntExtra(ThemeManager._THEME_TAG, 0) > 0; } private static boolean is(int config, int key) { return (config & key) == key; } public static boolean isAlertDialog(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isAlertDialog(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isAlertDialog(int i) { return, ThemeManager.ALERT_DIALOG); } public static boolean isAlertDialog(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isAlertDialog(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isDark(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isDark(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isDark(int i) { return, ThemeManager.DARK); } public static boolean isDark(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isDark(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isDialog(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isDialog(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isDialog(int i) { return, ThemeManager.DIALOG); } public static boolean isDialog(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isDialog(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isDialogWhenLarge(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isDialog(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isDialogWhenLarge(int i) { return, ThemeManager.DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE); } public static boolean isDialogWhenLarge(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isDialog(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isFullScreen(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isFullScreen(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isFullScreen(int i) { return, ThemeManager.FULLSCREEN); } public static boolean isFullScreen(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isFullScreen(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isLight(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isLight(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isLight(int i) { return, ThemeManager.LIGHT); } public static boolean isLight(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isLight(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isMixed(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isMixed(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isMixed(int i) { return, ThemeManager.MIXED); } public static boolean isMixed(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isMixed(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isNoActionBar(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isNoActionBar(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isNoActionBar(int i) { return, ThemeManager.NO_ACTION_BAR); } public static boolean isNoActionBar(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isNoActionBar(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } public static boolean isWallpaper(Activity activity) { return ThemeManager.isWallpaper(ThemeManager.getTheme(activity)); } public static boolean isWallpaper(int i) { return, ThemeManager.WALLPAPER); } public static boolean isWallpaper(Intent intent) { return ThemeManager.isWallpaper(ThemeManager.getTheme(intent)); } /** * Generate flag for using it in ThemeManager. Not more than 24 flags can be * created. */ public synchronized static int makeNewFlag() { if (NEXT_OFFSET >= 24) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } final int flag = 1 << NEXT_OFFSET++; _THEME_MASK |= flag; return flag; } /** * Remap default theme. * * @see #map(int, int) */ public static void map(int theme) { map(_DEFAULT_THEME, theme); } /** * Remap themes. <br /> * <br /> * Example, you can remap {@link #LIGHT} theme on * {@link}:<br /> * <p/> * <pre> *{@link #LIGHT}, {@link}); * </pre> * <p/> * If theme value negative - remove pair flags-theme */ public static void map(int flags, int theme) { if (theme > 0) { _THEMES_MAP.put(flags & _THEME_MASK, theme); } else { final int i = _THEMES_MAP.indexOfKey(flags & _THEME_MASK); if (i > 0) { _THEMES_MAP.removeAt(i); } } } /** * Add modifier to all themes, using in {@link ThemeManager}. If you call * modify({@link #NO_ACTION_BAR}), then all themes will be without action * bar by default, regardless of the flag is passed. * * @see #modifyClear(int) * @see #modifyClear() * @see #setModifier(int) */ public static void modify(int mod) { ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER |= mod & ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; } /** * Clear all modifiers * * @see #modify(int) * @see #modifyClear(int) * @see #setModifier(int) */ public static void modifyClear() { ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER = 0; } /** * Clear modifier * * @see #modify(int) * @see #modifyClear() * @see #setModifier(int) */ public static void modifyClear(int mod) { mod &= ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER |= mod; ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER ^= mod; } /** * Like {@link #modify(int)}, but applying only on default theme. * * @see #modifyDefaultThemeClear(int) * @see #setDefaultTheme(int) * @see #getDefaultTheme() */ public static void modifyDefaultTheme(int mod) { ThemeManager._DEFAULT_THEME |= mod & ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; } /** * Clear modifier from default theme * * @see #modifyDefaultTheme(int) * @see #setDefaultTheme(int) * @see #getDefaultTheme() */ public static void modifyDefaultThemeClear(int mod) { mod &= ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; ThemeManager._DEFAULT_THEME |= mod; ThemeManager._DEFAULT_THEME ^= mod; } public static Intent withTheme(Intent intent, int theme) { intent.putExtra(_THEME_TAG, theme); return intent; } private static int prepareFlags(int i, boolean applyModifier) { if (i >= _START_RESOURCES_ID) { return i; } return (i | (applyModifier ? ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER : 0)) & ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; } public static void registerThemeSetter(ThemeSetter themeSetter) { if (themeSetter == null) { return; } if (sThemeSetters == null) { sThemeSetters = new ArrayList<ThemeManager.ThemeSetter>(); } if (sThemeSetters.add(themeSetter)) { themeSetter.setupThemes(); } } /** * Remove theme from the intent extras. */ public static void removeTheme(Activity activity) { activity.getIntent().removeExtra(_THEME_TAG); } /** * Reset all themes to default */ public static void reset() { if ((_DEFAULT_THEME & COLOR_SCHEME_MASK) == 0) { _DEFAULT_THEME = DARK; } _THEME_MODIFIER = 0; _THEMES_MAP.clear(); map(DARK, Holo_Theme); map(DARK | FULLSCREEN, Holo_Theme_Fullscreen); map(DARK | NO_ACTION_BAR, Holo_Theme_NoActionBar); map(DARK | NO_ACTION_BAR | FULLSCREEN, Holo_Theme_NoActionBar_Fullscreen); map(DARK | DIALOG, Holo_Theme_Dialog); map(DARK | DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE, Holo_Theme_DialogWhenLarge); map(DARK | DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE | NO_ACTION_BAR, Holo_Theme_DialogWhenLarge_NoActionBar); map(DARK | ALERT_DIALOG, Holo_Theme_Dialog_Alert); map(DARK | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Wallpaper); map(DARK | NO_ACTION_BAR | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_NoActionBar_Wallpaper); map(DARK | FULLSCREEN | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Fullscreen_Wallpaper); map(DARK | NO_ACTION_BAR | FULLSCREEN | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_NoActionBar_Fullscreen_Wallpaper); map(LIGHT, Holo_Theme_Light); map(LIGHT | FULLSCREEN, Holo_Theme_Light_Fullscreen); map(LIGHT | NO_ACTION_BAR, Holo_Theme_Light_NoActionBar); map(LIGHT | NO_ACTION_BAR | FULLSCREEN, Holo_Theme_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen); map(LIGHT | DIALOG, Holo_Theme_Dialog_Light); map(LIGHT | DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE, Holo_Theme_DialogWhenLarge_Light); map(LIGHT | DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE | NO_ACTION_BAR, Holo_Theme_DialogWhenLarge_Light_NoActionBar); map(LIGHT | ALERT_DIALOG, Holo_Theme_Dialog_Alert_Light); map(LIGHT | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_Wallpaper); map(LIGHT | NO_ACTION_BAR | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_NoActionBar_Wallpaper); map(LIGHT | FULLSCREEN | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_Fullscreen_Wallpaper); map(LIGHT | NO_ACTION_BAR | FULLSCREEN | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen_Wallpaper); map(MIXED, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar); map(MIXED | FULLSCREEN, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_Fullscreen); map(MIXED | NO_ACTION_BAR, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_NoActionBar); map(MIXED | NO_ACTION_BAR | FULLSCREEN, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_NoActionBar_Fullscreen); map(MIXED | DIALOG, Holo_Theme_Dialog_Light); map(MIXED | DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE, Holo_Theme_DialogWhenLarge_Light_DarkActionBar); map(MIXED | DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE | NO_ACTION_BAR, Holo_Theme_DialogWhenLarge_Light_DarkActionBar_NoActionBar); map(MIXED | ALERT_DIALOG, Holo_Theme_Dialog_Alert_Light); map(MIXED | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_Wallpaper); map(MIXED | NO_ACTION_BAR | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_NoActionBar_Wallpaper); map(MIXED | FULLSCREEN | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_Fullscreen_Wallpaper); map(MIXED | NO_ACTION_BAR | FULLSCREEN | WALLPAPER, Holo_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar_NoActionBar_Fullscreen_Wallpaper); if (sThemeSetters != null) { for (ThemeSetter setter : sThemeSetters) { setter.setupThemes(); } } } /** * Simply restart activity * * @param activity Activity */ public static void restart(Activity activity) { restart(activity, true); } public static void restart(Activity activity, boolean force) { restartWithTheme(activity, -1, force); } /** * Check activity on dark theme and restart it if theme incorrect. * * @see #restartWithTheme(Activity, int) */ public static void restartWithDarkTheme(Activity activity) { ThemeManager.restartWithTheme(activity, ThemeManager.DARK); } /** * Check activity on light theme and restart it if theme incorrect. * * @see #restartWithTheme(Activity, int) */ public static void restartWithLightTheme(Activity activity) { ThemeManager.restartWithTheme(activity, ThemeManager.LIGHT); } /** * Check activity on light with dark action bar theme and restart it if * theme incorrect. * * @see #restartWithTheme(Activity, int) */ public static void restartWithMixedTheme(Activity activity) { ThemeManager.restartWithTheme(activity, ThemeManager.MIXED); } /** * Check activity on theme and restart it if theme incorrect. * * @param activity Activity * @param theme Theme flags for check */ public static void restartWithTheme(Activity activity, int theme) { ThemeManager.restartWithTheme(activity, theme, false); } /** * Like {@link #restartWithTheme(Activity, int)}, but if third arg is true - * restart activity regardless theme. * * @param activity Activity * @param theme Theme flags for check * @param force Force restart activity */ @SuppressLint("InlinedApi") public static void restartWithTheme(Activity activity, int theme, boolean force) { if (theme < _START_RESOURCES_ID && theme > 0) { if (ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER > 0) { theme |= ThemeManager._THEME_MODIFIER; } theme &= ThemeManager._THEME_MASK; } if (force || ThemeManager.getTheme(activity) != theme) { Intent intent = new Intent(activity.getIntent()); intent.setClass(activity, activity.getClass()); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); if (theme > 0) { intent.putExtra(ThemeManager._THEME_TAG, theme); } intent.putExtra(KEY_INSTANCE_STATE, activity.saveInstanceState()); intent.putExtra(KEY_CREATED_BY_THEME_MANAGER, true); if (activity.isRestricted()) { Application app = Application.getLastInstance(); if (app != null && !app.isRestricted()) { intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); app.superStartActivity(intent, -1, null); } } else { if (!activity.isFinishing()) { activity.finish(); activity.overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } if (activity != null) { activity.superStartActivity(intent, -1, null); } } } } /** * Set {@link ThemeGetter} instance for getting theme resources. * * @param themeGetter ThemeGetter * @deprecated Use {@link #registerThemeGetter(ThemeManager.ThemeGetter)} instead */ public static void setThemeGetter(ThemeGetter themeGetter) { registerThemeGetter(themeGetter); } public static synchronized void registerThemeGetter(ThemeGetter themeGetter) { if (themeGetter == null) { return; } if (sThemeGetters == null) { sThemeGetters = new ArrayList<ThemeGetter>(); } sThemeGetters.add(themeGetter); } public static synchronized void unregisterThemeGetter(ThemeGetter themeGetter) { if (sThemeGetters == null || themeGetter == null) { return; } sThemeGetters.remove(themeGetter); if (sThemeGetters.size() == 0) { sThemeGetters = null; } } /** * Only for system use */ public static void startActivity(Context context, Intent intent) { ThemeManager.startActivity(context, intent, -1); } /** * Only for system use */ public static void startActivity(Context context, Intent intent, Bundle options) { ThemeManager.startActivity(context, intent, -1, options); } /** * Only for system use */ public static void startActivity(Context context, Intent intent, int requestCode) { ThemeManager.startActivity(context, intent, requestCode, null); } /** * Only for system use */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public static void startActivity(Context context, Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options) { final Activity activity = context instanceof Activity ? (Activity) context : null; if (activity != null && HoloEverywhere.ALWAYS_USE_PARENT_THEME) { ThemeManager.cloneTheme(activity.getIntent(), intent, true); } final int parentColorScheme = ThemeManager.getThemeType(activity); if (parentColorScheme != INVALID) { intent.putExtra(_PARENT_SCHEME_TAG, parentColorScheme); } if (context instanceof SuperStartActivity) { ((SuperStartActivity) context).superStartActivity(intent, requestCode, options); } else if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { context.startActivity(intent, options); } else { context.startActivity(intent); } } public static void unregisterThemeSetter(ThemeSetter themeSetter) { if (sThemeSetters == null || themeSetter == null) { return; } sThemeSetters.remove(themeSetter); if (sThemeSetters.size() == 0) { sThemeSetters = null; } } public static int getParentColorScheme(Intent intent) { return intent != null ? intent.getIntExtra(_PARENT_SCHEME_TAG, INVALID) : INVALID; } /** * System interface for calling super.startActivity in the activities. */ public static interface SuperStartActivity { public void superStartActivity(Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options); } /** * Theme getter. This class should return theme resource for set of flags. * If under the right ThemeTag no have theme, return zero. <br /> * <br /> * Example: * <p/> * <pre> * ThemeGetter getter = new ThemeGetter() { * public int getThemeResource(ThemeTag themeTag) { * if(themeTag.fullscreen) { // theme has {@link ThemeManager#FULLSCREEN} flag * return; * } * return 0; // default behavior * } * } * </pre> */ public static interface ThemeGetter { public int getThemeResource(ThemeTag themeTag); /** * Class-container for theme flags. */ public static final class ThemeTag { public final boolean dark, fullscreen, light, mixed, noActionBar, wallpaper, dialog, dialogWhenLarge, alertDialog; public final int flags; private ThemeTag(int flags) { this.flags = flags; dark = isDark(flags); light = isLight(flags); mixed = isMixed(flags); noActionBar = isNoActionBar(flags); fullscreen = isFullScreen(flags); wallpaper = isWallpaper(flags); dialog = isDialog(flags); dialogWhenLarge = isDialogWhenLarge(flags); alertDialog = isAlertDialog(flags); } } } public static interface ThemeSetter { public void setupThemes(); } }