package advancedsystemsmanager.flow.menus; import advancedsystemsmanager.api.ISystemType; import advancedsystemsmanager.api.gui.IContainerSelection; import; import advancedsystemsmanager.flow.FlowComponent; import advancedsystemsmanager.flow.elements.RadioButtonList; import advancedsystemsmanager.flow.elements.ScrollController; import advancedsystemsmanager.flow.elements.Variable; import advancedsystemsmanager.client.gui.GuiBase; import advancedsystemsmanager.client.gui.GuiManager; import advancedsystemsmanager.client.gui.IAdvancedTooltip; import advancedsystemsmanager.client.gui.TextColour; import advancedsystemsmanager.helpers.CollisionHelper; import advancedsystemsmanager.helpers.LocalizationHelper; import; import advancedsystemsmanager.reference.Names; import advancedsystemsmanager.registry.ThemeHandler; import advancedsystemsmanager.tileentities.manager.TileEntityManager; import advancedsystemsmanager.util.SystemCoord; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntitySign; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import java.util.*; public class MenuContainer extends Menu implements IPacketSync { public static final int BACK_SRC_X = 46; public static final int BACK_SRC_Y = 52; public static final int BACK_SIZE_W = 9; public static final int BACK_SIZE_H = 9; public static final int BACK_X = 108; public static final int BACK_Y = 57; public static final int INVENTORY_SIZE = 16; public static final int INVENTORY_SRC_X = 88; public static final int INVENTORY_SRC_Y = 127; public static final int RADIO_BUTTON_MULTI_X = 2; public static final int RADIO_BUTTON_MULTI_Y = 27; public static final int RADIO_BUTTON_SPACING = 15; public static final int MENU_WIDTH = 120; public static final int TEXT_MULTI_MARGIN_X = 5; public static final int TEXT_MULTI_Y = 10; public static final int TEXT_MULTI_ERROR_Y = 30; public static final int FILTER_BUTTON_X = 90; public static final int FILTER_BUTTON_Y = 0; public static final int CHECK_BOX_FILTER_INVERT_Y = 55; public static final int FILTER_RESET_BUTTON_X = 70; public static final int CHECK_BOX_FILTER_Y = 5; public static final int CHECK_BOX_FILTER_SPACING = 12; public static final ContainerFilter filter = new ContainerFilter(); //this one is static so all of the menus will share the selection public static final String NBT_SELECTION = "InventorySelection"; public static final String NBT_SELECTION_ID = "InventoryID"; public static final String NBT_SHARED = "SharedCommand"; //ugly way to make sure the filter controller isn't updating multiple times public static boolean hasUpdated; public Page currentPage; public List<Long> selectedInventories; public List<IContainerSelection> inventories; public RadioButtonList radioButtonsMulti; public ScrollController<IContainerSelection> scrollController; public ISystemType type; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public GuiManager cachedInterface; public List<Button> buttons; public List<Variable> filterVariables; public boolean clientUpdate; //ugly quick way to fix client/server issue public int packetId; public MenuContainer(FlowComponent parent, ISystemType type) { super(parent); this.type = type; parent.registerSyncable(this); selectedInventories = new ArrayList<Long>(); filterVariables = new ArrayList<Variable>(); radioButtonsMulti = new RadioButtonList(getParent()); initRadioButtons(); radioButtonsMulti.setSelectedOption(getDefaultRadioButton()); scrollController = new ScrollController<IContainerSelection>(getParent(), getDefaultSearch()) { public boolean locked; public int lockedX; public int lockedY; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public ToolTip cachedTooltip; public long cachedId; public IContainerSelection cachedContainer; public boolean keepCache; @Override public List<IContainerSelection> updateSearch(String search, boolean all) { if (search.equals("") || !clientUpdate || cachedInterface == null) { return new ArrayList<IContainerSelection>(); } if (inventories == null) { inventories = getInventories(getParent().getManager()); } if (search.equals(".var")) { List<Variable> variables = new ArrayList<Variable>(getParent().getManager().getVariables()); Collections.sort(variables); return new ArrayList<IContainerSelection>(variables); } boolean noFilter = search.equals(".nofilter"); boolean selected = search.equals(".selected"); List<IContainerSelection> ret = new ArrayList<IContainerSelection>(inventories); Iterator<IContainerSelection> iterator = ret.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IContainerSelection element =; if (selected && selectedInventories.contains(element.getId())) { continue; } else if (!element.isVariable()) { SystemCoord block = (SystemCoord)element; if (noFilter || ((all || block.containerAdvancedSearch(search) || block.getName(cachedInterface).toLowerCase().contains(search)) && filter.matches(getParent().getManager(), selectedInventories, block))) { continue; } } iterator.remove(); } return ret; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void onClick(IContainerSelection iContainerSelection, int mX, int mY, int button) { if (GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown() && mX != -1 && mY != -1) { if (cachedTooltip != null && cachedId == iContainerSelection.getId()) { if (!locked) { lockedX = mX; lockedY = mY; } locked = !locked; } } else { long id = iContainerSelection.getId(); int index = selectedInventories.indexOf(id); if (index >= 0) { selectedInventories.remove(index); removeInventory(index); } else { selectedInventories.add(id); addInventory(id); } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void draw(GuiManager gui, IContainerSelection iContainerSelection, int x, int y, boolean hover) { drawContainer(gui, iContainerSelection, selectedInventories, x, y, hover); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void drawMouseOver(GuiManager gui, int mX, int mY) { if (locked && GuiBase.isShiftKeyDown()) { drawMouseOver(gui, cachedContainer, lockedX, lockedY, mX, mY); cachedTooltip.drawMouseOverMouseOver(gui, lockedX + gui.getAdvancedToolTipContentStartX(cachedTooltip), lockedY + gui.getAdvancedToolTipContentStartY(cachedTooltip), mX, mY); } else { locked = false; keepCache = false; super.drawMouseOver(gui, mX, mY); if (!keepCache) { cachedTooltip = null; cachedContainer = null; } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void drawMouseOver(GuiManager gui, IContainerSelection iContainerSelection, int mX, int mY) { drawMouseOver(gui, iContainerSelection, mX, mY, mX, mY); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void drawMouseOver(GuiManager gui, IContainerSelection iContainerSelection, int x, int y, int mX, int mY) { boolean isBlock = !iContainerSelection.isVariable(); if (GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown() && isBlock) { if (cachedTooltip == null || cachedId != iContainerSelection.getId()) { cachedContainer = iContainerSelection; cachedTooltip = new ToolTip(gui, (SystemCoord)iContainerSelection); cachedId = iContainerSelection.getId(); } keepCache = true; gui.drawMouseOver(cachedTooltip, x, y, mX, mY); } else { List<String> lines = getMouseOverForContainer(iContainerSelection, selectedInventories); if (isBlock) { if (lines == null) { lines = new ArrayList<String>(); } lines.add(""); lines.add(TextColour.GRAY + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.TOOLTIP_EXTRA_INFO)); } gui.drawMouseOver(lines, mX, mY); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) class ToolTip implements IAdvancedTooltip { public ItemStack[] items; public List<String>[] itemTexts; List<String> prefix; List<String> suffix; List<String> lockedSuffix; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public ToolTip(GuiManager gui, SystemCoord block) { items = new ItemStack[ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS.length]; itemTexts = new List[ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS.length]; World world = block.getTileEntity().getWorldObj(); int x = block.getTileEntity().xCoord; int y = block.getTileEntity().yCoord; int z = block.getTileEntity().zCoord; for (ForgeDirection direction : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { int targetX = x + direction.offsetX; int targetY = y + direction.offsetY; int targetZ = z + direction.offsetZ; ItemStack item = gui.getItemStackFromBlock(world, targetX, targetY, targetZ); items[direction.ordinal()] = item; List<String> text = new ArrayList<String>(); if (item != null && item.getItem() != null) { text.add(gui.getItemName(item)); } String side = LocalizationHelper.getDirectionString(direction.ordinal()); text.add(TextColour.YELLOW + StatCollector.translateToLocal(side)); TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(targetX, targetY, targetZ); if (te instanceof TileEntitySign) { TileEntitySign sign = (TileEntitySign)te; for (String txt : sign.signText) { if (!txt.isEmpty()) { text.add(TextColour.GRAY + txt); } } } itemTexts[direction.ordinal()] = text; } prefix = getMouseOverForContainer(block, selectedInventories); prefix.add(""); prefix.add(TextColour.LIGHT_BLUE + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.TOOLTIP_ADJACENT)); suffix = new ArrayList<String>(); suffix.add(TextColour.GRAY + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.TOOLTIP_LOCK)); lockedSuffix = gui.getLinesFromText(StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.TOOLTIP_UNLOCK), getMinWidth(gui)); for (int i = 0; i < lockedSuffix.size(); i++) { lockedSuffix.set(i, TextColour.GRAY + lockedSuffix.get(i)); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public int getMinWidth(GuiBase gui) { return 110; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public int getExtraHeight(GuiBase gui) { return 70; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void drawContent(GuiBase gui, int x, int y, int mX, int mY) { drawBlock(gui, x + 25, y + 5, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.NORTH); drawBlock(gui, x + 5, y + 25, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.WEST); drawBlock(gui, x + 25, y + 45, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.SOUTH); drawBlock(gui, x + 45, y + 25, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.EAST); drawBlock(gui, x + 80, y + 15, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.UP); drawBlock(gui, x + 80, y + 35, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.DOWN); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void drawBlock(GuiBase gui, int x, int y, int mX, int mY, ForgeDirection direction) { GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); GuiBase.bindTexture(gui.getComponentResource()); gui.drawColouredTexture(x, y, INVENTORY_SRC_X, INVENTORY_SRC_Y, INVENTORY_SIZE, INVENTORY_SIZE, ThemeHandler.theme.menus.checkboxes.getColour(false, CollisionHelper.inBounds(x, y, INVENTORY_SIZE, INVENTORY_SIZE, mX, mY))); ItemStack item = items[direction.ordinal()]; if (item != null && item.getItem() != null) gui.drawItemStack(item, x, y); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public List<String> getPrefix(GuiBase gui) { return prefix; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public List<String> getSuffix(GuiBase gui) { return locked ? lockedSuffix : suffix; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void drawMouseOverMouseOver(GuiBase gui, int x, int y, int mX, int mY) { boolean ignored = drawBlockMouseOver(gui, x + 25, y + 5, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.NORTH) || drawBlockMouseOver(gui, x + 5, y + 25, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.WEST) || drawBlockMouseOver(gui, x + 25, y + 45, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.SOUTH) || drawBlockMouseOver(gui, x + 45, y + 25, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.EAST) || drawBlockMouseOver(gui, x + 80, y + 15, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.UP) || drawBlockMouseOver(gui, x + 80, y + 35, mX, mY, ForgeDirection.DOWN); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean drawBlockMouseOver(GuiBase gui, int x, int y, int mX, int mY, ForgeDirection direction) { if (CollisionHelper.inBounds(x-2, y+24, 16, 16, mX, mY)) // TODO find a reason for these offsets { List<String> itemText = itemTexts[direction.ordinal()]; if (itemText != null) { gui.drawMouseOver(itemText, mX, mY); } return true; } else { return false; } } } }; buttons = new ArrayList<Button>(); buttons.add(new PageButton(Names.FILTER_SHORT, Page.MAIN, Page.FILTER, false, 102, 21)); buttons.add(new PageButton(Names.MULTI_SHORT, Page.MAIN, Page.MULTI, false, 111, 21)); MenuContainer.Page[] subFilterPages = {MenuContainer.Page.POSITION, MenuContainer.Page.DISTANCE, MenuContainer.Page.SELECTION, MenuContainer.Page.VARIABLE}; for (int i = 0; i < subFilterPages.length; i++) { buttons.add(new MenuContainer.PageButton(Names.SUB_MENU_SHORT, MenuContainer.Page.FILTER, subFilterPages[i], true, FILTER_BUTTON_X, CHECK_BOX_FILTER_Y + CHECK_BOX_FILTER_SPACING * i + FILTER_BUTTON_Y)); } buttons.add(new MenuContainer.Button(Names.CLEAR_SHORT, MenuContainer.Page.FILTER, true, FILTER_RESET_BUTTON_X, CHECK_BOX_FILTER_INVERT_Y) { @Override void onClick() { filter.clear(); } }); buttons.add(new Button(Names.SELECT_ALL_SHORT, Page.MAIN, false, 102, 51) { @Override void onClick() { for (IContainerSelection iContainerSelection : scrollController.getResult()) { if (!selectedInventories.contains(iContainerSelection.getId())) { scrollController.onClick(iContainerSelection, -1, -1, 0); } } } }); buttons.add(new Button(Names.SELECT_NONE_SHORT, Page.MAIN, false, 111, 51) { @Override void onClick() { for (IContainerSelection iContainerSelection : scrollController.getResult()) { if (selectedInventories.contains(iContainerSelection.getId())) { scrollController.onClick(iContainerSelection, -1, -1, 0); } } } }); buttons.add(new Button(Names.SELECT_INVERT_SHORT, Page.MAIN, false, 102, 60) { @Override void onClick() { for (IContainerSelection iContainerSelection : scrollController.getResult()) { scrollController.onClick(iContainerSelection, -1, -1, 0); } } }); buttons.add(new Button(Names.SELECT_VARIABLE_SHORT, Page.MAIN, false, 111, 60) { @Override void onClick() { if (scrollController.getText().equals(".var")) { scrollController.setTextAndCursor(".all"); } else { scrollController.setTextAndCursor(".var"); } scrollController.updateSearch(); } }); currentPage = Page.MAIN; } public void initRadioButtons() { type.initRadioButtons(radioButtonsMulti); } public int getDefaultRadioButton() { return type.getDefaultRadioButton(); } public String getDefaultSearch() { return ".all"; } public List<IContainerSelection> getInventories(TileEntityManager manager) { Set<ISystemType> validTypes = getValidTypes(); List<SystemCoord> tempInventories = manager.getConnectedInventories(); List<IContainerSelection> ret = new ArrayList<IContainerSelection>(); filterVariables.clear(); for (Variable variable : manager.getVariables()) { if (isVariableAllowed(validTypes, variable)) { ret.add(variable); filterVariables.add(variable); } } for (SystemCoord tempInventory : tempInventories) { if (tempInventory.isOfAnyType(validTypes)) { ret.add(tempInventory); } } if (getParent().isInventoryListDirty()) { getParent().setInventoryListDirty(false); scrollController.updateSearch(); } filter.scrollControllerVariable.updateSearch(); return ret; } private void removeInventory(int index) { ASMPacket packet = getBasePacket(true); packet.writeShort(index); packet.sendServerPacket(); } private void addInventory(long inventory) { ASMPacket packet = getBasePacket(false); packet.writeLong(inventory); packet.sendServerPacket(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void drawContainer(GuiManager gui, IContainerSelection iContainerSelection, List<Long> selected, int x, int y, boolean hover) { gui.drawColouredTexture(x, y, INVENTORY_SRC_X, INVENTORY_SRC_Y, INVENTORY_SIZE, INVENTORY_SIZE, ThemeHandler.theme.menus.checkboxes.getColour(selected.contains(iContainerSelection.getId()), hover)); iContainerSelection.draw(gui, x, y); } public List<String> getMouseOverForContainer(IContainerSelection iContainerSelection, List<Long> selected) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); if (cachedInterface != null) { String[] desc = iContainerSelection.getDescription(cachedInterface).split("\n"); Collections.addAll(ret, desc); if (selected.contains(iContainerSelection.getId())) { ret.add(TextColour.GREEN + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.SELECTED)); } } return ret; } public Set<ISystemType> getValidTypes() { return new HashSet<ISystemType>(Collections.singletonList(type)); } public boolean isVariableAllowed(Set<ISystemType> validTypes, Variable variable) { if (variable.isValid()) { Set<ISystemType> variableValidTypes = ((MenuContainerTypes)variable.getDeclaration().getMenus().get(1)).getValidTypes(); for (ISystemType type : validTypes) { if (SystemCoord.isOfType(variableValidTypes, type)) { return true; } } } return false; } private ASMPacket getBasePacket(boolean remove) { ASMPacket packet = parent.getSyncPacket(); packet.writeByte(packetId); packet.writeBooleanArray(remove); return packet; } public void writeData(ASMPacket dw, long id, boolean select) { dw.writeBoolean(false); dw.writeLong(id); dw.writeBoolean(select); } public Page getCurrentPage() { return currentPage; } public List<Variable> getFilterVariables() { return filterVariables; } @Override public String getName() { return type.getName() + "Menu"; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void draw(GuiManager gui, int mX, int mY) { clientUpdate = true; cachedInterface = gui; filter.currentMenu = this; if (currentPage == Page.MAIN) { inventories = getInventories(gui.getManager()); scrollController.draw(gui, mX, mY); } else if (currentPage == Page.MULTI) { gui.drawCenteredString(selectedInventories.size() + " " + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.SELECTED_CONTAINERS), TEXT_MULTI_MARGIN_X, TEXT_MULTI_Y, 0.9F, MENU_WIDTH - TEXT_MULTI_MARGIN_X * 2, 0x404040); String error = null; if (radioButtonsMulti.size() == 0) { error = Names.NO_MULTI_SETTING; } else if (!hasMultipleInventories()) { error = Names.SINGLE_SELECTED; } if (error != null) { gui.drawSplitString(error, TEXT_MULTI_MARGIN_X, TEXT_MULTI_ERROR_Y, MENU_WIDTH - TEXT_MULTI_MARGIN_X * 2, 0.7F, 0x404040); } if (hasMultipleInventories()) { radioButtonsMulti.draw(gui, mX, mY); } } else if (currentPage == Page.POSITION) { gui.drawString(Names.RELATIVE_COORDINATES, 5, 60, 0.5F, 0x404040); } else if (currentPage == Page.SELECTION) { filter.radioButtonsSelection.draw(gui, mX, mY); } else if (currentPage == Page.VARIABLE) { filter.radioButtonVariable.draw(gui, mX, mY); if (filter.isVariableListVisible()) { inventories = getInventories(gui.getManager()); filter.scrollControllerVariable.draw(gui, mX, mY); } } filter.textBoxes.draw(gui, mX, mY); for (Button button : buttons) { button.draw(gui, mX, mY); } filter.checkBoxes.draw(gui, mX, mY); if (currentPage.parent != null) { int srcBackX = inBackBounds(mX, mY) ? 1 : 0; gui.drawTexture(BACK_X, BACK_Y, BACK_SRC_X + srcBackX * BACK_SIZE_W, BACK_SRC_Y, BACK_SIZE_W, BACK_SIZE_H); } hasUpdated = false; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void drawMouseOver(GuiManager gui, int mX, int mY) { filter.currentMenu = this; if (currentPage == Page.MAIN) { scrollController.drawMouseOver(gui, mX, mY); } else if (currentPage == Page.VARIABLE && filter.isVariableListVisible()) { filter.scrollControllerVariable.drawMouseOver(gui, mX, mY); } else if (currentPage == Page.POSITION) { if (CollisionHelper.inBounds(5, 60, MENU_WIDTH - 20, 5, mX, mY)) { String str = StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.ABSOLUTE_RANGES) + ":"; str += "\n" + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.X) + " (" + (filter.lowerRange[0].getNumber() + getParent().getManager().xCoord) + ", " + (filter.higherRange[0].getNumber() + getParent().getManager().xCoord) + ")"; str += "\n" + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.Y) + " (" + (filter.lowerRange[1].getNumber() + getParent().getManager().yCoord) + ", " + (filter.higherRange[1].getNumber() + getParent().getManager().yCoord) + ")"; str += "\n" + StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.Z) + " (" + (filter.lowerRange[2].getNumber() + getParent().getManager().zCoord) + ", " + (filter.higherRange[2].getNumber() + getParent().getManager().zCoord) + ")"; gui.drawMouseOver(str, mX, mY); } } for (Button button : buttons) { button.drawMouseOver(gui, mX, mY); } if (currentPage.parent != null && inBackBounds(mX, mY)) { gui.drawMouseOver(StatCollector.translateToLocal(Names.GO_BACK), mX, mY); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void onClick(int mX, int mY, int b) { filter.currentMenu = this; if (currentPage == Page.MAIN) { scrollController.onClick(mX, mY, b); } else if (currentPage == Page.MULTI) { if (hasMultipleInventories()) { radioButtonsMulti.onClick(mX, mY, b); } } else if (currentPage == Page.SELECTION) { filter.radioButtonsSelection.onClick(mX, mY, b); } else if (currentPage == Page.VARIABLE) { filter.radioButtonVariable.onClick(mX, mY, b); if (filter.isVariableListVisible()) { filter.scrollControllerVariable.onClick(mX, mY, b); } } for (Button button : buttons) { if (button.inBounds(mX, mY)) { button.onClick(); break; } } filter.checkBoxes.onClick(mX, mY); filter.textBoxes.onClick(mX, mY, b); if (currentPage.parent != null && inBackBounds(mX, mY)) { currentPage = currentPage.parent; } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void onRelease(int mX, int mY, int button, boolean isMenuOpen) { filter.currentMenu = this; scrollController.onRelease(mX, mY); //no need to check we're on the correct menu, this makes sure the holding always stops filter.scrollControllerVariable.onRelease(mX, mY); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public boolean onKeyStroke(GuiManager gui, char c, int k) { filter.currentMenu = this; return currentPage == Page.MAIN ? scrollController.onKeyStroke(gui, c, k) : filter.textBoxes.onKeyStroke(gui, c, k); } @Override public void copyFrom(Menu menu) { setOption(((MenuContainer)menu).getOption()); selectedInventories.clear(); for (long selectedInventory : ((MenuContainer)menu).selectedInventories) { selectedInventories.add(selectedInventory); } } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound, boolean pickup) { selectedInventories.clear(); if (!pickup) { NBTTagList tagList = nbtTagCompound.getTagList(NBT_SELECTION, 10); for (int i = 0; i < tagList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound selectionTag = tagList.getCompoundTagAt(i); long id = selectionTag.getLong(NBT_SELECTION_ID); selectedInventories.add(id); } } setOption(nbtTagCompound.getByte(NBT_SHARED)); } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound, boolean pickup) { NBTTagList tagList = new NBTTagList(); if (!pickup) { for (long selectedInventory : selectedInventories) { NBTTagCompound selectionTag = new NBTTagCompound(); selectionTag.setLong(NBT_SELECTION_ID, selectedInventory); tagList.appendTag(selectionTag); } } nbtTagCompound.setTag(NBT_SELECTION, tagList); nbtTagCompound.setByte(NBT_SHARED, (byte)getOption()); } @Override public void addErrors(List<String> errors) { type.addErrors(errors, this); } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return type.isVisible(getParent()); } @Override public void update(float partial) { scrollController.update(partial); if (!hasUpdated) { filter.scrollControllerVariable.update(partial); hasUpdated = true; } } @Override public void doScroll(int scroll) { if (currentPage == Page.MAIN) { scrollController.doScroll(scroll); } else if (currentPage == Page.VARIABLE) { filter.scrollControllerVariable.doScroll(scroll); } } public int getOption() { return radioButtonsMulti.getSelectedOption(); } public void setOption(int val) { radioButtonsMulti.setSelectedOption(val); } public boolean hasMultipleInventories() { return selectedInventories.size() > 1 || (selectedInventories.size() == 0 && (selectedInventories.get(0) & Variable.NEGATIVE) != 0); } public boolean inBackBounds(int mX, int mY) { return CollisionHelper.inBounds(BACK_X, BACK_Y, BACK_SIZE_W, BACK_SIZE_H, mX, mY); } public List<Long> getSelectedInventories() { return selectedInventories; } public void setSelectedInventories(List<Long> selectedInventories) { this.selectedInventories = selectedInventories; } @Override public void setId(int id) { packetId = id; } @Override public boolean readData(ASMPacket packet) { if (packet.readBoolean()) { selectedInventories.remove(packet.readShort()); } else { selectedInventories.add(packet.readLong()); } return false; } public enum Page { MAIN(null), MULTI(MAIN), FILTER(MAIN), POSITION(FILTER), DISTANCE(FILTER), SELECTION(FILTER), VARIABLE(FILTER); public Page parent; Page(Page parent) { this.parent = parent; } } public abstract class Button { public final int width; public final int height; public final int srcX; public final int srcY; int x, y; String label; String description; Page page; public Button(String label, Page page, boolean wide, int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; = page; this.label = label; this.description = label + "Long"; if (wide) { width = 20; srcX = 58; } else { width = 8; srcX = 50; } height = 8; srcY = 189; } abstract void onClick(); @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) void draw(GuiManager gui, int mX, int mY) { if (isVisible()) { gui.drawTexture(x, y, srcX, srcY + (inBounds(mX, mY) ? height : 0), width, height); gui.drawCenteredString(label, x + 1, y + 2, 0.7F, width - 2, 0x404040); } } boolean isVisible() { return currentPage == page; } boolean inBounds(int mX, int mY) { return isVisible() && CollisionHelper.inBounds(x, y, width, height, mX, mY); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) void drawMouseOver(GuiManager gui, int mX, int mY) { if (inBounds(mX, mY)) { gui.drawMouseOver(description, mX, mY); } } } public class PageButton extends Button { public Page targetPage; public PageButton(String label, Page page, Page targetPage, boolean wide, int x, int y) { super(label, page, wide, x, y); this.targetPage = targetPage; } @Override void onClick() { currentPage = targetPage; } } }