package advancedsystemsmanager.client.gui; import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; public class GuiVerticalScrollBar extends Gui { Minecraft mc; IVerticalScrollContainer container; int mouseX; int mouseY; // Width, height of the scrollbar slider. int width = 12; int height = 15; // Current X, Y position of the scrollbar slider. int xpos; int ypos; int startingYPos; // Max Y Displacement of the scrollbar slider. int maxDisplacement; float scaleFactor; float scrollValue = 0.0F; boolean isDragging = false; int activeU = 232; int activeV = 0; int unactiveU = 244; int unactiveV = 0; public GuiVerticalScrollBar(IVerticalScrollContainer container, int x, int y, int maxDisplacement) { this.container = container; this.xpos = x; this.ypos = y; this.startingYPos = y; this.maxDisplacement = maxDisplacement - height; this.scaleFactor = 1.0F / this.maxDisplacement; = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient(); } public void handleMouseInput() { int screenWidth = container.getScreenWidth(); int screenHeight = container.getScreenHeight(); int parentWidth = container.getGuiWidth(); int parentHeight = container.getGuiHeight(); int i = Mouse.getEventX() * screenWidth /; int j = screenHeight - Mouse.getEventY() * screenHeight / - 1; mouseX = i - (screenWidth - parentWidth) / 2; mouseY = j - (screenHeight - parentHeight) / 2; int eventButton = Mouse.getEventButton(); if (Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { onMouseClick(); } else if (eventButton == -1) { onMouseMoved(Mouse.getDX(), Mouse.getDY()); } else if (eventButton == 1 || eventButton == 0) { onMouseRelease(); } int wheelValue = Mouse.getEventDWheel(); if (wheelValue != 0) { if (wheelValue > 0) { onMouseScroll(wheelValue, true); } else if (wheelValue < 0) { onMouseScroll(wheelValue, false); } } } private void onMouseClick() { if (container.isScrollBarActive()) { // Clicking on the slider starts dragging it. if (pointIntersects(mouseX, mouseY)) { isDragging = true; } else if (pointInScrollBar(mouseX, mouseY)) { // Move the slider one slider-height up or down. int scrollAmount = height; if (mouseY < ypos) { // Up. setYPos(ypos - scrollAmount); } else if (mouseY > ypos + height) { // Down. setYPos(ypos + scrollAmount); } } } } private void onMouseMoved(int dx, int dy) { if (container.isScrollBarActive() && isDragging) { setYPos(mouseY); } } private void onMouseRelease() { isDragging = false; } private void onMouseScroll(int value, boolean up) { if (!container.isScrollBarActive()) { return; } if (up) { setYPos(ypos - container.getScrollAmount()); } else { setYPos(ypos + container.getScrollAmount()); } } public boolean pointIntersects(int x, int y) { return x >= xpos && x <= xpos + width && y >= ypos && y <= ypos + height; } /** * Returns true iff the given GUI-relative point is within the scrollbar. * * @param x X coordinate relative to the parent container. * @param y Y coordinate relative to the parent container. * @return True iff the coordinates are within this scrollbar. */ public boolean pointInScrollBar(int x, int y) { return x >= xpos && x <= xpos + width && y >= startingYPos && y <= startingYPos + maxDisplacement + height; } public void setYPos(int y) { this.ypos = y; if (ypos < startingYPos) { ypos = startingYPos; } if (ypos > startingYPos + maxDisplacement) { ypos = startingYPos + maxDisplacement; } scrollValue = (ypos - startingYPos) * scaleFactor; } public float getScrollValue() { return this.scrollValue; } public void draw() { drawRect(this.xpos - 1, this.startingYPos - 1, this.xpos + width + 1, this.startingYPos + this.maxDisplacement + this.height + 1, 0xFF787878); drawRect(this.xpos, this.startingYPos, this.xpos + width, this.startingYPos + this.maxDisplacement + this.height, 0xFF9c9c9c); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);; if (this.container.isScrollBarActive()) { drawTexturedModalRect(xpos, ypos, activeU, activeV, width, height); } else { GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.3F); drawTexturedModalRect(xpos, ypos, unactiveU, unactiveV, width, height); } } }