package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; public class DocSliceResult extends ArrayList<ScoredSolrDoc> implements SearchResult { private int matches = 0; /** * construct an empty SearchResult object */ public DocSliceResult() { } /** * Construct a SearchResult object from a DocSlice object * @param docSlice the DocSlice object */ public DocSliceResult(DocSlice docSlice) { this(docSlice, null, null); } /** * Construct a SearchResult object from a DocSlice object * @param docSlice the DocSlice object * @param searcher Solr index searcher * @param fieldSet the desired field names and whether they multi-valued */ public DocSliceResult(DocSlice docSlice, SolrIndexSearcher searcher, Set<String> fieldSet) { if (docSlice == null) throw new NullPointerException("The DocSlice object for constructing search result must not be null"); if (fieldSet != null && searcher == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Searcher must not be null to retieve field values"); } // get the matches this.setMatches(docSlice.matches()); // retrieve all the documents DocIterator iterator = docSlice.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int docId = iterator.nextDoc(); float score = 1.0f; if (docSlice.hasScores()) score = iterator.score(); ScoredSolrDoc doc = new ScoredSolrDoc(docId, score); // retrieve requested field values if (fieldSet != null) { Map<String, String> valueMap = SolrUtil.retrieveFieldValues(searcher, docId, fieldSet); doc.setFieldValueMap(valueMap); } this.add(doc); } } public void addDoc(Object doc) { if (doc == null) return; super.add((ScoredSolrDoc)doc); matches++; } /** * Sort the doc list by score from high to low, and only return the specified number of docs * @param maxCount max number of docs to return */ public void sortByScore(int maxCount) { if (this.size() < 2) return; // creating the comparator that compares doc scores from high to low Comparator<ScoredSolrDoc> comparator = new Comparator<ScoredSolrDoc>() { public int compare(ScoredSolrDoc doc1, ScoredSolrDoc doc2) { return (int)Math.signum(doc2.getScore() - doc1.getScore()); } }; if (maxCount <= 0 || maxCount >= this.size()) { // full sorting Collections.sort(this, comparator); } else { // use priority queue for partial sorting PriorityQueue<ScoredSolrDoc> docQueue = new PriorityQueue<ScoredSolrDoc>(maxCount, comparator); for (ScoredSolrDoc doc : this) { docQueue.add(doc); } // replace the original list with the items in the queue this.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) { this.add(docQueue.poll()); } } } /** * Convert to a DocSlice object */ public DocSlice toSolrSearchResult() { int length = size(); int[] idList = new int[length]; float[] scoreList = new float[length]; float maxScore = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ScoredSolrDoc solrDoc = get(i); idList[i] = solrDoc.getDocId(); scoreList[i] = solrDoc.getScore(); if (scoreList[i] > maxScore) maxScore = scoreList[i]; } return new DocSlice(0, length, idList, scoreList, matches, maxScore); } public SearchResult merge(SearchResult result1, SearchResult result2, int maxCount) { if (maxCount <= 0) maxCount = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; if (result1 == null) return result2; else if (result2 == null || ((DocSliceResult)result1).size() >= maxCount) return result1; DocSliceResult mergedResult = new DocSliceResult(); // append the first result to the merged result mergedResult.addAll((DocSliceResult)result1); // append the second result to the merged result, excluding any duplicates HashSet<Object> docIdHashSet = result1.getDocIdHashSet(); int duplicates = 0; for (int i = 0; (i < ((DocSliceResult)result2).size() && mergedResult.size() <= maxCount); i++) { ScoredSolrDoc doc = ((DocSliceResult)result2).get(i); if (docIdHashSet.contains(doc.getDocId())) { duplicates++; } else { mergedResult.add(doc); docIdHashSet.add(doc.getDocId()); } } // exclude the duplicates from the total matches int totalMatches = result1.getMatches() + result2.getMatches() - duplicates; mergedResult.setMatches(totalMatches); return mergedResult; } public void mergeWith(SearchResult anotherResult, int maxCount) { if (anotherResult == null || ((DocSliceResult)anotherResult).size() == 0) return; if (maxCount <= 0) maxCount = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; int totalMatches = this.getMatches() + anotherResult.getMatches(); if (maxCount <= this.size()) { // we need to cut the current result, and we don't need the second result. this.removeRange(maxCount, this.size()); } else { // append needed docs HashSet<Object> docIdHashSet = this.getDocIdHashSet(); int duplicates = 0; for (int i = 0; (i < ((DocSliceResult)anotherResult).size() && this.size() <= maxCount); i++) { ScoredSolrDoc doc = ((DocSliceResult)anotherResult).get(i); if (docIdHashSet.contains(doc.getDocId())) { duplicates++; } else { this.add(doc); docIdHashSet.add(doc.getDocId()); } } // remove the duplicates from the total matches totalMatches -= duplicates; } setMatches(totalMatches); } public void scaleScores(float scaleFactor) { if (scaleFactor < 0) return; for (ScoredSolrDoc doc : this) { doc.setScore(doc.getScore() * scaleFactor); } } public void discardLowScoreResults(float threshold) { // cut from the end, so that the earlier index does not change after the cut // please note that the scores don't necessarily in any order int origSize = this.size(); for (int i = origSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.get(i).getScore() < threshold) { this.remove(i); } } // if any of the search result on the first page is removed, then the rest on later pages // should be removed too. We should update the matches to what are left on the first page if (this.size() < origSize) setMatches(this.size()); } public int getMatches() { return matches; } public void setMatches(int matches) { this.matches = matches; } public Float getMaxScore() { float maxScore = 0f; for (ScoredSolrDoc doc : this) { float tempScore = doc.getScore(); if (tempScore > maxScore) maxScore = tempScore; } return maxScore; } public HashSet<Object> getDocIdHashSet() { HashSet<Object> idSet = new HashSet<Object>(); for (ScoredSolrDoc doc : this) { idSet.add(doc.getDocId()); } return idSet; } public void removeRange (int fromIndex, int toIndex) { super.removeRange(fromIndex, toIndex); } }