package org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.refactoring; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange; import org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.descriptor.DeploymentDescriptorPackage; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.descriptor.IDeploymentDescriptor; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.descriptor.IDescriptorContainer; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.descriptor.IModelContainer; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.descriptor.IModelObject; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.internal.descriptor.Feature; import org.zend.php.zendserver.deployment.core.sdk.EclipseMappingModelLoader; import org.zend.sdklib.internal.mapping.Mapping; import org.zend.sdklib.mapping.IMapping; import org.zend.sdklib.mapping.IMappingEntry; import org.zend.sdklib.mapping.IMappingLoader; import org.zend.sdklib.mapping.IMappingModel; public class DeploymentRefactoring { private String name; public DeploymentRefactoring(String name) { = name; } public Change createDescriptorPHPTextChange(IFile fileToChange, IFile newFile, IDescriptorContainer container) { int origLength = container.getModelSerializer().getDocumentLength(); IDocument resultDocument = new Document(); container.connect(resultDocument);; PHPTextFileChange change = new PHPTextFileChange(name, fileToChange,newFile); change.setEdit(new ReplaceEdit(0, origLength, resultDocument.get())); return change; } public TextFileChange createDescriptorTextChange(IFile fileToChange, IDescriptorContainer container) { int origLength = container.getModelSerializer().getDocumentLength(); IDocument resultDocument = new Document(); container.connect(resultDocument);; TextFileChange change = new TextFileChange(name, fileToChange); change.setEdit(new ReplaceEdit(0, origLength, resultDocument.get())); return change; } public TextFileChange createMappingTextChange(IDescriptorContainer container) { IMappingModel mappingModel = container.getMappingModel(); IMappingLoader loader = mappingModel.getLoader(); EclipseMappingModelLoader eclipseLoader = (EclipseMappingModelLoader) loader; File f = mappingModel.getMappingFile(); int origLength = getFileLength(f); IDocument resultDocument = new Document(); eclipseLoader.setDocument(resultDocument); try {; } catch (IOException e) { // no IOException, because we're writing to in-memory Document } TextFileChange change = new TextFileChange(name, container.getMappingFile()); change.setEdit(new ReplaceEdit(0, origLength, resultDocument.get())); return change; } private int getFileLength(File f) { char[] buf = new char[4096]; int i, len = 0; FileReader fr = null; try { fr = new FileReader(f); while ((i = != -1) { len += i; } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (fr != null) { try { fr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return len; } public boolean updatePathInDescriptor(String oldFullPath, String newFullPath, IDeploymentDescriptor descriptor) { boolean updated = false; updated |= updateIfEquals(descriptor, DeploymentDescriptorPackage.EULA, oldFullPath, newFullPath); updated |= updateIfEquals(descriptor, DeploymentDescriptorPackage.ICON, oldFullPath, newFullPath); updated |= updateChildrenIfEquals(descriptor, DeploymentDescriptorPackage.PERSISTENT_RESOURCES, oldFullPath, newFullPath); String appDir = descriptor.getApplicationDir(); updated |= updateIfEquals(descriptor, DeploymentDescriptorPackage.DOCROOT, appDir+'/'+oldFullPath, appDir+'/'+newFullPath); return updated; } public boolean updateChildrenIfEquals(IModelContainer object, Feature f, String oldValue, String newValue) { if (f.type != String.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } List<Object> paths = object.getChildren(f); int idx = 0; boolean hasChanges = false; for (Object o : paths) { if (oldValue.equals((String) o)) { paths.set(idx, newValue); hasChanges = true; } idx++; } return hasChanges; } public boolean updateIfEquals(IModelObject object, Feature f, String oldValue, String newValue) { String path = object.get(f); if (oldValue.equals(path)) { object.set(f, newValue); return true; } return false; } public boolean updatePathInMapping(String oldFullPath, String newFullPath, IMappingModel mappingModel) { boolean exactMatchFound = false; boolean parentMatchFound = false; IPath oldFull = new Path(oldFullPath); IPath newFull = new Path(newFullPath); List<IMappingEntry> entries = mappingModel.getEnties(); for (IMappingEntry entry : entries) { boolean oldPathHasMapping = false; boolean newPathHasMapping = false; List<IMapping> mappings = entry.getMappings(); for (IMapping mapping : mappings) { String currentPath = mapping.getPath(); if (oldFullPath.equals(currentPath)) { // old location is directly in maping, change it to new one mapping.setPath(newFullPath); exactMatchFound = true; } else { IPath current = new Path(currentPath); if (current.isPrefixOf(oldFull)) { oldPathHasMapping = true; } if (current.isPrefixOf(newFull)) { newPathHasMapping = true; } } } // old location was in mapping, but new one is not, hence add new one if (oldPathHasMapping && !newPathHasMapping) { mappings.add(new Mapping(newFullPath, false)); parentMatchFound = true; } } return exactMatchFound || parentMatchFound; } public boolean removePathFromMapping(String oldFullPath, IMappingModel mappingModel) { boolean exactMatchFound = false; List<IMappingEntry> entries = mappingModel.getEnties(); for (IMappingEntry entry : entries) { IMapping toRemove = null; List<IMapping> mappings = entry.getMappings(); for (IMapping mapping : mappings) { String currentPath = mapping.getPath(); if (oldFullPath.equals(currentPath)) { exactMatchFound = true; toRemove = mapping; } } if (toRemove != null) { mappings.remove(toRemove); } } return exactMatchFound; } public boolean updateProjectName(String oldProjectName, String newProjectName, IDeploymentDescriptor descriptor) { if (oldProjectName.equals(descriptor.getName())) { descriptor.setName(newProjectName); } return true; } }