package com.yoursway.swt.animations.flip; import static com.yoursway.utils.Listeners.newListenersByIdentity; import static java.lang.Math.PI; import static java.lang.Math.cos; import static java.lang.Math.sin; import static java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import com.yoursway.swt.overlay.Overlay; import com.yoursway.swt.overlay.OverlayFactory; import com.yoursway.swt.overlay.TemporaryCanvasOverlayFactory; import com.yoursway.utils.Listeners; /** * Given two controls with equal positions and sizes, executes a “flip” * animation that hides the first control and shows the second one. */ public class Flipper { private static final int FPS = 30; private static final double Z_EYE = 1; private static final double Z_OBJECT = Z_EYE + 5; private Control source; private Control destination; private final Display display; private final OverlayFactory overlayFactory; private final int iterations; private final double ymax; private transient Listeners<FlipperListener> listeners = newListenersByIdentity(); private Overlay overlay; private Image sourceScreenshot; private Image destinationScreenshot; private Image offscreenImage; private GC offscreenGC; private double xmax; public synchronized void addListener(FlipperListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public synchronized void removeListener(FlipperListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public Flipper(Control source, Control destination) { this(source, destination, 370); } public Flipper(Control source, Control destination, long duration) { this(source, destination, new TemporaryCanvasOverlayFactory(), duration); } public Flipper(Control source, Control destination, OverlayFactory overlayFactory, long duration) { if (source == null) throw new NullPointerException("source is null"); if (destination == null) throw new NullPointerException("destination is null"); if (overlayFactory == null) throw new NullPointerException("overlayFactory is null"); if (duration < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration < 0"); if (duration > 5000) throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration > 5000 (artificial limit to protect user)"); this.source = source; this.destination = destination; this.overlayFactory = overlayFactory; this.iterations = (int) (duration * FPS / 1000); this.display = source.getDisplay(); this.ymax = calculateMaximumRawValueOfY(); double zmin = Z_OBJECT - 1.0 /* max of Math.sin on 0 .. Pi/2 */; this.xmax = 1 * Z_EYE / zmin; } private double calculateMaximumRawValueOfY() { double ymax = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= iterations; i++) { double angle = PI * i / iterations; double cosAngle = cos(angle); double sinAngle = sin(angle); double zFar = Z_OBJECT + sinAngle; double zNear = Z_OBJECT - sinAngle; double y = cosAngle; double y1pr = y * Z_EYE / zFar; double y2pr = y * Z_EYE / zNear; ymax = Math.max(ymax, Math.max(y1pr, y2pr)); } return ymax; } public Control getTopControl() { return source; } public void flip() { sourceScreenshot = capture(source); destinationScreenshot = capture(destination); Rectangle screenshotBounds = sourceScreenshot.getBounds(); int canvasOverhangWidth = (int) (screenshotBounds.width * xmax / (1.0 * Z_EYE / Z_OBJECT)) - screenshotBounds.width; overlay = overlayFactory.createOverlay(source, new Rectangle(-canvasOverhangWidth / 2, 0, screenshotBounds.width + canvasOverhangWidth, screenshotBounds.height)); overlay.enableBackgroundErasing(source.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); Rectangle bounds = overlay.getBounds(); offscreenImage = new Image(display, bounds.width, bounds.height); offscreenGC = new GC(offscreenImage); Control temp = source; source = destination; destination = temp; Thread thread = new FlipExecuter(offscreenImage, offscreenGC, bounds); thread.setName("Flip animation"); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); } private Image capture(Control control) { Point screenshotSize = control.getSize(); Image image = new Image(display, screenshotSize.x, screenshotSize.y); GC screenshotGc = new GC(image); control.print(screenshotGc); screenshotGc.dispose(); return image; } private final class FlipExecuter extends Thread { private final Image offscreenImage; private final GC offscreenGC; private final Rectangle canvasBounds; private FlipExecuter(Image offscreenImage, GC offscreenGC, Rectangle canvasBounds) { this.offscreenImage = offscreenImage; this.offscreenGC = offscreenGC; this.canvasBounds = canvasBounds; } @Override public void run() { try { animate(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.err.println("Flip animation failed."); } display.asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (FlipperListener listener : listeners) listener.flipped(); } finally { sourceScreenshot.dispose(); destinationScreenshot.dispose(); overlay.dispose(); } } }); } private void animate() throws InterruptedException { double canvasHalfWidth = canvasBounds.width / 2.0; double canvasHalfHeight = canvasBounds.height / 2.0; Rectangle sourceScreenshotBounds = sourceScreenshot.getBounds(); int screenshotWidth = sourceScreenshotBounds.width; int screenshotHeight = sourceScreenshotBounds.height; Rectangle offscreenImageBounds = offscreenImage.getBounds(); boolean firstHalf = true; for (int i = 0; i <= iterations; i++) { long start = currentTimeMillis(); double angle = Math.PI * i / iterations; double cosAngle = cos(angle); double sinAngle = sin(angle); double zFar = Z_OBJECT + sinAngle; double zNear = Z_OBJECT - sinAngle; double y = cosAngle; double x = 1; firstHalf = (angle < Math.PI / 2); double x1pr = (x * Z_EYE / zFar) / xmax * canvasHalfWidth; double y1pr = (y * Z_EYE / zFar) / ymax * canvasHalfHeight; double x2pr = (x * Z_EYE / zNear) / xmax * canvasHalfWidth; double y2pr = (y * Z_EYE / zNear) / ymax * canvasHalfHeight; int xTopLeft = (int) (canvasHalfWidth - x1pr + 0.5); int xTopRight = (int) (canvasHalfWidth + x1pr + 0.5); int xBottomLeft = (int) (canvasHalfWidth - x2pr + 0.5); int xBottomRight = (int) (canvasHalfWidth + x2pr + 0.5); int yTop = (int) (canvasHalfHeight - y1pr + 0.5); int yBottom = (int) (canvasHalfHeight + y2pr + 0.5); overlay.drawOverlayBackgroundOnto(offscreenGC, offscreenImageBounds); int minY = Math.min(yBottom, yTop); int maxY = Math.max(yBottom, yTop); for (int projY = minY; projY < maxY; projY++) { double factor = ((double) projY - yBottom) / (yTop - yBottom); double yt1 = projY; double yt2 = projY + 1; double factor1 = (yt1 - yBottom) / (yTop - yBottom); double factor2 = (yt2 - yBottom) / (yTop - yBottom); Image currentScreenshot = (firstHalf ? sourceScreenshot : destinationScreenshot); if (firstHalf) { factor1 = 1 - factor1; factor2 = 1 - factor2; } double ysrc1c = screenshotHeight * factor1; double ysrc2c = screenshotHeight * factor2; int projXLeft = (int) ((xTopLeft - xBottomLeft) * factor + xBottomLeft + 0.5); int projXRight = (int) ((xTopRight - xBottomRight) * factor + xBottomRight + 0.5); double ysrc1 = Math.min(ysrc1c, ysrc2c); double ysrc2 = Math.max(ysrc1c, ysrc2c); int yy1 = (int) Math.ceil(ysrc1); int yy2 = (int) (ysrc2 - 0.00001); if (yy2 < yy1) continue; offscreenGC.drawImage(currentScreenshot, 0, yy1, screenshotWidth, yy2 - yy1 + 1, projXLeft, projY, projXRight - projXLeft + 1, 1); } overlay.renderOffscreenImage(offscreenImage); long span = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); long delay = 1000 / FPS - span; Thread.sleep(delay > 0 ? delay : 0); } } } }