/** * Copyright (c) 2011-2013, James Zhan 詹波 (jfinal@126.com). * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.config; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.core.Const; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.kit.PathKit; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.kit.StringKit; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.log.ILoggerFactory; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.log.Logger; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.render.IErrorRenderFactory; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.render.IMainRenderFactory; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.render.RenderFactory; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.render.ViewType; import net.tooan.ynpay.third.jfinal.token.ITokenCache; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * The constant for JFinal runtime. */ final public class Constants { private String fileRenderPath; private String uploadedFileSaveDirectory; private boolean devMode = false; private String encoding = Const.DEFAULT_ENCODING; private String urlParaSeparator = Const.DEFAULT_URL_PARA_SEPARATOR; private ViewType viewType = Const.DEFAULT_VIEW_TYPE; private String jspViewExtension = Const.DEFAULT_JSP_EXTENSION; private String freeMarkerViewExtension = Const.DEFAULT_FREE_MARKER_EXTENSION; private String velocityViewExtension = Const.DEFAULT_VELOCITY_EXTENSION; private Integer maxPostSize = Const.DEFAULT_MAX_POST_SIZE; private int freeMarkerTemplateUpdateDelay = Const.DEFAULT_FREEMARKER_TEMPLATE_UPDATE_DELAY; // just for not devMode private ITokenCache tokenCache; /** * Set ITokenCache implementation otherwise JFinal will use the HttpSesion to hold the token. * * @param tokenCache the token cache */ public void setTokenCache(ITokenCache tokenCache) { this.tokenCache = tokenCache; } public ITokenCache getTokenCache() { return tokenCache; } /** * Set development mode. * * @param devMode the development mode */ public void setDevMode(boolean devMode) { this.devMode = devMode; } /** * Set encoding. The default encoding is UTF-8. * * @param encoding the encoding */ public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } public String getEncoding() { return encoding; } public boolean getDevMode() { return devMode; } public String getUrlParaSeparator() { return urlParaSeparator; } public ViewType getViewType() { return viewType; } /** * Set view type. The default value is ViewType.FREE_MARKER * Controller.render(String view) will use the view type to render the view. * * @param viewType the view type */ public void setViewType(ViewType viewType) { if (viewType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("viewType can not be null"); if (viewType != ViewType.OTHER) // setMainRenderFactory will set ViewType.OTHER this.viewType = viewType; } /** * Set urlPara separator. The default value is "-" * * @param urlParaSeparator the urlPara separator */ public void setUrlParaSeparator(String urlParaSeparator) { if (StringKit.isBlank(urlParaSeparator) || urlParaSeparator.contains("/")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("urlParaSepartor can not be blank and can not contains \"/\""); this.urlParaSeparator = urlParaSeparator; } public String getJspViewExtension() { return jspViewExtension; } /** * Set Jsp view extension. The default value is ".jsp" * * @param jspViewExtension the Jsp view extension */ public void setJspViewExtension(String jspViewExtension) { this.jspViewExtension = jspViewExtension.startsWith(".") ? jspViewExtension : "." + jspViewExtension; } public String getFreeMarkerViewExtension() { return freeMarkerViewExtension; } /** * Set FreeMarker view extension. The default value is ".html" not ".ftl" * * @param freeMarkerViewExtension the FreeMarker view extension */ public void setFreeMarkerViewExtension(String freeMarkerViewExtension) { this.freeMarkerViewExtension = freeMarkerViewExtension.startsWith(".") ? freeMarkerViewExtension : "." + freeMarkerViewExtension; } public String getVelocityViewExtension() { return velocityViewExtension; } /** * Set Velocity view extension. The default value is ".vm" * * @param velocityViewExtension the Velocity view extension */ public void setVelocityViewExtension(String velocityViewExtension) { this.velocityViewExtension = velocityViewExtension.startsWith(".") ? velocityViewExtension : "." + velocityViewExtension; } /** * Set error 404 view. * * @param error404View the error 404 view */ public void setError404View(String error404View) { errorViewMapping.put(404, error404View); } /** * Set error 500 view. * * @param error500View the error 500 view */ public void setError500View(String error500View) { errorViewMapping.put(500, error500View); } /** * Set error 401 view. * * @param error401View the error 401 view */ public void setError401View(String error401View) { errorViewMapping.put(401, error401View); } /** * Set error 403 view. * * @param error403View the error 403 view */ public void setError403View(String error403View) { errorViewMapping.put(403, error403View); } private Map<Integer, String> errorViewMapping = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); public void setErrorView(int errorCode, String errorView) { errorViewMapping.put(errorCode, errorView); } public String getErrorView(int errorCode) { return errorViewMapping.get(errorCode); } public String getFileRenderPath() { return fileRenderPath; } /** * Set the path of file render of controller. * <p/> * The path is start with root path of this web application. * The default value is "/download" if you do not config this parameter. */ public void setFileRenderPath(String fileRenderPath) { if (StringKit.isBlank(fileRenderPath)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument fileRenderPath can not be blank"); if (!fileRenderPath.startsWith("/") && !fileRenderPath.startsWith(File.separator)) fileRenderPath = File.separator + fileRenderPath; this.fileRenderPath = PathKit.getWebRootPath() + fileRenderPath; } /** * Set the save directory for upload file. You can use PathUtil.getWebRootPath() * to get the web root path of this application, then create a path based on * web root path conveniently. */ public void setUploadedFileSaveDirectory(String uploadedFileSaveDirectory) { if (StringKit.isBlank(uploadedFileSaveDirectory)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("uploadedFileSaveDirectory can not be blank"); if (uploadedFileSaveDirectory.endsWith("/") || uploadedFileSaveDirectory.endsWith("\\")) this.uploadedFileSaveDirectory = uploadedFileSaveDirectory; else this.uploadedFileSaveDirectory = uploadedFileSaveDirectory + File.separator; } public String getUploadedFileSaveDirectory() { return uploadedFileSaveDirectory; } public Integer getMaxPostSize() { return maxPostSize; } /** * Set max size of http post. The upload file size depend on this value. */ public void setMaxPostSize(Integer maxPostSize) { if (maxPostSize != null && maxPostSize > 0) { this.maxPostSize = maxPostSize; } } // i18n ----- private String i18nResourceBaseName; private Locale defaultLocale; private Integer i18nMaxAgeOfCookie; public void setI18n(String i18nResourceBaseName, Locale defaultLocale, Integer i18nMaxAgeOfCookie) { this.i18nResourceBaseName = i18nResourceBaseName; this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale; this.i18nMaxAgeOfCookie = i18nMaxAgeOfCookie; } public void setI18n(String i18nResourceBaseName) { this.i18nResourceBaseName = i18nResourceBaseName; } public String getI18nResourceBaseName() { return i18nResourceBaseName; } public Locale getI18nDefaultLocale() { return defaultLocale; } public Integer getI18nMaxAgeOfCookie() { return this.i18nMaxAgeOfCookie; } // ----- /** * FreeMarker template update delay for not devMode. */ public void setFreeMarkerTemplateUpdateDelay(int delayInSeconds) { if (delayInSeconds < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("template_update_delay must more than -1."); this.freeMarkerTemplateUpdateDelay = delayInSeconds; } public int getFreeMarkerTemplateUpdateDelay() { return freeMarkerTemplateUpdateDelay; } /** * Set the base path for all views */ public void setBaseViewPath(String baseViewPath) { Routes.setBaseViewPath(baseViewPath); } /** * Set the mainRenderFactory then your can use your custom render in controller as render(String). */ public void setMainRenderFactory(IMainRenderFactory mainRenderFactory) { if (mainRenderFactory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mainRenderFactory can not be null."); this.viewType = ViewType.OTHER; RenderFactory.setMainRenderFactory(mainRenderFactory); } public void setLoggerFactory(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { if (loggerFactory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("loggerFactory can not be null."); Logger.setLoggerFactory(loggerFactory); } public void setErrorRenderFactory(IErrorRenderFactory errorRenderFactory) { if (errorRenderFactory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("errorRenderFactory can not be null."); RenderFactory.setErrorRenderFactory(errorRenderFactory); } }