package net.dev123.mblog; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.dev123.commons.ServiceProvider; import net.dev123.commons.util.StringUtil; import net.dev123.mblog.netease.NetEaseEmotions; import; import; import net.dev123.mblog.tencent.TencentEmotions; import net.dev123.sns.kaixin.KaiXinEmotions; import net.dev123.sns.qqzone.QQZoneEmotions; import net.dev123.sns.renren.RenRenEmotions; public abstract class Emotions { public static final Pattern NORMALIZED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[(\\w|\\p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographs}){1,4}\\]"); private static HashMap<String, String> emotionFan2JianMap; private static int versionFan2Jian = 0; private static int versionSpecialized = 0; protected static boolean isInit = false; public static void init(InputStream isEmotionsFan2Jian, InputStream isEmotionsSpecialized) { if (isInit) { return; } initFan2Jian(isEmotionsFan2Jian); initSpecialized(isEmotionsSpecialized); isInit = true; } private static void initFan2Jian(InputStream isEmotionsFan2Jian) { emotionFan2JianMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (isEmotionsFan2Jian == null) { return; } BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(isEmotionsFan2Jian)); String fan = null; String jian = null; String expression = null; String[] keyValues = null; while (true) { try { expression = bufferedReader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //end of file if (expression == null) { break; } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(expression) || expression.startsWith("#")) { continue; } keyValues = expression.split("="); if (keyValues == null || keyValues.length != 2) { continue; } fan = keyValues[0].trim(); jian = keyValues[1].trim(); if (fan.equals("version")) { try { setVersionFan2Jian(Integer.valueOf(jian)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Wrong VersionFan2Jian: " + jian); } continue; } emotionFan2JianMap.put(fan, jian); } } private static void initSpecialized(InputStream isEmotionsSpecialized) { if (isEmotionsSpecialized == null) { return; } BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(isEmotionsSpecialized)); String normal = null; String specialized = null; String expression = null; String[] keyValues = null; String[] specializeds = null; int spNo; Emotions emotions; while (true) { try { expression = bufferedReader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { break; } //end of file if (expression == null) { break; } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(expression) || expression.startsWith("#")) { continue; } keyValues = expression.split("="); if (keyValues == null || keyValues.length != 2) { continue; } String key = keyValues[0].trim(); String value = keyValues[1].trim(); if (key.equals("version")) { try { setVersionSpecialized(Integer.valueOf(value)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Wrong Emotions Version: " + value); } continue; } normal = key; specializeds = value.split(","); String[] spEmotions = null; for (int i = 0; i < specializeds.length; i++) { spEmotions = specializeds[i].split(":"); if (spEmotions == null || spEmotions.length != 2) { continue; } spNo = -1; try { spNo = Integer.valueOf(spEmotions[0].trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {} ServiceProvider sp = ServiceProvider.getServiceProvider(spNo); if (sp == null) { continue; } specialized = spEmotions[1].trim(); emotions = getEmontionsInstance(sp); if (emotions != null) { emotions.loadEmontion(normal, specialized); } } } } public abstract void loadEmontion(String normalized, String specialized); public static Pattern getNormalizedPattern(){ return NORMALIZED_PATTERN; } public abstract Pattern getSpecializedPattern(); public abstract String getNormalizedEmotion(String specializedEmotion); public abstract String getSpecializedEmotion(String normalizedEmotion); public String normalize(String specialized) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(specialized)) { return specialized; } Matcher matcher = getSpecializedPattern().matcher(specialized); StringBuffer normalized = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String jian = fan2Jian(; String normalizedEmontion = null; normalizedEmontion = getNormalizedEmotion(jian); if (normalizedEmontion != null) { matcher.appendReplacement(normalized, normalizedEmontion); } } matcher.appendTail(normalized); return normalized.toString(); } public String specialize(String normalized) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(normalized)) { return normalized; } Matcher matcher = NORMALIZED_PATTERN.matcher(normalized); StringBuffer specialized = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String specializedEmontion = getSpecializedEmotion(; if (specializedEmontion != null) { matcher.appendReplacement(specialized, specializedEmontion); } } matcher.appendTail(specialized); return specialized.toString(); } /** * 繁体转为简体。如果找不到对应简体字或者未初始化,返回原值。 */ public static String fan2Jian(String emotion) { if (!isInit) { return emotion; } String jian = emotionFan2JianMap.get(emotion); if (jian != null) { return jian; } else { return emotion; } } public static String specializeEmotion(ServiceProvider serviceProvider, String text) { if (!isInit) { return text; } String specialized = text; Emotions emotions = Emotions.getEmontionsInstance(serviceProvider); if (emotions != null) { specialized = emotions.specialize(text); } return specialized; } public static String normalizeEmotion(ServiceProvider serviceProvider, String text) { if (!isInit) { return text; } String normalized = text; Emotions emotions = Emotions.getEmontionsInstance(serviceProvider); if (emotions != null) { normalized = emotions.normalize(text); } return normalized; } public static Emotions getEmontionsInstance(ServiceProvider serviceProvider) { Emotions emotions = null; switch (serviceProvider) { case Sina: emotions = SinaEmotions.getSingleton(); break; case Sohu: emotions = SohuEmotions.getSingleton(); break; case Tencent: emotions = TencentEmotions.getSingleton(); break; case NetEase: emotions = NetEaseEmotions.getSingleton(); break; case RenRen: emotions = RenRenEmotions.getSingleton(); break; case KaiXin: emotions = KaiXinEmotions.getSingleton(); break; case QQZone: emotions = QQZoneEmotions.getSingleton(); break; default: break; } return emotions; } public static int getVersionFan2Jian() { return versionFan2Jian; } private static void setVersionFan2Jian(int versionFan2Jian) { Emotions.versionFan2Jian = versionFan2Jian; } public static int getVersionSpecialized() { return versionSpecialized; } private static void setVersionSpecialized(int versionSpecialized) { Emotions.versionSpecialized = versionSpecialized; } }