package org.rzo.yajsw.os.posix; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.rzo.yajsw.Constants; import org.rzo.yajsw.boot.WrapperLoader; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.AbstractService; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.JavaHome; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.OperatingSystem; import; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.posix.PosixProcess.CLibrary; public class PosixService extends AbstractService implements Constants { protected String _daemonDir; String _daemonTemplate; String _daemonScript; String _wrapperPidFile; String _appPidFile; String _pidDir; String _confFile; int _stopTimeout; String[] _startCmd; String[] _execCmd; String[] _stopCmd; String[] _statusCmd; List<String> _ksLinks = new ArrayList<String>(); UpdateRcParser _updateRcParser; Utils _utils = new Utils(); @Override public void setLogger(Logger logger) { super.setLogger(logger); _utils.setLog(logger); } public void init() { if (_name == null) { _logger.warning("no name for daemon -> abort"); return; } _daemonDir = _config.getString("wrapper.daemon.dir", getDefaultDaemonDir()); File daemonDir = new File(_daemonDir); if (!daemonDir.exists() || !daemonDir.isDirectory()) { _logger.warning("Error " + _daemonDir + " : is not a directory"); return; } _pidDir = _config.getString("", Constants.DEFAULT_DAEMON_PID_DIR); File pidDir = new File(_pidDir); if (!pidDir.exists() || !pidDir.isDirectory()) { _logger.warning("Error " + _pidDir + " : is not a directory"); return; } String wrapperJar = WrapperLoader.getWrapperJar().trim(); String wrapperHome = "."; try { wrapperHome=_config.getString("wrapper.base.dir",""); if (wrapperHome.isEmpty()) { wrapperHome = new File(wrapperJar).getParentFile().getCanonicalPath(); } } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } String confFile = _config.getString("wrapper.config"); String confDir = null; if (confFile != null) { File f = new File(confFile); if (f.exists()) try { confDir = f.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (confDir == null) confDir = wrapperHome + "/conf"; if (confFile == null) { _logger.warning("no conf file found -> abort"); return; } try { _confFile = new File(confFile).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "init", e); } _daemonTemplate = _config.getString("wrapper.daemon.template", wrapperHome + "/templates/daemon.vm"); File daemonTemplate = new File(_daemonTemplate); if (!daemonTemplate.exists() || !daemonTemplate.isFile()) { if (_logger != null) _logger.warning("Error " + _daemonTemplate + " : template file not found"); return; } File daemonScript = getDaemonScript(); if (daemonScript.exists()) if (_logger != null) + " already exists"); String pidName = null; try { pidName = _config.getString("wrapper.pidfile", new File(pidDir, "wrapper." + getName() + ".pid").getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "init", e); } File pidFile = new File(pidName); String apidName = null; try { apidName = _config.getString("", new File(pidDir, "" + getName() + ".pid").getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "init", e); } File apidFile = new File(apidName); try { _daemonTemplate = daemonTemplate.getCanonicalPath(); _wrapperPidFile = pidFile.getCanonicalPath(); _appPidFile = apidFile.getCanonicalPath(); _daemonScript = daemonScript.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "init", ex); } JavaHome javaHome = OperatingSystem.instance().getJavaHome(_config); String java = javaHome.findJava(_config.getString(""), _config.getString("")); _startCmd = new String[10]; _startCmd[0] = java; _startCmd[1] = "-Dwrapper.pidfile=" + _wrapperPidFile; _startCmd[2] = "-Dwrapper.service=true"; _startCmd[3] = "-Dwrapper.visible=false"; _startCmd[4] = null; _startCmd[5] = null; _startCmd[6] = "-jar"; _startCmd[7] = wrapperJar; _startCmd[8] = "-tx"; _startCmd[9] = _confFile; _execCmd = _startCmd.clone(); //_execCmd[4] = "-Xrs"; _execCmd[8] = "-c"; if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.ntservice.debug", false)) { _execCmd[4] = "-Xdebug"; _execCmd[5] = "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=1044"; } _stopCmd = _startCmd.clone(); _stopCmd[8] = "-px"; _statusCmd = _startCmd.clone(); _statusCmd[8] = "-qx"; String defaultRunLevelDir = _daemonDir + "/" + DEFAULT_DAEMON_RUN_LEVEL_DIR; String runLevelDir = _config.getString("wrapper.daemon.run_level_dir", defaultRunLevelDir); _updateRcParser = new UpdateRcParser(_config.getString("wrapper.daemon.update_rc", null), runLevelDir, getName()); _ksLinks.addAll(_updateRcParser.getStartLinks()); _ksLinks.addAll(_updateRcParser.getStopLinks()); _stopTimeout = _config.getInt("wrapper.shutdown.timeout", Constants.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) * 1000; } protected String getDefaultDaemonDir() { return Constants.DEFAULT_DAEMON_DIR; } protected File getDaemonScript() { return new File(new File(_daemonDir), getName()); } public boolean install() { if (_daemonScript == null) { if (_logger != null) _logger.warning("Error : not initialized -> abort"); return false; } try { File daemonTemplate = new File(_daemonTemplate); VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine(); ve.setProperty(VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER, "file"); ve.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", daemonTemplate.getParent()); ve.setProperty("runtime.log.logsystem.class", VelocityLog.class.getCanonicalName()); // TODO find a way to set a non static logger VelocityLog.setLogger(_logger); ve.init(); Template t = ve.getTemplate(daemonTemplate.getName()); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("w_name", _name); context.put("w_long_name", _displayName); context.put("w_start_cmd", toStrCommand(_startCmd)); context.put("w_stop_cmd", toStrCommand(_stopCmd)); context.put("w_status_cmd", toStrCommand(_statusCmd)); context.put("w_description", _description); context.put("w_conf_file", _confFile); context.put("w_app_pid_file", _appPidFile); context.put("w_wrapper_pid_file", _wrapperPidFile); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(_daemonScript); t.merge(context, writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); File daemonScript = new File(_daemonScript); if (daemonScript.exists()) { if (_logger != null) _logger.warning("created daemon script: " + _daemonScript); } else { if (_logger != null) _logger.warning("error creating daemon script: " + _daemonScript); } // only jdk 1.6 daemonScript.setExecutable(true); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 755 " + _daemonScript); if ("AUTO_START".equals(_config.getString("wrapper.ntservice.starttype", DEFAULT_SERVICE_START_TYPE)) || "DELAYED_AUTO_START".equals(_config.getString("wrapper.ntservice.starttype", DEFAULT_SERVICE_START_TYPE))) { for (String link : _ksLinks) if (CLibrary.INSTANCE.symlink(_daemonScript, link) != 0) { if (_logger != null)"error on creating script link " + link); } else { if (new File(link).exists()) { if (_logger != null)"created link : " + link); } else { if (_logger != null)"error on creating script link " + link); } } // Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String.format("ln -s %1$s %2$s", // _klink, _daemonScript)); // Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String.format("ln -s %1$s %2$s", // _slink, _daemonScript)); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "install", ex); return false; } return true; } private String toStrCommand(String[] cmd) { String tmp = ""; for (String s : cmd) { if (s != null) tmp += "\"" + s + "\" "; } return tmp; } public boolean isInstalled() { return _daemonScript != null && new File(_daemonScript).exists(); } public boolean isRunning() { int pid = getPid(); if (pid < 0) return false; org.rzo.yajsw.os.Process p = OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().getProcess(pid); return p != null && p.isRunning(); } public boolean start() { if (isRunning()) { if (_logger != null)"already running"); return true; } File f = new File(_daemonScript); OperatingSystem.instance().setWorkingDir(f.getParent()); String txt = _utils.osCommand(_daemonScript + " start", 45000); if (_logger != null); return isRunning(); } public boolean stop() { if (_logger != null) + " stop", _stopTimeout)); return !isRunning(); } public boolean startProcess() { if (isRunning()) {"already running"); return true; } /* * org.rzo.yajsw.os.Process p = * OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().createProcess(); * p.setCommand(cleanCmd(_execCmd)); p.setVisible(false); * p.setPipeStreams(false, false); * p.setDebug(_config.getBoolean("wrapper.debug", false)); p.start(); */ try { if (_logger != null)"calling " + toStrCommand(_execCmd)); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cleanCmd(_execCmd)); } catch (Exception e) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "startProcess", e); } return true; // p.isRunning(); } public boolean stopProcess() { int pid = getPid(); if (_logger != null)"stop daemon with pid " + pid); if (pid <= 0) return false; org.rzo.yajsw.os.Process p = OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().getProcess(pid); if (p == null) { if (_logger != null)"process not running"); return true; } p.stop(_stopTimeout, 0); int apid = getAppPid(); if (_logger != null)"stop daemon app with pid " + apid); if (apid <= 0) return false; org.rzo.yajsw.os.Process ap = OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().getProcess(apid); if (ap != null) ap.kill(999); return true; } public boolean uninstall() { if (isRunning()) stop(); new File(_daemonScript).delete(); for (String link : _ksLinks) new File(link).delete(); return true; } public int state() { int result = 0; if (new File(_daemonScript).exists()) result |= STATE_INSTALLED; if (isRunning()) result |= STATE_RUNNING; return result; } public int getPid() {"wrapper pid file: " + _wrapperPidFile); if (_wrapperPidFile != null && new File(_wrapperPidFile).exists()) try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(_wrapperPidFile)); String pid = reader.readLine(); reader.close(); return Integer.parseInt(pid); } catch (Exception e) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "getPid", e); } return -1; } public int getAppPid() {"app pid file: " + _appPidFile); if (_appPidFile != null && new File(_appPidFile).exists()) try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(_appPidFile)); String pid = reader.readLine(); reader.close(); return Integer.parseInt(pid); } catch (Exception e) { if (_logger != null) _logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "getAppPid", e); } return -1; } public String[] cleanCmd(String[] cmd) { List<String> cmdl = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : cmd) { if (s != null && !"".equals(s)) cmdl.add(s); } String[] result = new String[cmdl.size()]; int i = 0; for (String s : cmdl) result[i++] = s; return result; } }