package xxl.core.indexStructures.descriptors; import xxl.core.functions.AbstractFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Function; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree.KeyRange; import xxl.core.indexStructures.mvbts.SimpleLoadMVBTree; /** * * This class is implements interface @see {@link KeyRange} and is used in the test class @see {@link SimpleLoadMVBTree}. * */ public class LongKeyRange extends KeyRange{ public static final Function FACTORY_FUNCTION = new AbstractFunction(){ public Object invoke(Object min, Object max){ return new LongKeyRange((Long)min, (Long)max); } }; public LongKeyRange(Long min, Long max){ super(min, max); } public LongKeyRange(long min, long max){ this(new Long(min), new Long(max)); } @Override public Object clone() { return new LongKeyRange(((Long)this.sepValue).longValue(), ((Long)this.maxBound).longValue()); } }