/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * * Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.xnio; import static java.lang.Math.max; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import org.wildfly.common.Assert; import org.wildfly.common.cpu.CacheInfo; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionBiConsumer; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionBiFunction; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionConsumer; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionFunction; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionRunnable; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionSupplier; /** * A fast source of pooled buffers. * * @author <a href="mailto:david.lloyd@redhat.com">David M. Lloyd</a> */ public abstract class ByteBufferPool { private static final boolean sliceLargeBuffers; static { sliceLargeBuffers = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("xnio.buffer.slice-large-buffers", "true")); } private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuffer> masterQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final ThreadLocal<Cache> threadLocalCache = ThreadLocal.withInitial(this::getDefaultCache); private final ByteBufferPool.Cache defaultCache = new DefaultCache(); private final int size; private final boolean direct; ByteBufferPool(final int size, final boolean direct) { assert Integer.bitCount(size) == 1; assert size >= 0x10; assert size <= 0x4000_0000; this.size = size; this.direct = direct; } // buffer pool size constants /** * The size of large buffers. */ public static final int LARGE_SIZE = 0x100000; /** * The size of medium buffers. */ public static final int MEDIUM_SIZE = 0x2000; /** * The size of small buffers. */ public static final int SMALL_SIZE = 0x40; static final int CACHE_LINE_SIZE = max(64, CacheInfo.getSmallestDataCacheLineSize()); /** * The large direct buffer pool. This pool produces buffers of {@link #LARGE_SIZE}. */ public static final ByteBufferPool LARGE_DIRECT = create(LARGE_SIZE, true); /** * The medium direct buffer pool. This pool produces buffers of {@link #MEDIUM_SIZE}. */ public static final ByteBufferPool MEDIUM_DIRECT = sliceLargeBuffers ? subPool(LARGE_DIRECT, MEDIUM_SIZE) : create(MEDIUM_SIZE, true); /** * The small direct buffer pool. This pool produces buffers of {@link #SMALL_SIZE}. */ public static final ByteBufferPool SMALL_DIRECT = subPool(MEDIUM_DIRECT, SMALL_SIZE); /** * The large heap buffer pool. This pool produces buffers of {@link #LARGE_SIZE}. */ public static final ByteBufferPool LARGE_HEAP = create(LARGE_SIZE, false); /** * The medium heap buffer pool. This pool produces buffers of {@link #MEDIUM_SIZE}. */ public static final ByteBufferPool MEDIUM_HEAP = create(MEDIUM_SIZE, false); /** * The small heap buffer pool. This pool produces buffers of {@link #SMALL_SIZE}. */ public static final ByteBufferPool SMALL_HEAP = create(SMALL_SIZE, false); /** * A set of buffer pools for each size, which can either be {@link #DIRECT} or {@link #HEAP}. */ public static final class Set { private final ByteBufferPool small, normal, large; Set(final ByteBufferPool small, final ByteBufferPool normal, final ByteBufferPool large) { this.small = small; this.normal = normal; this.large = large; } /** * Get the small buffer pool for this set. * * @return the small buffer pool for this set */ public ByteBufferPool getSmall() { return small; } /** * Get the medium buffer pool for this set. * * @return the medium buffer pool for this set */ public ByteBufferPool getNormal() { return normal; } /** * Get the large buffer pool for this set. * * @return the large buffer pool for this set */ public ByteBufferPool getLarge() { return large; } /** * The direct buffer source set. */ public static final Set DIRECT = new Set(SMALL_DIRECT, MEDIUM_DIRECT, LARGE_DIRECT); /** * The heap buffer source set. */ public static final Set HEAP = new Set(SMALL_HEAP, MEDIUM_HEAP, LARGE_HEAP); } /** * Allocate a buffer from this source pool. The buffer must be freed through the {@link #free(ByteBuffer)} method. * * @return the allocated buffer */ public ByteBuffer allocate() { return threadLocalCache.get().allocate(); } /** * Bulk-allocate buffers from this pool. The buffer must be freed through the {@link #free(ByteBuffer)} method. * * @param array the array of buffers to fill * @param offs the offset into the array to fill */ public void allocate(ByteBuffer[] array, int offs) { allocate(array, offs, array.length - offs); } /** * Bulk-allocate buffers from this pool. The buffer must be freed through the {@link #free(ByteBuffer)} method. * * @param array the array of buffers to fill * @param offs the offset into the array to fill * @param len the number of buffers to fill in the array */ public void allocate(ByteBuffer[] array, int offs, int len) { Assert.checkNotNullParam("array", array); Assert.checkArrayBounds(array, offs, len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) { array[offs + i] = allocate(); } } /** * Free a buffer into its appropriate pool based on its size. Care must be taken to avoid * returning a slice of a pooled buffer, since this could cause both the buffer and its slice * to be separately repooled, leading to likely data corruption. * * @param buffer the buffer to free */ public static void free(ByteBuffer buffer) { Assert.checkNotNullParam("buffer", buffer); final int size = buffer.capacity(); if (Integer.bitCount(size) == 1 && ! buffer.isReadOnly()) { if (buffer.isDirect()) { if (size == MEDIUM_SIZE) { MEDIUM_DIRECT.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == SMALL_SIZE) { SMALL_DIRECT.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == LARGE_SIZE) { LARGE_DIRECT.doFree(buffer); } } else { if (size == MEDIUM_SIZE) { MEDIUM_HEAP.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == SMALL_SIZE) { SMALL_HEAP.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == LARGE_SIZE) { LARGE_HEAP.doFree(buffer); } } } } /** * Bulk-free buffers from an array as with {@link #free(ByteBuffer)}. The freed entries will be assigned to * {@code null}. * * @param array the buffer array * @param offs the offset into the array * @param len the number of buffers to free */ public static void free(ByteBuffer[] array, int offs, int len) { Assert.checkArrayBounds(array, offs, len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) { ByteBuffer buffer = array[offs + i]; if (buffer == null) { continue; } final int size = buffer.capacity(); if (Integer.bitCount(size) == 1 && ! buffer.isReadOnly()) { if (buffer.isDirect()) { if (! (buffer instanceof MappedByteBuffer)) { if (size == MEDIUM_SIZE) { MEDIUM_DIRECT.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == SMALL_SIZE) { SMALL_DIRECT.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == LARGE_SIZE) { LARGE_DIRECT.doFree(buffer); } } } else { if (size == MEDIUM_SIZE) { MEDIUM_HEAP.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == SMALL_SIZE) { SMALL_HEAP.doFree(buffer); } else if (size == LARGE_SIZE) { LARGE_HEAP.doFree(buffer); } } } array[offs + i] = null; } } /** * Free a buffer as with {@link #free(ByteBuffer)} except the buffer is first zeroed and cleared. * * @param buffer the buffer to free */ public static void zeroAndFree(ByteBuffer buffer) { Buffers.zero(buffer); free(buffer); } /** * Determine if this source returns direct buffers. * @return {@code true} if the buffers are direct, {@code false} if they are heap */ public boolean isDirect() { return direct; } /** * Get the size of buffers returned by this source. The size will be a power of two. * * @return the size of buffers returned by this source */ public int getSize() { return size; } /** * Flush thread-local caches. This is useful when a long blocking operation is being performed, wherein it is * unlikely that buffers will be used; calling this method makes any cached buffers available to other threads. */ public void flushCaches() { threadLocalCache.get().flush(); } /** * Flush all thread-local caches for all buffer sizes. This is useful when a long blocking operation is being performed, wherein it is * unlikely that buffers will be used; calling this method makes any cached buffers available to other threads. */ public static void flushAllCaches() { SMALL_HEAP.flushCaches(); MEDIUM_HEAP.flushCaches(); LARGE_HEAP.flushCaches(); SMALL_DIRECT.flushCaches(); MEDIUM_DIRECT.flushCaches(); LARGE_DIRECT.flushCaches(); } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param <T> the type of the first parameter * @param <U> the type of the second parameter * @param <E> the exception type thrown by the operation * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param consumer the action to run * @param param1 the first parameter to pass to the action * @param param2 the second parameter to pass to the action * @throws E if the nested action threw an exception */ public <T, U, E extends Exception> void acceptWithCacheEx(int cacheSize, ExceptionBiConsumer<T, U, E> consumer, T param1, U param2) throws E { Assert.checkMinimumParameter("cacheSize", 0, cacheSize); Assert.checkNotNullParam("consumer", consumer); final ThreadLocal<Cache> threadLocalCache = this.threadLocalCache; final Cache parent = threadLocalCache.get(); final Cache cache; if (cacheSize == 0) { consumer.accept(param1, param2); return; } else if (cacheSize <= 64) { if (cacheSize == 1) { cache = new OneCache(parent); } else if (cacheSize == 2) { cache = new TwoCache(parent); } else { cache = new MultiCache(parent, cacheSize); } try { consumer.accept(param1, param2); return; } finally { threadLocalCache.set(parent); cache.destroy(); } } else { cache = new MultiCache(parent, 64); threadLocalCache.set(cache); try { acceptWithCacheEx(cacheSize - 64, consumer, param1, param2); return; } finally { cache.destroy(); } } } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param <T> the type of the parameter * @param <E> the exception type thrown by the operation * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param consumer the action to run * @param param the parameter to pass to the action * @throws E if the nested action threw an exception */ public <T, E extends Exception> void acceptWithCacheEx(int cacheSize, ExceptionConsumer<T, E> consumer, T param) throws E { Assert.checkNotNullParam("consumer", consumer); acceptWithCacheEx(cacheSize, ExceptionConsumer::accept, consumer, param); } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param <E> the exception type thrown by the operation * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param runnable the action to run * @throws E if the nested action threw an exception */ public <E extends Exception> void runWithCacheEx(int cacheSize, ExceptionRunnable<E> runnable) throws E { Assert.checkNotNullParam("runnable", runnable); acceptWithCacheEx(cacheSize, (ExceptionConsumer<ExceptionRunnable<E>, E>) ExceptionRunnable::run, runnable); } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param runnable the action to run */ public void runWithCache(int cacheSize, Runnable runnable) { Assert.checkNotNullParam("runnable", runnable); acceptWithCacheEx(cacheSize, Runnable::run, runnable); } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param <T> the type of the first parameter * @param <U> the type of the second parameter * @param <R> the return type of the operation * @param <E> the exception type thrown by the operation * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param function the action to run * @param param1 the first parameter to pass to the action * @param param2 the second parameter to pass to the action * @return the result of the action * @throws E if the nested action threw an exception */ public <T, U, R, E extends Exception> R applyWithCacheEx(int cacheSize, ExceptionBiFunction<T, U, R, E> function, T param1, U param2) throws E { Assert.checkMinimumParameter("cacheSize", 0, cacheSize); Assert.checkNotNullParam("function", function); final ThreadLocal<Cache> threadLocalCache = this.threadLocalCache; final Cache parent = threadLocalCache.get(); final Cache cache; if (cacheSize == 0) { return function.apply(param1, param2); } else if (cacheSize <= 64) { if (cacheSize == 1) { cache = new OneCache(parent); } else if (cacheSize == 2) { cache = new TwoCache(parent); } else { cache = new MultiCache(parent, cacheSize); } try { return function.apply(param1, param2); } finally { threadLocalCache.set(parent); cache.destroy(); } } else { cache = new MultiCache(parent, 64); threadLocalCache.set(cache); try { return applyWithCacheEx(cacheSize - 64, function, param1, param2); } finally { cache.destroy(); } } } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param <T> the type of the parameter * @param <R> the return type of the operation * @param <E> the exception type thrown by the operation * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param function the action to run * @param param the parameter to pass to the action * @return the result of the action * @throws E if the nested action threw an exception */ public <T, R, E extends Exception> R applyWithCacheEx(int cacheSize, ExceptionFunction<T, R, E> function, T param) throws E { return applyWithCacheEx(cacheSize, ExceptionFunction::apply, function, param); } /** * Perform the given operation with the addition of a buffer cache of the given size. When this method returns, * any cached free buffers will be returned to the next-higher cache or the global pool. If a cache size of 0 * is given, the action is simply run directly. * * @param <R> the return type of the operation * @param <E> the exception type thrown by the operation * @param cacheSize the cache size to run under * @param supplier the action to run * @return the result of the action * @throws E if the nested action threw an exception */ public <R, E extends Exception> R getWithCacheEx(int cacheSize, ExceptionSupplier<R, E> supplier) throws E { return applyWithCacheEx(cacheSize, ExceptionSupplier::get, supplier); } // private Cache getDefaultCache() { return defaultCache; } ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuffer> getMasterQueue() { return masterQueue; } private ByteBuffer allocateMaster() { ByteBuffer byteBuffer = masterQueue.poll(); if (byteBuffer == null) { byteBuffer = createBuffer(); } return byteBuffer; } static ByteBufferPool create(final int size, final boolean direct) { assert Integer.bitCount(size) == 1; assert size >= 0x10; assert size <= 0x4000_0000; return new ByteBufferPool(size, direct) { ByteBuffer createBuffer() { return isDirect() ? ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(getSize()) : ByteBuffer.allocate(getSize()); } }; } static ByteBufferPool subPool(final ByteBufferPool parent, final int size) { // must be a power of two, not too small, and smaller than the parent buffer source assert Integer.bitCount(size) == 1; assert Integer.bitCount(parent.getSize()) == 1; assert size >= 0x10; assert size < parent.getSize(); // and thus.. assert parent.getSize() % size == 0; return new ByteBufferPool(size, parent.isDirect()) { ByteBuffer createBuffer() { synchronized (this) { // avoid a storm of mass-population by only allowing one thread to split a parent buffer at a time ByteBuffer appearing = getMasterQueue().poll(); if (appearing != null) { return appearing; } ByteBuffer parentBuffer = parent.allocate(); final int size = getSize(); ByteBuffer result = Buffers.slice(parentBuffer, size); while (parentBuffer.hasRemaining()) { // avoid false sharing between buffers if (size < CACHE_LINE_SIZE) { Buffers.skip(parentBuffer, CACHE_LINE_SIZE - size); } super.doFree(Buffers.slice(parentBuffer, size)); } return result; } } }; } abstract ByteBuffer createBuffer(); final void freeMaster(ByteBuffer buffer) { masterQueue.add(buffer); } final void doFree(final ByteBuffer buffer) { assert buffer.capacity() == size; assert buffer.isDirect() == direct; buffer.clear(); threadLocalCache.get().free(buffer); } interface Cache { void free(ByteBuffer bb); void flushBuffer(ByteBuffer bb); ByteBuffer allocate(); void destroy(); void flush(); } static final class OneCache implements Cache { private final Cache parent; private ByteBuffer buffer; OneCache(final Cache parent) { this.parent = parent; } public void free(final ByteBuffer bb) { if (buffer == null) { buffer = bb; } else { parent.free(bb); } } public void flushBuffer(final ByteBuffer bb) { parent.flushBuffer(bb); } public ByteBuffer allocate() { if (buffer != null) try { return buffer; } finally { buffer = null; } else { return parent.allocate(); } } public void destroy() { final ByteBuffer buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer != null) { this.buffer = null; parent.free(buffer); } } public void flush() { final ByteBuffer buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer != null) { this.buffer = null; flushBuffer(buffer); } parent.flush(); } } static final class TwoCache implements Cache { private final Cache parent; private ByteBuffer buffer1; private ByteBuffer buffer2; TwoCache(final Cache parent) { this.parent = parent; } public void free(final ByteBuffer bb) { if (buffer1 == null) { buffer1 = bb; } else if (buffer2 == null) { buffer2 = bb; } else { parent.free(bb); } } public void flushBuffer(final ByteBuffer bb) { parent.flushBuffer(bb); } public ByteBuffer allocate() { if (buffer1 != null) try { return buffer1; } finally { buffer1 = null; } else if (buffer2 != null) try { return buffer2; } finally { buffer2 = null; } else { return parent.allocate(); } } public void destroy() { final Cache parent = this.parent; final ByteBuffer buffer1 = this.buffer1; if (buffer1 != null) { parent.free(buffer1); this.buffer1 = null; } final ByteBuffer buffer2 = this.buffer2; if (buffer2 != null) { parent.free(buffer2); this.buffer2 = null; } } public void flush() { final ByteBuffer buffer1 = this.buffer1; if (buffer1 != null) { flushBuffer(buffer1); this.buffer1 = null; } final ByteBuffer buffer2 = this.buffer2; if (buffer2 != null) { flushBuffer(buffer2); this.buffer2 = null; } parent.flush(); } } static final class MultiCache implements Cache { private final Cache parent; private final ByteBuffer[] cache; private final long mask; private long availableBits; MultiCache(final Cache parent, final int size) { this.parent = parent; assert 0 < size && size <= 64; cache = new ByteBuffer[size]; mask = availableBits = size == 64 ? ~0L : (1L << size) - 1; } public void free(final ByteBuffer bb) { long posn = Long.lowestOneBit(~availableBits & mask); if (posn != 0L) { int bit = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(posn); // mark available availableBits |= posn; cache[bit] = bb; } else { // full parent.free(bb); } } public void flushBuffer(final ByteBuffer bb) { parent.flushBuffer(bb); } public ByteBuffer allocate() { long posn = Long.lowestOneBit(availableBits); if (posn != 0L) { int bit = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(posn); availableBits &= ~posn; try { return cache[bit]; } finally { cache[bit] = null; } } else { // empty return parent.allocate(); } } public void destroy() { final ByteBuffer[] cache = this.cache; final Cache parent = this.parent; long bits = ~availableBits & mask; try { while (bits != 0L) { long posn = Long.lowestOneBit(bits); int bit = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(posn); parent.free(cache[bit]); bits &= ~posn; cache[bit] = null; } } finally { // should be 0, but maintain a consistent state in case a free failed availableBits = bits; } } public void flush() { final ByteBuffer[] cache = this.cache; final Cache parent = this.parent; long bits = ~availableBits & mask; try { while (bits != 0L) { long posn = Long.lowestOneBit(bits); int bit = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(posn); flushBuffer(cache[bit]); bits &= ~posn; cache[bit] = null; } } finally { // should be 0, but maintain a consistent state in case a free failed availableBits = bits; } parent.flush(); } } final class DefaultCache implements Cache { public void free(final ByteBuffer bb) { freeMaster(bb); } public ByteBuffer allocate() { return allocateMaster(); } public void flushBuffer(final ByteBuffer bb) { free(bb); } public void destroy() { // no operation } public void flush() { // no operation } } }