/***************************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ package org.apache.padaf.preflight.xmp; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.padaf.preflight.ValidationConstants; import org.apache.padaf.preflight.ValidationException; import org.apache.padaf.preflight.ValidationResult.ValidationError; import org.apache.padaf.preflight.xmp.SynchronizedMetaDataValidation; import org.apache.padaf.xmpbox.XMPMetadata; import org.apache.padaf.xmpbox.schema.AdobePDFSchema; import org.apache.padaf.xmpbox.schema.DublinCoreSchema; import org.apache.padaf.xmpbox.schema.XMPBasicSchema; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentInformation; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test Class of SynchronizedMetaDataValidation (for 6-7-3 Isartor Tests) * * @author Germain Costenobel * */ public class TestSynchronizedMetadataValidation { protected PDDocument doc; protected PDDocumentInformation dico; protected XMPMetadata metadata; protected String title, author, subject, keywords, creator, producer; protected Calendar creationDate, modifyDate; protected static SynchronizedMetaDataValidation sync; protected List<ValidationError> ve; @BeforeClass public static void initSynchronizedMetadataValidation() { sync = new SynchronizedMetaDataValidation(); } @Before public void initNewDocumentInformation() throws Exception { try { doc = new PDDocument(); dico = doc.getDocumentInformation(); metadata = new XMPMetadata(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception("Failed to create temporary test PDF/XMP Document"); } } /** * Check detection of a null Document * * @throws ValidationException */ @Test(expected = ValidationException.class) public void TestNullDocument() throws ValidationException { sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(null, metadata); } /** * Check detection of null metadata * * @throws ValidationException */ @Test(expected = ValidationException.class) public void TestNullMetaData() throws ValidationException { sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, null); } /** * Check the detection of a PDF document without any information * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void TestDocumentWithoutInformation() throws Exception { try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Test without any information Assert.assertEquals(0, ve.size()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check the detection of a completely empty XMP document (without any * schemas) * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testEmptyXMP() throws Exception { title = "TITLE"; author = "AUTHOR(S)"; subject = "SUBJECTS"; keywords = "KEYWORD(S)"; creator = "CREATOR"; producer = "PRODUCER"; creationDate = Calendar.getInstance(); modifyDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // Writing info in Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle(title); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor(author); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject(subject); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords(keywords); // CREATOR dico.setCreator(creator); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer(producer); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(creationDate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(modifyDate); try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Test Detection of an Empty XMP (without any schemas) for (ValidationError valid : ve) { Assert.assertEquals(ValidationConstants.ERROR_METADATA_MISMATCH, valid .getErrorCode()); } } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check the detection of a XMP with empty common schemas * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testEmptyXMPSchemas() throws Exception { title = "TITLE"; author = "AUTHOR(S)"; subject = "SUBJECTS"; keywords = "KEYWORD(S)"; creator = "CREATOR"; producer = "PRODUCER"; creationDate = Calendar.getInstance(); modifyDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // building temporary XMP metadata (but empty) metadata.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema(); metadata.createAndAddAdobePDFSchema(); metadata.createAndAddXMPBasicSchema(); // Writing info in Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle(title); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor(author); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject(subject); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords(keywords); // CREATOR dico.setCreator(creator); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer(producer); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(creationDate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(modifyDate); try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Test Detection of absent XMP values Assert.assertEquals(8, ve.size()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check detection of a null value in array (for Subject and author * properties) * * @throws Exception */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNullArrayValue() throws Exception { // building temporary XMP metadata DublinCoreSchema dc = metadata.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema(); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor("dicoAuthor"); dc.addToCreatorValue(null); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject("dicoSubj"); dc.addToSubjectValue(null); // Launching synchronization test try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Test unsychronized value Assert.assertEquals(2, ve.size()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * in XMP, Subject and Author must be embedded in a single entry text array * This function check the detection of multiple entries for these properties * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testBadSizeOfArrays() throws Exception { // building temporary XMP metadata DublinCoreSchema dc = metadata.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema(); AdobePDFSchema pdf = metadata.createAndAddAdobePDFSchema(); XMPBasicSchema xmp = metadata.createAndAddXMPBasicSchema(); // Writing info in XMP and Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle("dicoTitle"); dc.addToTitleValue("x-default", "XMPTitle"); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor("dicoAuthor"); dc.addToCreatorValue("XMPAuthor"); dc.addToCreatorValue("2ndCreator"); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject("dicoSubj"); dc.addToSubjectValue("XMPSubj"); dc.addToSubjectValue("2ndSubj"); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords("DicoKeywords"); pdf.setKeywordsValue("XMPkeywords"); // CREATOR dico.setCreator("DicoCreator"); xmp.setCreatorToolValue("XMPCreator"); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer("DicoProducer"); pdf.setProducerValue("XMPProducer"); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(Calendar.getInstance()); GregorianCalendar XMPCreate = new GregorianCalendar(2008, 11, 05); xmp.setCreateDateValue(XMPCreate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(Calendar.getInstance()); GregorianCalendar XMPModify = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 10, 15); xmp.setModifyDateValue(XMPModify); // Launching synchronization test try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Test unsychronized value Assert.assertEquals(8, ve.size()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check the detection of unsynchronized information between Document * Information dictionary and XMP * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testAllInfoUnsynchronized() throws Exception { // building temporary XMP metadata DublinCoreSchema dc = metadata.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema(); AdobePDFSchema pdf = metadata.createAndAddAdobePDFSchema(); XMPBasicSchema xmp = metadata.createAndAddXMPBasicSchema(); // Writing info in XMP and Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle("dicoTitle"); dc.addToTitleValue("x-default", "XMPTitle"); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor("dicoAuthor"); dc.addToCreatorValue("XMPAuthor"); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject("dicoSubj"); dc.addToSubjectValue("XMPSubj"); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords("DicoKeywords"); pdf.setKeywordsValue("XMPkeywords"); // CREATOR dico.setCreator("DicoCreator"); xmp.setCreatorToolValue("XMPCreator"); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer("DicoProducer"); pdf.setProducerValue("XMPProducer"); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(Calendar.getInstance()); GregorianCalendar XMPCreate = new GregorianCalendar(2008, 11, 05); xmp.setCreateDateValue(XMPCreate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(Calendar.getInstance()); GregorianCalendar XMPModify = new GregorianCalendar(2009, 10, 15); xmp.setModifyDateValue(XMPModify); // Launching synchronization test try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Test unsychronized value Assert.assertEquals(8, ve.size()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check reaction when metadata are well-formed * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testAllInfoSynhcronized() throws Exception { title = "TITLE"; author = "AUTHOR(S)"; subject = "SUBJECTS"; keywords = "KEYWORD(S)"; creator = "CREATOR"; producer = "PRODUCER"; creationDate = Calendar.getInstance(); modifyDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // building temporary XMP metadata DublinCoreSchema dc = metadata.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema(); XMPBasicSchema xmp = metadata.createAndAddXMPBasicSchema(); AdobePDFSchema pdf = metadata.createAndAddAdobePDFSchema(); // Writing info in XMP and Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle(title); dc.addToTitleValue("x-default", title); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor(author); dc.addToCreatorValue(author); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject(subject); dc.addToDescriptionValue("x-default", subject); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords(keywords); pdf.setKeywordsValue(keywords); // CREATOR dico.setCreator(creator); xmp.setCreatorToolValue(creator); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer(producer); pdf.setProducerValue(producer); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(creationDate); xmp.setCreateDateValue(creationDate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(modifyDate); xmp.setModifyDateValue(modifyDate); // Launching synchronization test try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); // Checking all is synchronized Assert.assertEquals(0, ve.size()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check if FormatAccessException Generator is ok * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void checkformatAccessException() throws Exception { Throwable cause = new Throwable(); Assert.assertSame(cause, sync.formatAccessException("test", "test", cause) .getCause()); } /** * Check if SchemaAccessException Generator is ok * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void checkSchemaAccessException() throws Exception { Throwable cause = new Throwable(); Assert.assertSame(cause, sync.SchemaAccessException("test", cause) .getCause()); } /** * Check reaction when metadata are well-formed * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testBadPrefixSchemas() throws Exception { title = "TITLE"; author = "AUTHOR(S)"; subject = "SUBJECTS"; keywords = "KEYWORD(S)"; creator = "CREATOR"; producer = "PRODUCER"; creationDate = Calendar.getInstance(); modifyDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // building temporary XMP metadata DublinCoreSchema dc = new DublinCoreSchema(metadata, "dctest"); metadata.addSchema(dc); XMPBasicSchema xmp = new XMPBasicSchema(metadata, "xmptest"); metadata.addSchema(xmp); AdobePDFSchema pdf = new AdobePDFSchema(metadata, "pdftest"); metadata.addSchema(pdf); // Writing info in XMP and Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle(title); dc.addToTitleValue("x-default", title); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor(author); dc.addToCreatorValue(author); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject(subject); dc.addToDescriptionValue("x-default", subject); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords(keywords); pdf.setKeywordsValue(keywords); // CREATOR dico.setCreator(creator); xmp.setCreatorToolValue(creator); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer(producer); pdf.setProducerValue(producer); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(creationDate); xmp.setCreateDateValue(creationDate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(modifyDate); xmp.setModifyDateValue(modifyDate); // Launching synchronization test try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); for (ValidationError valid : ve) { Assert.assertEquals(ValidationConstants.ERROR_METADATA_WRONG_NS_PREFIX, valid.getErrorCode()); } } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Check reaction when metadata are well-formed * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testdoublePrefixSchemas() throws Exception { title = "TITLE"; author = "AUTHOR(S)"; subject = "SUBJECTS"; keywords = "KEYWORD(S)"; creator = "CREATOR"; producer = "PRODUCER"; creationDate = Calendar.getInstance(); modifyDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // building temporary XMP metadata DublinCoreSchema dc = metadata.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema(); DublinCoreSchema dc2 = new DublinCoreSchema(metadata, "dctest"); metadata.addSchema(dc2); XMPBasicSchema xmp = metadata.createAndAddXMPBasicSchema(); XMPBasicSchema xmp2 = new XMPBasicSchema(metadata, "xmptest"); metadata.addSchema(xmp2); AdobePDFSchema pdf = metadata.createAndAddAdobePDFSchema(); AdobePDFSchema pdf2 = new AdobePDFSchema(metadata, "pdftest"); metadata.addSchema(pdf2); // write some temp info in 'false' schemas dc2.setCoverageValue("tmpcover"); xmp2.setCreatorToolValue("tmpcreator"); pdf2.setKeywordsValue("tmpkeys"); // Writing info in XMP and Document Information dictionary // TITLE dico.setTitle(title); dc.addToTitleValue("x-default", title); // AUTHOR dico.setAuthor(author); dc.addToCreatorValue(author); // SUBJECT dico.setSubject(subject); dc.addToDescriptionValue("x-default", subject); // KEYWORDS dico.setKeywords(keywords); pdf.setKeywordsValue(keywords); // CREATOR dico.setCreator(creator); xmp.setCreatorToolValue(creator); // PRODUCER dico.setProducer(producer); pdf.setProducerValue(producer); // CREATION DATE dico.setCreationDate(creationDate); xmp.setCreateDateValue(creationDate); // MODIFY DATE dico.setModificationDate(modifyDate); xmp.setModifyDateValue(modifyDate); // Launching synchronization test try { ve = sync.validateMetadataSynchronization(doc, metadata); Assert.assertTrue(ve.isEmpty()); } catch (ValidationException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } @After public void checkErrors() throws Exception { try { doc.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception("Error while closing PDF Document"); } /* * Iterator<ValidationError> it=ve.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ * ValidationError tmp=it.next(); System.out.println("Error:"+ * tmp.getDetails()+"\n code: "+tmp.getErrorCode()); } */ } }