package edu.jhu.nlp.wikipedia; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * For internal use only -- Used by the {@link WikiPage} class. * Can also be used as a stand alone class to parse wiki formatted text. * @author Delip Rao * */ public class WikiTextParser { private String wikiText = null; private Vector<String> pageCats = null; private Vector<String> pageLinks = null; private HashMap<String,Vector> pageLinksWithTexts = null; private boolean redirect = false; private String redirectString = null; private static Pattern redirectPattern = Pattern.compile("#REDIRECT\\s+\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]"); private boolean stub = false; private boolean disambiguation = false; private static Pattern stubPattern = Pattern.compile("\\-stub\\}\\}"); private static Pattern disambCatPattern = Pattern.compile("\\{\\{disambig\\}\\}"); private InfoBox infoBox = null; public WikiTextParser(String wtext) { wikiText = wtext; Matcher matcher = redirectPattern.matcher(wikiText); if(matcher.find()) { redirect = true; if(matcher.groupCount() == 1) redirectString =; } matcher = stubPattern.matcher(wikiText); stub = matcher.find(); matcher = disambCatPattern.matcher(wikiText); disambiguation = matcher.find(); } public boolean isRedirect() { return redirect; } public boolean isStub() { return stub; } public String getRedirectText() { return redirectString; } public String getText() { return wikiText; } public Vector<String> getCategories() { if(pageCats == null) parseCategories(); return pageCats; } public Vector<String> getLinks() { if(pageLinks == null) parseLinks(); return pageLinks; } public HashMap<String,Vector> getLinksWithText() { if(pageLinksWithTexts == null) parseLinksWithText(); return pageLinksWithTexts; } private void parseCategories() { pageCats = new Vector<String>(); Pattern catPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[Category:(.*?)\\]\\]", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = catPattern.matcher(wikiText); while(matcher.find()) { String [] temp ="\\|"); pageCats.add(temp[0]); } } private void parseLinks() { pageLinks = new Vector<String>(); Pattern catPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = catPattern.matcher(wikiText); while(matcher.find()) { String [] temp ="\\|"); if(temp == null || temp.length == 0) continue; String link = temp[0]; if(link.contains(":") == false) { pageLinks.add(link); } } } private void parseLinksWithText() { Vector<String> _pageLinks = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> _pageLinksTexts = new Vector<String>(); Pattern linkPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = linkPattern.matcher(wikiText); while(matcher.find()) { String [] temp ="\\|"); if(temp == null || temp.length == 0) continue; String link = temp[0]; String linkText; if (temp.length > 1) linkText = temp[1]; else linkText = link; if(link.contains(":") == false) { _pageLinks.add(link); _pageLinksTexts.add(linkText); } } pageLinksWithTexts = new HashMap<String, Vector>(); pageLinksWithTexts.put("pageLinks", _pageLinks); pageLinksWithTexts.put("pageLinkTexts", _pageLinksTexts); } public String getPlainText() { String text = wikiText.replaceAll(">", ">"); text = text.replaceAll("<", "<"); text = text.replaceAll("<ref>.*?</ref>", " "); text = text.replaceAll("</?.*?>", " "); text = text.replaceAll("\\{\\{.*?\\}\\}", " "); text = text.replaceAll("\\[\\[.*?:.*?\\]\\]", " "); text = text.replaceAll("\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]", "$1"); text = text.replaceAll("\\s(.*?)\\|(\\w+\\s)", " $2"); text = text.replaceAll("\\[.*?\\]", " "); text = text.replaceAll("\\'+", ""); return text; } public InfoBox getInfoBox() { //parseInfoBox is expensive. Doing it only once like other parse* methods if(infoBox == null) infoBox = parseInfoBox(); return infoBox; } private InfoBox parseInfoBox() { String INFOBOX_CONST_STR = "{{Infobox"; int startPos = wikiText.indexOf(INFOBOX_CONST_STR); if(startPos < 0) return null; int bracketCount = 2; int endPos = startPos + INFOBOX_CONST_STR.length(); for(; endPos < wikiText.length(); endPos++) { switch(wikiText.charAt(endPos)) { case '}': bracketCount--; break; case '{': bracketCount++; break; default: } if(bracketCount == 0) break; } if(endPos+1 >= wikiText.length()) return null; // This happens due to malformed Infoboxes in wiki text. See Issue #10 // Giving up parsing is the easier thing to do. String infoBoxText = wikiText.substring(startPos, endPos+1); infoBoxText = stripCite(infoBoxText); // strip clumsy {{cite}} tags // strip any html formatting infoBoxText = infoBoxText.replaceAll(">", ">"); infoBoxText = infoBoxText.replaceAll("<", "<"); infoBoxText = infoBoxText.replaceAll("<ref.*?>.*?</ref>", " "); infoBoxText = infoBoxText.replaceAll("</?.*?>", " "); return new InfoBox(infoBoxText); } private String stripCite(String text) { String CITE_CONST_STR = "{{cite"; int startPos = text.indexOf(CITE_CONST_STR); if(startPos < 0) return text; int bracketCount = 2; int endPos = startPos + CITE_CONST_STR.length(); for(; endPos < text.length(); endPos++) { switch(text.charAt(endPos)) { case '}': bracketCount--; break; case '{': bracketCount++; break; default: } if(bracketCount == 0) break; } text = text.substring(0, startPos-1) + text.substring(endPos); return stripCite(text); } public boolean isDisambiguationPage() { return disambiguation; } public String getTranslatedTitle(String languageCode) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\[\\[" + languageCode + ":(.*?)\\]\\]$", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(wikiText); if(matcher.find()) { return; } return null; } }