package com.widowcrawler.parse; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.widowcrawler.core.model.FetchInput; import com.widowcrawler.core.model.IndexInput; import com.widowcrawler.core.model.PageAttribute; import com.widowcrawler.core.model.ParseInput; import com.widowcrawler.core.queue.QueueManager; import com.widowcrawler.core.util.DomainUtils; import com.widowcrawler.core.worker.Worker; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import static com.widowcrawler.core.retry.Retry.retry; /** * @author Scott Mansfield */ public class ParseWorker extends Worker { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParseWorker.class); private static final String FETCH_QUEUE_NAME_CONFIG_KEY = "com.widowcrawler.queue.fetch"; private static final String NEXT_QUEUE_CONFIG_KEY = ""; private static final String BUCKET_NAME_CONFIG_KEY = ""; private static final String USE_REMOTE_CACHE_CONFIG_KEY = "com.widowcrawler.parse.use.remote.cache"; private static final String USE_BASE_DOMAIN_CONFIG_KEY = "com.widowcrawler.use.base.domain"; private static final String BASE_DOMAIN_CONFIG_KEY = "com.widowcrawler.base.domain"; private static final String SENT_TO_FETCH_KEY_PREFIX = "sentToFetch:"; private static final String ASSET_SIZE_KEY_PREFIX = "assetSize:"; private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_KEY = "Content-Type"; private static final String IMAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_PREFIX = "image/"; private static final String NO_CONTENT_TYPE_KEY = "NO_CONTENT_TYPE"; private static final String EXCEPTION_KEY = "EXCEPTION"; private static final Set<String> sentToFetch = new HashSet<>(); private static final Map<String, Integer> assetSizes = new HashMap<>(); @Inject ObjectMapper objectMapper; @Inject JedisPool jedisPool; @Inject QueueManager queueManager; @Inject LinkNormalizer linkNormalizer; @Inject AmazonS3 amazonS3Client; private ParseInput parseInput; public ParseWorker withInput(ParseInput input) { this.parseInput = input; return this; } // TODO: Major: this should be pluggable for different paths / formats / etc. // feeds can be parsed in a different way (i.e. RSS XML) to pull out links // application/atom+xml // // the current implementation will be a default @Override public boolean doWork() { try { // get page content from S3 String bucketName = config.getString(BUCKET_NAME_CONFIG_KEY); String pageContentRef = parseInput.getAttribute(PageAttribute.PAGE_CONTENT_REF).toString(); GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, pageContentRef); final S3Object s3Object = retry(() -> amazonS3Client.getObject(getObjectRequest)); final String pageContent = IOUtils.toString(s3Object.getObjectContent()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(s3Object.getObjectContent()); Document document = Jsoup.parse(pageContent); IndexInput.Builder builder = new IndexInput.Builder().withExistingAttributes(parseInput.getAttributes()); int pageContentSize = pageContent.length(); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.CONTENT_SIZE, pageContentSize); // Record title, even if it's blank String title = document.title(); if (title != null) { builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.TITLE, title); } // get links without in-page anchor links // Note: this breaks for angular apps but whatever Set<String> outLinks = document.getElementsByTag("a") .stream() // Ignore rel="nofollow" links .filter(elem -> !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("nofollow", elem.attr("rel"))) .map(elem -> elem.attr("href")) .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) // Remove javascript links or in-page anchors .filter(link -> !StringUtils.startsWith(link, "#")) .filter(link -> !StringUtils.startsWith(link, "javascript:")) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.OUT_LINKS_RAW, outLinks); outLinks = normalizeLinks(outLinks); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.OUT_LINKS, outLinks); // get asset links // link tags (href) Set<String> cssLinks = collectLinks(document, "link", "href"); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.CSS_LINKS_RAW, cssLinks); cssLinks = normalizeLinks(cssLinks); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.CSS_LINKS, cssLinks); // script tags (src) Set<String> jsLinks = collectLinks(document, "script", "src"); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.JS_LINKS_RAW, jsLinks); jsLinks = normalizeLinks(jsLinks); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.JS_LINKS, jsLinks); // img tags (src) Set<String> imgLinks = collectLinks(document, "img", "src"); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.IMG_LINKS_RAW, imgLinks); imgLinks = normalizeLinks(imgLinks); builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.IMG_LINKS, imgLinks); // retrieve all assets and calculate total page size int totalPageSize = pageContentSize; List<String> assetLinks = new ArrayList<>(cssLinks.size() + jsLinks.size() + imgLinks.size()); assetLinks.addAll(cssLinks); assetLinks.addAll(jsLinks); assetLinks.addAll(imgLinks); for (String link : assetLinks) { // TODO: Metrics on all asset load times as well // it's hard to tell what's necessary to render above the fold, but we can add it all together.... Integer assetSize = getCachedAssetSize(link); if (assetSize == null && link != null) { //"Normalized URI. Original: " + link + " | Normalized: " + norm); final Response response = ClientBuilder.newClient().target(link).request().buildGet().invoke(); // read the response into a String to guarantee we get a length // rather than rely on a server returning a Content-Length header assetSize = response.readEntity(String.class).length(); setCachedAssetSize(link, assetSize); // TODO: Parse CSS and pull in any referenced images and external css } if (assetSize != null) { totalPageSize += assetSize; } } builder.withAttribute(PageAttribute.SIZE_WITH_ASSETS, totalPageSize); // Collect all the outbound links by content type to filter out any unwanted things // e.g. images final Map<String, List<String>> linksByContentType = .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( link -> { try { final Response response = ClientBuilder.newClient().target(link).request().build("HEAD").invoke(); final String contentType = response.getStringHeaders().getFirst(CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_KEY); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contentType)) { return contentType; } else { return NO_CONTENT_TYPE_KEY; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Could not get content type for " + link, ex); //throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage(), ex); return EXCEPTION_KEY; } })); // TODO: insert whatever custom parsing here String nextQueue = config.getString(NEXT_QUEUE_CONFIG_KEY); queueManager.enqueue(nextQueue, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(; String fetchQueue = config.getString(FETCH_QUEUE_NAME_CONFIG_KEY); linksByContentType.entrySet().forEach(entry -> { // Skip any links that just point to images or encountered an exception // while performing a HEAD request. if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(entry.getKey(), IMAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_PREFIX) || StringUtils.equals(entry.getKey(), EXCEPTION_KEY)) { return; } entry.getValue().forEach(link -> { if (alreadySentToFetch(link) || (config.getBoolean(USE_BASE_DOMAIN_CONFIG_KEY) && !DomainUtils.isBaseDomain(config.getString(BASE_DOMAIN_CONFIG_KEY), link))) { return; } try { // TODO: Investigate double messages //INFO [com.widowcrawler.parse.ParseWorker:171] - Enqueuing fetch message for //INFO [com.widowcrawler.parse.ParseWorker:171] - Enqueuing fetch message for //INFO [com.widowcrawler.core.queue.QueueManager:61] - Message enqueued successfully. Message ID: fab3ef38-ac44-41c7-b804-e5e3b6dcbf19 //INFO [com.widowcrawler.core.queue.QueueManager:61] - Message enqueued successfully. Message ID: 949a7420-94cb-45ab-a11b-c36b28d4adc2"Enqueuing fetch message for " + link); FetchInput fetchInput = new FetchInput(link, parseInput.getAttribute(PageAttribute.ORIGINAL_URL).toString()); queueManager.enqueue(fetchQueue, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(fetchInput)); sentToFetch(link); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } }); }); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Parsing failed", ex); return false; } } private Set<String> collectLinks(Document document, String tagName, String attrName) { final Elements elements = document.getElementsByTag(tagName); return .map((elem) -> elem.attr(attrName)) .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private Set<String> normalizeLinks(Set<String> links) { return .map(link -> linkNormalizer.normalize(parseInput.getAttribute(PageAttribute.ORIGINAL_URL).toString(), link)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private boolean useRemoteCache() { return config.getBoolean(USE_REMOTE_CACHE_CONFIG_KEY, true); } private boolean alreadySentToFetch(String link) { if (useRemoteCache()) { try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) { String key = SENT_TO_FETCH_KEY_PREFIX + link; return StringUtils.isNotBlank(jedis.get(key)); } catch (JedisConnectionException ex) { logger.error("Couldn't write to cache", ex); return false; } } else { return sentToFetch.contains(link); } } private void sentToFetch(String link) { if (useRemoteCache()) { try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) { String key = SENT_TO_FETCH_KEY_PREFIX + link; jedis.set(key, "true"); } catch (JedisConnectionException ex) { logger.error("Couldn't read from cache", ex); } } else { sentToFetch.add(link); } } private Integer getCachedAssetSize(String link) { if (useRemoteCache()) { try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) { String key = ASSET_SIZE_KEY_PREFIX + link; String cachedValue = jedis.get(key); if (StringUtils.isBlank(cachedValue)) { return null; } return Integer.valueOf(cachedValue); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.error("Couldn't parse asset size. Asset: " + link, ex); return null; } catch (JedisConnectionException ex) { logger.error("Couldn't read from cache", ex); return null; } } else { return assetSizes.get(link); } } private void setCachedAssetSize(String link, Integer size) { if (useRemoteCache()) { try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) { String key = ASSET_SIZE_KEY_PREFIX + link; String value = size.toString(); jedis.set(key, value); } catch (JedisConnectionException ex) { logger.error("Couldn't read from cache", ex); } } else { assetSizes.put(link, size); } } }