package de.alpharogroup.popupoverlay; import; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.ToString; @Getter @Setter @EqualsAndHashCode @ToString @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class PopupoverlaySettings implements Serializable { /** * The serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Sets popup type to overlay or tooltip. defaults to overlay; */ private String type = PopupoverlayType.OVERLAY.getType(); /** * Shows the popup when initialized; defaults to false; */ private boolean autoopen = false; /** * Disables scrolling of background content while the popup is visible; defaults to false; */ private boolean scrolllock = false; /** * Enables background cover. Disabled for tooltips.; defaults to true; */ private boolean background = true; /** * Disable background cover and keep background elements active. Implies background, blur and * scrolllock to false; defaults to false; */ private boolean backgroundactive = false; /** * Sets background color. defaults to '#000'; */ private String color = "#000"; /** * Sets background opacity. defaults to '0.5'; */ private Float opacity = Float.valueOf(0.5f); /** * Sets horizontal position. Options `leftedge` and `rightedge` can be used only for tooltips, * and will align the tooltip to the left or right edge of the opening element (`openelement`). * defaults to 'center'; */ private String horizontal = HorizontalPosition.CENTER.getPosition(); /** * Sets vertical position. * * Options `topedge` and `bottomedge` can be used only for tooltips, and will align the tooltip * to the top or bottom edge of the opening element (`openelement`). defaults to 'center'; */ private String vertical = VerticalPosition.CENTER.getPosition(); /** * Sets top offset to tooltip. (defaults to 0) */ private int offsettop = 0; /** * Sets left offset to tooltip. (defaults to 0) */ private int offsetleft = 0; /** * Closes the popup when Escape key is pressed; defaults to true; */ private boolean escape = true; /** * Closes the popup when clicked outside of it; defaults to true; */ private boolean blur = true; /** * Sets default z-index to the popup (2001) and to the background (2000); defaults to true; */ private boolean setzindex = true; /** * Sets highest z-index on the page to the popup; defaults to false; */ private boolean autozindex = false; /** * Lock keyboard focus inside of popup. Recommended to be enabled; defaults to true; */ private boolean keepfocus = true; /** * Enables you to specify the element which will be focused upon showing the popup. By default, * the popup element #my_popup will receive the initial focus. defaults to 'my_popup'; */ private String focuselement = null; /** * Sets a delay in milliseconds before focusing an element. This is to prevent page scrolling * during opening transition, as browsers will try to move the viewport to an element which * received the focus. (defaults to 50) */ private int focusdelay = 50; /** * Sets a page container (to help screen reader users). Page container should be the element * that surrounds all the content on the page (e.g. '.container' in the case of this very page). * * It's highly recommended that you set the page container to help some screen readers read the * modal dialog correctly. Doing so, when the popup is visible, aria-hidden="true" will be set * to the page container and aria-hidden="false" to the popup, and vice-versa when the popup * closes. You can set `pagecontainer` once per website (e.g. $.fn.popup.defaults.pagecontainer * = '.container'). */ private String pagecontainer = null; /** * Shows a default browser outline on popup element when focused. * * Setting to false is equivalent to #my_popup{outline: none;}; defaults to false; */ private boolean outline = false; /** * Removes popup element from the DOM after closing transition.; defaults to false; */ private boolean detach = false; /** * Enables you to define custom element which will open the popup on click. By default * '.{popup_id}_open'. */ private String openelement = null; /** * Enables you to define custom element which will close the popup on click. By default * '.{popup_id}_close'. */ private String closeelement = null; /** * Sets CSS transition when showing and hiding a popup. * * Use this if you don't need separate transition for background, or different transition for * opening and closing the popup, or if you need to transition only selected properties – * otherwise set custom transitions directly in CSS. * * Simple fade effect $('#my_popup').popup({transition: 'all 0.3s'}) is equivalent to #my_popup, * #my_popup_wrapper, #my_popup_background {transition: all 0.3s;} * * Setting fade effect for all popups on the site: $.fn.popup.defaults.transition = 'all 0.3s'; * is equivalent to .popup_content, .popup_wrapper, .popup_background {transition: all 0.3s;} */ private String transition = null; /** * Type: object JQuery or DOM object * * Sets an element to be an anchor for tooltip position. * * For example, for multiple opening links using the same tooltip on mouseover: * * $('.my_popup_open').on({ mouseenter: function(event) { $('#my_popup').popup({ tooltipanchor: *, autoopen: true, type: 'tooltip' }); }, mouseleave: function() { * $('#my_popup').popup('hide'); } }); */ private String tooltipanchor = null; /** * Type: function Description: Callback function which will execute before the popup is opened. * Default is null. */ private String beforeopen = null; /** * Type: function Description: Callback function which will execute when the popup starts to * open. Default is null. */ private String onopen = null; /** * Type: function Description: Callback function which will execute when the popup starts to * close. Default is null. */ private String onclose = null; /** * Type: function Description: Callback function which will execute after the opening CSS * transition is over, only if transition actually occurs and if supported by the browser. * Default is null. */ private String opentransitionend = null; /** * Type: function Description: Callback function which will execute after the closing CSS * transition is over, only if transition actually occurs and if supported by the browser. * Default is null. */ private String closetransitionend = null; }