package org.dicadeveloper.weplantaforest.reports.co2; import org.dicadeveloper.weplantaforest.trees.Tree; import; import; import; public interface Co2Repository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Tree, Long> { public final static String GET_ALL_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING = "select new org.dicadeveloper.weplantaforest.reports.co2.Co2Data(sum(tree.amount), sum(tree.amount * tree.treeType.annualCo2SavingInTons * ((:time - tree.plantedOn) / 3.1536E10))) from Tree as tree"; public final static String GET_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING_FOR_USER_ID = "select new org.dicadeveloper.weplantaforest.reports.co2.Co2Data(COALESCE(sum(tree.amount),0), COALESCE(sum(tree.amount * tree.treeType.annualCo2SavingInTons * ((:time - tree.plantedOn) / 3.1536E10)),0.0)) from Tree as tree WHERE = :userId"; public final static String GET_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING_FOR_USERNAME = "select new org.dicadeveloper.weplantaforest.reports.co2.Co2Data(COALESCE(sum(tree.amount),0), COALESCE(sum(tree.amount * tree.treeType.annualCo2SavingInTons * ((:time - tree.plantedOn) / 3.1536E10)),0.0))" + " from Tree as tree WHERE = :name"; public final static String GET_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING_FOR_TEAM = "select new org.dicadeveloper.weplantaforest.reports.co2.Co2Data(sum(tree.amount), sum(tree.amount * tree.treeType.annualCo2SavingInTons * ((:time - tree.plantedOn) / 3.1536E10)))" + " from Tree as tree WHERE = :teamName"; @Query(GET_ALL_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING) Co2Data getAllTreesAndCo2Saving(@Param("time") long timeOfMeasurement); @Query(GET_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING_FOR_USERNAME) Co2Data getAllTreesAndCo2SavingForUserName(@Param("time") long timeOfMeasurement, @Param("name") String name); @Query(GET_TREES_AND_CO2_SAVING_FOR_TEAM) Co2Data getAllTreesAndCo2SavingForTeam(@Param("time") long timeOfMeasurement, @Param("teamName") String teamName); // TODO: subqueries doesn't work for from clause, so there has to be another solution // select count(*) from (select sum(tree._amount) from Tree AS tree GROUP BY // tree._owner__userId // having sum(tree._amount) >= (select sum(_amount) from Tree WHERE // _owner__userId = 3935)) a; // @Query(value= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT SUM(tree._amount) FROM Tree // AS tree GROUP BY tree._owner__userId HAVING SUM(tree._amount) >= ( SELECT // SUM(_amount) FROM Tree WHERE _owner__userId = ?1)) a", nativeQuery= true) // Long getUserRanking(@Param("userId") long userId); }