package cz.benky.webdav.dao; import; import; import; import; import; import cz.benky.webdav.util.CassandraUtils; import cz.benky.webdav.util.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static cz.benky.webdav.util.PathUtils.removeFirstSlash; import static cz.benky.webdav.util.CassandraUtils.ROOT_UUID; public class CassandraDao { protected static final String CURRENT_DIR = "."; private final Keyspace keyspace; public CassandraDao() { this.keyspace = CassandraUtils.getConnection(); } public boolean isFile(String path) { try { final UUID entryId = getResourceUUID(ROOT_UUID, path); if (entryId == null) { return false; } final OperationResult<CqlResult<String, String>> execute = keyspace .prepareQuery(CassandraUtils.CQL3_CF) .withCql("SELECT file FROM file WHERE file=?") .asPreparedStatement() .withUUIDValue(entryId) .execute(); return !execute.getResult().getRows().isEmpty(); } catch (ConnectionException ignore) { return false; } } public List<String> getSiblings(final String path) { final List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); try { final UUID resourceUUID = getResourceUUID(ROOT_UUID, path); final OperationResult<CqlResult<String, String>> execute = keyspace .prepareQuery(CassandraUtils.CQL3_CF) .withCql("SELECT child FROM directory WHERE pathId=?") .asPreparedStatement() .withUUIDValue(resourceUUID) .execute(); for (Row<String, String> row : execute.getResult().getRows()) { final String fileName = row.getColumns().getStringValue("child", null); if (CURRENT_DIR.equals(fileName)) { continue; } result.add(fileName); } return result; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public boolean resourceExists(String path) { try { return getResourceUUID(ROOT_UUID, path) != null; } catch (ConnectionException ignore) { return false; } } private UUID createSubdirectory(UUID root, String name) throws ConnectionException { final UUID newResourceId = UUID.randomUUID(); createEntityInDirectory(root, name, newResourceId); createEntityInDirectory(newResourceId, ".", newResourceId); return newResourceId; } public void createEntityInDirectory(UUID root, String name, UUID newResourceId) throws ConnectionException { keyspace .prepareQuery(CassandraUtils.CQL3_CF) .withCql("INSERT INTO directory (pathId, child, childId) VALUES (?, ?, ?)") .asPreparedStatement() .withUUIDValue(root) .withStringValue(name) .withUUIDValue(newResourceId) .execute(); } public UUID getFile(final String path) { try { return getResourceUUID(ROOT_UUID, path); } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void createDirectory(String path) { path = StringUtils.chomp(path, "/"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) { return; } try { String tmpPath = path; UUID rootDir = ROOT_UUID; do { final String[] directories = StringUtils.split(removeFirstSlash(tmpPath), "/", 2); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ArrayUtils.get(directories, 0))) { break; } final String directoryName = directories[0]; final UUID resourceUUID = getResourceUUID(rootDir, directoryName); if (resourceUUID != null) { rootDir = resourceUUID; } else { createSubdirectory(rootDir, directoryName); } tmpPath = ArrayUtils.get(directories, 1); } while (true); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private UUID getResourceUUID(final UUID root, final String path) throws ConnectionException { final String[] split = StringUtils.split(removeFirstSlash(path), "/", 2); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ArrayUtils.get(split, 0))) { return root; } final UUID childId = getChildUUID(root, split[0]); if (childId == null) { return null; } else { final String restOfPath = ArrayUtils.get(split, 1); return !StringUtils.isEmpty(restOfPath) ? getResourceUUID(childId, restOfPath) : childId; } } private UUID getChildUUID(final UUID root, final String directoryName) throws ConnectionException { final OperationResult<CqlResult<String, String>> execute = keyspace .prepareQuery(CassandraUtils.CQL3_CF) .withCql("SELECT childid FROM directory WHERE pathId=? AND child=?") .asPreparedStatement() .withUUIDValue(root) .withStringValue(directoryName) .execute(); for (Row<String, String> row : execute.getResult().getRows()) { return row.getColumns().getUUIDValue("childid", null); } return null; } public void deleteFromDirectory(UUID parent, String fileName) throws ConnectionException { keyspace .prepareQuery(CassandraUtils.CQL3_CF) .withCql("DELETE FROM directory WHERE pathId=? AND child=?") .asPreparedStatement() .withUUIDValue(parent) .withStringValue(fileName) .execute(); } }