/* * Copyright 2012 * Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab and FG Language Technology * Technische Universität Darmstadt * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.tcf; import static org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.closeQuietly; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionException; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.util.Level; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.coref.type.CoreferenceChain; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.coref.type.CoreferenceLink; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.io.JCasResourceCollectionReader_ImplBase; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.lexmorph.type.pos.POS; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type.Lemma; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type.Sentence; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type.Token; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.syntax.type.dependency.Dependency; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.io.TextCorpusStreamed; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.io.WLDObjector; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.io.WLFormatException; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.DependencyParse; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Reference; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.TextCorpus; import eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.xb.WLData; /** * Reader for the WebLicht TCF format. It reads all the available annotation Layers from the TCF * file and convert it to a CAS annotations. The TCF data do not have begin/end offsets for all of * its annotations which is required in CAS annotation. Hence, addresses are manually calculated per * tokens and stored in a map (token_id, token(CAS object)) where later we get can get the offset * from the token * */ public class TcfReader extends JCasResourceCollectionReader_ImplBase { int j = 0; @Override public void getNext(JCas aJCas) throws IOException, CollectionException { Resource res = nextFile(); initCas(aJCas, res); InputStream is = null; try { is = new BufferedInputStream(res.getInputStream()); WLData wLData = WLDObjector.read(is); TextCorpus aCorpusData = wLData.getTextCorpus(); convertToCas(aJCas, aCorpusData); } catch (WLFormatException e) { throw new CollectionException(e); } finally { closeQuietly(is); } } private void convertToCas(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData) { convertText(aJCas, aCorpusData); Map<String, Token> tokens = convertTokens(aJCas, aCorpusData); if (tokens.size() > 0) { convertPos(aJCas, aCorpusData, tokens); convertLemma(aJCas, aCorpusData, tokens); convertSentences(aJCas, aCorpusData, tokens); convertDependencies(aJCas, aCorpusData, tokens); convertNamedEntities(aJCas, aCorpusData, tokens); convertCoreference(aJCas, aCorpusData, tokens); } } /** * This method builds texts from the {@link eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token} annotation * layer. The getText Method of {@link TextCorpusStreamed} is not used as some tokens, such as * special characters represented differently than in the original text. */ private void convertText(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getTokensLayer().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { text.append(" "); } eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token token = aCorpusData.getTokensLayer().getToken(i); text.append(token.getString()); } aJCas.setDocumentText(text.toString()); aJCas.setDocumentLanguage(aCorpusData.getLanguage()); } /** * Convert TCF Tokens Layer to CAS Token Annotation. * * @return returns {@code Map} of (token_id, Token), for later references */ private Map<String, Token> convertTokens(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData) { if (aCorpusData.getTokensLayer() == null) { // No layer to read from. return new HashMap<String, Token>(); } String text = aJCas.getDocumentText(); Token outToken; int tokenBeginPosition = 0; int tokenEndPosition; Map<String, Token> tokens = new HashMap<String, Token>(); for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getTokensLayer().size(); i++) { eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token token = aCorpusData.getTokensLayer().getToken(i); tokenBeginPosition = text.indexOf(token.getString(), tokenBeginPosition); tokenEndPosition = text.indexOf(token.getString(), tokenBeginPosition) + token.getString().length(); outToken = new Token(aJCas, tokenBeginPosition, tokenEndPosition); outToken.addToIndexes(); tokens.put(token.getID(), outToken); tokenBeginPosition = tokenEndPosition; } return tokens; } private void convertPos(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens) { if (aCorpusData.getPosTagsLayer() == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getPosTagsLayer().size(); i++) { eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] posTokens = aCorpusData.getPosTagsLayer() .getTokens(aCorpusData.getPosTagsLayer().getTag(i)); String value = aCorpusData.getPosTagsLayer().getTag(i).getString(); POS outPos = new POS(aJCas); outPos.setBegin(aTokens.get(posTokens[0].getID()).getBegin()); outPos.setEnd(aTokens.get(posTokens[0].getID()).getEnd()); outPos.setPosValue(value); outPos.addToIndexes(); // Set the POS to the token aTokens.get(posTokens[0].getID()).setPos(outPos); } } private void convertLemma(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens) { if (aCorpusData.getLemmasLayer() == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getLemmasLayer().size(); i++) { eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] lemmaTokens = aCorpusData.getLemmasLayer() .getTokens(aCorpusData.getLemmasLayer().getLemma(i)); String value = aCorpusData.getLemmasLayer().getLemma(i).getString(); Lemma outLemma = new Lemma(aJCas); outLemma.setBegin(aTokens.get(lemmaTokens[0].getID()).getBegin()); outLemma.setEnd(aTokens.get(lemmaTokens[0].getID()).getEnd()); outLemma.setValue(value); outLemma.addToIndexes(); // Set the lemma to the token aTokens.get(lemmaTokens[0].getID()).setLemma(outLemma); } } private void convertSentences(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens) { if (aCorpusData.getSentencesLayer() == null) { // No layer to read from. return; } for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getSentencesLayer().size(); i++) { eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] sentencesTokens = aCorpusData .getSentencesLayer().getTokens(aCorpusData.getSentencesLayer().getSentence(i)); Sentence outSentence = new Sentence(aJCas); outSentence.setBegin(aTokens.get(sentencesTokens[0].getID()).getBegin()); outSentence.setEnd(aTokens.get(sentencesTokens[sentencesTokens.length - 1].getID()) .getEnd()); outSentence.addToIndexes(); } } private void convertDependencies(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens) { if (aCorpusData.getDependencyParsingLayer() == null) { // No layer to read from. return; } for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getDependencyParsingLayer().size(); i++) { DependencyParse dependencyParse = aCorpusData.getDependencyParsingLayer().getParse(i); for (eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Dependency dependency : dependencyParse .getDependencies()) { eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] governorTokens = aCorpusData .getDependencyParsingLayer().getGovernorTokens(dependency); eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] dependentTokens = aCorpusData .getDependencyParsingLayer().getDependentTokens(dependency); POS dependentPos = aTokens.get(dependentTokens[0].getID()).getPos(); // For dependency annotations in the TCF file without POS, add as a default POS -- if (dependentPos == null) { getUimaContext().getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "There is no pos for this token, added is -- as a pos"); dependentPos = new POS(aJCas); dependentPos.setBegin(aTokens.get(dependentTokens[0].getID()).getBegin()); dependentPos.setEnd(aTokens.get(dependentTokens[0].getID()).getEnd()); dependentPos.setPosValue("--"); dependentPos.addToIndexes(); aTokens.get(dependentTokens[0].getID()).setPos(dependentPos); } if (governorTokens != null) { POS governerPos = aTokens.get(governorTokens[0].getID()).getPos(); if (governerPos == null) { if (dependency.getFunction().equals("ROOT")) { // do nothing } else { getUimaContext().getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "There is no pos for this token, added is -- as a pos"); governerPos = new POS(aJCas); governerPos.setBegin(aTokens.get(governorTokens[0].getID()).getBegin()); governerPos.setEnd(aTokens.get(governorTokens[0].getID()).getEnd()); governerPos.setPosValue("--"); governerPos.addToIndexes(); aTokens.get(governorTokens[0].getID()).setPos(governerPos); } } } else { governorTokens = dependentTokens; } Dependency outDependency = new Dependency(aJCas); outDependency.setDependencyType(dependency.getFunction()); outDependency.setGovernor(aTokens.get(governorTokens[0].getID())); outDependency.setDependent(dependency.getFunction().equals("ROOT") ? aTokens .get(governorTokens[0].getID()) : aTokens.get(dependentTokens[0].getID())); outDependency.setBegin(outDependency.getDependent().getBegin()); outDependency.setEnd(outDependency.getDependent().getEnd()); outDependency.addToIndexes(); } } } private void convertNamedEntities(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens) { if (aCorpusData.getNamedEntitiesLayer() == null) { // No layer to read from. return; } for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getNamedEntitiesLayer().size(); i++) { // get the named entity eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.NamedEntity entity = aCorpusData .getNamedEntitiesLayer().getEntity(i); eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] namedEntityTokens = aCorpusData .getNamedEntitiesLayer().getTokens(entity); NamedEntity outNamedEntity = new NamedEntity(aJCas); outNamedEntity.setBegin(getOffsets(namedEntityTokens, aTokens)[0]); outNamedEntity.setEnd(getOffsets(namedEntityTokens, aTokens)[1]); outNamedEntity.setValue(entity.getType()); outNamedEntity.addToIndexes(); } } /** * Correferences in CAS should be represented {@link CoreferenceChain} and * {@link CoreferenceLink}. The TCF representation Uses <b> rel </b> and <b>target </b> to build * chains. Example: </br><i> * {@literal <entity><reference ID="rc_0" tokenIDs="t_0" mintokIDs="t_0" type="nam"/> } </br> * {@literal <reference ID="rc_1" tokenIDs="t_6" mintokIDs="t_6" type="pro.per3" rel="anaphoric" target="rc_0"/></entity> * }</i> </br> The first phase of conversion is getting all <b>references</b> and * <b>targets</b> alongside the <b>type</b> and <b>relations in different maps</b> <br> * Second, an iteration is made through all the maps and the {@link CoreferenceChain} and * {@link CoreferenceLink} annotations are constructed. */ private void convertCoreference(JCas aJCas, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens) { if (aCorpusData.getReferencesLayer() == null) { // No layer to read from. return; } for (int i = 0; i < aCorpusData.getReferencesLayer().size(); i++) { eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.ReferencedEntity entity = aCorpusData .getReferencesLayer().getReferencedEntity(i); Map<Integer, CoreferenceLink> referencesMap = new TreeMap<Integer, CoreferenceLink>(); storeReferencesAndTargetsInMap(referencesMap, entity, aCorpusData, aTokens, aJCas); CoreferenceChain chain = new CoreferenceChain(aJCas); CoreferenceLink link = null; for (Integer address : referencesMap.keySet()) { if (chain.getFirst() == null) { chain.setFirst(referencesMap.get(address)); link = chain.getFirst(); chain.addToIndexes(); } else { link.setNext(referencesMap.get(address)); if (link.getReferenceRelation() == null) { link.setReferenceRelation(referencesMap.get(address).getReferenceRelation()); } link = link.getNext(); link.addToIndexes(); } } } } private void storeReferencesAndTargetsInMap(Map<Integer, CoreferenceLink> aReferencesMap, eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.ReferencedEntity entity, TextCorpus aCorpusData, Map<String, Token> aTokens, JCas aJcas) { for (Reference reference : entity.getReferences()) { StringBuilder sbTokens = new StringBuilder(); for (eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token token : aCorpusData.getReferencesLayer() .getTokens(reference)) { sbTokens.append(token.getID() + " "); } String[] referenceTokens = sbTokens.toString().split(" "); int begin = getOffsets(referenceTokens, aTokens)[0]; int end = getOffsets(referenceTokens, aTokens)[1]; CoreferenceLink link = new CoreferenceLink(aJcas); link.setBegin(begin); link.setEnd(end); String referencesType = reference.getType() == null ? "nam" : reference.getType(); link.setReferenceType(referencesType); if (reference.getRelation() != null) { link.setReferenceRelation(reference.getRelation()); } link.addToIndexes(); aReferencesMap.put(aJcas.getCasImpl().ll_getFSRef(link), link); } } /** * Get the start and end offsets of a span annotation * * @param aSpanTokens * list of span {@link eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token}s * @param aAllTokens * all available tokens in the file */ private int[] getOffsets(eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token[] aSpanTokens, Map<String, Token> aAllTokens) { List<Integer> beginPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> endPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (eu.clarin.weblicht.wlfxb.tc.api.Token token : aSpanTokens) { beginPositions.add(aAllTokens.get(token.getID()).getBegin()); endPositions.add(aAllTokens.get(token.getID()).getEnd()); } return new int[] { (Collections.min(beginPositions)), (Collections.max(endPositions)) }; } /** * Get the start and end offsets of a span annotation * * @param aSpanTokens * list of span token ids. [t_3,_t_5, t_1] * @param aAllTokens * all available tokens in the file */ private int[] getOffsets(String[] aSpanTokens, Map<String, Token> aAllTokens) { List<Integer> beginPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> endPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String token : aSpanTokens) { beginPositions.add(aAllTokens.get(token).getBegin()); endPositions.add(aAllTokens.get(token).getEnd()); } return new int[] { (Collections.min(beginPositions)), (Collections.max(endPositions)) }; } }