import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat; import static play.test.Helpers.fakeApplication; import static play.test.Helpers.running; import static play.test.Helpers.inMemoryDatabase; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import models.FieldUrl; import models.Target; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import play.Configuration; import play.Logger; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory; import; import; import; import; public class LicenseInheritanceTest { private String url = ""; // private String url = ""; // private String url = ""; // private String url = ""; private static Boolean scopeHosting; private static Boolean scopeDomain; private static Boolean scopeRegistration; private static Boolean scopeManual; private static Boolean scopeLicense; @Test public void testLicenseInheritance() { running(fakeApplication(inMemoryDatabase()), new Runnable() { private Target addTarget(String title, String[] urls, ScopeType scope ) { Target t = new Target(); t.title = title; = true; t.fieldUrls = new ArrayList<FieldUrl>(); for( String nurl : urls ) { try { t.fieldUrls.add(new FieldUrl(nurl)); } catch (ActException e) { throw(new RuntimeException(e)); } } if( scope != null ) t.scope =; // And save it:; // And also return: return t; } @Override public void run() { /***************** Add some test data ******************/ // Clear out any existing data from other tests: for( Target t : Target.findAll() ) { t.delete(); } // Add some particular targets: Target bl = this.addTarget("British Library", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.subdomains); Target bln = this.addTarget("British Library News", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.subdomains); Target bld = this.addTarget("British Library Datasets", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.root); Target eg = this.addTarget("Example", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.subdomains); Target egs = this.addTarget("Example Subdomain", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.root); Target egss = this.addTarget("Example Subsection", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.root); Target egsss = this.addTarget("Example Subsubsection", new String[]{ "" }, ScopeType.root); /***************** Perform some basic tests ******************/ assertThat(eg.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); assertThat(egss.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); eg.setProfessionalJudgement(true); // If it was smarter, it would check that a professional reason was required. //assertThat(eg.isInScopeAllWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); //assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); //eg.setProfessionalJudgementExp("Because I say so!"); assertThat(eg.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isTrue(); // This won't pick up yet: assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); assertThat(egss.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse();; egs.clearOverallLicenseStatusCache(); egss.clearOverallLicenseStatusCache(); // Now it should pick up the subdomain inheritance: assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isTrue(); assertThat(egss.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isTrue(); // Now switch to root scope and check the inheritance is lost: eg.scope =;; egs.clearOverallLicenseStatusCache(); egss.clearOverallLicenseStatusCache(); assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); assertThat(egss.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isTrue(); // Now check path inheritance: eg.setProfessionalJudgement(false);; egss.setProfessionalJudgement(true);; egs.clearOverallLicenseStatusCache(); egss.clearOverallLicenseStatusCache(); assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); assertThat(egs.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isFalse(); assertThat(egss.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isTrue(); assertThat(egsss.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()).isTrue();"More fine-grained tests..."); /*****************Checking the NPLD scopes & Licensing of a given URL******************/ Target target = new Target(); target.fieldUrls = new ArrayList<FieldUrl>(); try { target.fieldUrls.add(new FieldUrl(url)); } catch (ActException e1) { Logger.error("Exception when creating test target with "+url); } scopeHosting = target.isUkHosting(); scopeDomain = target.isTopLevelDomain(); try { scopeRegistration = target.isUkRegistration(); } catch (WhoisException e) { throw(new RuntimeException(e)); } scopeManual = target.checkManualScope(); scopeLicense = target.checkLicense(); // scopeLicense = target.indicateUkwaLicenceStatus(); // scopeLicense = target.indicateLicenses(); // scopeLicense = target.hasLicenses();"Scopes and Licensing::::::::::::::: " + target.fieldUrls + " - " + scopeHosting+ " - " + scopeDomain+ " - " + scopeRegistration+ " - " + scopeManual+ " - " +scopeLicense); /***********Fetch the child URLs**************************/ List<Target> list = Target.filterUrl(url);"Number of child URLs::::::::::::::: " + list.size()); /****************Check child url scopes if the parent url is in scope*****************/ if(scopeHosting || scopeDomain || scopeRegistration || scopeManual){ Boolean scopeHosting = null; Boolean scopeDomain = null; Boolean scopeRegistration = null; Boolean scopeManual = null; for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){"Looking at: "+list.get(i).title); scopeHosting = list.get(i).isUkHosting(); scopeDomain = list.get(i).isTopLevelDomain(); try { scopeRegistration = list.get(i).isUkRegistration(); } catch (WhoisException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } scopeManual = list.get(i).checkManualScope();"In NPLD scope:URLs:::::::::: " + list.get(i).fieldUrls.get(0).url + " - " + scopeHosting+ " - " + scopeDomain+ " - " + scopeRegistration+ " - " + scopeManual); assertThat(scopeHosting || scopeDomain || scopeRegistration || scopeManual).isEqualTo(true); } } /****************Check child url licensing if the parent url have license*****************/ if(scopeLicense){ Boolean scopeLicense = null; for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){ scopeLicense = list.get(i).checkLicense();"In Licensing:URLs:::::::::: " + list.get(i).fieldUrls.get(0).url + " - " + scopeLicense); assertThat(scopeLicense).isEqualTo(true); } } } }); } // Test public void testWhois() throws ActException { String url = ""; Scope.WHOIS_ENABLED = true; boolean wr = Scope.INSTANCE.checkWhois(url, null); assertThat(wr).isTrue(); // And clean up: Scope.WHOIS_ENABLED = false; } }