/** * Copyright (c) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). 2006-2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glite.security.voms.admin.configuration; public interface VOMSConfigurationConstants { /** * Internal property used to hold vo name */ public static final String VO_NAME = "voms.vo.name"; public static final String LOCALHOST_DEFAULTS_TO_LOCAL_ADMIN = "voms.localhost.defaults.to.local.admin"; public static final String READONLY = "voms.readonly"; public static final String VOMS_SERVICE_CERT = "voms.service.cert"; public static final String VOMS_SERVICE_KEY = "voms.service.key"; public static final String TRUST_ANCHORS_DIR = "voms.trust_anchors.dir"; public static final String TRUST_ANCHORS_REFRESH_PERIOD = "voms.trust_anchors.refresh_period"; public static final String CREATE_EXPIRED_CAS = "voms.ca.create-when-expired"; public static final String DROP_EXPIRED_CAS = "voms.ca.drop-when-expired"; /** Shutdown properties **/ public static final String SHUTDOWN_PORT = "voms.shutdown_port"; public static final String SHUTDOWN_PASSWORD = "voms.shutdown_password"; public static final String SERVICE_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "voms.notification.email-address"; public static final String SERVICE_SMTP_SERVER = "voms.notification.smtp-server"; public static final String SERVICE_SMTP_SERVER_PORT = "voms.notification.smtp-server.port"; public static final String SERVICE_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_USERNAME = "voms.notification.username"; public static final String SERVICE_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD = "voms.notification.password"; public static final String SERVICE_EMAIL_USE_TLS = "voms.notification.use_tls"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_NOTIFY_BEHAVIOUR = "voms.notification.notify"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_RETRY_PERIOD = "voms.notification.retry_period"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_DISABLED = "voms.notification.disable"; public static final String VO_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRED_REQ_PURGER_PERIOD = "voms.request.vo_membership.expired_request_purger.period"; public static final String UNCONFIRMED_REQUESTS_EXPIRATION_TIME = "voms.request.vo_membership.lifetime"; public static final String VO_MEMBERSHIP_UNCONFIRMED_REQ_WARN_POLICY = "voms.request.vo_membership.warn_when_expired"; /** * This configuration flag controls the user's ability to request attributes * at VO registration time. */ public static final String VO_MEMBERSHIP_ENABLE_ATTRIBUTES_REQUEST = "voms.request.vo_membership.enable_attribute_requests"; public static final String VO_MEMBERSHIP_REQUIRE_GROUP_MANAGER_SELECTION = "voms.request.vo_membership.require_group_manager_selection"; public static final String GROUP_MANAGER_ROLE_NAME = "voms.request.group_manager_role"; public static final String USER_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "voms.pagination.user.max.results.per.page"; public static final String ATTRIBUTES_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "voms.pagination.attributes.max.results.per.page"; public static final String GROUP_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "voms.pagination.group.max.results.per.page"; public static final String ROLE_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "voms.pagination.role.max.results.per.page"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SERVICE_ENABLED = "voms.registration.enabled"; public static final String READ_ACCESS_FOR_AUTHENTICATED_CLIENTS = "voms.read-access-for-authenticated-clients"; /** * VERSION Properties */ public static final String VOMS_ADMIN_SERVER_VERSION = "voms-admin.server.version"; public static final String VOMS_ADMIN_INTERFACE_VERSION = "voms-admin.interface.version"; /** * AUP Properties */ public static final String GRID_AUP_URL = "voms.aup.grid_aup.initial_url"; public static final String VO_AUP_URL = "voms.aup.vo_aup.initial_url"; public static final String SIGN_AUP_TASK_LIFETIME = "voms.aup.sign_aup_task_lifetime"; public static final int SIGN_AUP_TASK_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_VALUE = 15; public static final String[] SIGN_AUP_TASK_REMINDERS_DEFAULT_VALUE = {"7","3","1"}; public static final String SIGN_AUP_TASK_REMINDERS = "voms.aup.sign_aup_task_reminders"; public static final String REQUIRE_AUP_SIGNATURE_FOR_CREATED_USERS = "voms.aup.require_signature_for_created_users"; public static final String SIGN_AUP_EXTENDS_MEMBERSHIP = "voms.aup.signature_extends_membership"; /** * Membership Properties */ public static final String DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_LIFETIME = "voms.membership.default_lifetime"; public static final String MEMBERSHIP_CHECK_PERIOD = "voms.task.membership_check.period"; public static final String DISABLE_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRATION_WARNING="voms.membership.disable_expiration_warning"; public static final String MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRATION_WARNING_PERIOD = "voms.membership.expiration_warning_period"; public static final String MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRATION_WARNING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_VALUE = "15"; public static final String MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRATION_GRACE_PERIOD = "voms.membership.expiration_grace_period"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_WARNING_RESEND_PERIOD = "voms.membership.notification_resend_period"; public static final String PRESERVE_EXPIRED_MEMBERS = "voms.preserve_expired_members"; public static final String PRESERVE_AUP_FAILING_MEMBERS = "voms.preserve_aup_failing_members"; public static final String DISABLE_MEMBERSHIP_END_TIME = "voms.disable_membership_end_time"; /** * Attribute Authority Properties */ public static final String VOMS_SERVICE_CERT_FILE = "voms.service.cert"; public static final String VOMS_SERVICE_KEY_FILE = "voms.service.key"; public static final String VOMS_SAML_MAX_ASSERTION_LIFETIME = "voms.saml.max_assertion_lifetime"; public static final String VOMS_AA_COMPULSORY_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP = "voms.aa.compulsory_group_membership"; public static final String VOMS_AA_SAML_ACTIVATE_ENDPOINT = "voms.aa.activate_saml_endpoint"; public static final String VOMS_AA_X509_ACTIVATE_ENDPOINT = "voms.aa.x509.activate_endpoint"; public static final String VOMS_AA_X509_MAX_AC_VALIDITY = "voms.aa.x509.max_ac_validity"; public static final String VOMS_AA_X509_PRINT_STATS_PERIOD = "voms.aa.x509.print_stats_period"; public static final String VOMS_AA_X509_LEGACY_FQAN_ENCODING = "voms.aa.x509.legacy_fqan_encoding"; public static final String VOMS_UNAUTHENTICATED_CLIENT_PERMISSION_MASK = "voms.unauthenticated_client_permission_mask"; /** * External validation plugin Properties */ public static final String VOMS_EXTERNAL_VALIDATOR_LIST = "voms.external-validators"; public static final String VOMS_EXTERNAL_VALIDATOR_PREFIX = "voms.ext"; public static final String VOMS_EXTERNAL_VALIDATOR_CONFIG_SUFFIX = "configClass"; /** * Internal registration properties */ public static final String VOMS_INTERNAL_REGISTRATION_TYPE = "___voms.regitration.type"; public static final String VOMS_INTERNAL_RO_PERSONAL_INFORMATION = "___voms.read-only-personal-information"; public static final String VOMS_INTERNAL_RO_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRATION_DATE = "___voms.read-only-membership-expiration"; /** * Executor service properties */ public static final String THREAD_POOL_SIZE_PROPERTY = "voms.background_tasks.thread_pool_size"; /** * Axis Web services CSRF guard */ public static final String VOMS_CSRF_GUARD_LOG_ONLY = "voms.csrf.log_only"; /** * VOMS Admin service hostname. This property is needed to properly compute * the service address when sending out email notifications. */ public static final String VOMS_SERVICE_HOSTNAME = "voms.hostname"; public static final String VOMS_SERVICE_PORT = "voms.port"; /** * The local path where monitored stats properties will be stored. */ public static final String MONITORING_USER_STATS_BASE_PATH = "voms.monitoring.user_stats_base_path"; /** * The file name of the monitored stats properties. */ public static final String MONITORING_USER_STATS_FILE_NAME = "voms.monitoring.user_stats_filename"; /** * How often (in minutes) the stats will be updated * */ public static final String MONITORING_USER_STATS_UPDATE_PERIOD = "voms.monitoring.user_stats_period"; /** * Whether to skip the checks on certificate issuers when authenticating clients */ public static final String SKIP_CA_CHECK = "voms.skip_ca_check"; }