package org.libvirt; import org.libvirt.jna.DomainPointer; import org.libvirt.jna.DomainSnapshotPointer; import org.libvirt.jna.Libvirt; import org.libvirt.jna.virDomainBlockInfo; import org.libvirt.jna.virDomainBlockStats; import org.libvirt.jna.virDomainInfo; import org.libvirt.jna.virDomainInterfaceStats; import org.libvirt.jna.virDomainJobInfo; import org.libvirt.jna.virDomainMemoryStats; import org.libvirt.jna.virSchedParameter; import org.libvirt.jna.virVcpuInfo; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.NativeLong; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; /** * A virtual machine defined within libvirt. */ public class Domain { static final class CreateFlags { static final int VIR_DOMAIN_NONE = 0; } static final class MigrateFlags { /** * live migration */ static final int VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE = 1; } static final class XMLFlags { /** * dump security sensitive information too */ static final int VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE = 1; /** * dump inactive domain information */ static final int VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE = 2; } /** * the native virDomainPtr. */ DomainPointer VDP; /** * The Connect Object that represents the Hypervisor of this Domain */ private Connect virConnect; /** * The libvirt connection from the hypervisor */ protected Libvirt libvirt; /** * Constructs a Domain object from a known native DomainPointer, and a * Connect object. * * @param virConnect * the Domain's hypervisor * @param VDP * the native virDomainPtr */ Domain(Connect virConnect, DomainPointer VDP) { this.virConnect = virConnect; this.VDP = VDP; libvirt = virConnect.libvirt; } /** * Requests that the current background job be aborted at the soonest * opportunity. This will block until the job has either completed, or * aborted. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return 0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure. * @throws LibvirtException */ public int abortJob() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainAbortJob(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Creates a virtual device attachment to backend. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param xmlDesc * XML description of one device * @throws LibvirtException */ public void attachDevice(String xmlDesc) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainAttachDevice(VDP, xmlDesc); processError(); } /** * Creates a virtual device attachment to backend. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param xmlDesc * XML description of one device * @param flags * the an OR'ed set of virDomainDeviceModifyFlags * @throws LibvirtException */ public void attachDeviceFlags(String xmlDesc, int flags) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainAttachDeviceFlags(VDP, xmlDesc, flags); processError(); } /** * This function returns block device (disk) stats for block devices * attached to the domain. * * @param path * the path to the block device * @return the info, or null if an error * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainBlockInfo blockInfo(String path) throws LibvirtException { virDomainBlockInfo info = new virDomainBlockInfo(); int success = libvirt.virDomainGetBlockInfo(VDP, path, info, 0); processError(); return success == 0 ? new DomainBlockInfo(info) : null; } /** * Returns block device (disk) stats for block devices attached to this * domain. The path parameter is the name of the block device. Get this by * calling virDomainGetXMLDesc and finding the <target dev='...'> attribute * within //domain/devices/disk. (For example, "xvda"). Domains may have * more than one block device. To get stats for each you should make * multiple calls to this function. Individual fields within the * DomainBlockStats object may be returned as -1, which indicates that the * hypervisor does not support that particular statistic. * * @param path * path to the block device * @return the statistics in a DomainBlockStats object * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainBlockStats blockStats(String path) throws LibvirtException { virDomainBlockStats stats = new virDomainBlockStats(); int success = libvirt.virDomainBlockStats(VDP, path, stats, stats.size()); processError(); return success == 0 ? new DomainBlockStats(stats) : null; } /** * Dumps the core of this domain on a given file for analysis. Note that for * remote Xen Daemon the file path will be interpreted in the remote host. * * @param to * path for the core file * @param flags * extra flags, currently unused * @throws LibvirtException */ public void coreDump(String to, int flags) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainCoreDump(VDP, to, flags); processError(); } /** * It returns the length (in bytes) required to store the complete CPU map * between a single virtual & all physical CPUs of a domain. */ public int cpuMapLength(int maxCpus) { return (((maxCpus) + 7) / 8); } /** * Launches this defined domain. If the call succeed the domain moves from * the defined to the running domains pools. * * @throws LibvirtException */ public int create() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainCreate(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Launches this defined domain with the provide flags. * If the call succeed the domain moves from * the defined to the running domains pools. * * @throws LibvirtException */ public int create(int flags) throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainCreateWithFlags(VDP, flags); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Destroys this domain object. The running instance is shutdown if not down * already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. * The data structure is freed and should not be used thereafter if the call * does not return an error. This function may requires priviledged access * * @throws LibvirtException */ public void destroy() throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainDestroy(VDP); processError(); } /** * Destroys a virtual device attachment to backend. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param xmlDesc * XML description of one device * @throws LibvirtException */ public void detachDevice(String xmlDesc) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainDetachDevice(VDP, xmlDesc); processError(); } /** * Destroys a virtual device attachment to backend. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param xmlDesc * XML description of one device * @throws LibvirtException */ public void detachDeviceFlags(String xmlDesc, int flags) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainDetachDeviceFlags(VDP, xmlDesc, flags); processError(); } @Override public void finalize() throws LibvirtException { free(); } /** * Frees this domain object. The running instance is kept alive. The data * structure is freed and should not be used thereafter. * * @throws LibvirtException * @return number of references left (>= 0) for success, -1 for failure. */ public int free() throws LibvirtException { int success = 0; if (VDP != null) { success = libvirt.virDomainFree(VDP); processError(); VDP = null; } return success; } /** * Provides a boolean value indicating whether the network is configured to * be automatically started when the host machine boots. * * @return the result * @throws LibvirtException */ public boolean getAutostart() throws LibvirtException { IntByReference autoStart = new IntByReference(); libvirt.virDomainGetAutostart(VDP, autoStart); processError(); return autoStart.getValue() != 0 ? true : false; } /** * Provides the connection object associated with a domain. * * @return the Connect object */ public Connect getConnect() { return virConnect; } /** * Gets the hypervisor ID number for the domain * * @return the hypervisor ID * @throws LibvirtException */ public int getID() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetID(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Extract information about a domain. Note that if the connection used to * get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be * extracted. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * * @return a DomainInfo object describing this domain * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainInfo getInfo() throws LibvirtException { DomainInfo returnValue = null; virDomainInfo vInfo = new virDomainInfo(); int success = libvirt.virDomainGetInfo(VDP, vInfo); processError(); if (success == 0) { returnValue = new DomainInfo(vInfo); } return returnValue; } /** * Extract information about progress of a background job on a domain. Will * return an error if the domain is not active. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return a DomainJobInfo object describing this domain * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainJobInfo getJobInfo() throws LibvirtException { DomainJobInfo returnValue = null; virDomainJobInfo vInfo = new virDomainJobInfo(); int success = libvirt.virDomainGetJobInfo(VDP, vInfo); processError(); if (success == 0) { returnValue = new DomainJobInfo(vInfo); } return returnValue; } /** * Retrieve the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. * * @return the memory in kilobytes * @throws LibvirtException */ public long getMaxMemory() throws LibvirtException { NativeLong returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetMaxMemory(VDP); processError(); return returnValue.longValue(); } /** * Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for the guest VM. * If the guest is inactive, this is basically the same as * virConnectGetMaxVcpus. If the guest is running this will reflect the * maximum number of virtual CPUs the guest was booted with. * * @return the number of VCPUs * @throws LibvirtException */ public int getMaxVcpus() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetMaxVcpus(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Gets the public name for this domain * * @return the name * @throws LibvirtException */ public String getName() throws LibvirtException { String returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetName(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Gets the type of domain operation system. * * @return the type * @throws LibvirtException */ public String getOSType() throws LibvirtException { String returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetOSType(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Gets the scheduler parameters. * * @return an array of SchedParameter objects * @throws LibvirtException */ public SchedParameter[] getSchedulerParameters() throws LibvirtException { IntByReference nParams = new IntByReference(); SchedParameter[] returnValue = new SchedParameter[0]; String scheduler = libvirt.virDomainGetSchedulerType(VDP, nParams); processError(); if (scheduler != null) { virSchedParameter[] nativeParams = new virSchedParameter[nParams.getValue()]; returnValue = new SchedParameter[nParams.getValue()]; libvirt.virDomainGetSchedulerParameters(VDP, nativeParams, nParams); processError(); for (int x = 0; x < nParams.getValue(); x++) { returnValue[x] = SchedParameter.create(nativeParams[x]); } } return returnValue; } // getSchedulerType // We don't expose the nparams return value, it's only needed for the // SchedulerParameters allocations, // but we handle that in getSchedulerParameters internally. /** * Gets the scheduler type. * * @return the type of the scheduler * @throws LibvirtException */ public String[] getSchedulerType() throws LibvirtException { IntByReference nParams = new IntByReference(); String returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetSchedulerType(VDP, nParams); processError(); String[] array = new String[1]; array[0] = returnValue; return array; } /** * Get the UUID for this domain. * * @return the UUID as an unpacked int array * @throws LibvirtException * @see <a href="">rfc4122</a> */ public int[] getUUID() throws LibvirtException { byte[] bytes = new byte[Libvirt.VIR_UUID_BUFLEN]; int success = libvirt.virDomainGetUUID(VDP, bytes); processError(); int[] returnValue = new int[0]; if (success == 0) { returnValue = Connect.convertUUIDBytes(bytes); } return returnValue; } /** * Gets the UUID for this domain as string. * * @return the UUID in canonical String format * @throws LibvirtException * @see <a href="">rfc4122</a> */ public String getUUIDString() throws LibvirtException { byte[] bytes = new byte[Libvirt.VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN]; int success = libvirt.virDomainGetUUIDString(VDP, bytes); processError(); String returnValue = null; if (success == 0) { returnValue = Native.toString(bytes); } return returnValue; } /** * Returns the cpumaps for this domain Only the lower 8 bits of each int in * the array contain information. * * @return a bitmap of real CPUs for all vcpus of this domain * @throws LibvirtException */ public int[] getVcpusCpuMaps() throws LibvirtException { int[] returnValue = new int[0]; int cpuCount = getMaxVcpus(); if (cpuCount > 0) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = virConnect.nodeInfo(); int maplength = cpuMapLength(nodeInfo.maxCpus()); virVcpuInfo[] infos = new virVcpuInfo[cpuCount]; returnValue = new int[cpuCount * maplength]; byte[] cpumaps = new byte[cpuCount * maplength]; libvirt.virDomainGetVcpus(VDP, infos, cpuCount, cpumaps, maplength); processError(); for (int x = 0; x < cpuCount * maplength; x++) { returnValue[x] = cpumaps[x]; } } return returnValue; } /** * Extracts information about virtual CPUs of this domain * * @return an array of VcpuInfo object describing the VCPUs * @throws LibvirtException */ public VcpuInfo[] getVcpusInfo() throws LibvirtException { int cpuCount = getMaxVcpus(); VcpuInfo[] returnValue = new VcpuInfo[cpuCount]; virVcpuInfo[] infos = new virVcpuInfo[cpuCount]; libvirt.virDomainGetVcpus(VDP, infos, cpuCount, null, 0); processError(); for (int x = 0; x < cpuCount; x++) { returnValue[x] = new VcpuInfo(infos[x]); } return returnValue; } /** * Provides an XML description of the domain. The description may be reused * later to relaunch the domain with createLinux(). * * @param flags * not used * @return the XML description String * @throws LibvirtException * @see <a href="" >The XML * Description format </a> */ public String getXMLDesc(int flags) throws LibvirtException { String returnValue = libvirt.virDomainGetXMLDesc(VDP, flags); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Determine if the domain has a snapshot * * @see <a href=">Libvi * r t Documentation</a> * @return 1 if running, 0 if inactive, -1 on error * @throws LibvirtException */ public int hasCurrentSnapshot() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainHasCurrentSnapshot(VDP, 0); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Determine if the domain has a managed save image * * @see <a href=">Libvi * r t Documentation</a> * @return 0 if no image is present, 1 if an image is present, and -1 in * case of error * @throws LibvirtException */ public int hasManagedSaveImage() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainHasManagedSaveImage(VDP, 0); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Returns network interface stats for interfaces attached to this domain. * The path parameter is the name of the network interface. Domains may have * more than network interface. To get stats for each you should make * multiple calls to this function. Individual fields within the * DomainInterfaceStats object may be returned as -1, which indicates that * the hypervisor does not support that particular statistic. * * @param path * path to the interface * @return the statistics in a DomainInterfaceStats object * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainInterfaceStats interfaceStats(String path) throws LibvirtException { virDomainInterfaceStats stats = new virDomainInterfaceStats(); libvirt.virDomainInterfaceStats(VDP, path, stats, stats.size()); processError(); return new DomainInterfaceStats(stats); } /** * Determine if the domain is currently running * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return 1 if running, 0 if inactive, -1 on error * @throws LibvirtException */ public int isActive() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainIsActive(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Determine if the domain has a persistent configuration which means it * will still exist after shutting down * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return 1 if persistent, 0 if transient, -1 on error * @throws LibvirtException */ public int isPersistent() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainIsPersistent(VDP); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return 0 in case of success or -1 in case of failure * @throws LibvirtException */ public int managedSave() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainManagedSave(VDP, 0); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Remove any managed save images from the domain * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return * @throws LibvirtException */ public int managedSaveRemote() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainManagedSaveRemove(VDP, 0); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * This function provides memory statistics for the domain. * * @param number * the number of stats to retrieve * @return the collection of stats, or null if an error occurs. * @throws LibvirtException */ public MemoryStatistic[] memoryStats(int number) throws LibvirtException { virDomainMemoryStats[] stats = new virDomainMemoryStats[number]; MemoryStatistic[] returnStats = null; int result = libvirt.virDomainMemoryStats(VDP, stats, number, 0); processError(); if (result >= 0) { returnStats = new MemoryStatistic[result]; for (int x = 0; x < result; x++) { returnStats[x] = new MemoryStatistic(stats[x]); } } return returnStats; } /** * Migrate this domain object from its current host to the destination host * given by dconn (a connection to the destination host). Flags may be one * of more of the following: Domain.VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE Attempt a live * migration. If a hypervisor supports renaming domains during migration, * then you may set the dname parameter to the new name (otherwise it keeps * the same name). If this is not supported by the hypervisor, dname must be * NULL or else you will get an error. Since typically the two hypervisors * connect directly to each other in order to perform the migration, you may * need to specify a path from the source to the destination. This is the * purpose of the uri parameter.If uri is NULL, then libvirt will try to * find the best method. Uri may specify the hostname or IP address of the * destination host as seen from the source, or uri may be a URI giving * transport, hostname, user, port, etc. in the usual form. Uri should only * be specified if you want to migrate over a specific interface on the * remote host. For Qemu/KVM, the uri should be of the form * "tcp://hostname[:port]". This does not require TCP auth to be setup * between the connections, since migrate uses a straight TCP connection * (unless using the PEER2PEER flag, in which case URI should be a full * fledged libvirt URI). Refer also to driver documentation for the * particular URIs supported. If set to 0, libvirt will choose a suitable * default. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an * error if bandwidth is not 0. To see which features are supported by the * current hypervisor, see Connect.getCapabilities, * /capabilities/host/migration_features. There are many limitations on * migration imposed by the underlying technology - for example it may not * be possible to migrate between different processors even with the same * architecture, or between different types of hypervisor. * * @param dconn * destination host (a Connect object) * @param flags * flags * @param dname * (optional) rename domain to this at destination * @param uri * (optional) dest hostname/URI as seen from the source host * @param bandwidth * optional) specify migration bandwidth limit in Mbps * @return the new domain object if the migration was successful, or NULL in * case of error. Note that the new domain object exists in the * scope of the destination connection (dconn). * @throws LibvirtException */ public Domain migrate(Connect dconn, long flags, String dname, String uri, long bandwidth) throws LibvirtException { DomainPointer newPtr = libvirt.virDomainMigrate(VDP, dconn.VCP, new NativeLong(flags), dname, uri, new NativeLong(bandwidth)); processError(); return new Domain(dconn, newPtr); } /** * Sets maximum tolerable time for which the domain is allowed to be paused * at the end of live migration. * * @see <a * href="">LIbvirt * Documentation</a> * @param downtime * the time to be down * @return 0 in case of success, -1 otherwise. * @throws LibvirtException */ public int migrateSetMaxDowntime(long downtime) throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime(VDP, downtime, 0); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host * given by duri. * * @see http * :// * * @param uri * The destination URI * @param flags * Controls the migrate * @param dname * The name at the destnation * @param bandwidth * Specify the migration bandwidth * @return 0 if successful, -1 if not * @throws LibvirtException */ public int migrateToURI(String uri, long flags, String dname, long bandwidth) throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainMigrateToURI(VDP, uri, new NativeLong(flags), dname, new NativeLong(bandwidth)); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Dynamically changes the real CPUs which can be allocated to a virtual * CPU. This function requires priviledged access to the hypervisor. * * @param vcpu * virtual cpu number * @param cpumap * bit map of real CPUs represented by the the lower 8 bits of * each int in the array. Each bit set to 1 means that * corresponding CPU is usable. Bytes are stored in little-endian * order: CPU0-7, 8-15... In each byte, lowest CPU number is * least significant bit. * @throws LibvirtException */ public void pinVcpu(int vcpu, int[] cpumap) throws LibvirtException { byte[] packedMap = new byte[cpumap.length]; for (int x = 0; x < cpumap.length; x++) { packedMap[x] = (byte) cpumap[x]; } libvirt.virDomainPinVcpu(VDP, vcpu, packedMap, cpumap.length); processError(); } /** * Error handling logic to throw errors. Must be called after every libvirt * call. */ protected void processError() throws LibvirtException { virConnect.processError(); } /** * Reboot this domain, the domain object is still usable there after but the * domain OS is being stopped for a restart. Note that the guest OS may * ignore the request. * * @param flags * extra flags for the reboot operation, not used yet * @throws LibvirtException */ public void reboot(int flags) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainReboot(VDP, flags); processError(); } /** * Resume this suspended domain, the process is restarted from the state * where it was frozen by calling virSuspendDomain(). This function may * requires privileged access * * @throws LibvirtException */ public void resume() throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainResume(VDP); processError(); } /** * Revert the domain to a given snapshot. * * @see <a href= * "" * >Libvirt Documentation</> * @param snapshot * the snapshot to revert to * @return 0 if the creation is successful, -1 on error. * @throws LibvirtException */ public int revertToSnapshot(DomainSnapshot snapshot) throws LibvirtException { int returnCode = libvirt.virDomainRevertToSnapshot(snapshot.VDSP, 0); processError(); return returnCode; } /** * Suspends this domain and saves its memory contents to a file on disk. * After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running * anymore (this may be a problem). Use Connect.virDomainRestore() to * restore a domain after saving. * * @param to * path for the output file * @throws LibvirtException */ public void save(String to) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainSave(VDP, to); processError(); } /** * Configures the network to be automatically started when the host machine * boots. * * @param autostart * @throws LibvirtException */ public void setAutostart(boolean autostart) throws LibvirtException { int autoValue = autostart ? 1 : 0; libvirt.virDomainSetAutostart(VDP, autoValue); processError(); } /** * * Dynamically change the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a * domain. This function requires priviledged access to the hypervisor. * * @param memory * the amount memory in kilobytes * @throws LibvirtException */ public void setMaxMemory(long memory) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainSetMaxMemory(VDP, new NativeLong(memory)); processError(); } /** * Dynamically changes the target amount of physical memory allocated to * this domain. This function may requires priviledged access to the * hypervisor. * * @param memory * in kilobytes * @throws LibvirtException */ public void setMemory(long memory) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainSetMemory(VDP, new NativeLong(memory)); processError(); } /** * Changes the scheduler parameters * * @param params * an array of SchedParameter objects to be changed * @throws LibvirtException */ public void setSchedulerParameters(SchedParameter[] params) throws LibvirtException { virSchedParameter[] input = new virSchedParameter[params.length]; for (int x = 0; x < params.length; x++) { input[x] = SchedParameter.toNative(params[x]); } libvirt.virDomainSetSchedulerParameters(VDP, input, params.length); processError(); } /** * Dynamically changes the number of virtual CPUs used by this domain. Note * that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does * not support it or if growing the number is arbitrary limited. This * function requires priviledged access to the hypervisor. * * @param nvcpus * the new number of virtual CPUs for this domain * @throws LibvirtException */ public void setVcpus(int nvcpus) throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainSetVcpus(VDP, nvcpus); processError(); } /** * Shuts down this domain, the domain object is still usable there after but * the domain OS is being stopped. Note that the guest OS may ignore the * request. TODO: should we add an option for reboot, knowing it may not be * doable in the general case ? * * @throws LibvirtException */ public void shutdown() throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainShutdown(VDP); processError(); } /** * Creates a new snapshot of a domain based on the snapshot xml contained in * xmlDesc. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param xmlDesc * string containing an XML description of the domain * @return the snapshot, or null on Error * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainSnapshot snapshotCreateXML(String xmlDesc) throws LibvirtException { DomainSnapshotPointer ptr = libvirt.virDomainSnapshotCreateXML(VDP, xmlDesc, 0); processError(); DomainSnapshot returnValue = null; if (ptr != null) { returnValue = new DomainSnapshot(virConnect, ptr); } return returnValue; } /** * Get the current snapshot for a domain, if any. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return the snapshot, or null on Error * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainSnapshot snapshotCurrent() throws LibvirtException { DomainSnapshotPointer ptr = libvirt.virDomainSnapshotCurrent(VDP, 0); processError(); DomainSnapshot returnValue = null; if (ptr != null) { returnValue = new DomainSnapshot(virConnect, ptr); } return returnValue; } /** * Collect the list of domain snapshots for the given domain. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @return The list of names, or null if an error * @throws LibvirtException */ public String[] snapshotListNames() throws LibvirtException { String[] returnValue = null; int num = snapshotNum(); if (num >= 0) { returnValue = new String[num]; if (num > 0) { libvirt.virDomainSnapshotListNames(VDP, returnValue, num, 0); processError(); } } return returnValue; } /** * Retrieve a snapshot by name * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param name * the name * @return The located snapshot, or null if an error * @throws LibvirtException */ public DomainSnapshot snapshotLookupByName(String name) throws LibvirtException { DomainSnapshotPointer ptr = libvirt.virDomainSnapshotLookupByName(VDP, name, 0); processError(); DomainSnapshot returnValue = null; if (ptr != null) { returnValue = new DomainSnapshot(virConnect, ptr); } return returnValue; } /** * Provides the number of domain snapshots for this domain.. * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> */ public int snapshotNum() throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainSnapshotNum(VDP, 0); processError(); return returnValue; } /** * Suspends this active domain, the process is frozen without further access * to CPU resources and I/O but the memory used by the domain at the * hypervisor level will stay allocated. Use Domain.resume() to reactivate * the domain. This function requires priviledged access. * * @throws LibvirtException */ public void suspend() throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainSuspend(VDP); processError(); } /** * undefines this domain but does not stop it if it is running * * @throws LibvirtException */ public void undefine() throws LibvirtException { libvirt.virDomainUndefine(VDP); processError(); } /** * Change a virtual device on a domain * * @see <a * href="">Libvirt * Documentation</a> * @param xml * the xml to update with * @param flags * controls the update * @return 0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure. * @throws LibvirtException */ public int updateDeviceFlags(String xml, int flags) throws LibvirtException { int returnValue = libvirt.virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags(VDP, xml, flags); processError(); return returnValue; } }