package org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.runonce.tests; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.viatra.examples.library.Book; import org.eclipse.viatra.examples.library.Writer; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IMatchProcessor; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IQuerySpecification; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.impl.BaseMatcher; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.exception.ViatraQueryException; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.matchers.tuple.Tuple; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.runonce.tests.BookAuthorsMatch; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.runonce.tests.util.BookAuthorsQuerySpecification; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.util.ViatraQueryLoggingUtil; /** * Generated pattern matcher API of the org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.runonce.tests.bookAuthors pattern, * providing pattern-specific query methods. * * <p>Use the pattern matcher on a given model via {@link #on(ViatraQueryEngine)}, * e.g. in conjunction with {@link ViatraQueryEngine#on(Notifier)}. * * <p>Matches of the pattern will be represented as {@link BookAuthorsMatch}. * * <p>Original source: * <code><pre> * pattern bookAuthors(book : Book, author : Writer) { * Book.authors(book, author); * } * </pre></code> * * @see BookAuthorsMatch * @see BookAuthorsProcessor * @see BookAuthorsQuerySpecification * */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public class BookAuthorsMatcher extends BaseMatcher<BookAuthorsMatch> { /** * Initializes the pattern matcher within an existing VIATRA Query engine. * If the pattern matcher is already constructed in the engine, only a light-weight reference is returned. * The match set will be incrementally refreshed upon updates. * @param engine the existing VIATRA Query engine in which this matcher will be created. * @throws ViatraQueryException if an error occurs during pattern matcher creation * */ public static BookAuthorsMatcher on(final ViatraQueryEngine engine) throws ViatraQueryException { // check if matcher already exists BookAuthorsMatcher matcher = engine.getExistingMatcher(querySpecification()); if (matcher == null) { matcher = new BookAuthorsMatcher(engine); // do not have to "put" it into engine.matchers, reportMatcherInitialized() will take care of it } return matcher; } private final static int POSITION_BOOK = 0; private final static int POSITION_AUTHOR = 1; private final static Logger LOGGER = ViatraQueryLoggingUtil.getLogger(BookAuthorsMatcher.class); /** * Initializes the pattern matcher within an existing VIATRA Query engine. * If the pattern matcher is already constructed in the engine, only a light-weight reference is returned. * The match set will be incrementally refreshed upon updates. * @param engine the existing VIATRA Query engine in which this matcher will be created. * @throws ViatraQueryException if an error occurs during pattern matcher creation * */ private BookAuthorsMatcher(final ViatraQueryEngine engine) throws ViatraQueryException { super(engine, querySpecification()); } /** * Returns the set of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters. * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @return matches represented as a BookAuthorsMatch object. * */ public Collection<BookAuthorsMatch> getAllMatches(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor) { return rawGetAllMatches(new Object[]{pBook, pAuthor}); } /** * Returns an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters. * Neither determinism nor randomness of selection is guaranteed. * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @return a match represented as a BookAuthorsMatch object, or null if no match is found. * */ public BookAuthorsMatch getOneArbitraryMatch(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor) { return rawGetOneArbitraryMatch(new Object[]{pBook, pAuthor}); } /** * Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, * under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any). * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @return true if the input is a valid (partial) match of the pattern. * */ public boolean hasMatch(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor) { return rawHasMatch(new Object[]{pBook, pAuthor}); } /** * Returns the number of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters. * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @return the number of pattern matches found. * */ public int countMatches(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor) { return rawCountMatches(new Object[]{pBook, pAuthor}); } /** * Executes the given processor on each match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters. * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @param processor the action that will process each pattern match. * */ public void forEachMatch(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor, final IMatchProcessor<? super BookAuthorsMatch> processor) { rawForEachMatch(new Object[]{pBook, pAuthor}, processor); } /** * Executes the given processor on an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters. * Neither determinism nor randomness of selection is guaranteed. * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @param processor the action that will process the selected match. * @return true if the pattern has at least one match with the given parameter values, false if the processor was not invoked * */ public boolean forOneArbitraryMatch(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor, final IMatchProcessor<? super BookAuthorsMatch> processor) { return rawForOneArbitraryMatch(new Object[]{pBook, pAuthor}, processor); } /** * Returns a new (partial) match. * This can be used e.g. to call the matcher with a partial match. * <p>The returned match will be immutable. Use {@link #newEmptyMatch()} to obtain a mutable match object. * @param pBook the fixed value of pattern parameter book, or null if not bound. * @param pAuthor the fixed value of pattern parameter author, or null if not bound. * @return the (partial) match object. * */ public BookAuthorsMatch newMatch(final Book pBook, final Writer pAuthor) { return BookAuthorsMatch.newMatch(pBook, pAuthor); } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for book. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ protected Set<Book> rawAccumulateAllValuesOfbook(final Object[] parameters) { Set<Book> results = new HashSet<Book>(); rawAccumulateAllValues(POSITION_BOOK, parameters, results); return results; } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for book. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ public Set<Book> getAllValuesOfbook() { return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfbook(emptyArray()); } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for book. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ public Set<Book> getAllValuesOfbook(final BookAuthorsMatch partialMatch) { return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfbook(partialMatch.toArray()); } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for book. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ public Set<Book> getAllValuesOfbook(final Writer pAuthor) { return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfbook(new Object[]{ null, pAuthor }); } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for author. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ protected Set<Writer> rawAccumulateAllValuesOfauthor(final Object[] parameters) { Set<Writer> results = new HashSet<Writer>(); rawAccumulateAllValues(POSITION_AUTHOR, parameters, results); return results; } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for author. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ public Set<Writer> getAllValuesOfauthor() { return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfauthor(emptyArray()); } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for author. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ public Set<Writer> getAllValuesOfauthor(final BookAuthorsMatch partialMatch) { return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfauthor(partialMatch.toArray()); } /** * Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for author. * @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches * */ public Set<Writer> getAllValuesOfauthor(final Book pBook) { return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfauthor(new Object[]{ pBook, null }); } @Override protected BookAuthorsMatch tupleToMatch(final Tuple t) { try { return BookAuthorsMatch.newMatch((Book) t.get(POSITION_BOOK), (Writer) t.get(POSITION_AUTHOR)); } catch(ClassCastException e) { LOGGER.error("Element(s) in tuple not properly typed!",e); return null; } } @Override protected BookAuthorsMatch arrayToMatch(final Object[] match) { try { return BookAuthorsMatch.newMatch((Book) match[POSITION_BOOK], (Writer) match[POSITION_AUTHOR]); } catch(ClassCastException e) { LOGGER.error("Element(s) in array not properly typed!",e); return null; } } @Override protected BookAuthorsMatch arrayToMatchMutable(final Object[] match) { try { return BookAuthorsMatch.newMutableMatch((Book) match[POSITION_BOOK], (Writer) match[POSITION_AUTHOR]); } catch(ClassCastException e) { LOGGER.error("Element(s) in array not properly typed!",e); return null; } } /** * @return the singleton instance of the query specification of this pattern * @throws ViatraQueryException if the pattern definition could not be loaded * */ public static IQuerySpecification<BookAuthorsMatcher> querySpecification() throws ViatraQueryException { return BookAuthorsQuerySpecification.instance(); } }