package io.vertx.example.core.http.simpleform; import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle; import io.vertx.example.util.Runner; /* * NOTE! It's recommended to use Vert.x-Web for examples like this * * @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a> */ public class SimpleFormServer extends AbstractVerticle { // Convenience method so you can run it in your IDE public static void main(String[] args) { Runner.runExample(SimpleFormServer.class); } @Override public void start() throws Exception { vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(req -> { if (req.uri().equals("/")) { // Serve the index page req.response().sendFile("index.html"); } else if (req.uri().startsWith("/form")) { req.response().setChunked(true); req.setExpectMultipart(true); req.endHandler((v) -> { for (String attr : req.formAttributes().names()) { req.response().write("Got attr " + attr + " : " + req.formAttributes().get(attr) + "\n"); } req.response().end(); }); } else { req.response().setStatusCode(404).end(); } }).listen(8080); } }