package com.door43.translationstudio.core; import android.content.Context; import; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.SpannedString; import; import com.door43.translationstudio.AppContext; import com.door43.translationstudio.rendering.USXtoUSFMConverter; import com.door43.util.FileUtilities; import com.door43.util.Zip; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by joel on 8/29/2015. */ public class Translator { private static final int TSTUDIO_PACKAGE_VERSION = 2; private static final String GENERATOR_NAME = "ts-android"; public static final String ARCHIVE_EXTENSION = "tstudio"; private final File mRootDir; private final Context mContext; private Profile profile; public Translator(Context context, Profile profile, File rootDir) { mContext = context; mRootDir = rootDir; this.profile = profile; } /** * Returns the root directory to the target translations * @return */ public File getPath() { return mRootDir; } /** * Returns an array of all active translations * @return */ public TargetTranslation[] getTargetTranslations() { final List<TargetTranslation> translations = new ArrayList<>(); mRootDir.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { if(!filename.equalsIgnoreCase("cache") && new File(dir, filename).isDirectory()) { TargetTranslation translation = getTargetTranslation(filename); if (translation != null) { translations.add(translation); } } return false; } }); return translations.toArray(new TargetTranslation[translations.size()]); } /** * Returns the local translations cache directory. * This is where import and export operations can expand files. * @return */ private File getLocalCacheDir() { return new File(mRootDir, "cache"); } /** * Creates a new Target Translation. If one already exists it will return it without changing anything. * @param nativeSpeaker the human translator * @param targetLanguage the language that is being translated into * @param projectSlug the project that is being translated * @param translationType the type of translation that is occurring * @param resourceSlug the resource that is being created * @param translationFormat the format of the translated text * @return A new or existing Target Translation */ public TargetTranslation createTargetTranslation(NativeSpeaker nativeSpeaker, TargetLanguage targetLanguage, String projectSlug, TranslationType translationType, String resourceSlug, TranslationFormat translationFormat) { // TRICKY: force deprecated formats to use new formats if(translationFormat == TranslationFormat.USX) { translationFormat = TranslationFormat.USFM; } else if(translationFormat == TranslationFormat.DEFAULT) { translationFormat = TranslationFormat.MARKDOWN; } String targetTranslationId = TargetTranslation.generateTargetTranslationId(targetLanguage.getId(), projectSlug, translationType, resourceSlug); TargetTranslation targetTranslation = getTargetTranslation(targetTranslationId); if(targetTranslation == null) { File targetTranslationDir = new File(this.mRootDir, targetTranslationId); try { PackageInfo pInfo = mContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 0); return TargetTranslation.create(this.mContext, nativeSpeaker, translationFormat, targetLanguage, projectSlug, translationType, resourceSlug, pInfo, targetTranslationDir); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return targetTranslation; } private void setTargetTranslationAuthor(TargetTranslation targetTranslation) { if(profile != null && targetTranslation != null) { String name = profile.getFullName(); String email = ""; if(profile.gogsUser != null) { name = profile.gogsUser.fullName; email =; } targetTranslation.setAuthor(name, email); } } /** * Returns a target translation if it exists * @param targetTranslationId * @return */ public TargetTranslation getTargetTranslation(String targetTranslationId) { if(targetTranslationId != null) { File targetTranslationDir = new File(mRootDir, targetTranslationId); TargetTranslation targetTranslation =; setTargetTranslationAuthor(targetTranslation); return targetTranslation; } return null; } /** * Deletes a target translation from the device * @param targetTranslationId */ public void deleteTargetTranslation(String targetTranslationId) { if(targetTranslationId != null) { File targetTranslationDir = new File(mRootDir, targetTranslationId); FileUtilities.safeDelete(targetTranslationDir); } } /** * Compiles all the editable text back into source that could be either USX or USFM. It replaces * the displayed text in spans with their mark-ups. * @param text * @return */ public static String compileTranslation(Editable text) { StringBuilder compiledString = new StringBuilder(); int next; int lastIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i = next) { next = text.nextSpanTransition(i, text.length(), SpannedString.class); SpannedString[] verses = text.getSpans(i, next, SpannedString.class); for (SpannedString s : verses) { int sStart = text.getSpanStart(s); int sEnd = text.getSpanEnd(s); // attach preceeding text if (lastIndex >= text.length() | sStart >= text.length()) { // out of bounds } compiledString.append(text.toString().substring(lastIndex, sStart)); // explode span compiledString.append(s.toString()); lastIndex = sEnd; } } // grab the last bit of text compiledString.append(text.toString().substring(lastIndex, text.length())); return compiledString.toString().trim(); } /** * creates a JSON object that contains the manifest. * @param targetTranslation * @return * @throws Exception */ private JSONObject buildArchiveManifest(TargetTranslation targetTranslation) throws Exception { targetTranslation.commit(); // build manifest JSONObject manifestJson = new JSONObject(); JSONObject generatorJson = new JSONObject(); generatorJson.put("name", GENERATOR_NAME); PackageInfo pInfo = mContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 0); generatorJson.put("build", pInfo.versionCode); manifestJson.put("generator", generatorJson); manifestJson.put("package_version", TSTUDIO_PACKAGE_VERSION); manifestJson.put("timestamp", Util.unixTime()); JSONArray translationsJson = new JSONArray(); JSONObject translationJson = new JSONObject(); translationJson.put("path", targetTranslation.getId()); translationJson.put("id", targetTranslation.getId()); translationJson.put("commit_hash", targetTranslation.getCommitHash()); translationJson.put("direction", targetTranslation.getTargetLanguageDirection()); translationJson.put("target_language_name", targetTranslation.getTargetLanguageName()); translationsJson.put(translationJson); manifestJson.put("target_translations", translationsJson); return manifestJson; } /** * Exports a single target translation in .tstudio format to File * @param targetTranslation * @param outputFile */ public void exportArchive(TargetTranslation targetTranslation, File outputFile) throws Exception { FileOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); exportArchive(targetTranslation, out, outputFile.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } /** * Exports a single target translation in .tstudio format to OutputStream * @param targetTranslation * @param out */ public void exportArchive(TargetTranslation targetTranslation, OutputStream out, String fileName) throws Exception { if(!FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName).toLowerCase().equals(ARCHIVE_EXTENSION)) { throw new Exception("Output file must have '" + ARCHIVE_EXTENSION + "' extension"); } if(targetTranslation == null) { throw new Exception("Not a valid target translation"); } targetTranslation.commitSync(); JSONObject manifestJson = buildArchiveManifest(targetTranslation); File tempCache = new File(getLocalCacheDir(), System.currentTimeMillis()+""); try { tempCache.mkdirs(); File manifestFile = new File(tempCache, "manifest.json"); manifestFile.createNewFile(); FileUtils.write(manifestFile, manifestJson.toString()); Zip.zipToStream(new File[]{manifestFile, targetTranslation.getPath()}, out); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempCache); } } /** * Imports a draft translation into a target translation. * A new target translation will be created if one does not already exist. * This is a lengthy operation and should be ran within a task * @param draftTranslation the draft translation to be imported * @param library * @return */ public TargetTranslation importDraftTranslation(NativeSpeaker nativeSpeaker, SourceTranslation draftTranslation, Library library) { TargetLanguage targetLanguage = library.getTargetLanguage(draftTranslation.sourceLanguageSlug); // TRICKY: for now android only supports "regular" or "obs" "text" translations // TODO: we should technically check if the project contains more than one resource when determining if it needs a regular slug or not. String resourceSlug = draftTranslation.projectSlug.equals("obs") ? "obs" : Resource.REGULAR_SLUG; TargetTranslation t = createTargetTranslation(nativeSpeaker, targetLanguage, draftTranslation.projectSlug, TranslationType.TEXT, resourceSlug, draftTranslation.getFormat()); // convert legacy usx format to usfm boolean convertToUSFM = draftTranslation.getFormat() == TranslationFormat.USX; try { if (t != null) { // commit local changes to history t.commitSync(); // begin import t.applyProjectTitleTranslation(draftTranslation.getProjectTitle()); for(Chapter c:library.getChapters(draftTranslation)) { ChapterTranslation ct = t.getChapterTranslation(c.getId()); t.applyChapterTitleTranslation(ct, c.title); t.applyChapterReferenceTranslation(ct, c.reference); for(Frame f:library.getFrames(draftTranslation, c.getId())) { String text = convertToUSFM ? USXtoUSFMConverter.doConversion(f.body).toString() : f.body; t.applyFrameTranslation(t.getFrameTranslation(f), text); } } // TODO: 3/23/2016 also import the front and back matter along with project title t.setParentDraft(draftTranslation); t.commitSync(); } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.e(this.getClass().getName(), "Failed to import target translation", e); // TODO: 1/20/2016 revert changes } catch (Exception e) { Logger.e(this.getClass().getName(), "Failed to save target translation before importing target translation", e); } return t; } /** * Imports a tstudio archive, uses default of merge, not overwrite * @param file * @return an array of target translation slugs that were successfully imported */ public String[] importArchive(File file) throws Exception { return importArchive( file, false); } /** * Imports a tstudio archive * @param file * @param overwrite - if true then local changes are clobbered * @return an array of target translation slugs that were successfully imported */ public String[] importArchive(File file, boolean overwrite) throws Exception { FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(file); return importArchive(in, overwrite); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } /** * Imports a tstudio archive from an input stream, uses default of merge, not overwrite * @param in * @return an array of target translation slugs that were successfully imported */ public String[] importArchive(InputStream in) throws Exception { return importArchive( in, false); } /** * Imports a tstudio archive from an input stream * @param in * @param overwrite - if true then local changes are clobbered * @return an array of target translation slugs that were successfully imported */ public String[] importArchive(InputStream in, boolean overwrite) throws Exception { File archiveDir = new File(getLocalCacheDir(), System.currentTimeMillis()+""); List<String> importedSlugs = new ArrayList<>(); try { archiveDir.mkdirs(); Zip.unzipFromStream(in, archiveDir); File[] targetTranslationDirs = ArchiveImporter.importArchive(archiveDir); for(File newDir:targetTranslationDirs) { TargetTranslation newTargetTranslation =; if(newTargetTranslation != null) { // TRICKY: the correct id is pulled from the manifest to avoid propogating bad folder names String targetTranslationId = newTargetTranslation.getId(); File localDir = new File(mRootDir, targetTranslationId); TargetTranslation localTargetTranslation =; if((localTargetTranslation != null) && !overwrite) { // commit local changes to history if(localTargetTranslation != null) { localTargetTranslation.commitSync(); } // merge translations try { localTargetTranslation.merge(newDir); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } else { // import new translation FileUtilities.safeDelete(localDir); // in case local was an invalid target translation FileUtils.moveDirectory(newDir, localDir); } // update the generator info. TRICKY: we re-open to get the updated manifest. TargetTranslation.updateGenerator(mContext,; importedSlugs.add(targetTranslationId); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(archiveDir); } return importedSlugs.toArray(new String[importedSlugs.size()]); } /** * Exports a target translation as a pdf file * @param targetTranslation * @param outputFile */ public void exportPdf(Library library, TargetTranslation targetTranslation, TranslationFormat format, String fontPath, File imagesDir, boolean includeImages, boolean includeIncompleteFrames, File outputFile) throws Exception { PdfPrinter printer = new PdfPrinter(mContext, library, targetTranslation, format, fontPath, imagesDir); printer.includeMedia(includeImages); printer.includeIncomplete(includeIncompleteFrames); File pdf = printer.print(); if(pdf.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); FileUtils.moveFile(pdf, outputFile); } // if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // // use PrintedPdf // } else { // // legacy pdf export // } } /** * Exports a target translation as a single DokuWiki file * @param targetTranslation * @return */ @Deprecated public void exportDokuWiki(TargetTranslation targetTranslation, File outputFile) throws IOException { File tempDir = new File(getLocalCacheDir(), System.currentTimeMillis() + ""); tempDir.mkdirs(); ChapterTranslation[] chapters = targetTranslation.getChapterTranslations(); for(ChapterTranslation chapter:chapters) { // TRICKY: the translation format doesn't matter for exporting FrameTranslation[] frames = targetTranslation.getFrameTranslations(chapter.getId(), TranslationFormat.DEFAULT); if(frames.length == 0) continue; // compile translation File chapterFile = new File(tempDir, chapter.getId() + ".txt"); chapterFile.createNewFile(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(chapterFile); // language ps.print("//"); ps.print(targetTranslation.getTargetLanguageName()); ps.println("//"); ps.println(); // project ps.print("//"); ps.print(targetTranslation.getProjectId()); ps.println("//"); ps.println(); // chapter title ps.print("======"); ps.print(chapter.title.trim()); ps.println("======"); ps.println(); // frames for(FrameTranslation frame:frames) { // image ps.print("{{"); // TODO: the api version and image dimensions should be placed in the user preferences String apiVersion = "1"; // TODO: for now all images use the english versions String languageCode = "en"; // eventually we should use: getSelectedTargetLanguage().getId() ps.print("" + targetTranslation.getProjectId() + "/jpg/" + apiVersion + "/" + languageCode + "/360px/" + targetTranslation.getProjectId() + "-" + languageCode + "-" + chapter.getId() + "-" + frame.getId() + ".jpg"); ps.println("}}"); ps.println(); // convert tags String text = frame.body.trim(); // TODO: convert usx tags to USFM // text ps.println(text); ps.println(); } // chapter reference ps.print("//"); ps.print(chapter.reference.trim()); ps.println("//"); ps.close(); } File[] chapterFiles = tempDir.listFiles(); if(chapterFiles != null && chapterFiles.length > 0) { try {, outputFile); } catch (IOException e) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempDir); throw (e); } } FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempDir); } /** * Imports a DokuWiki file and converts it into a target translation * @param file * @return */ @Deprecated public TargetTranslation importDokuWiki(Library library, File file) throws IOException { List<TargetTranslation> targetTranslations = new ArrayList<>(); TargetTranslation targetTranslation = null; if(file.exists() && file.isFile()) { StringBuilder frameBuffer = new StringBuilder(); String line, chapterId = "", frameId = "", chapterTitle = ""; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)\\.jpg"); TargetLanguage targetLanguage = null; Project project = null; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if(line.length() >= 4 && line.substring(0, 2).equals("//")) { line = line.substring(2, line.length() - 2).trim(); if(targetLanguage == null) { // retrieve the translation language targetLanguage = library.findTargetLanguageByName(line); if(targetLanguage == null) return null; } else if(project == null) { // retrieve project project = library.getProject(line, "en"); if(project == null) return null; // create target translation TranslationFormat format; if(project.getId() == "obs") { format = TranslationFormat.MARKDOWN; } else { format = TranslationFormat.USFM; } File targetTranslationDir = new File(mRootDir, TargetTranslation.generateTargetTranslationId(targetLanguage.getId(), project.getId(), TranslationType.TEXT, Resource.REGULAR_SLUG)); try { PackageInfo pInfo = mContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(mContext.getPackageName(), 0); // TRICKY: android only supports creating regular text translations targetTranslation = TargetTranslation.create(this.mContext, AppContext.getProfile().getNativeSpeaker(), format, targetLanguage, project.getId(), TranslationType.TEXT, Resource.REGULAR_SLUG, pInfo, targetTranslationDir); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.e(Translator.class.getName(), "Failed to create target translation from DokuWiki", e); } } else if (!chapterId.isEmpty() && !frameId.isEmpty()) { // retrieve chapter reference (end of chapter) and write chapter ChapterTranslation chapterTranslation = targetTranslation.getChapterTranslation(chapterId); targetTranslation.applyChapterTitleTranslation(chapterTranslation, chapterTitle); targetTranslation.applyChapterReferenceTranslation(chapterTranslation, line); // save the last frame of the chapter if (frameBuffer.length() > 0) { FrameTranslation frameTranslation = targetTranslation.getFrameTranslation(chapterId, frameId, TranslationFormat.DEFAULT); targetTranslation.applyFrameTranslation(frameTranslation, frameBuffer.toString().trim()); } chapterId = ""; frameId = ""; frameBuffer.setLength(0); targetTranslations.add(targetTranslation); } else { // start loading a new translation project = null; chapterId = ""; frameId = ""; chapterTitle = ""; frameBuffer.setLength(0); targetTranslation = null; // retrieve the translation language targetLanguage = library.findTargetLanguageByName(line); if(targetLanguage == null) return null; } } else if(line.length() >= 12 && line.substring(0, 6).equals("======")) { // start of a new chapter chapterTitle = line.substring(6, line.length() - 6).trim(); // this is saved at the end of the chapter } else if(line.length() >= 4 && line.substring(0, 2).equals("{{")) { // save the previous frame if(project != null && !chapterId.isEmpty() && !frameId.isEmpty() && frameBuffer.length() > 0) { FrameTranslation frameTranslation = targetTranslation.getFrameTranslation(chapterId, frameId, TranslationFormat.DEFAULT); targetTranslation.applyFrameTranslation(frameTranslation, frameBuffer.toString().trim()); } // image tag. We use this to get the frame number for the following text. Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); while(matcher.find()) { chapterId =; frameId =; } // clear the frame buffer frameBuffer.setLength(0); } else { // frame translation frameBuffer.append(line); frameBuffer.append('\n'); } } return targetTranslation; } return null; } /** * Imports a DokuWiki zip archive * @param archive * @return */ @Deprecated public boolean importDokuWikiArchive(Library library, File archive) throws IOException { String[] name = archive.getName().split("\\."); Boolean success = true; if(archive.exists() && archive.isFile() && name[name.length - 1].equals("zip")) { File tempDir = new File(getLocalCacheDir() + "/" + System.currentTimeMillis()); tempDir.mkdirs(); Zip.unzip(archive, tempDir); File[] files = tempDir.listFiles(); if(files.length > 0) { // fix legacy DokuWiki export (contained root directory in archive) File realPath = tempDir; if(files.length == 1 && files[0].isDirectory()) { realPath = files[0]; files = files[0].listFiles(); if(files.length == 0) { FileUtilities.deleteRecursive(tempDir); return false; } } // ensure this is not a legacy project archive File gitDir = new File(realPath, ".git"); if(gitDir.exists() && gitDir.isDirectory()) { FileUtilities.deleteRecursive(tempDir); // We no longer support legacy archives. If you need it look in the history for projects.Sharing.prepareLegacyArchiveImport return false; } // begin import for(File f:files) { TargetTranslation targetTranslation = importDokuWiki(library, f); if(targetTranslation == null) { success = false; } } } FileUtilities.deleteRecursive(tempDir); } return success; } /** * This will move a target translation into the root dir. * Any existing target translation will be replaced * @param tempTargetTranslation * @throws IOException */ public void restoreTargetTranslation(TargetTranslation tempTargetTranslation) throws IOException { if(tempTargetTranslation != null) { File destDir = new File(mRootDir, tempTargetTranslation.getId()); FileUtilities.safeDelete(destDir); FileUtils.moveDirectory(tempTargetTranslation.getPath(), destDir); } } }