package com.claucookie.trendingroundapp.model; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.util.Log; import com.activeandroid.Model; import com.activeandroid.annotation.Table; import com.activeandroid.annotation.Column; import com.activeandroid.query.Select; /** * This class will use the framework ActiveAndroid, to make Sqlite operations * easier. * * @author claucookie * */ @Table(name = "Posts") public class Post extends Model { public static final String TAG = ""; public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Posts"; public static final String LINK_COLUMN = "Link"; public static final String TITLE_COLUMN = "Title"; public static final String IMAGE_COLUMN = "Image"; public static final String DESCRIPTION_COLUMN = "Description"; public static final String HTMLCONTENT_COLUMN = "HtmlContent"; public static final String CATEGORY_COLUMN = "Categories"; public static final String READ_COLUMN = "Read"; public static final String TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "Timestamp"; @Column(name = LINK_COLUMN) public String link; @Column(name = TITLE_COLUMN) public String title; @Column(name = IMAGE_COLUMN) public String image; @Column(name = HTMLCONTENT_COLUMN) public String htmlContent; @Column(name = DESCRIPTION_COLUMN) public String description; @Column(name = CATEGORY_COLUMN) public String categories; // Categories separated by " ". @Column(name = READ_COLUMN) public boolean isRead; @Column(name = TIMESTAMP_COLUMN) public String timestamp; public Post() { super(); } public Post(String link, String title, String image, String description, String htmlContent, String categories, boolean isRead, String timestamp) { super(); = link; this.title = title; this.image = image; this.description = description; this.htmlContent = htmlContent; this.categories = categories; this.isRead = isRead; this.timestamp = timestamp; } public static Post getPostByLink(String link) { return new Select().from(Post.class) .where(LINK_COLUMN + " like ?", link).executeSingle(); } public static List<Post> getAll() { return new Select().from(Post.class).execute(); } public static boolean postExists(String link) { boolean exists = true; try { Post post = new Select().from(Post.class) .where(LINK_COLUMN + " like ?", link).executeSingle(); if (post == null) exists = false; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } return exists; } }