package org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.client.BrowserInfo; /** * This is a simple application cache monitor. It also notifies demo users when * offline mode is ready to be used. */ public class CacheManifestStatusIndicator implements EntryPoint { public static final String UPDATE_NOW_MSG_KEY = "updateNowMessage"; public static final String UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL_KEY = "updateCheckInterval"; private static final int UNCACHED = 0; private static final int IDLE = 1; private static final int CHECKING = 2; private static final int DOWNLOADING = 3; private static final int UPDATEREADY = 4; private static final int OBSOLETE = 5; private Element progressElement; private String updateNowMessage = "There are updates ready to be installed. Would you like to restart now?"; private static boolean updating; // Check for updates once every 30 min by default. // TODO(manolo): should be configurable via offline connector private int updateCheckInterval = 1800000; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CacheManifestStatusIndicator.class.getName()); private static boolean confirmationRequired = true; @Override public void onModuleLoad() { // Do nothing if document has no manifest. if (hasManifest()) { init(); } } /** * Let the indicator ask the user to reload the application * when a new version of the app has been downloaded. */ public static void setConfirmationRequired(boolean b) { confirmationRequired = b; } /** * return true if we are downloading a new version of the app. */ public static boolean isUpdating() { return updating || getStatus() == CHECKING || getStatus() == DOWNLOADING; } /** * Initializes and starts the monitoring. */ public void init() { loadSettingsFromLocalStorage(); hookAllListeners(this); scheduleUpdateChecker(); if (getStatus() == CHECKING || getStatus() == DOWNLOADING) { showProgress(); } // Sometimes android leaves the status indicator spinning and spinning // and spinning... pollForStatusOnAndroid(); } private void pollForStatusOnAndroid() { if (BrowserInfo.get().isAndroid()) { Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedPeriod( new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (updating) { // The normal listeners are working correctly return false; } switch (getStatus()) { case IDLE: hideProgress(); return false; case UPDATEREADY: requestUpdate(); return false; default: return true; } } }, 500); } } /** * Loads the configurable settings from localstorage. The settings are * "updateNowMessage" for specifying the message to show when a new version * of the cache is ready, and "updateCheckInterval" for specifying how often * to check for new versions. */ private void loadSettingsFromLocalStorage() { Storage localStorage = Storage.getLocalStorageIfSupported(); if (localStorage != null) { String newMessage = localStorage.getItem(UPDATE_NOW_MSG_KEY); if (newMessage != null && !newMessage.isEmpty()) { updateNowMessage = newMessage; } String updateCheckIntervalStr = localStorage .getItem(UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL_KEY); if (updateCheckIntervalStr != null && !updateCheckIntervalStr.isEmpty()) { // The value in local storage is in seconds, but we need // milliseconds. updateCheckInterval = Integer.valueOf(updateCheckIntervalStr) * 1000; } } } /** * Check for updates to the application cache every 30 minutes */ private void scheduleUpdateChecker() { Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedPeriod(new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { // Don't try to update cache if already updating or app is // paused if (!isUpdating() && OfflineModeEntrypoint.get().getNetworkStatus() .isAppRunning()) { updateCache(); } return true; } }, updateCheckInterval); } /** * Called when a cache event is triggered. All events except for error * events are handled here. * * @param event * The event. */ protected void onCacheEvent(Event event) { // consoleLog(event.getType()); if ("cached".equals(event.getType())) { hideProgress(); } else if ("checking".equals(event.getType())) { showProgress(); } else if ("downloading".equals(event.getType())) { updating = true; showProgress(); } else if ("noupdate".equals(event.getType())) { hideProgress(); } else if ("updateready".equals(event.getType())) { hideProgress(); requestUpdate(); updating = false; } } /** * Called when an error event is triggered. * * @param event * The error event. */ protected void onError(Event event) { logger.severe("An error occurred"); } /** * Shows the progress element, which, by default, is styled to be a small * animated spinner in the top right corner of the screen. */ protected void showProgress() { if (progressElement == null) { progressElement = Document.get().createDivElement(); progressElement.addClassName("v-cache-loading-indicator"); } RootPanel.getBodyElement().appendChild(progressElement); } /** * Hides the progress element. */ protected void hideProgress() { if (progressElement != null) { progressElement.removeFromParent(); } } /** * Called when a new version of the application cache (i.e. the widgetset) * has been detected. The default implementation asks the user if we should * update now unless forced. * * @param force * true to force reloading the site without asking the user. */ private void requestUpdate() {"Application cache updated, confirmationRequired=" + confirmationRequired); if (!confirmationRequired || Window.confirm(updateNowMessage)) { Window.Location.reload(); } } /** * Hooks all listeners to the specified instance. * * @param instance * the instance to hook the listeners to. */ protected final native void hookAllListeners( CacheManifestStatusIndicator instance) /*-{ $wnd.applicationCache.addEventListener('cached', function(event) { instance.@org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode.CacheManifestStatusIndicator::onCacheEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;)(event); }, false); $wnd.applicationCache.addEventListener('checking', function(event) { instance.@org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode.CacheManifestStatusIndicator::onCacheEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;)(event); }, false); $wnd.applicationCache.addEventListener('downloading', function(event) { instance.@org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode.CacheManifestStatusIndicator::onCacheEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;)(event); }, false); $wnd.applicationCache.addEventListener('noupdate', function(event) { instance.@org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode.CacheManifestStatusIndicator::onCacheEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;)(event); }, false); $wnd.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(event) { instance.@org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode.CacheManifestStatusIndicator::onCacheEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;)(event); }, false); $wnd.applicationCache.addEventListener('error', function(event) { instance.@org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode.CacheManifestStatusIndicator::onError(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;)(event); }, false); }-*/; /** * @return The status of the application cache. See the constants in this * class for possible values. */ private static native int getStatus() /*-{ return $wnd.applicationCache.status; }-*/; /** * Asks the application cache to update itself, i.e. visit the server and * check if there's an update available. */ protected static native void updateCache() /*-{ return $wnd.applicationCache.update(); }-*/; // Return true if the document has the manifest attribute private static native boolean hasManifest() /*-{ return $doc.documentElement.hasAttribute('manifest'); }-*/; }