package org.testcontainers.containers; import com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient; import com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.DockerException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Container; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.rnorth.ducttape.ratelimits.RateLimiter; import org.rnorth.ducttape.ratelimits.RateLimiterBuilder; import org.rnorth.ducttape.unreliables.Unreliables; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.profiler.Profiler; import org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory; import org.testcontainers.containers.output.OutputFrame; import org.testcontainers.containers.output.Slf4jLogConsumer; import org.testcontainers.containers.startupcheck.IndefiniteWaitOneShotStartupCheckStrategy; import org.testcontainers.utility.*; import org.zeroturnaround.exec.InvalidExitValueException; import org.zeroturnaround.exec.ProcessExecutor; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import static; import static; import static; import static org.testcontainers.containers.BindMode.READ_ONLY; import static org.testcontainers.containers.BindMode.READ_WRITE; /** * Container which launches Docker Compose, for the purposes of launching a defined set of containers. */ public class DockerComposeContainer<SELF extends DockerComposeContainer<SELF>> extends FailureDetectingExternalResource { /** * Random identifier which will become part of spawned containers names, so we can shut them down */ private final String identifier; private final Map<String, AmbassadorContainer> ambassadorContainers = new HashMap<>(); private final List<File> composeFiles; private Set<String> spawnedContainerIds; private Map<String, Integer> scalingPreferences = new HashMap<>(); private DockerClient dockerClient; private boolean localCompose; private boolean pull = true; private boolean tailChildContainers; private static final Object MUTEX = new Object(); /** * Properties that should be passed through to all Compose and ambassador containers (not * necessarily to containers that are spawned by Compose itself) */ private Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); private static final RateLimiter AMBASSADOR_CREATION_RATE_LIMITER = RateLimiterBuilder .newBuilder() .withRate(6, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .withConstantThroughput() .build(); @Deprecated public DockerComposeContainer(File composeFile, String identifier) { this(identifier, composeFile); } public DockerComposeContainer(File... composeFiles) { this(Arrays.asList(composeFiles)); } public DockerComposeContainer(List<File> composeFiles) { this(Base58.randomString(6).toLowerCase(), composeFiles); } public DockerComposeContainer(String identifier, File... composeFiles) { this(identifier, Arrays.asList(composeFiles)); } public DockerComposeContainer(String identifier, List<File> composeFiles) { this.composeFiles = composeFiles; // Use a unique identifier so that containers created for this compose environment can be identified this.identifier = identifier; this.dockerClient = DockerClientFactory.instance().client(); } @Override @VisibleForTesting public void starting(Description description) { final Profiler profiler = new Profiler("Docker Compose container rule"); profiler.setLogger(logger()); profiler.start("Docker Compose container startup"); synchronized (MUTEX) { if (pull) { pullImages(); } applyScaling(); // scale before up, so that all scaled instances are available first for linking createServices(); if (tailChildContainers) { tailChildContainerLogs(); } registerContainersForShutdown(); startAmbassadorContainers(profiler); } } private void pullImages() { getDockerCompose("pull") .start(); } private void createServices() { // Start the docker-compose container, which starts up the services getDockerCompose("up -d") .start(); } private void tailChildContainerLogs() { listChildContainers().forEach(container -> LogUtils.followOutput(dockerClient, container.getId(), new Slf4jLogConsumer(logger()).withPrefix(container.getNames()[0]), OutputFrame.OutputType.STDOUT, OutputFrame.OutputType.STDERR) ); } private DockerCompose getDockerCompose(String cmd) { final DockerCompose dockerCompose; if (localCompose) { dockerCompose = new LocalDockerCompose(composeFiles, identifier); } else { dockerCompose = new ContainerisedDockerCompose(composeFiles, identifier); } return dockerCompose .withCommand(cmd) .withEnv(env); } private void applyScaling() { // Apply scaling if (!scalingPreferences.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("scale"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> scale : scalingPreferences.entrySet()) { sb.append(" ").append(scale.getKey()).append("=").append(scale.getValue()); } getDockerCompose(sb.toString()) .start(); } } private void registerContainersForShutdown() { // Ensure that all service containers that were launched by compose will be killed at shutdown try { final List<Container> containers = listChildContainers(); // register with ResourceReaper to ensure final shutdown with JVM containers.forEach(container -> ResourceReaper.instance().registerContainerForCleanup(container.getId(), container.getNames()[0])); // Ensure that the default network for this compose environment, if any, is also cleaned up ResourceReaper.instance().registerNetworkForCleanup(identifier + "_default"); // Compose can define their own networks as well; ensure these are cleaned up dockerClient.listNetworksCmd().exec().forEach(network -> { if (network.getName().contains(identifier)) { ResourceReaper.instance().registerNetworkForCleanup(network.getName()); } }); // remember the IDs to allow containers to be killed as soon as we reach stop() spawnedContainerIds = .map(Container::getId) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } catch (DockerException e) { logger().debug("Failed to stop a service container with exception", e); } } private List<Container> listChildContainers() { return dockerClient.listContainersCmd() .withShowAll(true) .exec().stream() .filter(container -> -> name.startsWith("/" + identifier))) .collect(toList()); } private void startAmbassadorContainers(Profiler profiler) { for (final Map.Entry<String, AmbassadorContainer> address : ambassadorContainers.entrySet()) { try { // Start any ambassador containers we need profiler.start("Ambassador container startup"); final AmbassadorContainer ambassadorContainer = address.getValue(); Unreliables.retryUntilSuccess(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS, () -> { AMBASSADOR_CREATION_RATE_LIMITER.doWhenReady(() -> { Profiler localProfiler = profiler.startNested("Ambassador container: " + ambassadorContainer.getContainerName()); localProfiler.start("Start ambassador container"); ambassadorContainer.start(); }); return null; }); } catch (Exception e) { logger().warn("Exception during ambassador container startup!", e); } finally { profiler.stop().log(); } } } private Logger logger() { return LoggerFactory.getLogger(DockerComposeContainer.class); } @Override @VisibleForTesting public void finished(Description description) { synchronized (MUTEX) { // shut down all the ambassador containers ambassadorContainers.forEach((String address, AmbassadorContainer container) -> container.stop()); // Kill the services using docker-compose getDockerCompose("down -v") .start(); // remove the networks before removing the containers ResourceReaper.instance().removeNetworks(identifier); // kill the spawned service containers spawnedContainerIds.forEach(id -> ResourceReaper.instance().stopAndRemoveContainer(id)); spawnedContainerIds.clear(); } } public SELF withExposedService(String serviceName, int servicePort) { if (! serviceName.matches(".*_[0-9]+")) { serviceName += "_1"; // implicit first instance of this service } /* * For every service/port pair that needs to be exposed, we have to start an 'ambassador container'. * * The ambassador container's role is to link (within the Docker network) to one of the * compose services, and proxy TCP network I/O out to a port that the ambassador container * exposes. * * This avoids the need for the docker compose file to explicitly expose ports on all the * services. * * {@link GenericContainer} should ensure that the ambassador container is on the same network * as the rest of the compose environment. */ AmbassadorContainer ambassadorContainer = new AmbassadorContainer<>(new FutureContainer(this.identifier + "_" + serviceName), serviceName, servicePort) .withEnv(env); // Ambassador containers will all be started together after docker compose has started ambassadorContainers.put(serviceName + ":" + servicePort, ambassadorContainer); return self(); } public DockerComposeContainer withExposedService(String serviceName, int instance, int servicePort) { return withExposedService(serviceName + "_" + instance, servicePort); } /** * Get the host (e.g. IP address or hostname) that an exposed service can be found at, from the host machine * (i.e. should be the machine that's running this Java process). * <p> * The service must have been declared using DockerComposeContainer#withExposedService. * * @param serviceName the name of the service as set in the docker-compose.yml file. * @param servicePort the port exposed by the service container. * @return a host IP address or hostname that can be used for accessing the service container. */ public String getServiceHost(String serviceName, Integer servicePort) { return ambassadorContainers.get(serviceName + ":" + servicePort).getContainerIpAddress(); } /** * Get the port that an exposed service can be found at, from the host machine * (i.e. should be the machine that's running this Java process). * <p> * The service must have been declared using DockerComposeContainer#withExposedService. * * @param serviceName the name of the service as set in the docker-compose.yml file. * @param servicePort the port exposed by the service container. * @return a port that can be used for accessing the service container. */ public Integer getServicePort(String serviceName, Integer servicePort) { return ambassadorContainers.get(serviceName + ":" + servicePort).getMappedPort(servicePort); } public SELF withScaledService(String serviceBaseName, int numInstances) { scalingPreferences.put(serviceBaseName, numInstances); return self(); } public SELF withEnv(String key, String value) { env.put(key, value); return self(); } public SELF withEnv(Map<String, String> env) { env.forEach(this.env::put); return self(); } /** * Use a local Docker Compose binary instead of a container. * * @return this instance, for chaining */ public SELF withLocalCompose(boolean localCompose) { this.localCompose = localCompose; return self(); } /** * Whether to pull images first. * * @return this instance, for chaining */ public SELF withPull(boolean pull) { this.pull = pull; return self(); } /** * Whether to tail child container logs. * * @return this instance, for chaining */ public SELF withTailChildContainers(boolean tailChildContainers) { this.tailChildContainers = tailChildContainers; return self(); } private SELF self() { return (SELF) this; } } interface DockerCompose { String ENV_PROJECT_NAME = "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME"; String ENV_COMPOSE_FILE = "COMPOSE_FILE"; DockerCompose withCommand(String cmd); DockerCompose withEnv(Map<String, String> env); void start(); default void validateFileList(List<File> composeFiles) { checkNotNull(composeFiles); checkArgument(!composeFiles.isEmpty(), "No docker compose file have been provided"); } } /** * Use Docker Compose container. */ class ContainerisedDockerCompose extends GenericContainer<ContainerisedDockerCompose> implements DockerCompose { public ContainerisedDockerCompose(List<File> composeFiles, String identifier) { super("docker/compose:1.8.0"); validateFileList(composeFiles); addEnv(ENV_PROJECT_NAME, identifier); // Map the docker compose file into the container final File dockerComposeBaseFile = composeFiles.get(0); final String pwd = dockerComposeBaseFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); final String containerPwd = MountableFile.forHostPath(pwd).getResolvedPath(); final List<String> absoluteDockerComposeFiles = .map(File::getAbsolutePath) .map(MountableFile::forHostPath) .map(MountableFile::getResolvedPath) .collect(toList()); final String composeFileEnvVariableValue = Joiner.on(File.pathSeparator).join(absoluteDockerComposeFiles); logger().debug("Set env COMPOSE_FILE={}", composeFileEnvVariableValue); addEnv(ENV_COMPOSE_FILE, composeFileEnvVariableValue); addFileSystemBind(pwd, containerPwd, READ_ONLY); // Ensure that compose can access docker. Since the container is assumed to be running on the same machine // as the docker daemon, just mapping the docker control socket is OK. // As there seems to be a problem with mapping to the /var/run directory in certain environments (e.g. CircleCI) // we map the socket file outside of /var/run, as just /docker.sock addFileSystemBind("/var/run/docker.sock", "/docker.sock", READ_WRITE); addEnv("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///docker.sock"); setStartupCheckStrategy(new IndefiniteWaitOneShotStartupCheckStrategy()); setWorkingDirectory(containerPwd); } @Override public void start() { super.start(); this.followOutput(new Slf4jLogConsumer(logger())); // wait for the compose container to stop, which should only happen after it has spawned all the service containers logger().info("Docker Compose container is running for command: {}", Joiner.on(" ").join(this.getCommandParts())); while (this.isRunning()) { logger().trace("Compose container is still running"); Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } logger().info("Docker Compose has finished running"); AuditLogger.doComposeLog(this.getCommandParts(), this.getEnv()); } } /** * Use local Docker Compose binary, if present. */ class LocalDockerCompose implements DockerCompose { /** * Executable name for Docker Compose. */ private static final String COMPOSE_EXECUTABLE = "docker-compose"; private final List<File> composeFiles; private final String identifier; private String cmd = ""; private Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); public LocalDockerCompose(List<File> composeFiles, String identifier) { validateFileList(composeFiles); this.composeFiles = composeFiles; this.identifier = identifier; } @Override public DockerCompose withCommand(String cmd) { this.cmd = cmd; return this; } @Override public DockerCompose withEnv(Map<String, String> env) { this.env = env; return this; } @Override public void start() { // bail out early if (!CommandLine.executableExists(COMPOSE_EXECUTABLE)) { throw new ContainerLaunchException("Local Docker Compose not found. Is " + COMPOSE_EXECUTABLE + " on the PATH?"); } final Map<String, String> environment = Maps.newHashMap(env); environment.put(ENV_PROJECT_NAME, identifier); final File dockerComposeBaseFile = composeFiles.get(0); final File pwd = dockerComposeBaseFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().getAbsoluteFile(); environment.put(ENV_COMPOSE_FILE, new File(pwd, dockerComposeBaseFile.getAbsoluteFile().getName()).getAbsolutePath()); logger().info("Local Docker Compose is running command: {}", cmd); final List<String> command = Splitter.onPattern(" ") .omitEmptyStrings() .splitToList(COMPOSE_EXECUTABLE + " " + cmd); try { new ProcessExecutor().command(command) .redirectOutput(Slf4jStream.of(logger()).asInfo()) .redirectError(Slf4jStream.of(logger()).asError()) .environment(environment) .directory(pwd) .exitValueNormal() .executeNoTimeout(); logger().info("Docker Compose has finished running"); } catch (InvalidExitValueException e) { throw new ContainerLaunchException("Local Docker Compose exited abnormally with code " + e.getExitValue() + " whilst running command: " + cmd); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContainerLaunchException("Error running local Docker Compose command: " + cmd, e); } } /** * @return a logger */ private Logger logger() { return DockerLoggerFactory.getLogger(COMPOSE_EXECUTABLE); } }