package technology.tabula; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class TextElement extends Rectangle implements HasText { private final String text; private final PDFont font; private float fontSize; private float widthOfSpace, dir; private static final float AVERAGE_CHAR_TOLERANCE = 0.3f; public TextElement(float y, float x, float width, float height, PDFont font, float fontSize, String c, float widthOfSpace) { this(y, x, width, height, font, fontSize, c, widthOfSpace, 0f); } public TextElement(float y, float x, float width, float height, PDFont font, float fontSize, String c, float widthOfSpace, float dir) { super(); this.setRect(x, y, width, height); this.text = c; this.widthOfSpace = widthOfSpace; this.fontSize = fontSize; this.font = font; this.dir = dir; } public String getText() { return text; } public float getDirection() { return dir; } public float getWidthOfSpace() { return widthOfSpace; } public PDFont getFont() { return font; } public float getFontSize() { return fontSize; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String s = super.toString(); sb.append(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)); sb.append(String.format(",text=\"%s\"]", this.getText())); return sb.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(dir); result = prime * result + ((font == null) ? 0 : font.hashCode()); result = prime * result + java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(fontSize); result = prime * result + ((text == null) ? 0 : text.hashCode()); result = prime * result + java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(widthOfSpace); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!super.equals(obj)) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; TextElement other = (TextElement) obj; if (java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(dir) != java.lang.Float .floatToIntBits(other.dir)) return false; if (font == null) { if (other.font != null) return false; } else if (!font.equals(other.font)) return false; if (java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(fontSize) != java.lang.Float .floatToIntBits(other.fontSize)) return false; if (text == null) { if (other.text != null) return false; } else if (!text.equals(other.text)) return false; if (java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(widthOfSpace) != java.lang.Float .floatToIntBits(other.widthOfSpace)) return false; return true; } public static List<TextChunk> mergeWords(List<TextElement> textElements) { return mergeWords(textElements, new ArrayList<Ruling>()); } /** * heuristically merge a list of TextElement into a list of TextChunk * ported from from PDFBox's PDFTextStripper.writePage, with modifications. * Here be dragons */ public static List<TextChunk> mergeWords(List<TextElement> textElements, List<Ruling> verticalRulings) { List<TextChunk> textChunks = new ArrayList<TextChunk>(); if (textElements.isEmpty()) { return textChunks; } // it's a problem that this `remove` is side-effecty // other things depend on `textElements` and it can sometimes lead to the first textElement in textElement // not appearing in the final output because it's been removed here. // List<TextElement> copyOfTextElements = new ArrayList<TextElement>(textElements); textChunks.add(new TextChunk(copyOfTextElements.remove(0))); TextChunk firstTC = textChunks.get(0); float previousAveCharWidth = (float) firstTC.getWidth(); float endOfLastTextX = (float) firstTC.getRight(); float maxYForLine = (float) firstTC.getBottom(); float maxHeightForLine = (float) firstTC.getHeight(); float minYTopForLine = (float) firstTC.getTop(); float lastWordSpacing = -1; float wordSpacing, deltaSpace, averageCharWidth, deltaCharWidth; float expectedStartOfNextWordX, dist; TextElement sp, prevChar; TextChunk currentChunk; boolean sameLine, acrossVerticalRuling; for (TextElement chr : copyOfTextElements) { currentChunk = textChunks.get(textChunks.size() - 1); prevChar = currentChunk.textElements.get(currentChunk.textElements.size() - 1); // if same char AND overlapped, skip if ((chr.getText().equals(prevChar.getText())) && (prevChar.overlapRatio(chr) > 0.5)) { continue; } // if chr is a space that overlaps with prevChar, skip if (chr.getText().equals(" ") && Utils.feq(prevChar.getLeft(), chr.getLeft()) && Utils.feq(prevChar.getTop(), chr.getTop())) { continue; } // Resets the average character width when we see a change in font // or a change in the font size if ((chr.getFont() != prevChar.getFont()) || !Utils.feq(chr.getFontSize(), prevChar.getFontSize())) { previousAveCharWidth = -1; } // is there any vertical ruling that goes across chr and prevChar? acrossVerticalRuling = false; for (Ruling r : verticalRulings) { if ( (verticallyOverlapsRuling(prevChar, r) && verticallyOverlapsRuling(chr, r)) && (prevChar.x < r.getPosition() && chr.x > r.getPosition()) || (prevChar.x > r.getPosition() && chr.x < r.getPosition()) ) { acrossVerticalRuling = true; break; } } // Estimate the expected width of the space based on the // space character with some margin. wordSpacing = chr.getWidthOfSpace(); deltaSpace = 0; if (java.lang.Float.isNaN(wordSpacing) || wordSpacing == 0) { deltaSpace = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; } else if (lastWordSpacing < 0) { deltaSpace = wordSpacing * 0.5f; // 0.5 == spacing tolerance } else { deltaSpace = ((wordSpacing + lastWordSpacing) / 2.0f) * 0.5f; } // Estimate the expected width of the space based on the // average character width with some margin. This calculation does not // make a true average (average of averages) but we found that it gave the // best results after numerous experiments. Based on experiments we also found that // .3 worked well. if (previousAveCharWidth < 0) { averageCharWidth = (float) (chr.getWidth() / chr.getText().length()); } else { averageCharWidth = (float) ((previousAveCharWidth + (chr.getWidth() / chr.getText().length())) / 2.0f); } deltaCharWidth = averageCharWidth * AVERAGE_CHAR_TOLERANCE; // Compares the values obtained by the average method and the wordSpacing method and picks // the smaller number. expectedStartOfNextWordX = -java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; if (endOfLastTextX != -1) { expectedStartOfNextWordX = endOfLastTextX + Math.min(deltaCharWidth, deltaSpace); } // new line? sameLine = true; if (!Utils.overlap((float) chr.getBottom(), chr.height, maxYForLine, maxHeightForLine)) { endOfLastTextX = -1; expectedStartOfNextWordX = -java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; maxYForLine = -java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; maxHeightForLine = -1; minYTopForLine = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; sameLine = false; } endOfLastTextX = (float) chr.getRight(); // should we add a space? if (!acrossVerticalRuling && sameLine && expectedStartOfNextWordX < chr.getLeft() && !prevChar.getText().endsWith(" ")) { sp = new TextElement((float) prevChar.getTop(), (float) prevChar.getLeft(), (float) (expectedStartOfNextWordX - prevChar.getLeft()), (float) prevChar.getHeight(), prevChar.getFont(), prevChar.getFontSize(), " ", prevChar.getWidthOfSpace()); currentChunk.add(sp); } else { sp = null; } maxYForLine = (float) Math.max(chr.getBottom(), maxYForLine); maxHeightForLine = (float) Math.max(maxHeightForLine, chr.getHeight()); minYTopForLine = (float) Math.min(minYTopForLine, chr.getTop()); dist = (float) (chr.getLeft() - (sp != null ? sp.getRight() : prevChar.getRight())); if (!acrossVerticalRuling && sameLine && (dist < 0 ? currentChunk.verticallyOverlaps(chr) : dist < wordSpacing)) { currentChunk.add(chr); } else { // create a new chunk textChunks.add(new TextChunk(chr)); } lastWordSpacing = wordSpacing; previousAveCharWidth = (float) (sp != null ? (averageCharWidth + sp.getWidth()) / 2.0f : averageCharWidth); } List<TextChunk> textChunksSeparatedByDirectionality = new ArrayList<TextChunk>(); // count up characters by directionality for (TextChunk chunk : textChunks) { // choose the dominant direction boolean isLtrDominant = chunk.isLtrDominant() != -1; // treat neutral as LTR TextChunk dirChunk = chunk.groupByDirectionality(isLtrDominant); textChunksSeparatedByDirectionality.add(dirChunk); } return textChunksSeparatedByDirectionality; } private static boolean verticallyOverlapsRuling(TextElement te, Ruling r) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(te.getBottom(), r.getY2()) - Math.max(te.getTop(), r.getY1())) > 0; } }