package com.github.lwhite1.tablesaw.util; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; /** * Test database using H2 in-memory database * <p> * Derived mainly from a tutorial by: * * @author John J. Couture * @version 1.01 - 04/07/2014 * @email **/ public class TestDb { public TestDb() { try { // Create a named constant for the URL. // NOTE: This value is specific for H2 in-memory DB. final String DB_URL = "jdbc:h2:mem:CoffeeDB"; // Create a connection to the database. Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL); // If the DB already exists, drop the tables. dropTables(conn); // Build the Coffee table. buildCoffeeTable(conn); // Build the Customer table. buildCustomerTable(conn); // Build the UnpaidInvoice table. buildUnpaidOrderTable(conn); // Close the connection. conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error Creating the Coffee Table"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * The dropTables method drops any existing * in case the database already exists. */ public static void dropTables(Connection conn) { try { // Get a Statement object. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { // Drop the UnpaidOrder table. stmt.execute("DROP TABLE Unpaidorder"); } catch (SQLException ex) { // No need to report an error. // The table simply did not exist. } try { // Drop the Customer table. stmt.execute("DROP TABLE Customer"); } catch (SQLException ex) { // No need to report an error. // The table simply did not exist. } try { // Drop the Coffee table. stmt.execute("DROP TABLE Coffee"); } catch (SQLException ex) { // No need to report an error. // The table simply did not exist. } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * The buildCoffeeTable method creates the * Coffee table and adds some rows to it. */ public static void buildCoffeeTable(Connection conn) { try { // Get a Statement object. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // Create the table. stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE Coffee (" + "Description CHAR(25), " + "ProdNum CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + "Price DOUBLE, " + "Imported BOOLEAN" + ")"); // Insert row #1. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Bolivian Dark', " + "'14-001', " + "8.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #2. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Bolivian Medium', " + "'14-002', " + "8.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #3. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Brazilian Dark', " + "'15-001', " + "7.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #4. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Brazilian Medium', " + "'15-002', " + "7.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #5. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Brazilian Decaf', " + "'15-003', " + "8.55, " + "true )"); // Insert row #6. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Central American Dark', " + "'16-001', " + "9.95, " + "false )"); // Insert row #7. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Central American Medium', " + "'16-002', " + "9.95, " + "false )"); // Insert row #8. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Sumatra Dark', " + "'17-001', " + "7.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #9. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Sumatra Decaf', " + "'17-002', " + "8.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #10. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Sumatra Medium', " + "'17-003', " + "7.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #11. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Sumatra Organic Dark', " + "'17-004', " + "11.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #12. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Kona Medium', " + "'18-001', " + "18.45, " + "true )"); // Insert row #13. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Kona Dark', " + "'18-002', " + "18.45, " + "true )"); // Insert row #14. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'French Roast Dark', " + "'19-001', " + "9.65, " + "true )"); // Insert row #15. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Galapagos Medium', " + "'20-001', " + "6.85, " + "true )"); // Insert row #16. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Guatemalan Dark', " + "'21-001', " + "9.95, " + "true )"); // Insert row #17. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Guatemalan Decaf', " + "'21-002', " + "10.45, " + "true )"); // Insert row #18. stmt.execute("INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ( " + "'Guatemalan Medium', " + "'21-003', " + "9.95, " + "true )"); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * The buildCustomerTable method creates the * Customer table and adds some rows to it. */ public static void buildCustomerTable(Connection conn) { try { // Get a Statement object. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // Create the table. stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE Customer" + "( CustomerNumber CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + " Name CHAR(25)," + " Address CHAR(25)," + " City CHAR(12)," + " State CHAR(2)," + " Zip CHAR(5) )"); // Add some rows to the new table. stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Customer VALUES" + "('101', 'Downtown Cafe', '17 N. Main Street'," + " 'Asheville', 'NC', '55515')"); stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Customer VALUES" + "('102', 'Main Street Grocery'," + " '110 E. Main Street'," + " 'Canton', 'NC', '55555')"); stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Customer VALUES" + "('103', 'The Coffee Place', '101 Center Plaza'," + " 'Waynesville', 'NC', '55516')"); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * The buildUnpaidOrderTable method creates * the UnpaidOrder table. */ public static void buildUnpaidOrderTable(Connection conn) { try { // Get a Statement object. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // Create the table. stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE UnpaidOrder " + "( CustomerNumber CHAR(10) NOT NULL REFERENCES Customer(CustomerNumber), " + " ProdNum CHAR(10) NOT NULL REFERENCES Coffee(ProdNum)," + " OrderDate CHAR(10)," + " Quantity DOUBLE," + " Cost DOUBLE )"); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + ex.getMessage()); } } }