package linkedlists.lockfree; import java.util.Collection; import contention.abstractions.AbstractCompositionalIntSet; /** * A Java variant of Harris-Michael that uses run-time type identification to * determine whether a node is marked as logically deleted. This is the code * used in: * * A Concurrency-Optimal List-Based Set. Gramoli, Kuznetsov, Ravi, Shang. 2015. * * @author Di Shang */ public class NonBlockingLinkedListSetRTTI extends AbstractCompositionalIntSet { private final NodeLinked tail; private final NodeLinked head; public NonBlockingLinkedListSetRTTI() { tail = new NodeLinked(Integer.MAX_VALUE, null); head = new NodeLinked(Integer.MIN_VALUE, tail); } class Window { public NodeBase pred, curr; public Window(NodeBase pred, NodeBase curr) { this.pred = pred; this.curr = curr; } } public Window find(NodeBase head, int value) { NodeBase pred = null, curr = null, succ = null; boolean snip; NodeLinked notMarked; retry: while (true) { pred = head; curr =; while (true) { succ =; while (succ instanceof NodeMarked) { notMarked = ((NodeMarked) succ).getNonMarked(); snip = pred.casNext(curr, notMarked); if (!snip) { continue retry; } curr = notMarked; succ =; } if (curr.value() >= value) { return new Window(pred, curr); } pred = curr; curr = succ; } } } @Override public void fill(int range, long size) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented method"); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean addInt(int x) { while (true) { Window window = find(head, x); NodeBase pred = window.pred, curr = window.curr; if (curr.value() == x) { return false; } else { NodeLinked node = new NodeLinked(x, curr); if (pred.casNext(curr, node)) { return true; } } } } @Override public boolean removeInt(int x) { boolean snip; while (true) { Window window = find(head, x); NodeBase pred = window.pred, curr = window.curr; if (curr.value() != x) { return false; } else { NodeBase succ =; if (succ instanceof NodeMarked) { continue; } snip = curr.casNext(succ, new NodeMarked((NodeLinked) succ)); if (!snip) { continue; } pred.casNext(curr, succ); return true; } } } @Override public boolean containsInt(int x) { NodeBase curr = head; while (curr.value() < x) { curr =; } return (curr.value() == x && !( instanceof NodeMarked)); } @Override public Object getInt(int x) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented method"); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<Integer> c) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented method"); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<Integer> c) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented method"); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public int size() { NodeBase succ; int size = 0; for (NodeBase curr =; curr != tail;) { succ =; if (!(succ instanceof NodeMarked)) { size++; } curr = succ; } return size; } @Override public void clear() { head.setNext(tail); } }