package org.swtchart.ext; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceManager; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceNode; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.swtchart.Chart; import org.swtchart.IAxis; import org.swtchart.Range; import org.swtchart.IAxis.Direction; import org.swtchart.ext.internal.SelectionRectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * An interactive chart which provides the following abilities. * <ul> * <li>scroll with arrow keys</li> * <li>zoom in and out with ctrl + arrow up/down keys</li> * <li>context menus for adjusting axis range and zooming in/out.</li> * <li>file selector dialog to save chart to image file.</li> * <li>properties dialog to configure the chart settings</li> * </ul> */ public class InteractiveChart extends Chart implements PaintListener { /** the filter extensions */ private static final String[] EXTENSIONS = new String[] { "*.jpeg", "*.jpg", "*.png" }; /** the selection rectangle for zoom in/out */ protected SelectionRectangle selection; /** the clicked time in milliseconds */ private long clickedTime; /** the resources created with properties dialog */ private PropertiesResources resources; /** * Mouse move listener implementation showing the current coordinates * of the mouse cursor as data points. * @author nbraun * */ private class DataPilot implements MouseMoveListener { @Override public void mouseMove(MouseEvent e) { IAxis axis = getAxisSet().getYAxis(0); if (axis != null) { double y = axis.getDataCoordinate(e.y); axis = getAxisSet().getXAxis(0); if (axis != null) { double x = axis.getDataCoordinate(e.x); String strToolTip; strToolTip = String.format("%.2f %.2f", x, y); getPlotArea().setToolTipText(strToolTip); } } } } /** The data pilot enabling tool-tip text with the current coordinates */ private DataPilot dataPilot = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param parent * the parent composite * @param style * the style */ public InteractiveChart(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); init(); } /** * Initializes. */ private void init() { selection = new SelectionRectangle(); resources = new PropertiesResources(); Composite plot = getPlotArea(); plot.addListener(SWT.Resize, this); plot.addListener(SWT.MouseMove, this); plot.addListener(SWT.MouseDown, this); plot.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this); plot.addListener(SWT.MouseWheel, this); plot.addListener(SWT.KeyDown, this); plot.addPaintListener(this); createMenuItems(); } /** * Creates menu items. */ private void createMenuItems() { Menu menu = new Menu(getPlotArea()); getPlotArea().setMenu(menu); // adjust axis range menu group MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CASCADE); menuItem.setText(Messages.ADJUST_AXIS_RANGE_GROUP); Menu adjustAxisRangeMenu = new Menu(menuItem); menuItem.setMenu(adjustAxisRangeMenu); // adjust axis range menuItem = new MenuItem(adjustAxisRangeMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ADJUST_AXIS_RANGE); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // adjust X axis range menuItem = new MenuItem(adjustAxisRangeMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ADJUST_X_AXIS_RANGE); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // adjust Y axis range menuItem = new MenuItem(adjustAxisRangeMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ADJUST_Y_AXIS_RANGE); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR); // zoom in menu group menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CASCADE); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMIN_GROUP); Menu zoomInMenu = new Menu(menuItem); menuItem.setMenu(zoomInMenu); // zoom in both axes menuItem = new MenuItem(zoomInMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMIN); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // zoom in X axis menuItem = new MenuItem(zoomInMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMIN_X); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // zoom in Y axis menuItem = new MenuItem(zoomInMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMIN_Y); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // zoom out menu group menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CASCADE); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMOUT_GROUP); Menu zoomOutMenu = new Menu(menuItem); menuItem.setMenu(zoomOutMenu); // zoom out both axes menuItem = new MenuItem(zoomOutMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMOUT); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // zoom out X axis menuItem = new MenuItem(zoomOutMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMOUT_X); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); // zoom out Y axis menuItem = new MenuItem(zoomOutMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.ZOOMOUT_Y); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR); // save as menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.SAVE_AS); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR); // properties menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setText(Messages.PROPERTIES); menuItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, this); } /* * @see PaintListener#paintControl(PaintEvent) */ public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { selection.draw(e.gc); } /* * @see Listener#handleEvent(Event) */ @Override public void handleEvent(Event event) { super.handleEvent(event); switch (event.type) { case SWT.MouseMove: handleMouseMoveEvent(event); break; case SWT.MouseDown: handleMouseDownEvent(event); break; case SWT.MouseUp: handleMouseUpEvent(event); break; case SWT.MouseWheel: handleMouseWheel(event); break; case SWT.KeyDown: handleKeyDownEvent(event); break; case SWT.Selection: handleSelectionEvent(event); break; default: break; } } /* * @see Chart#dispose() */ @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); resources.dispose(); } /** * Handles mouse move event. * * @param event * the mouse move event */ private void handleMouseMoveEvent(Event event) { if (!selection.isDisposed()) { selection.setEndPoint(event.x, event.y); redraw(); } } /** * Handles the mouse down event. * * @param event * the mouse down event */ private void handleMouseDownEvent(Event event) { if (event.button == 1) { selection.setStartPoint(event.x, event.y); clickedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } /** * Handles the mouse up event. * * @param event * the mouse up event */ private void handleMouseUpEvent(Event event) { if (event.button == 1 && System.currentTimeMillis() - clickedTime > 100) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getAxes()) { Point range = null; if ((getOrientation() == SWT.HORIZONTAL && axis.getDirection() == Direction.X) || (getOrientation() == SWT.VERTICAL && axis .getDirection() == Direction.Y)) { range = selection.getHorizontalRange(); } else { range = selection.getVerticalRange(); } if (range != null && range.x != range.y) { setRange(range, axis); } } } selection.dispose(); redraw(); } /** * Handles mouse wheel event. * * @param event * the mouse wheel event */ private void handleMouseWheel(Event event) { for (IAxis axis : getAxes(SWT.HORIZONTAL)) { double coordinate = axis.getDataCoordinate(event.x); if (event.count > 0) { axis.zoomIn(coordinate); } else { axis.zoomOut(coordinate); } } for (IAxis axis : getAxes(SWT.VERTICAL)) { double coordinate = axis.getDataCoordinate(event.y); if (event.count > 0) { axis.zoomIn(coordinate); } else { axis.zoomOut(coordinate); } } redraw(); } /** * Handles the key down event. * * @param event * the key down event */ private void handleKeyDownEvent(Event event) { if (event.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_DOWN) { if (event.stateMask == SWT.CTRL) { getAxisSet().zoomOut(); } else { for (IAxis axis : getAxes(SWT.VERTICAL)) { axis.scrollDown(); } } redraw(); } else if (event.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_UP) { if (event.stateMask == SWT.CTRL) { getAxisSet().zoomIn(); } else { for (IAxis axis : getAxes(SWT.VERTICAL)) { axis.scrollUp(); } } redraw(); } else if (event.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_LEFT) { for (IAxis axis : getAxes(SWT.HORIZONTAL)) { axis.scrollDown(); } redraw(); } else if (event.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_RIGHT) { for (IAxis axis : getAxes(SWT.HORIZONTAL)) { axis.scrollUp(); } redraw(); } } /** * Gets the axes for given orientation. * * @param orientation * the orientation * @return the axes */ private IAxis[] getAxes(int orientation) { IAxis[] axes; if (getOrientation() == orientation) { axes = getAxisSet().getXAxes(); } else { axes = getAxisSet().getYAxes(); } return axes; } /** * Handles the selection event. * * @param event * the event */ private void handleSelectionEvent(Event event) { if (!(event.widget instanceof MenuItem)) { return; } MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem) event.widget; if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ADJUST_AXIS_RANGE)) { getAxisSet().adjustRange(); } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ADJUST_X_AXIS_RANGE)) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getXAxes()) { axis.adjustRange(); } } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ADJUST_Y_AXIS_RANGE)) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getYAxes()) { axis.adjustRange(); } } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ZOOMIN)) { getAxisSet().zoomIn(); } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ZOOMIN_X)) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getXAxes()) { axis.zoomIn(); } } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ZOOMIN_Y)) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getYAxes()) { axis.zoomIn(); } } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ZOOMOUT)) { getAxisSet().zoomOut(); } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ZOOMOUT_X)) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getXAxes()) { axis.zoomOut(); } } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.ZOOMOUT_Y)) { for (IAxis axis : getAxisSet().getYAxes()) { axis.zoomOut(); } } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.SAVE_AS)) { openSaveAsDialog(); } else if (menuItem.getText().equals(Messages.PROPERTIES)) { openPropertiesDialog(); } redraw(); } /** * Opens the Save As dialog. */ private void openSaveAsDialog() { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setText(Messages.SAVE_AS_DIALOG_TITLE); dialog.setFilterExtensions(EXTENSIONS); String filename =; if (filename == null) { return; } int format; if (filename.endsWith(".jpg") || filename.endsWith(".jpeg")) { format = SWT.IMAGE_JPEG; } else if (filename.endsWith(".png")) { format = SWT.IMAGE_PNG; } else { format = SWT.IMAGE_UNDEFINED; } if (format != SWT.IMAGE_UNDEFINED) { save(filename, format); } } /** * Opens the properties dialog. */ private void openPropertiesDialog() { PreferenceManager manager = new PreferenceManager(); final String chartTitle = "Chart"; PreferenceNode chartNode = new PreferenceNode(chartTitle); chartNode.setPage(new ChartPage(this, resources, chartTitle)); manager.addToRoot(chartNode); final String legendTitle = "Legend"; PreferenceNode legendNode = new PreferenceNode(legendTitle); legendNode.setPage(new LegendPage(this, resources, legendTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle, legendNode); final String xAxisTitle = "X Axis"; PreferenceNode xAxisNode = new PreferenceNode(xAxisTitle); xAxisNode .setPage(new AxisPage(this, resources, Direction.X, xAxisTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle, xAxisNode); final String gridTitle = "Grid"; PreferenceNode xGridNode = new PreferenceNode(gridTitle); xGridNode .setPage(new GridPage(this, resources, Direction.X, gridTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle + "." + xAxisTitle, xGridNode); final String tickTitle = "Tick"; PreferenceNode xTickNode = new PreferenceNode(tickTitle); xTickNode.setPage(new AxisTickPage(this, resources, Direction.X, tickTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle + "." + xAxisTitle, xTickNode); final String yAxisTitle = "Y Axis"; PreferenceNode yAxisNode = new PreferenceNode(yAxisTitle); yAxisNode .setPage(new AxisPage(this, resources, Direction.Y, yAxisTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle, yAxisNode); PreferenceNode yGridNode = new PreferenceNode(gridTitle); yGridNode .setPage(new GridPage(this, resources, Direction.Y, gridTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle + "." + yAxisTitle, yGridNode); PreferenceNode yTickNode = new PreferenceNode(tickTitle); yTickNode.setPage(new AxisTickPage(this, resources, Direction.Y, tickTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle + "." + yAxisTitle, yTickNode); final String seriesTitle = "Series"; PreferenceNode plotNode = new PreferenceNode(seriesTitle); plotNode.setPage(new SeriesPage(this, resources, seriesTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle, plotNode); final String labelTitle = "Label"; PreferenceNode labelNode = new PreferenceNode(labelTitle); labelNode.setPage(new SeriesLabelPage(this, resources, labelTitle)); manager.addTo(chartTitle + "." + seriesTitle, labelNode); PreferenceDialog dialog = new PreferenceDialog(getShell(), manager); dialog.create(); dialog.getShell().setText("Properties"); dialog.getTreeViewer().expandAll();; } /** * Sets the axis range. * * @param range * the axis range in pixels * @param axis * the axis to set range */ private void setRange(Point range, IAxis axis) { if (range == null) { return; } double min = axis.getDataCoordinate(range.x); double max = axis.getDataCoordinate(range.y); axis.setRange(new Range(min, max)); } /** * When the data pilot is enabled, the mouse cursor will be extended with a * tool-tip showing the current x,y coordinates that the mouse is pointing * to. * @param enable true to enable mouse tool-tips, false to disable * @return whether the data pilot was enabled or not, before calling this * function. */ public boolean enableDataPilot(boolean enable) { boolean b = (dataPilot != null); if ((b == false) && enable) { dataPilot = new DataPilot(); getPlotArea().addMouseMoveListener(dataPilot); } else if ((b==true) && (enable == false)) { getPlotArea().removeMouseMoveListener(dataPilot); dataPilot = null; } /** if ... else */ return b; } }