package de.swm.gwt.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import de.swm.gwt.client.authorization.IAccessRight; import de.swm.gwt.client.authorization.IRightsDependentUIUpdater; import de.swm.gwt.client.enums.I18NEnumRenderer; import de.swm.gwt.client.interfaces.ILocation; import de.swm.gwt.client.interfaces.IModelData; import java.util.Date; /** * Abstrakte Basisklasse fuer Listen. * * @param <D> Klasse der DTOs. * @author Steiner.Christian<br> * Marko Krajnc<br> * copyright (C) 2014 SWM Services GmbH */ public abstract class AbstractList<D extends IModelData> extends Composite implements IList<D> { /** * Diese Klasse ermöglich verwendung von unterklassen von DataGrid. * * @author Marko Krajnc <br> copyright (C) 2010, SWM Services GmbH */ public interface DataGridFactory { /** * Create new instance of Datagrid object. * * @param pageSize the page size * @param resources the resources to use for this widget * @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey<T>, or null if the record * object should act as its own key * @param <T> the data type of each row * @return New Datagrid instance. */ public <T> DataGrid<T> newDataGrid(int pageSize, resources,<T> keyProvider); } private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 10; private static final String NO_DATA_AVAILABLE = "no data available."; private final AsyncDataProvider<D> dataStore; private final String i18ValueForEmptyTable; private final IRightsDependentUIUpdater rightsDependentUIUpdater; private final DataGridFactory dataGridFactory; private SingleSelectionModel<D> selectionModel; private IListPresenter<D> presenter; private DataGrid<D> dataGrid; private SimplePager pager; /** * Constructor for the AbstractList. * * @param dataStore provides the data shown in the dataGrid. */ public AbstractList(AsyncDataProvider<D> dataStore) { this(dataStore, null, NO_DATA_AVAILABLE); } /** * Constructor for the AbstractList. * * @param dataStore provides the data shown in the dataGrid. * @param rightsDependentUiUpdater updates the ui components dependent on the user's access rights. */ public AbstractList(AsyncDataProvider<D> dataStore, IRightsDependentUIUpdater rightsDependentUiUpdater) { this(dataStore, rightsDependentUiUpdater, NO_DATA_AVAILABLE); } /** * Constructor for the AbstractList. * * @param dataStore provides the data shown in the dataGrid. * @param rightsDependentUiUpdater updates the ui components dependent on the user's access rights. * @param i18ValueForEmptyTable text wenn die Tabelle leer ist */ public AbstractList(AsyncDataProvider<D> dataStore, IRightsDependentUIUpdater rightsDependentUiUpdater, String i18ValueForEmptyTable) { this(dataStore, rightsDependentUiUpdater, i18ValueForEmptyTable, null); } /** * Constructor for the AbstractList. * * @param dataStore provides the data shown in the dataGrid. * @param rightsDependentUiUpdater updates the ui components dependent on the user's access rights. * @param i18ValueForEmptyTable text wenn die Tabelle leer ist * @param dataGridFactory factory for DataGrid object. */ public AbstractList(AsyncDataProvider<D> dataStore, IRightsDependentUIUpdater rightsDependentUiUpdater, String i18ValueForEmptyTable, DataGridFactory dataGridFactory) { this.rightsDependentUIUpdater = rightsDependentUiUpdater; this.dataStore = dataStore; this.i18ValueForEmptyTable = i18ValueForEmptyTable; this.dataGridFactory = dataGridFactory; } /** * Initialisiert den List controller mit Plain GWT Data Grid. Bei nicht Plain-GWT implementierungen * sollte die init method enicht aufgerufen werden. * * @return initialisiert ein plain GWT Data grid. */ public InitializationResult<D> init() { initDataGrid(); return new InitializationResult<D>() { @Override public DataGrid<D> grid() { return dataGrid; } @Override public SimplePager pager() { return pager; } }; } /** * initializes the datagrid columns. * * @param dataGrid the grid. */ protected abstract void initTableColumns(DataGrid<D> dataGrid); /** * Creates the widget shown when the data grid is empty. override to show specific messages. * * @return the widget. */ protected Label createEmptyTableWidget() { return new Label(i18ValueForEmptyTable); } /** * setter. * * * @param presenter the presenter for the list. */ public void setPresenter(IListPresenter<D> presenter) { this.presenter = presenter; } /** * Initializes the DataGrid. Must be called in the constructor, before uiBinder.createAndBindUi(Widget). */ protected void initDataGrid() { DataGrid.Resources dataGridResources = (SWMGwt.getTheme() != null) ? SWMGwt.getTheme().getCssBundle() : null; if (dataGridFactory != null) { dataGrid = dataGridFactory.newDataGrid(getPageSize(), dataGridResources, dataStore.getKeyProvider()); } else { if (dataGridResources != null) { dataGrid = new DataGrid<D>(getPageSize(), dataGridResources, dataStore.getKeyProvider()); } else { dataGrid = new DataGrid<D>(getPageSize(), dataStore.getKeyProvider()); } if (SWMGwt.getTheme() != null) { dataGrid.addStyleName(SWMGwt.getTheme().getCssBundle().getGridCss().defaultDataGrid()); } } selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<D>(dataStore.getKeyProvider()); selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { D selectedObject = selectionModel.getSelectedObject(); onRowSelected(selectedObject); } }); dataGrid.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); dataGrid.setEmptyTableWidget(createEmptyTableWidget()); ColumnSortEvent.AsyncHandler sortHandler = new ColumnSortEvent.AsyncHandler(dataGrid); dataGrid.addColumnSortHandler(sortHandler); SimplePager.Resources pagerResources = GWT.create(SimplePager.Resources.class); pager = new SimplePager(SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER, pagerResources, false, 0, true); if (SWMGwt.getTheme() != null) { pager.addStyleName(SWMGwt.getTheme().getCssBundle().getGridCss().defaultSimplePager()); } pager.setDisplay(dataGrid); initTableColumns(dataGrid); } /** * registers access rights to UIObjects. * <p/> * Registrierte UI-Objekte werden entsprechend den Ausfuehrungsrechten aktiviert oder deaktiviert. * * @param uiObject das UI-Objekt * @param executionRight die Ausfuehrungsrechte. */ protected void registerAccessRight(UIObject uiObject, IAccessRight executionRight) { if (this.rightsDependentUIUpdater != null) { rightsDependentUIUpdater.register(uiObject, executionRight); } } /** * Returns the default page size used in this grid. * * @return the page size */ protected int getPageSize() { return PAGE_SIZE; } /** * Rendert das Formular in die entsprechende Location. * * @param location die Location, in die das Formular gerendert werden soll. */ public void render(ILocation location) { this.getWidget().setVisible(true); location.add(this.getWidget()); location.render(); } /** * Entfernt die Liste aus der Location. * * @param location Location, aus der die Liste entfernt werden soll */ public void remove(ILocation location) { location.remove(this.getWidget()); } /** * reloads the list data. */ public void onLoad() { if (dataStore.getDataDisplays().isEmpty()) { dataStore.addDataDisplay(dataGrid); dataGrid.setVisibleRangeAndClearData(new Range(0, dataGrid.getPageSize()), true); } if (rightsDependentUIUpdater != null) { rightsDependentUIUpdater.updateComponents(); }, dataGrid.getVisibleRange()); } /** * selects a row in the datagrid. * * @param toSelect the object/row to select */ public void selectRow(D toSelect) { selectionModel.setSelected(toSelect, true); } /** * handles the selection of a datagrid row, informs the presenter. * * @param selectedRow the selected object/row */ protected void onRowSelected(D selectedRow) { if (getPresenter() != null) { getPresenter().onRowSelected(selectedRow); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Widget getWidget() { return this; } /** * Getter for subclasses. * * @return the selectionModel. */ protected SingleSelectionModel<D> getSelectionModel() { return selectionModel; } /** * Setter for subclasses. * * @param selectionModel sets a new selectionModel */ protected void setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel<D> selectionModel) { this.selectionModel = selectionModel; } /** * Getter for subclasses. * * @return the IListPresenter. */ protected IListPresenter<D> getPresenter() { return presenter; } /** * Getter for subclasses. * * @return the DataGrid */ protected DataGrid<D> getDataGrid() { return dataGrid; } /** * Setter for subclasses. * * @param dataGrid sets a new DataGrid */ protected void setDataGrid(DataGrid<D> dataGrid) { this.dataGrid = dataGrid; } /** * Getter for subclasses. * * @return the Pager */ protected SimplePager getPager() { return pager; } /** * Setter for subclasses. * * @param pager sets a new Pager */ protected void setPager(SimplePager pager) { this.pager = pager; } /** * Getter for subclasses. * * @return the AsyncDataProvider. */ protected AsyncDataProvider<D> getDataStore() { return dataStore; } /** * Getter for subclasses. * * @return the IRightsDependentUIUpdater. */ protected IRightsDependentUIUpdater getAccessRightsChecker() { return rightsDependentUIUpdater; } /** * Erzeugt eine Tabellenspalte vom Typ Text. * * @param propertyDTOConstant die Kontante im DTO mit der ein Attribut referenziert werden kann. * @return die Spalte. */ protected Column<D, String> createCellTypeText(final String propertyDTOConstant) { // Last name Column<D, String> col1 = new Column<D, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(D object) { // Nicht so cool: object kann null sein, wenn man ueber den previous page Button zurueckblaettert. // GWT Issue 7030 if (object != null) { final Object o = object.get(propertyDTOConstant); if (o != null) { return String.valueOf(o); } } return null; } }; return col1; } /** * Erzeugt eine Tabellenspalte vom Typ Text. * * @param propertyDTOConstant die Kontante im DTO mit der ein Attribut referenziert werden kann. * @param renderer der renderer fuer das jeweilige Enum * @return die Spalte. */ protected Column<D, String> createCellTypeEnum(final String propertyDTOConstant, final I18NEnumRenderer renderer) { // Last name Column<D, String> col1 = new Column<D, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(D object) { // Nicht so cool: object kann null sein, wenn man ueber den previous page Button zurueckblaettert. // GWT Issue 7030 if (object != null) { final Object o = object.get(propertyDTOConstant); if (o != null && o instanceof I18NEnum) { return renderer.render((I18NEnum) o); } } return null; } }; return col1; } /** * Erzeugt eine Tabellenspalte vom Typ Text. * * @param propertyDTOConstant die Kontante im DTO mit der ein Attribut referenziert werden kann. * @return die Spalte. */ protected Column<D, String> createCellTypeBoolean(final String propertyDTOConstant) { // Last name Column<D, String> col1 = new Column<D, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(D object) { // Nicht so cool: object kann null sein, wenn man ueber den previous page Button zurueckblaettert. // GWT Issue 7030 if (object != null) { final Boolean o = object.get(propertyDTOConstant); if (o != null && o) { return "Ja"; } } return "Nein"; } }; return col1; } /** * Erzeugt eine Tabellenspalte vom Typ Date. * * @param propertyDTOConstant die Kontante im DTO mit der ein Attribut referenziert werden kann. * @param format z.B. DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.DATE_SHORT, * DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.TIME_SHORT, * DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.DATE_TIME_SHORT * @return die Spalte. */ protected Column<D, Date> createCellTypeDate(final String propertyDTOConstant, DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat format) { // Last name Column<D, Date> col1 = new Column<D, Date>(new DateCell( DateTimeFormat.getFormat(format))) { @Override public Date getValue(D object) { // Nicht so cool: object kann null sein, wenn man ueber den previous page Button zurueckblaettert. // GWT Issue 7030 if (object != null) { final Date date = object.get(propertyDTOConstant); if (date != null) { return date; } } return null; } }; return col1; } /** * Ergebniss der Initialisierung. * * @param <D> Klasse der DTOs. * @author Daniel.Wiese<br> * copyright 2014 SWM Service GmbH */ public static interface InitializationResult<D extends IModelData> { /** * Liefert das Data grid. * * @return das data grid */ DataGrid<D> grid(); /** * Den mit dem Data Grid verbundenen Pager. * * @return der pager. */ SimplePager pager(); } }