package com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.reader; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.GenerateException; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import io.swagger.converter.ModelConverter; import io.swagger.converter.ModelConverterContext; import io.swagger.jackson.ModelResolver; import io.swagger.models.Model; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author chekong on 15/5/19. */ public class ModelModifier extends ModelResolver { private Map<JavaType, JavaType> modelSubtitutes = new HashMap<JavaType, JavaType>(); private List<String> apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions = new ArrayList<String>(); private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ModelModifier.class); public ModelModifier(ObjectMapper mapper) { super(mapper); } public void addModelSubstitute(String fromClass, String toClass) throws GenerateException { JavaType type = null; JavaType toType = null; try { type = _mapper.constructType(Class.forName(fromClass)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn(String.format("Problem with loading class: %s. Mapping from: %s to: %s will be ignored.", fromClass, fromClass, toClass)); } try { toType = _mapper.constructType(Class.forName(toClass)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn(String.format("Problem with loading class: %s. Mapping from: %s to: %s will be ignored.", toClass, fromClass, toClass)); } if(type != null && toType != null) { modelSubtitutes.put(type, toType); } } public List<String> getApiModelPropertyAccessExclusions() { return apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions; } public void setApiModelPropertyAccessExclusions(List<String> apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions) { this.apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions = apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions; } @Override public Property resolveProperty(Type type, ModelConverterContext context, Annotation[] annotations, Iterator<ModelConverter> chain) { // for method parameter types we get here Type but we need JavaType JavaType javaType = toJavaType(type); if (modelSubtitutes.containsKey(javaType)) { return super.resolveProperty(modelSubtitutes.get(javaType), context, annotations, chain); } else if (chain.hasNext()) { return, context, annotations, chain); } else { return super.resolveProperty(type, context, annotations, chain); } } @Override public Model resolve(Type type, ModelConverterContext context, Iterator<ModelConverter> chain) { // for method parameter types we get here Type but we need JavaType JavaType javaType = toJavaType(type); if (modelSubtitutes.containsKey(javaType)) { return super.resolve(modelSubtitutes.get(javaType), context, chain); } else { return super.resolve(type, context, chain); } } @Override public Model resolve(JavaType type, ModelConverterContext context, Iterator<ModelConverter> chain) { Model model = super.resolve(type, context, chain); // If there are no @ApiModelPropety exclusions configured, return the untouched model if (apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions == null || apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions.isEmpty()) { return model; } Class<?> cls = type.getRawClass(); for (Method method : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) { ApiModelProperty apiModelPropertyAnnotation = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, ApiModelProperty.class); processProperty(apiModelPropertyAnnotation, model); } for (Field field : FieldUtils.getAllFields(cls)) { ApiModelProperty apiModelPropertyAnnotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(field, ApiModelProperty.class); processProperty(apiModelPropertyAnnotation, model); } return model; } /** * Remove property from {@link Model} for provided {@link ApiModelProperty}. * @param apiModelPropertyAnnotation annotation * @param model model with properties */ private void processProperty(ApiModelProperty apiModelPropertyAnnotation, Model model) { if (apiModelPropertyAnnotation == null) { return; } String apiModelPropertyAccess = apiModelPropertyAnnotation.access(); String apiModelPropertyName =; // If the @ApiModelProperty is not populated with both #name and #access, skip it if (apiModelPropertyAccess.isEmpty() || apiModelPropertyName.isEmpty()) { return; } // Check to see if the value of @ApiModelProperty#access is one to exclude. // If so, remove it from the previously-calculated model. if (apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions.contains(apiModelPropertyAccess)) { model.getProperties().remove(apiModelPropertyName); } } /** * Converts {@link Type} to {@link JavaType}. * @param type object to convert * @return object converted to {@link JavaType} */ private JavaType toJavaType(Type type) { JavaType typeToFind; if (type instanceof JavaType) { typeToFind = (JavaType) type; } else { typeToFind = _mapper.constructType(type); } return typeToFind; } }