/* * Copyright Siemens AG, 2013-2016. Part of the SW360 Portal Project. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.eclipse.sw360.portal.common; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; /** * Defines possible error messages that can be displayed in liferay */ public class ErrorMessages { public static final String PROJECT_NOT_ADDED = "Project could not be added."; public static final String PROJECT_DUPLICATE ="Project could not be added, since a project with the same name and version already exists."; public static final String COMPONENT_NOT_ADDED = "Component could not be added."; public static final String COMPONENT_DUPLICATE ="Component could not be added, since a component with the same name already exists."; public static final String RELEASE_NOT_ADDED = "Release could not be added."; public static final String RELEASE_DUPLICATE ="Release could not be added, since a release with the same name and version already exists."; public static final String ERROR_GETTING_PROJECT = "Error fetching project from backend."; public static final String ERROR_GETTING_COMPONENT = "Error fetching component from backend."; public static final String ERROR_GETTING_LICENSE = "Error fetching license from backend."; public static final String ERROR_GETTING_RELEASE = "Error fetching release from backend."; public static final String LICENSE_USED_BY_RELEASE = "Request could not be processed, as license is used by at least one release!"; public static final String DOCUMENT_USED_BY_PROJECT_OR_RELEASE = "Document could not be processed, as it is used by other Projects or Releases!"; public static final String DOCUMENT_NOT_PROCESSED_SUCCESSFULLY = "Document could not be processed."; public static final String FIRST_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY= "First name cannot be empty."; public static final String LAST_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Last name cannot be empty."; public static final String EMAIL_NOT_VALID = "Email is not valid."; public static final String DEPARTMENT_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Department cannot be empty."; public static final String EXTERNAL_ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "External ID cannot be empty."; public static final String PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Password cannot be empty."; public static final String PASSWORDS_DONT_MATCH = "Password do not match."; public static final String COULD_NOT_CREATE_USER_MODERATION_REQUEST = "Could not create user moderation request"; public static final String EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Email already exists."; public static final String FULL_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Full name already exists."; public static final String EXTERNAL_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS = "External id already exists."; public static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Request could not be processed."; public static final String DOCUMENT_NOT_AVAILABLE = "The requested document is not available."; public static final String LICENSE_SHORTNAME_TAKEN = "License shortname is already taken."; //this map is used in errorKeyToMessage.jspf to generate key-value pairs for the liferay-ui error tag public static final ImmutableList<String> allErrorMessages = ImmutableList.<String>builder() .add(PROJECT_NOT_ADDED) .add(PROJECT_DUPLICATE) .add(COMPONENT_NOT_ADDED) .add(COMPONENT_DUPLICATE) .add(RELEASE_NOT_ADDED) .add(RELEASE_DUPLICATE) .add(LICENSE_USED_BY_RELEASE) .add(DOCUMENT_USED_BY_PROJECT_OR_RELEASE) .add(DOCUMENT_NOT_PROCESSED_SUCCESSFULLY) .add(DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE) .add(FIRST_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) .add(LAST_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) .add(EMAIL_NOT_VALID) .add(DEPARTMENT_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) .add(EXTERNAL_ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) .add(PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) .add(PASSWORDS_DONT_MATCH) .add(COULD_NOT_CREATE_USER_MODERATION_REQUEST) .add(EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS) .add(FULL_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS) .add(EXTERNAL_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS) .add(DOCUMENT_NOT_AVAILABLE) .add(ERROR_GETTING_PROJECT) .add(ERROR_GETTING_COMPONENT) .add(ERROR_GETTING_RELEASE) .add(ERROR_GETTING_LICENSE) .add(LICENSE_SHORTNAME_TAKEN) .build(); private ErrorMessages() { // Utility class with only static functions } }