/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.editor.ext; import org.netbeans.editor.StringMap; /** * Cache holding the most commonly used strings. * The unused strings are discarded when they reach the end of chain. * * @author Miloslav Metelka * @version 1.00 */ public class StringCache { private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 300; private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 701; int maxSize; int size; StringMap strMap; /** First chain member */ private Entry chain; /** Last chain member */ private Entry endChain; /** Last entry that was made free */ private Entry freeEntry; public int statQueries; // count of queries public int statHits; // count of cache hits public StringCache() { this(DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE, DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY); } public StringCache(int maxSize) { this(maxSize, 2 * maxSize); } public StringCache(int maxSize, int initialMapCapacity) { this.maxSize = maxSize; strMap = new StringMap(initialMapCapacity); } private void toStart(Entry e) { if (e != chain) { // chain removal Entry ep = e.prev; // ep surely not null Entry en = e.next; if (en != null) { en.prev = ep; } else { // last chain member endChain = ep; } ep.next = en; // insert to chain start if (chain != null) { e.next = chain; chain.prev = e; } chain = e; } } public String getString(char[] chars, int offset, int len) { statQueries++; Object o = strMap.get(chars, offset, len); String ret; if (o instanceof Entry) { Entry e = (Entry)o; toStart(e); statHits++; ret = e.str; } else if (o instanceof String) { statHits++; ret = (String)o; } else { // string not found in cache ret = new String(chars, offset, len); storeString(ret); } return ret; } /** Remove string that can be in the cache */ private void removeString(String s) { Object o = strMap.remove(s); if (o instanceof Entry) { Entry e = (Entry)o; Entry ep = e.prev; Entry en = e.next; if (e == chain) { chain = en; if (e == endChain) { endChain = null; } } else { // not begining of chain if (en != null) { en.prev = ep; } else { endChain = ep; } } freeEntry = e; // free - can be reused for addition size--; } /* In other cases the removed object was either * the string which should be fine here * or it was null. */ } /** Store string that's not yet in the cache */ private void storeString(String s) { Entry e; if (size >= maxSize) { // take last one and move to begining and replace value e = endChain; toStart(e); strMap.remove(e.str); e.str = s; } else { // count of entries less than max if (freeEntry != null) { e = freeEntry; freeEntry = null; e.str = s; e.next = chain; } else { e = new Entry(s, chain); } if (chain != null) { chain.prev = e; } else { // nothing inserted yet endChain = e; } chain = e; size++; } strMap.put(s, e); } /** Put a string into cache that will survive there * so that it will be never removed. */ public void putSurviveString(String s) { removeString(s); strMap.put(s, s); } static class Entry { Entry(String str, Entry next) { // prev always null this.str = str; this.next = next; } String str; Entry next; Entry prev; } public String toString() { String ret = "size=" + size + ", maxSize=" + maxSize // NOI18N + ", statHits=" + statHits + ", statQueries=" + statQueries; // NOI18N if (statQueries > 0) { ret += ", hit ratio=" + (statHits * 100 / statQueries) + "%"; // NOI18N } return ret; } }