/* # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 */ /** * Topic based Publish-Subscribe sample Java applications. * * Publish-Subscribe allows applications to * subscribe to published streams from other applications, * allowing data exchange between applications. * <BR> * Streams may be exchanged between applications implemented * in different languages. * <P> * To demo these applications execute the {@link topic.PublishBeacon} * application one or more times and then the {@link topic.SubscribeBeacon} * one or more times. Then view the Streams console or Streams Studio * live instance graph to see that the applications connected. * <BR> * To see the dynamic nature you can run: publish, subscribe, subscribe, * publish,subscribe and then see the first two subscribe applications * did connect up with the publish application that was submitted after them. * For example, the output in Streams Studio instance graph would look * something like this, where you can see five running jobs, two publishers * (jobs ids 42, 45) and three subscribers (jobs 43,44, 46): * <BR> * <img src="doc-files/pubsub.png"> * </P> * * @see <a href="../../../spldoc/html/tk$com.ibm.streamsx.topology/ns$com.ibm.streamsx.topology.topic$1.html">Integration with SPL applications</a> */ package topic;