package apex.benchmark; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.dimensions.DimensionsEvent.Aggregate; import; import; import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext; import com.datatorrent.contrib.dimensions.AppDataSingleSchemaDimensionStoreHDHT; /** * This class is used for measure the benchmark for dimension computation. * * The latency measured by dimension computation only count the time difference between generator and aggregation * But it doesn't count the time of aggregation unifier and store. * * This class logged the max time of endWindow (all computation and store should be done before endWindow) * and measure the latency as max(time of end window of same application window) - application window begin time - application window length. * */ public class ProcessTimeAwareStore extends AppDataSingleSchemaDimensionStoreHDHT { private static final transient Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessTimeAwareStore.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 3133508545508966286L; protected Map<Long, Map<String, Long>> bucketToKeyToUpdateTime = Maps.newHashMap(); protected transient List<Aggregate> aggregateList = Lists.newArrayList(); protected int logUpdateWindows = 1400; // 10 minutes + 100 seconds, ignore 20 window protected int windowCountForLog = 0; protected int loggedTimes = 0; protected int ignoreWindows = 20; @Override public void processEvent(Aggregate gae) { super.processEvent(gae); aggregateList.add(gae); } @Override public void setup(OperatorContext context) { super.setup(context); lastEndWindowTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Store setup time: {}", System.currentTimeMillis()); } private long lastEndWindowTime; @Override public void endWindow() { long endWindowStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); super.endWindow(); //update bucket update time; for(Aggregate aggregate : aggregateList) { updateUpdateTime(getKey(aggregate), getBucket(aggregate), System.currentTimeMillis()); } aggregateList.clear(); if(++windowCountForLog == logUpdateWindows){ //logUpdateTime();"Logging Times: {}", loggedTimes); logFinalLatencies();"Logging Times: {}", loggedTimes); windowCountForLog = 0; ++loggedTimes; } //window set to 200 long windowPeriod = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastEndWindowTime; if(windowPeriod > 400) { logger.warn("Unexpected long window period: {}, endWindow executed time: {}", windowPeriod, System.currentTimeMillis() - endWindowStartTime); } lastEndWindowTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } protected String getKey(Aggregate aggregate) { return aggregate.getEventKey().getKey().getFieldsString()[0]; } //all the buckets are same range, so just use begin or end time of the bucket to identify protected long getBucket(Aggregate aggregate) { return aggregate.getEventKey().getKey().getFieldsLong()[0]; } protected void updateUpdateTime(String key, long bucket, long processTime) { Map<String, Long> keyToUpdateTime = bucketToKeyToUpdateTime.get(bucket); if(keyToUpdateTime == null) { keyToUpdateTime = Maps.newHashMap(); bucketToKeyToUpdateTime.put(bucket, keyToUpdateTime); } keyToUpdateTime.put(key, processTime); } /** * for log, ignore first and last bucket as it maybe not complete */ protected void logFinalLatencies() { List<Long> latencies = Lists.newArrayList(); Set<Long> buckets = bucketToKeyToUpdateTime.keySet(); List<Long> bucketList = Lists.newArrayList(); bucketList.addAll(buckets); Collections.sort(bucketList); //remove beginning 10 windows if (bucketList.size() <= ignoreWindows) { return; } for(int i = 0; i<ignoreWindows; ++i) { bucketList.remove(0); } bucketList.remove(bucketList.size() - 1); for(Long bucket : bucketList) { for(long updateTime : bucketToKeyToUpdateTime.get(bucket).values()) { //10000 is 10 seconds, the length of the window latencies.add(updateTime - bucket - 10000); } } Collections.sort(latencies); outputLatencyDetail(latencies); outputGroupByCount(latencies); } protected static void outputLatencyDetail(List<Long> latencies) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (long latency : latencies) { sb.append(latency).append("\n"); }"latencies: \n {}", sb.toString()); } /** * Each group have same count * @param latencies */ protected static void outputGroupByCount(List<Long> latencies) { final int groups = 10; int totalCount = latencies.size(); int step = totalCount / groups; int i=0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(; i<groups-1; ++i) { sb.append("" + i * 100/groups + " - " + (i+1) *100/groups + ": " + latencies.get(step * (i+1))).append("\n"); } //last one sb.append("" + i * 100/groups + " - 100: " + latencies.get(latencies.size() - 1)).append("\n");"latency group by count: \n {}", sb.toString()); } }